Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 996: conscious

After three months.

After spending a happily ten-day holiday with Lazy Cat, Brother Yu devotes himself to work again.

Occasionally take time to meet with the returning anchorman and Shaman to relieve each other's loneliness and needs.

Then go to Teacher Shen's house to have a meal, and date alone with the three fairies Li Wanxing, Wen Yaxuan and Jiang Xiaoshan.

Whether it is work or personal time, the arrangements are full.

During the period, Medusa appeared in the observation of astronomers, causing another panic.

After a brief panic, people continue their lives.

Because, as the most powerful organization on the planet, the Galactic Republic has no response to this.

What else do they need to worry about, except for the boring conspiracy theory that White House Special Zone wants to set off again!

Unfortunately, under BlackRock's intentional or unintentional suppression.

This turmoil was annihilated before it even blown, and even the slightest wave was not set off!

Moor Medusa in lunar orbit to prepare for entry into subspace.

Qin Yu didn't pay attention anymore, anyway, Qilin kept reporting detailed progress, and he didn't need to keep watching.

But Andrew, this talent has been receiving Shi Cui's training recently.

Now, seeing Shi Cui, he couldn't help shaking.

I believe that when he needs him, Andrew will know what he should choose...

Medusa's painting work is not going well, it is too bulky.

The spraying effect and thickness required for armor have been unable to meet the standards due to the complexity of the environment.

They had to find another way and prepare to create a corresponding air environment to solve the difficulties.

This means that the departure date has been delayed.

He Wu's recent training is pretty good. He was sent to the Shennongjia Training Center.

Kenny's wish was fulfilled and he tried his best to teach He Wu, as if seeing the past in him.

He Wu is also like a sponge, absorbing the knowledge taught by Kenny madly.

Including those seemingly useless rumors and history.

Of course, the two people are most interested in actual combat, and the daily essential actual combat drills become the star project of the training center.

Flesh and flesh fly, the collision of force and force, the fist and the flesh want to meet, expressing the most primitive romance and bloodiness of men!

At this time, Brother Yu is at the honeycomb base in Miracle Town, watching the latest achievements of Yuanyuan.

Nano... Amoeba?

She put the immature nanorobot and the unconscious aberrant cell sample in the same petri dish.

Let the two swallow each other, fuse, and want to see how they react.

In fact, this experiment Jing Yuan created an unimaginable miracle.

In the endless entanglement between nanorobots and aberrant cells, it seems to have reached a certain balance.

Reach a symbiotic relationship and create this peculiar species, Nano Amoeba.

"Its function is stronger than the standard we set, and it has a strong ability to regenerate. As long as the cells survive, they will naturally divide and multiply at an incredible speed.

In fact, it reminds me of the pathological effects of cancer cells, but..."

Anyone who only needs to listen to the following summary is the key point of a sentence.

Therefore, when Jing Yuan paused and said, Qin Yu turned his attention to her.

"It's just that it is very manic...It should be said that it is greedy or cruel. Any life form that comes into contact with it will be swallowed and absorbed in an instant, turning it into a nutrient for its growth and distortion."

"I want to see with my own eyes." Qin Yu said.

"Okay, I'll let people prepare." Jing Yuan nodded and told her men to prepare for the test.

A small white mouse was sent to the outside of the box, enclosed in the box, and the amoeba with deformed flesh and blood mixed with metallic luster began to move.

Putting on the box, it seemed to feel the call of food.

Coiled together like snakes, the upper end leaned back, and in the next second, it shot towards the partition like an arrow.


The metal scraps and flesh exploded, but they returned to their original state in an instant.

Those scattered parts are mixed with flesh and blood, seeming to converge towards the subject with a split consciousness.

Many times, Qin Yu was very grateful that he was the first to obtain the ‘titanium rhodium alloy’ technology.

Otherwise, how could ordinary experimental equipment shut down these dangerous experimental subjects.

"Open." The gate behind the mouse was blocked, and the partition in the middle opened.

The little white mouse, who had been trembling with fright, twitched and fell to the ground as soon as the partition was opened.

Then, a fluid like mercury oozes out of its body.

That is the effect caused by the broken debris invading its body at the moment when the partition is opened.

In Qin Yu's eyes, the white mouse collapsed in about three seconds.

The bones began to melt until it was completely melted into a pool of flesh and blood flowing towards the amoeba.

The amoeba that swallowed the mouse is a bit bigger, about 1mm longer.

Its body leaned back again, rushing into the partition where the subject was placed, and crashing into the outermost gate like lightning.


The researchers who were guarding in the laboratory were taken aback, and looked at the amoeba that was slowly retracting to the subject with lingering fears, and their eyes were full of fear!

"It is very aggressive, has it always been like this?" Qin Yu asked after seeing this scene.

