Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 980: question mark

The night was spent in a way that both of them are familiar with and comfortable with each other.

The process was perfect, and the two of them didn't open a new and different window!

It turns out that the beauty of the workplace is not limited to clothing, but also alternate roles of different roles.


After taking a shower, wearing clothes that were ironed to the extent that there were no wrinkles, Qin Yu asked Xu Meixin in the living room.

"Okay." Xu Meixin stood up.

At this time, Qin Yu realized that she was already dressed.

There is delicate light makeup on her face, and the uniform on her body fits perfectly, setting off her figure vividly.

A touch of tenderness between her eyebrows means that she has been sufficiently moisturized!

Women are like water. If there is not enough moisture, they will be like dry rivers and withered flowers.

Now, Xu Mei is full of energy and her face is radiant!

"Secretary Xu, you look so beautiful today."


"Secretary Xu, is there any good thing to share?"

"You too."

"Secretary Xu, have you found Xiao Xianrou?"

"I wish you peace!"

Xu Meixin almost twisted her **** and walked into the VIP elevator room on a **** standard catwalk.

This **** and enchanting that has never been shown in the past is silly, almost every man who sees her.

So, all morning, the company was talking about "What happened to Secretary Xu?"

However, just before the end of get off work, another news interrupted the burning progress of the gossip fire.

The network department of the company has finalized the new list of spokespersons: Zhiyun, Xiaolin, Zhang Zi.

"Hey, why do you think there are two spokespersons from Hancheng District this time?"

"The above should be considering the establishment of the branch company. If you want to gain the favor of Hancheng District and open up the market, right?"

"The superior naturally has the superior's consideration, so let's work honestly!"

"Hey, are you not curious at all?"

"Curious, I'm curious when I can meet a real person, Jiyun is my goddess."

"Ha, then you are done."

"??" The nerdy with heavy glasses looked at his colleague in surprise.

The other party just raised his eyebrows and smiled ambiguously, as if to explain everything.

Turning his mind, the man with glasses quickly understood what he meant.


No, my goddess is going to fall into a tiger's mouth, damn...

With tears in his eyes, the otaku opened the search engine and found the picture of the goddess.

"Fatty water does not flow into outsider fields, and fat water does not flow into outsider fields." After half an hour of self-hypnosis, the man with glasses found his balance.

In short, the goddess will not be his own after all.

If the things you worry about do happen, at can often see her in the company in the future, right?


The man in glasses covered his mouth hard and ran to the bathroom.

Now, he needs some time to conceal the space to vent his true emotions.

Otherwise, he will cry bitterly at the work station!

In Hancheng District, relevant reports appeared in the news as soon as the new spokesperson was announced.

Smecta, who had originally felt unfamiliar, had a little more agreement with Miracle Company.

And, the small and fragile self-esteem is fully satisfied.

Look, the female star of my Big Smecta was selected by a star enterprise in Chuo District.

The epoch-making virtual reality game that has attracted widespread attention around the world, [Silhouette] is its industry.

At the same time, this product is also endorsed by our family, Ji Yun and Hyo Lin.

What, you don’t even understand [Silhouette]?

Let me tell you that it is the first and only virtual reality game in the world so far.

Reality is 100%, as long as you have the ability, it's okay to be in it!

Some players even married wives, aborigines.

That's right, and the authenticity of "Hehehe" is amazing!

Yes, go to the platform and official website to line up to buy new equipment!

Remember to support our family Ji Yun and Hyo Lin, Smecta will always be the center of the universe.

Let everyone see the purchasing power of our Big Smecta.

Brothers and sisters, stare at all major platforms and official websites, rush rushing~

The fans who don't understand the purpose of the new equipment at all, just attack the major platforms and official website sales centers.

In the first hour the pre-order was opened, orders for 100,000 units were sold out.

Of course, the main buying force still comes from the Central District.

