Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 987: Play against

In the hotel, Qin Yu was watching the live broadcast with Lu Qing in his arms.

Guilty conscience!

Impossible, it's impossible to have a guilty conscience in this life.

If the legs are soft, it is because you have eaten too much seafood, and the moisture is too heavy, so be careful!

"It's so beautiful, do you know him?" Lu Qing said, pointing to Cheng Xiyu in the picture.

"I have met several times and have in-depth cooperation with the company, which can be regarded as the company's external image promotion ambassador."

Qin Yu said solemnly, staring at the live broadcast without blinking.

It's like listening to Cheng Xiyu's explanation carefully to see if she is qualified and incompetent!

"Xinghuo can choose a third party to watch the game, but it also needs access to the game cabin.

In addition, players can take photos of their own battle records and post them on major websites and forums. "

"But so far, we haven't seen the corresponding video. I believe everyone is still addicted to it."

But, but, but...

but? Everything has a but, hurry up and serve the main course!

No, but I can get it off, do you hear it after you get it off?

Hurry up, I will sell the house with a video.

Go and go together, sell iron and buy equipment, I must live the addiction!

The barrage was noisy, and the little anchor smiled happily: "It seems everyone can't wait.

I just mentioned that the players are addicted to it, there is no battle screen to enjoy.


Here comes, mom, it comes.

Sure enough, let me wait until the video is on, and the carriage is ready.

Lu turns to fans, conscientious anchor!

"However, I specifically found a professional player and recorded my own fighting video to show everyone."

The little anchor shook his hand triumphantly, and said loudly, "Here is here, he is here...Connect the long-legged Baozi Great God."

The live broadcast screen was divided into two, and Tang He went online: "Hello, everyone, I am a long-legged bun. Just call me a bun."

The barrage immediately swept the screen, and Tang He was obviously a little nervous.

According to what I said before, ignoring the barrage, he said: "Thank you sister Xiao Yu for the invitation. I am fortunate to be able to share my battle video with everyone."

"Xinghuo's battle can be said to be 100% restored to the control of the monsters. The mecha I control is the standard armor model of the inland squad of the Church of the Miraculous Demon, Xingtian..."

"Bao, hello, how about telling us about this mecha first?"

"Okay, let's talk about the setting of mecha first. Xing Tian's style is biased towards battlefield assaulters."

Following Tang He's introduction, the analysis picture of [Xing Tian] is cut into the screen.

"Sacrificing 60% of armor coverage is to reduce weight, enhance handling and increase speed.

Except for the important heart, chest, and abdomen positions, the thickest part of the armor is the power compartment and shoulder armor. "

"The strengthening of the power cabin is to prevent the armor from losing power. I believe that everyone does not want to suddenly become an immovable iron lump on the battlefield."

"The shoulder armor is to protect the robotic arm and the missiles inside.

Of course, during the battle, this place will also become a key attack target.

Once it is penetrated and causes an explosion, there is no need to continue the fight, because the opponent is blown to pieces, right! "

Baozi explained the characteristics of [Xing Tian] to fans in simple and popular terms.

Finally, with Cheng Xiyu's lead, the screen was cut into the ‘battle recording video. ’

I rely on, so realistic picture quality.

As the picture unfolds, the technologically dilapidated mechanical city comes into view.

Towering chimneys, orderly speeding cars in chaos, huge holographic projection advertisements.


Some fans called out the background setting of the city, and more and more people chanted ‘Handsome! ’

In the screen, the camera first lowered his head and looked at his palms and arms.

White lights gleamed beside him, and each gleam represented a new player online.

Baozi didn't pay attention to the online players, but looked around looking for something.

Soon after, he locked the target and walked to the shop on the side of the road.

It was a gun shop selling weapons, and the metal decoration at the door was bright and shiny.

Standing in front of the metal decoration, Baozi could see his appearance.

Rough, bold, with a cross scar on the center of his brow.

The eyebrows are thick, like a line.

Throw him into the wild, and some people believe that it is a savage!

This image is absolutely stunning, 2333.

I remember that although the buns are a little fatter, they are handsome and very white. What the **** is this black face?

Fans of steamed buns poured into the live broadcast room, complaining that the official image was too deviated.

"It seems that the image is randomly disguised, no wonder there is only morphological data detection when entering the game, no faces."

The bun in the picture is talking to himself, not paying attention to his looks.

Instead, I started to understand the details of the game's settings, which caused a series of "666" to appear in the barrage.

The focus of the Great God and ordinary players is really different...

But in fact, Baozi was also complaining in his heart, but knew in advance that the video was going to be broadcast.

Therefore, if you have complaints, you can only hold it in your heart. This is a good opportunity to show it to the outside world. He doesn't want to mess up.

The theme this time is popularization, to take players into the game from a professional perspective, not sand sculptures.

After today, when the buns do video and live entertainment in the future, they can add sand sculpture style.

Entertainment to death, the environment is like this...

