Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 961: Assembly line products

   Eat to wake up and go to sleep, and then eat when you are full.

   After two days of repeated life, Kenny was going crazy.

   Hundreds of years of fighting has hardened his nerves like steel bars.

   After relaxing, not only did I not feel comfortable!

   On the contrary, there is a sense of weakness that is about to rust and decay, which is full of anxiety.

   So, when Kenny smelled'Chaos', he chose to pursue instinctive choice and fight.


   rushed into the central building with two entourages, Kenny looked at the elevator at the end with bright eyes.

   [Creator] standing on both sides of the elevator felt threatened, and red dots of light lit up in the dim electronic eyes.

   A threat-filled launch nest popped out smoothly on the shoulders, and the artificial joints bend forward and make a posture that is about to dive.

"please calm!"

   When Kenny drew out his great sword and made an attacking gesture, a cold and tender female voice came over his head.

   "Who is it?" Kenny looked up to find the target.

   "I am the AI ​​intelligence of this base, you can call me a girl." A girl.

   "Artificial intelligence." Kenny's eyes flashed dangerously.

   In his memory, AI=enemy.

   "I have no intentions, please put away your weapons." The girl.

   Kenny stood still, as if waiting for her to give a reasonable reason.

   "As a guest, is it disrespectful to use force at the host's house?" The girl.

   Kenny's expression instantly sank, and he put away the saw chain sword while thinking, and put it back into the card slot behind.

   "Thank you." The girl.

   "I smell the decay of chaos." Kenny growled coldly, he needed an explanation.

   "Yes, I will give you an answer." Girl.

   "Please keep up with the creator in front of you, it will bring you into the base, Dr. Shi Cui is waiting for you." Girl.

   and the two entourages looked at each other, and the three cautiously followed the [Creator] into the elevator.


   The elevator goes down quickly, but inside it is very stable.


   The elevator fell to the ground and the door opened smoothly.

   squeak, squeak~

  The creator led them to the front. The blank corridor was full of mystery and unconsciously felt a sense of oppressive urgency.

   Kenny's muscles have tightened, ready to fight.

  Here, he smells a stronger smell of chaos!

   The smell is disgusting, like socks that have been worn for a month soaked in water and exposed to the scorching heat for seven days.

   also added baking soda and white vinegar...


   The air pressure door opened, and Kenny walked into the room and held the saw chain sword backhand for the first time.

   The right arm muscles bulge, the left leg is bent forward, the right leg is straightened, and the shoulders are tilted forward to exert force.

   He is ready to attack. When he draws out the saw chain sword, the enemy in front of him will be cut into flesh by him.

"and many more."

   Shi Cui, wearing a white lab coat, puts his hands in his pockets and looks harmless with glasses.

   "Squinting is not a good thing." Kenny whispered.

   but still put the attacking posture away, he felt kindness from the opponent.

   Also, the chaotic aura disappeared.

   "Chaos minions, where did it go?" Kenny nodded and asked the little bug ahead.

   Shi Cui pushed the frame and smiled: "Are you talking about this?"

   The palm is flat, the lines on the palm split into a slit, and the twisted tentacles sway and climb.

   As if there is an invisible rope in the air.

   "I said, don't be nervous, do you think I am like a chaotic minion?" Shi Cui put away his palm and inserted his hand into his pocket again.

  Niken hesitated, he looked normal, not at all contaminated.

   What he saw with his own eyes just now made him affirm that the little bug in front of him accepts the power of chaos.

   So, what is going on?

   After half an hour, he explained to Kenny what radiation is in the simplest and most popular terms, and how he controls this energy.

   Energy itself does not have good and evil. Only the people who use it have good and evil Shi Cui snapped his fingers and smiled: "So, believe in technology!"

  It's just that the more I listen to Kenny's brain, the more confused.

   Therefore, I saw someone chanting "God of Flesh," and hundreds of ordinary soldiers around him fell instantly and turned into unconscious chaotic minions.

   Is that picture a dream?

   "Look, the crux of the problem is that his body suddenly bursts with high concentrations of radiation, so the people around him will be contaminated."

   Kenny recalled the scene at that time. It was indeed after the other party shouted, that a powerful chaotic energy spread to the surroundings.

   "So, as I said, people are still manipulating energy, and energy itself is innocent."

   Shi Cui pointed to the saw chain sword behind him, "Will it kill itself? Now it is just a weapon, only under the control of the master can kill.

   Just like the chaotic energy you said, it doesn’t appear out of thin air, right? "

   Kenny nodded like a goose, completely unaware of what he was doing.

   He felt that he had been brainwashed. Could this be a conspiracy of chaos?

   Looking at Shi Cui, who is smiling, he speaks clearly and looks very knowledgeable.


The two words    have nothing to do with Chaos Minions!

   "Well, I believe you for the time being." Kenny thought for a while and asked, "Are you the only alien?"

   "Alien, no, we call it an anomaly...or an evolver." Shi Cui corrected his wrong name.

