Start as Slave, The Eldest Lady Fell In Love With Me At First Sight

0081: The black cat girl and the white cat girl.

Late at night.


Lian Xin's white palm rested on her chin, she couldn't help but sighed again.

After she found out that she lost the psychedelic drug, she became flustered, like a female fox waiting to be slaughtered.

"Damn, I will make him look good sooner or later." Lian Xin gritted her teeth lightly, and waved her little hand with a fist.

I was completely suppressed tonight, and I was completely led by the nose, which led to agreeing to two very embarrassing things.

The first thing you can do is to spend some money to get your subordinates to watch the whistle, but you don't know how long you'll have to watch. All of these are asking for money.

The most difficult thing is the second thing, introducing the maid to the boy...

Thinking of this, Lian Xin lowered her head and looked at the parchment on the table, which recorded general information about the elf demi-human named Qiao Ji.

She read it again and couldn't help sighing, "It's really not something ordinary people can experience."

He was auctioned off at a high price in the Colosseum. He was too good-looking and was competed by noble ladies. Then he rescued the eldest lady of the Yuwu family and finally gained his freedom.

"This can be written into a storybook, and in a hundred years, he will become a hero and be sought after by demihumans.

Lianxin put the parchment into the drawer.

Thinking of Qiao Ji's unusually handsome face, she muttered to herself, "Judging from his performance today, he doesn't look like a bad person either."

"It seems to be introduced..." Two figures flashed in Lian Xin's mind.

"Like what?"

Suddenly, a cold sound came from the "850" window.


Lian Xin screamed out in fright, her body trembled suddenly, and her fox tail and ears were all blown up.

She turned her head to look at the window, and a black figure was sitting by the window, with one slender foot still dangling.

This is a black-haired cat demihuman, also known as the black catgirl.

Black hip-length hair, a pair of black cat ears twisted vigilantly from side to side, and black eyes full of fierceness.

The delicate and pretty face has a hint of childishness, but it can be seen that she is a beautiful embryo.

"Renais, I've said it many times, don't climb the windows..."

Lian Xin angrily preached word by word, "Don't climb the window, you are not a thief cat."

"I didn't climb from below, I swung down from above."

Renai flicked his black cat's tail and pointed to the window on the third floor confidently.

Lian Xin almost turned her back and couldn't help but said, "You, you are really going to piss me off."

Renai came down from the window, she was 1.6 meters tall.

She came to Lianxin, who was one meter seven, and said murderously, "Today, who made you angry? I'll kill them."9

The black cat girl could feel Lian Xin's emotional loss.

"You restrain your temper, I'm fine.

Lian Xin raised her hand and grabbed the black cat lady's ear.

"Hmm..." Rena's pretty face flushed, and he lowered his head and broke free from the hand on his ear.

She covered the ears of the cat above her head with her hands, and said angrily, "I've said it a few times, you can't move your ears."

"Humph! I forgot." Lian Xin said confidently.


She stretched and let out a long charming moan.

"Fox." Renai whispered.


Lian Xin turned her head and narrowed her orange eyes, "I seem to hear what you said, fox?

"No, hurry home, Xuena should be in a hurry."

Renai shook his long black hair and hurried to the door.

"Hey~~ When will I grow up?" Lian Xin raised the corner of her mouth slightly, catching up with her long slender legs.

The two left from the back door of the tavern and boarded a carriage to the outside of the Mengou District.

"Ta Tata..."

Renais drove the two-wheeled carriage, his eyes scanning the dark streets.

"Renai, I remember you are fifteen years old, right?" Lian Xin's gentle voice came from the carriage.

"Yeah." Rena nodded.

"Have you decided what to do yet?" Lian Xin asked curiously.

Rena didn't even think to answer, "I want to help you.

"No." Lian Xin also refused without thinking.

It's too dangerous for her to sell intelligence, and today is a good example.

If it were another person, he would recognize that Lian Xin was using psychedelic drugs to obtain other people's information, and then sold his own information.

Once such a thing is exposed, people and forces who have bought information before will flood up and bring her to the ground.

"Why?" Rene bit her lower lip.

"It's too dangerous, you're too young."

Lian Xin calmly said, "You still have other jobs to choose from.

"What job? Waiting at a restaurant? Or mending clothes?"

Renais talked about several professional jobs in a row.

She did all of the above, but all failed.

The black cat girl's temper is too straight, and her hands and feet are not neat enough... In short, she is a failure.

However, all hands-on fights were won, and before the drunkard took advantage, his arm was twisted off.

Lianxin lost 5 gold coins.

"How about you become a maid?" Lian Xin said hesitantly.

"Huh?" Renai froze, making an unbelievable voice.

"It's good to be a maid, you don't have to go out to the sun, just stay in the room to clean up and wash your clothes.

Lianxin remembered her former self, just wanting to be a maid.

It's just that things are changing, and she has taken a different path.

"No, no, absolutely not.

Renai hurriedly shook his head and refused, "I'm facing those who want to do something, I'm afraid I can't help twisting their arms. 99

"The host I introduced to you won't do anything."

Lian Xin's expression was a little uncertain, and she teased, "Also, the other party looks prettier than you, maybe you are the first to do it.

"Impossible, I don't believe there is someone who can let me do it first." Renai raised his delicate chin proudly.