Next, Baozi started to follow the instructions of the smart assistant and went to the mecha shop to receive the novice gift package.

The choice of the novice gift package, I thought there was only [Xing Tian], but I didn't expect it to be very different.

In addition to the standard [Xingtian], players can also DIY by themselves.

Equipped with weapons, armor, various types of thrusters and detailed adjustments, there are at least hundreds of different options in a simple calculation.

If you want to see two [Xingtian] mechas that are exactly the same, unless the other party directly selects the standard version.

Of course, this is also the safest option.

Although DIY is good, it is full of uncertainties.

Drive it and it blows up by yourself, it is also your own pot, the store will not be responsible for the after-sales three packs.

Even if you only change one screw, all after-sales will be cancelled.

In addition, you can also choose high-power weapons.

Such as laser cannons, large-caliber anti-ship snipers.

Most people don't even talk about using that stuff, but it takes a lot of effort to carry it.

In short, there are all kinds of strange choices.

After a brief understanding of Baozi, he decisively chose the standard version.

This is the mecha he is most familiar with, and it is also the key to his promotion as soon as possible.

Why do you want to advance quickly, because in accordance with the introduction of the intelligent assistant.

Mainly able to hit the Silver level, he will have more choices, and he will be able to see a brand-new fission power armor.

And the Mystery Mecha Prize...

This mysterious prize has made all Gaowan gear up.

Everyone wants to be the only lucky person, and Baozi is no exception.

Obtain mech and equip it.

Baozi chooses to enter the battle, and a brand new interface immediately pops up in front of him.

Please choose the target you want to challenge: a row of lists with names appears in front of you, and at the bottom is a quick random match.

At the bottom left, there are maps, weather, and matchmaking options.

The map has deserts, storms, neighbors, islands, rainforests, airborne and planetary belts.

Only the airborne and planetary belts are currently in a gray inactive state.

The weather has four options: normal, severe, extreme, and hell.

The final duel is a **** battle with reincarnation.

Seeing the four big red characters of ‘Blood War Reincarnation’, the barrage was immediately swiped up: Blood War Reincarnation, this must be chosen.

But Baozi did not choose **** reincarnation as everyone expected.

He first chose 1V1, the map was desert, the weather was bad, and finally he clicked on random matching.


The picture changes, Baozi is in a desert.

The soft sand surface under his feet caused his body to sink.

Baozi quickly moved his legs forward, and stepped his ankles into the sand in the afternoon.

"Fuck, is it so real?" Bao Zi was shocked.

What shocked him was the audience in front of the screen, what was behind the bun, was it a sandstorm?

Steamed bun, move quickly, the sandstorm is coming.

This Nima, is the bad level so cruel?

The buns are so miserable, but why do I want to see the **** class more.

I want to see +1, 2333...

When the barrage was swiping, Baozi also saw the sandstorm coming from behind.

In fact, he didn't see it, he heard it.

The howling gale winds up the yellow sand, forming a terrible roar that covers the sky and the sun, which is daunting!

"Fuck!" Baozi screamed and ran away.

I kept complaining about it, what the **** was this mode, the enemy had to hang up before he showed up.

Looking back at the sandstorm again, Baozi suddenly found that just in front of it, a little metallic luster was flickering.

Take a closer look, "Fuck, won't that be my opponent?"

At this moment, the other party is wearing fancy DIY armor, dancing and rushing towards the bun with the help of the propeller.

Seeing him waving his vague head, he must be very happy in his heart.

Confirming that it was his opponent, Baozi quickly accelerated in ecstasy.

This Nima, is there such a good thing?

Now there is no need to worry about being eliminated, as long as you run faster than your opponent, you will win.

As a result, the steamed bun uses the maximum horsepower, does not hesitate to consume energy, and jumps forward like the wind.

After only about seven or eight hundred meters, a melodious reminder sounded in the ear: The player is dead, congratulations to the long-legged buns for their victory!

The picture freezes, and the yellow sand storm disappears.

Right in front of the settlement screen, Baozi won 10 victory points.

With a flash of light and shadow, he returned to the preparation city again, waiting for the next round of battle.

The barrage of refreshing the screen spit out like crazy: This Nima is also OK, won't you be promoted automatically if you open a hell?

Mentally handicapped system, I can do it too!

In the screen, UU reading www. Baozi opened the summary again: "I was very lucky last time, but I still have to change the mode.

I was lucky just now. I was sent to a location farther away from the sandstorm. If the locations were swapped, I would lose.

At this stage, the player does not have the ability to withstand bad weather, so we change to ordinary, the extreme and **** behind, and we will consider it later. "

After selecting, click Random Match again.

The bun entered the desert again, and the endless yellow sand was still in front of him.

A kilometer away, there was also a [Xing Tian] that found him.

There is no communication, the grenade bin on the opponent's shoulder rises at a 45-degree angle, dong dong dong...

The flames are everywhere, and the battle begins immediately!

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