   "Evolutionary, are you the only one?" Kenny asked again.

   "Of course not, there are two lovely children."

   Shi Cui said with a smile, "They are not here for the time being. I will introduce you to them when they come back."

   "The experiment Qin said has something to do with you?" After letting go of his inner entanglement, Kenny's brain returned to reason.

   "Ah, forgot to introduce."

   Shi Cui turned to face him, and said sternly: "Formally introduce, Shi Cui, the person in charge of the genetic modification project."

   At this moment, Kenny just wants to take away his own people, as far as possible from him.

   "Come on, let you see the progress of the experiment."

   Shi Cui turned and walked into the base, "They are fine, except that they are a bit boring."

   I saw my men, they were playing a card game.

   There is a huge cup on hand, which is filled with the aroma of malt: "Three two, are you so big as me?"

   "I blow it up, get me down."

   "Four A, die, die..."


   Kenny coughed and caught the attention of the three.

   Looking back and seeing Kenny, the three of them quickly stood side by side, knocking on the chest and saluting: "Head."


   Kenny walked towards the table, picked up the card and turned it at his fingertips, "It seems that you are living well."

   "Yes, eat well here, sleep well, everything is good except not being able to fight."

   Hearing this answer, Kenny's hideous face showed a smile.

   If possible, he hopes this kind of life can be longer.

   They have gone through too many bad things and have enough qualifications to enjoy a peaceful life.

   "Okay, please come with me now, I think your team leader would like to see the process of the experiment with his own eyes."

   Shi Cui took a few people to the core laboratory, and none of them did any protection.

   When the first three fighters were sent, Shi Cui was worried that they were too vulnerable.

  'S subsequent inspections made him understand that these guys who maintained a human appearance had long since deviated from the definition of a normal human being.

   Judging from the current experimental results, the deadly bacteria known to humans can cause zero damage to their physique.

   Its effect is not as serious as the harm caused by human smoking!

   Shi Cui Jue put the human-made biochemical weapons into the pipe and gave each of the three a bucket.

   The consequence is probably that it will come up, "This thing is pretty good...more on the whole hour!"

   The physical strength of the star warrior far exceeds Shi Cui's estimation, but it is at two different extremes from him.

   Shi Cui's abilities are changeable, weird, uncontrollable, and have the characteristics of weird pollution.

   Interstellar warriors are more like ‘assembly line products’ customized for warfare, and everything is based on survival.

  According to the words of the three fighters, they are already the 186th generation.

   The original interstellar warriors were more powerful than them. This also made Shi Cui aroused. I really want to know how powerful the original genetic modification technology is.

   Fortunately, he has enough resources to reverse engineer.

   Research materials on mutants, interstellar warriors, emperors and imperial power armed forces, mysterious and powerful super **** genes.

   There are also "Gene Evolution Theory" and "Universal Energy Theory" which contain countless knowledge beyond imagination.

   There is also a scripture borrowed from Jing Yuan, "The Basic Theory of Nano Biology".

   When Shi Cui saw it for the first time, he was so drunk that he fell into it.

   Profound knowledge is like the universe, full of mysterious attraction, which makes people unable to extricate themselves!

   If Shi Cui had such a huge resource, he would still get nothing, and he would break his neck without hesitation.

  ...Although this is not useful, it will only make him grow two heads.

   "Let's start!" Following Shi Cui's order.

  The experimental team in protective clothing followed the entry process in an orderly manner.

   Blood is drawn, tissues of various parts are extracted, and visceral fluid is drawn with a needle tube sprayed with titanium rhodium alloy coating.

   The only trauma is to cut tissues the size of a finger cap on the body surface for cultivation research Finally, the three star warriors spit on the petri dish.

"Thanks for your hard work."

   nodded to express gratitude to the three soldiers, and the three of them saluted Kenny and left together.

   "Why do you have to draw two more tubes of blood today?"

   "What does it matter, is your blood no longer enough, you should check your own hematopoietic cells."

   "Go away, I'm the strongest, look at this."

   Raises his shoulders, and the bulging "ball" rolls back and forth under the pressure of the fingers.

   Listening to the sand sculptures of the three, Kenny's face twitched faintly.

   What sand sculptures did he bring with him? ? ?

   "Head Kenny, since it's here, do you want to contribute to the experiment?" Shi Cui stared at him with a smile, and pointed at the operating table.

   "I can see that you are a powerful fighter. If you can get your genetic sample, I believe the progress of the experiment will be much faster."

   Seeing Kenny hesitate, Shi Cui's eyes flickered and said: "Dear Captain Kenny, you want to replenish the troop strength.

   But that needs to find the transformation technology, otherwise you will get a bunch of cannon fodder of knowledge.

   This is not to help me, but to help yourself..."

  ------Off-topic ------

   Thank hell? Youlan’s 100-coin reward, thanks to Xiaoyao’s 100-coin reward, and thanks to gogogo12’s 500-coin reward! !

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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