Lian Xin asked softly, "Aren't you going to be a maid? Then I'll introduce Xuenai?"

"When Xue Nai is a maid, her soft nature will be bullied." Renai couldn't help but said with concern.

"I'm going to let the two of you go together."

Lian Xin scratched the fox ears and sighed, "But you don't want to go, there is no other way but to let Xuenai go."

"The other party is as good as you think?" Rena's cat's tail stood up unhappily.

"It looks okay at the moment, as for the real temperament, I don't know yet.

Lian Xin raised her mouth slightly and said, "Renai, please, observe the other party in the dark, and protect Xuena by the way.

"Did you make a plan?" Renai said through gritted teeth.

"Don't say that." Lian Xin said, holding back a smile.

"Humph!" Rena slapped the cat's tail in disgust.

"Ta Tata..."

The carriage left the Mengou District and entered the Moda District.

Moda District is an ordinary civilian area, but the house price is also as high as 2 gold coins per square meter.

The housing prices in the imperial capital are very high. If you want to live cheaper, you have to go to the outer city, and for free, you have to go to the slums outside the city.

Lianxin owns four houses in Moda District, and it can be said that most of the gold coins that she earns go to buy houses.

The houses she bought were for the orphans she took in.

"It's here." Renai drove the carriage into a small courtyard.

This is a two-story building, covering an area of ​​about 150 square meters, and the yard occupies about 10 square meters.

Two suites downstairs and two suites upstairs.

This small courtyard was replaced by Lian Xin from someone else.

"I'm back." Lian Xin jumped out of the carriage and rubbed her numb ass.

"Welcome back."

A snow-white figure trotted out of the room.

Snow-white hip-length hair, a pair of white cat ears twisted happily, and the white eyes were full of joy at this time.

The same delicate and pretty face, but with a hint of cute and cowardly childish...

This white cat girl looks like Renai, but the color of her hair and eyes are different.

The two are twin sisters.

"Xue Nai, you haven't slept yet." Lian Xin stepped forward quickly, grabbed the white cat girl's face, and rubbed her face against her face.

"Mmmmm..." Xuenai didn't move obediently, but her expression was full of distress.

"Humph!" Renai folded his arms and turned his head.

"The whole body is full of strength." Lian Xin let go of the white catgirl with an excited look on her face.

She took Xuenai to the second floor and asked, "Have you been obedient today?"

"Yes, everyone is very good." Xuenai said softly.

"Is there anything to eat? Is the money not enough?" Lian Xin asked softly.

"No one is wasting food.

Xuenai hesitated for a moment and said, "There are fifty-seven copper coins left."

She knew that Lianxin had taken in seventeen orphans, and the financial pressure was very great.

In fact, the white cat girl and the black cat girl were also adopted by Lian Xin, and they were adopted from the age of seven.

"Don't worry about money.

Lian Xin brought the two of them into the room, slumped on the chair and said, "Xue Nai, I found a job as a maid for you.

"Okay." Xue Nai nodded in agreement.

"Don't you ask why?" Lian Xin was stunned.

"No, Sister Xin won't lie to me." Xuenai smiled.

Lian Xin couldn't help but help her forehead, "I'm really worried about your temperament."

When she was fifteen years old, she picked up a baby on the side of the road and started taking in orphans.

When the orphans taken in grow up to fifteen or sixteen years old, Lianxin will find a way to introduce them to a job to earn a living, so that they can start to live independently.

Otherwise, we can't afford to support so many orphans at all.

As for staying by her side as a helper, she kept a few at first, but after one or two of them went to send information and sell information, something happened.

Lian Xin is no longer reserved as a helper, it is too dangerous.

"As I said, she will definitely be bullied like this." Renai said with his arms folded over his chest.

"No." Xuenai protested with a small face.

"It's so cute." Lian Xin raised her hand and poked the white cat lady's face.

"Pfft..." Xue Nai gasped.

"Ha ha ha ha…."

Lian Xin and Lei Nai covered their stomachs and laughed.

"Don't laugh at 2.9." Xuenai's pretty face flushed red.

"Cough cough..." Lian Xin covered her mouth and coughed lightly.

She resumed her seriousness and said, "Xue Nai, you are going to be a maid tomorrow, come back and tell me if it is not suitable. 99

"Yeah. Xuenai nodded obediently, but her white eyes were flickering with anxiety.

"Don't worry, Renais will protect you in secret. 35

Lian Xin rubbed the little face of the white cat lady, and taught, "If someone is plotting against you, you should shout out loudly, and Renai will rush in to save you.

"Really?" Xue Nai turned to look at Renai.

She was a little scared, not knowing if the master's family was good or not, whether it was difficult to serve.

Will you be cursing? Beating?

"You call my sister, and I'll save you." Rena took the opportunity to make a condition.

Xue Nai said stubbornly, "No, I am the elder sister."

"You... I ignore you." Renai turned and left.

"Okay, go and coax her."

Lian Xin got up and patted the white cat girl on the head.

She's going to round the house, those little kids kick the quilt at night.

Moreover, Xue Nai is going to be a maid tomorrow, and she also needs a new supervisor who is responsible for cooking and taking care of the children.

Lianxin had to run a tavern during the day, using psychedelic drugs to obtain information, and only after earning money could she buy meat for the children.

(4 more, ask for custom support. ).

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