It's not that the fans are not enough, but the price is beyond the limit they can bear.

It is still 888,888 yuan. Compared with the price of the previous generation game cabin, it has neither increased nor decreased.

It just maintained the original price, and most of the players started with it.

The people's complaints about prices have captured forums, post bars and various social media platforms.

They are all calling for the miracle company to allow more people to enjoy convenience, not just serve a small group of wealthy people.

For these complaints, the choice of miracle is the same as before.


At the same time, after successful purchase and payment, the interface will immediately jump to a new three-level page.

There is only one commodity, an all-round space suit worth 10 million yuan.

To make an all-around space suit requires 16 hours of manual operation by two workers, so it is difficult to effectively increase the output.

If all of its functions are explained, it will only cause frenzied buying by the super-rich.

In the end, even one piece may not flow into the general market.

It will also give birth to a new gray industrial chain, allowing intermediaries and scalpers to fill their dry wallets.

In response to this situation, after a meeting with Tang Guo and others.

They decided to conceal the true purpose of the almighty spacesuit first and put it on the jump page of the payment interface.

Anyone who purchases a battle game pod is eligible to purchase an all-round space suit.

As for whether to buy, it all depends on his own choice!


Shen Dong, who has always been in front of the computer, started the new generation of game cabins for the first time.

Now he has become a professional "Ghost" player, any relevant information released by the game company.

For new equipment and equipment, he must understand the details as soon as possible.

In this way, it is more conducive to his development in the game.

As of today, he has a sufficient understanding of "The Scary Demon".

It will become the second world of mankind.

Shen Dong even speculated that a virtual and real currency conversion will occur soon.

At that time, the prospects of professional players will become brighter.

Moreover, in the professional gamer exchange forum, he is not only the one who thinks so.

All players who treat the game as a business have the same and similar ideas.

After all, it is really amazing!

"The purchase was successful."

Seeing the words displayed on the screen, Shen Dong lay back freely with his head in his hands: "This wave is stable!"

I was about to close the interface, and a brand new page popped up instantly.

"Fuck!" Shen Dong was so surprised that he burst into foul language when he saw what appeared on the interface.

"What's the matter?" Xuan Xuan, who was preparing dinner outside, ran in.

Shen Dong pointed at the screen and opened his mouth wide and said, "This, Xuan Xuan, come and see, is this the clothes in the box I brought back?"

Coming to Shen Dong's side, Xuan Xuan looked at the screen, and then his mouth suddenly widened, covering his mouth in an incredible way and said, "Gosh, 10 million?"

Looking at each other, both of them saw each other's astonishment.

No one thought that the clothes brought back in that box would be so valuable.

"What about things? Where did you put the box?" Shen Dong pushed away the chair and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's under the bed." Xuan Xuan said, pointing to the bedroom.

Shen Dong ran to the bedroom without saying a word, and pulled out the ash box from the bed.

He patted it with his hand, and then used his mouth to blow off the dust on it, Shen Dong opened the box with a pious gaze.

The brand-new all-round space suit appeared in front of the two, gleaming, as if plated with gold.

With just such a thin layer of clothing, can you actually buy a house in Hudu?

Window, the same scene happened to Tang He.

Although he had already guessed that this item was very valuable when he received the courier before.

Otherwise, I wouldn't let Brother Yu call him in person, and explain that he must take it away.

But when he really saw the price of 10 million yuan on the web page. UU reading

People are still a bit silly!

What is the function of this dress, it is worth so much money?

The same question occurs in the heart of every user who sees the jump interface. Some people choose to buy, even if their heart is full of question marks.

Others chose to click on the upper right corner, yelling sarcastically: "Stupid!"

Who would buy an unknown product with a big red question mark in the product introduction.

Is Miracle Company floating, do you really think that rich people are all fools?

Hehe, let those who are taken advantage of it pay the bill.

I am not a dumb goose, I will never be fooled by this marketing strategy.

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