"Shooting a target with a red dot will give you 1 point of honor, and hitting a flying target will give you 2 points of honor.""

Dai Xiu glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, and said coldly, "Three points of glory will be deducted from the wrong target.

"Zero scorers, just drive them out, it's impossible for us to take in such idiots.

"The ten people with the highest scores will become the apprentice knights of the chief inspector.

Dai Xiu finished all the rules slowly, "Time for 100 seconds, is there a problem?"

"No, the time is too short. 99

"Don't get zero points. 95

"This test is too strange.

"I've heard of this kind of assessment. It seems to have been used once in the martial arts test five years ago."


One hundred apprentice knights were all tense.

"The first person to take the test will suffer the most.

Qiao Ji narrowed her eyes and muttered to herself, "The person who took the final exam will suffer too."

It is now approaching evening, and every one hundred seconds, it will almost be dark, and the line of sight will definitely be blocked by then.

Also, the light on the patio of the castle is not very bright.

"Where are all the bows and arrows.

Dai Xiu pointed to a weapon rack in the corner, and then ordered, "The rest of the people retreat to the passage, and the person who has called the number will come out to participate in the assessment. 35

One hundred apprentice knights retreated to the passage and waited anxiously.

"Number 5, come on."

A knight called out, "Get ready on the 9th."

The apprentice knight No. 5 walked quickly to the weapon rack, picked out a longbow, and carried a quiver hanging from his waist.


No. 5 apprentice knight came to the middle of the patio and stood still, swallowing nervously.

"Start." The Patrol Knight gave an order.

"Flapping fluttering..."

A dove with outstretched wings flew out.

One hundred pigeons were released from the corridors on all sides of the second floor.

Apprentice Knight No. 5 was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the pigeons flying over the patio, trying to find the pigeon with the red dot.

At this moment, wheat straw puppets rose from the corridors on the third floor and four sides, with green circles, red circles, and black circles on their chests.

There are a total of seven colored puppets.

"This..."||..." No. 5 apprentice knight's response was more than a beat.

He didn't care about looking for the red-spotted pigeon, he glanced around in a panic, and then shot an arrow at the red wheatgrass puppet.

"call out!""

Missed the wheatgrass doll.

"12 seconds, 13 seconds..."

At this time, a patrolling knight was counting out loudly.


At this time, all the wheat straw puppets on the third floor descended, and occasionally a few were tilted down.

Apparently, someone was manually raising and lowering the wheatgrass puppet under the corridor.

This time, the wheatgrass doll was raised in the corridor on the fourth floor, and the position of the red circle was different from that on the third floor.

"call out!

No. 5 apprentice knight shot an arrow, this time hitting the wheat straw doll circled in red.

"50 seconds, 51 seconds..."

Time passed second by second.

Apprentice Knight No. 5 has completely given up on pigeons.

He looked for the wheatgrass puppet in the red circle and tried to increase the glory points as much as possible.

However, not every arrow can hit the human target puppet. The further the time goes, the faster the wheat straw puppet goes up and down.

Moreover, the doll will alternately rise and fall, and even move back and forth...

If you are not careful, you will shoot other color dolls.

"100 seconds, stop."

"No. 5 in total: 8 points of glory. 99

After the inspection knight finished his count, he urged and shouted, "The next number 9.

No. 5 apprentice knight ended with a bitter look.

"Yes." No. 9 apprentice knight went up.


"This test is really something.

Qiao Ji stared at the fluttering pigeons under the big net in the patio, and muttered to herself, "One-time test of eyesight, reflexes, accuracy, rapid-fire ability...psychological ability."

It can be said that it is a different world version of the hostage rescue exercise.

"It's too difficult.

"I'm so afraid of shooting puppets of other colors.

"Whoever hit those pigeons,

"The difficulty is how to quickly find the red doll." Lu Yani's face was a little dignified, her lips pursing the tip of her thumb.

"Give up the red-dotted pigeon." Binga decided.

No. 1680 said in distress, "I don't seem to be very good at archery, it's a bit difficult to handle."

"Next person."

One apprentice knight came on the field.

The one with the best score: 18 points of glory.

"Number 166 on the field. 35 Patrol Knight shouted.

"It's my turn." Qiao Ji smiled and walked quickly to the weapon rack.

He first picked up the quiver and hung it around his waist, and also hung a quiver on the left and right.

"80 arrows should be enough."

Qiao Ji picked up a longbow, and again raised two quivers in his hands.

This kind of behavior immediately caused an uproar among the people.

"Look, that boy actually took four quivers."

"A quiver with 20 arrows, and actually taking four quivers is nothing but grandstanding. 35

"". Now the most powerful person hits 18 arrows, and at most two pots of arrows are enough. He is really superfluous. "

Not only the apprentice knights were in disbelief.

Even the official patrol knights were surprised.

"This kid, do you think it would be useful to have more arrows?

"I remember this kind of assessment, the highest record in history is 52 glory points."

"Hey~~ Could he still break the record?"

"Impossible, it's the one who broke the record.

"80 arrows, how is that possible?" Lu Yani stopped biting her thumb and stared at the boy with wide purple eyes.

Binga sneered, "If he can't run out of three pots of arrows, he will become a clown."

Dai Xiu was also attracted by Qiao Ji's behavior and asked, "Who is he?

"My lord, he is an elf demi-human, his name is Qiao Ji..." Immediately, a knight told Qiao Ji's information.

Qiao Ji has a little reputation in the imperial capital, especially for a violent (Qian Lihao) agency like the Inspection Division, the speed of getting news is very fast.

"It's him, so his strength shouldn't be too bad. 35

After hearing this, Dai Xiu said expectantly, "Has he awakened the shooting talent of the elves?

The eldest lady of Duke Yuwu's family was kidnapped, and the inspection department also dispatched a large number of inspection knights to find it, and it was also under the order of his superior's superior.

"This subordinate doesn't know."

"He's going to start, and you'll see. 35

Dai Xiu said casually, "I hope he can get 40 points of glory."

As for more than 52 points of glory, he didn't think about Jay at all.


"Hu~~" Qiao Ji exhaled lightly.

He condensed his mind and blocked out many long-winded voices.

"Start, count.

"1 second.

"Hey!" 5

(3 more, please customize, then code words.).

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