Around two in the morning.

"Ta Tata..."

A sound of footsteps broke the silent cage.

"Hahaha... It's finally here."

"Bastard, it's almost midnight, can't you group of gamblers be quiet?"

"Sleep what you sleep, you will sleep forever after you die, get up and play exciting games."



"Aha~~" Qiao Ji reluctantly opened her eyes and yawned.

Are these energetic gladiators making a fuss even in the middle of the night?

He turned his head and looked outside the iron fence. There were two people in black robes and masks in the distance.

Two masked people, one holding a parchment to record, the other holding a burlap bag, stayed in front of the cages.

"They're making a bet." Dinah slipped out of the cage and stood outside Qiao Ji's cage.

"Are these two people from that chamber of commerce? No one cares?" Qiao Ji suddenly felt a little too free.

"No, they don't belong to any chamber of commerce."

Dinah shook her head and said solemnly, "They belong to the underground forces and run a business that cannot be placed on the bright side."

"I see." Qiao Ji nodded clearly.

No matter where there are needs and transactions, as long as there is profit to be made, some people will dare to take risks.

"Do you want to bet?" Dinah used two slender fingers to pull out a small cloth bag from the 'abyss' under the collar.

Qiao Ji glanced at it, then turned his head to the side, shrugged and said, "I can't bet without a single copper horn."

"I can borrow it from you." Dinah smiled, throwing up the cloth bag and weighing it in the palm of her hand, there was a metal crashing sound inside.

"If I lose, I can't afford it."

Qiao Ji turned back to look at the charming woman in front of her, and changed her voice, "If you really want to lend it to me, then I'll borrow some."


Dinah was just about to respond, but then she reacted, "Wait, you don't really want to bet"

She just asked casually, not expecting the boy to answer like this.

After all, the newcomers who just entered the cage, do you know who will win? I don't even know what the popular characters are.

"Otherwise?" Qiao Ji wondered if the woman was here to tease him.

I'm really guilty of this handsome face.

"Do you have to think about it?" Dinah pursed her lips, a little reluctant to pour out a gold coin from the small cloth bag.

She only saved a dozen or so gold coins in total, and if she lost a single gold coin for no reason, even she would lose sleep all night.

"I bet myself to win." Qiao Ji stretched out his palm.

"This way, you can bet." Dinah suddenly put the gold coin in the palm of the boy's hand.

Because her gold coins were also earned by betting on her own.

If you lose, you will probably lose your life, and you will definitely not get it back.

"Thanks." Qiao Ji only knew this truth, so she opened her mouth to borrow money.

"Come on, you can ask them about your opponent," Dinah reminded.

"Understood." Qiao Ji had this plan.

The two masked people finally came to Qiao Ji, their eyes fixed on Dinah.

"Crimson Valkyrie, do you want to bet today too?" the masked man with a quill asked.

"What are the popular candidates today? And who won the gladiatorial fight yesterday?" Dinah asked lightly with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Yesterday it was Iron Wall who won."

The masked man said in a hoarse voice, "Today's popular candidate is only one 'Quick Fist' who has won 52 games in a row. If they win, they will pay 1 copper corner for 10,000 copper corners. If they lose, they will pay 100 copper corners for 1 copper corner."

A must-win gladiator, the odds are very low, unless someone goes for the odds.

"Hey, the compensation is really small." Dinah glanced at the two of them in disgust.

Betting a gold coin only earns 1 copper corner. If there is an accident, you must not lose money.

"This is the odds set above." The masked man quickly explained.

The two did not dare to provoke each other, otherwise they would die in vain if they were beaten to death.

"Forget it, I won't bet tonight." Dinah lost interest.

She wanted to make more money, just in case she had to escape, so she could live.

"Huh..." The masked man breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and asked Qiao Ji, "This gladiator, do you want to bet?"

"I want to know Qiao Ji's opponents and odds." Qiao Ji asked.

"Oh, this Qiao Ji is a newcomer, so bad luck."

The masked man came as soon as he opened his mouth, obviously saying this to others.

"The opponent he met was the 26-game winning streak.

"If you win, you will pay 100 copper corners for 1 copper corner, and if you lose, you will pay 1 copper corner for 10,000 copper corners."

After the masked man introduced, he asked, "Excuse me, do you want to place a bet?"

"Buy Qiao Ji to win." Qiao Ji handed over a gold coin expressionlessly.

"You? Do you really want to buy yourself to win?" The masked man had already recognized that the boy in front of him was Qiao Ji.

After all, the information reads: The peerless beautiful boy named Qiao Ji is an elf demi-human, with green pupils in his left eye and blue pupils in his right eye.

"Hmm." Qiao Ji nodded.

"Take a gold bet and place a bet."

Masked people pass gold coins and write them on parchment cheerfully, and of course they are happy with the money they will make.

In duplicate, both are pressed with red thumbprints.

"I hope to see you again tomorrow night." The masked man prepares to go to the next cage.

In their opinion, Qiao Ji is more fortunate than fortune. If he can see someone tomorrow night, it means that he survived with serious injuries. If he doesn't see it, he will die in the Colosseum.

Moreover, the violent bear is a famous gladiator who kills his opponents, otherwise he won't be able to get the title after winning 26 games in a row.

There is little chance of life, unless the violent bear does not kill, but that is impossible.

"Wait...I want to buy Qiao Ji to win too." Dinah stopped the two who were leaving.

"Ah?" The two masked men were stunned for a while, and then questioned, "Crimson Valkyrie, do you really want to bet on Qiao Ji to win?"

Do you want to earn another gold coin for nothing?

"What? I can't bet?" Dinah stared at the two with sharp purple eyes.

"No, that's not what we meant."

The masked man hurriedly waved his hand, picked up the pen and wrote, "Put a gold bet and bet."

"Here." Dinah threw out a gold coin and took the receipt.

"Yes." The masked man took the gold coin and walked away in small steps.

Qiao Ji watched the two masked men who were leaving.

He turned his head to Dinah who was standing outside the iron fence, and said softly, "You don't need to waste a gold coin."

Whether he can win or not, Qiao Ji has never seen his opponent and has no confidence in his heart. Betting on his own to win is a possibility.

"My lady is willing."

Dinah flung her long crimson hair and pouted back to the cage.

"Really... Qiao Ji burst into laughter.

This woman is quite cute.


(1 more, anyone watching?)

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