"Yes, maybe the chaos of Aberrations affects it, in short it's like a cold-blooded killer."

"It's food." Qin Yu smiled and corrected.

"It will never be picky." Jing Yuan said warily.

This amoeba is too dangerous, if not for its data indicators are too amazing, and there are enough restrictions to ensure safety.

Jing Yuan will definitely choose to destroy it as soon as possible.

"What are you going to do next?" Qin Yu asked her plans.

"I want to do some verification on a large experimental body before deciding whether to continue."

"Have you ever thought about adding the host's genes to make it trustworthy in the early stages of cultivation, just like labeling it?"

"Impossible, no human gene can resist the pollution and swallowing of aberrant..."

Jing Yuan suddenly thought that there are ready-made examples in the hive.

Whether it's Shi Cui, Mark, or Daisy who has escaped.

They all resist the pollution and erosion of distortion in some way, at least this is one direction.

"You guessed it!"

Qin Yu smiled lightly and said, "Normal people can't do it naturally, so we have to change the angle."

"It's also time to let Miss Daisy rest."

Daisy, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, is now running away in embarrassment under the chase of the mutants!

Since the big companies showed their fangs, split autonomy, and recruited a large number of abnormalities to join their forces.

The particularity of the insect girl is no longer a secret, but a precious wealth that represents huge profits and potential.

Everyone wants to get the secret of the insect girl and find the truth about the perfect change from her.

Overnight, Daisy became the number one celebrity on the bounty list of many companies.

The amount of reward offered to her is getting higher and higher over time.

So far, the total amount of her rewards has reached 1 billion US dollars.

It is not an exaggeration to say that wherever you go, someone will want her head.

Although most companies have stated that they want to live, there are also people offering a reward of 100 million regardless of life or death.

Compared to getting 100 million alive, or to die in vain, smart people will naturally choose the former.

As a result, Daisy's situation began to get worse.

Because compared with the original ‘gentle’ hunting methods, the current mutants and hunters have no scruples.

Last time, they even deployed a small tactical warhead next to the decoy.

Had it not been for a mysterious voice to guide her to escape in time, she would have disappeared with the bombed factory now.

Lurking in the crowd, Daisy walked forward low-key.

The clothes on her abdomen had been infiltrated with blood, which was the wound left by the previous mutant.

The electric current attached to it suppressed the self-healing ability, so that she could only escape with the wound.

Soon, as long as you can escape to the sphere of influence on the west coast, you will be safe.

So far, only BlackRock on the West Coast has not issued a reward for her.

Thinking of the supporters behind each other, Daisy thinks this is her only way out.

Perhaps, they just don't want their precious experimental subjects to be killed in this way.

She laughed at herself, after such a long escape, Daisy probably understood her identity.

She was not lucky to escape from there at all, but the other party deliberately let go of herself.

And the mysterious guiding sound, the mysterious person who helped her escape several times.

I believe it was sent by the other party to monitor his own eyes.

So, she still has enough value!

If there is hope of survival, who wants to die?

Dai is especially experiencing the great power, the change it brings to herself, the feeling of constantly becoming stronger.

Let Daisy ignite the absurd illusion of "As long as I can live, I will kill them all sooner or later".

"She's there." Daisy's conjecture was interrupted by the sudden shout.

There is no need to look back, the shadow of lightning can already be seen in the corner of the eye.

The sizzling crackling made Daisy full of anger, but she had to humiliate and escape.

The injuries caused by carelessness made her suffer, and the scars on her body have not been healed yet.

She doesn't want to add a new scar!

Besides, the border of the west coast is right in front of her, she wants to live...

"Ah!" With a frantic high scream, the clothes behind Daisy were pierced.

Countless twisted tentacles flew behind him like a rain of bullets, penetrating all obstacles.

Several passers-by who had not had time to escape turned into corpses in the struggle, becoming the nutrients and energy for Daisy to escape.

"Kill her."

Without keeping their hands, the mutants headed by Thor used the strongest means and rushed towards Daisy.

It was a strong man with his head full of fire and arc jumping all over his body.

His ability is to control thunder and lightning, and UU Reading was also the first batch of mutants to blow up the White House.

With strong willpower, Thor, who has persisted until now, is approaching the limit.

Therefore, he desperately wants to find out the truth about Daisy and avoid self-crimination or becoming an ugly distortion.

Chasing all the way, Thor found Daisy's purpose.

She wanted to escape to the west coast, although she didn't know what the connection was.

However, Thor was clearly aware that Daisy believed that the West Coast would protect her safety.

This, never allowed to happen!

Seeing Daisy who fled the encirclement again with a counterattack and rushed forward.

Thor roared: "Never let her cross the sideline!"

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