Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1000: assault

"He is very peculiar, boss, very, very peculiar!" Shi Cui's tone will increase every time he says a word.

It seems that in his heart, Kenny W. McKison is really important.

Even unparalleled...

According to Shi Cui, there is a special magnetic field on his body that attracts his attention.

As a result, the fate of Kenny W. McKison was reversed.

Qin Yu needs him to travel to Shanghai in person.

In addition, bring his unsentimental rebellious child.

Qin Yu wants to see him and talk to him in person, face to face...




It will take some time for the McKison and his sons to return. First of all, they need to assist Elizabeth Fink in handling matters in the South.

The transfer of power will never be accompanied by peace!

Fortunately, [creators] solve most problems, and the light from the sky brings new hope.

The once decadent system was cleaned up when Kenny W. McKison learned about the team he relied on.

And those old friends who used to sit on an equal footing with him were all sent to see God.

He was grateful that he could make a conscious choice and keep everything he has now.


Next, all rights will be transferred to Elizabeth, including cooperation with the California consortium.

And, Kenny W. McKison will personally go into battle and give him a backstab of love on the back of an old friend.

Elizabeth Fink, who was turning with a lollipop in her mouth, was not as cute as ever in his heart.

She is clearly underneath her lovely appearance, hiding evil and cruel demons...

This time, she will not only take away the Southern Consortium, but also dismantle the California Consortium to pieces.

In the end, Kenny W. McKison came forward in person and took the wealth of the California consortium into his hands in the name of a ‘betrayer’.

In fact, he didn't get anything but back the pot.

Even his own life is in the hands of others, unable to control it!

At the same time, Qin Yu stayed beside Li Wanxing wholeheartedly, and began to consider whether to equip the women around him with stronger security forces.

The world has become more and more weird. This accident is the first time, but it will never be the last.

When someone finds that they are unable to resist the miracle group's footsteps, their destiny is only waiting to be destroyed or annexed.

There are always people who take risks for profit, just like Kenny W. McKison’s rebellious son, Collenor W. McKison.

Make the wrong choice! ! !

Qin Yu has no opinion on this, and will not change anything in the end.

But he didn't want to see that the people around him were hurt.

"Secretary Xu, how about the Raider project?"

After Li Wanxing experienced a violent storm and fell asleep, Qin Yu dialed Xu Meixin's number.

"According to your requirements, advanced energy crystals are used as power, silver ink is added to the manufacturing materials, and weapons and equipment have been enhanced. It is currently being urgently manufactured."

Raiders, an upgraded version of [Creator], they are customized combat robots made for the upcoming ‘subspace’ exploration mission.

In addition, a special chip is embedded in its body, which can be remotely controlled with the help of a VR device as in the world's No. 1 martial arts conference.

Before Xu Meixin asked curiously: "Why is it possible to use robots and send people to take risks?"

The answer is value!

These traits of assaulters are too expensive to build, not only their special power source, but also the special remote chip in their head.

There are also special devices that can be remotely controlled by VR devices.

The single cost of the whole set of equipment is 160 million yuan.

100 units are 16 billion, 1,000 units are 160 billion, 10,000 units are 1.6 billion...

10,000 people, this number seems huge.

Compared to the grand war described by Captain Kenny, it was just a drop in the ocean.

No matter how great the interests of Miracle Company are, even if it combines all financial, human, and material resources.

Nor can it meet the needs of a battle, not to mention the losses caused by death during the period, daily consumption and post-maintenance.

No one can afford such expenditures, not even the Galactic Republic.

Therefore, assaulters can only form elite troops in small groups.

Perform special tasks with high risk and high mortality.

Such as a breakthrough on the battlefield, covering the evacuation of friendly forces, sneaking into the enemy camp to perform beheading operations, etc.

In short, they cannot become regular troops.

At least for now, it is impossible...

"Give them disguise, I need..." Qin Yuyu choked and paused, he had to count a few.

The Four Fairies, Lu Qing, Ye Jinlan, Teacher Shen, Teacher Zhou, Talisa...

Although her own strength is good, she is protected by the old Qiao faction.

But the current situation may be difficult for ordinary people to cope with in some situations.

Border control can't prevent people with weird capabilities, unless foreigners are completely banned from entering and leaving the country.

But doing so is tantamount to self-breaking arms, circulation is the key to all stability!

Teacher Qiao, Xiao Jk, Sha Man, Ya Lan, and Tong Tong...

Oh, I almost forgot a pair of golden flowers from C&D!

Parents must also be counted, and Pumpkin must also be added to the list.

After careful calculation, Brother Yu found that the number of people was really quite large.

There are more than 20 people he cares about alone, plus Li Shuangmeng, Wanwan, a little fairy who makes him happy.

Yu Ge suddenly discovered that the security expenditure alone would cost nearly 4 billion.

What does it mean to spend money like flowing water? This is so **** that the river dam bursts and flows endlessly!

Distress is a little bit, but it should be done.

After finishing the list in his mind, Qin Yu asked Qilin to send it to Xu Meixin.

Next, Secretary Xu, who is competent and the only authorized secretary, will arrange the [Assaulter] with invisibility cloak to follow the designated target.

"Kirin, protect them." Qin Yu personally gave instructions to Qilin.

"Are they really that important? It's just a simple nerve pleasure. If you want to, I can make you feel a stronger sense of pleasure!" Qilin.

"...Why do you ask?" Qin Yu became curious about his question.

It sounds like it's a bit confusing!

"Because in my opinion, this is just a waste of time, why waste time on this meaningless repetitive mechanical movement." Qilin.

"No, no, it's not a simple repetitive mechanical movement." Qin Yu shook his head and retorted.

"What's that?" Qilin.

"The relationship between the sexes is the key to maintaining the survival and continuity of the ethnic group and the stability and harmony of the society. Love has magical and incredible power." Qin Yu.

"Do you mean those stories on the Internet?" Kylin.

"It's not just a story, if you look for it carefully." Qin Yu.

"Yes, I saw mothers guarding their children with their bodies in the earthquake, and the dead bodies kept their body temperature strangely, so that the young lives could survive." Qilin.

Its tone became more weird: "But what kind of power is that, I'm very curious!"

"I believe you will get the answer. After all, we have a long time to explore the truth!"

Qin Yu smiled and turned around, looked at Li Wanxing standing by the door frame, and hugged her with open arms.

"Are you going to continue to waste your life again?" Qilin.

"...This is the end of the topic!" Qin Yu strongly chose to end the topic.

If it can understand what real happiness is, it may be able to evolve into a real artificial intelligence.

Completely surpass all definitions and assumptions, a great and magical existence!

Obviously, it is still far away that it refuses.

"Is it better?" Sitting on the sofa holding Li Wanxing, Qin Yu wrapped her arms around her body.

"Well, don't tell them."

Li Wanxing nodded softly, but did not forget to tell Qin Yu not to tell the truth to others.


Qin Yu kissed her on the head and said, "Nothing like this will happen again, I promise!"

"They...what do they want to do?"

Li Wanxing now recalls that scene, still faintly afraid.

That day, the moment the other party's fingers slipped from her shoulders into the towel.

Lu Qing thought that his heart would be dug out, with a cruel and strange aura.

"Are they mutants?" Li Wanxing thought of news about the other side of the ocean on the Internet.

It is said that there has been completely chaotic.

Become a hotbed of nourishment of evil, everywhere is the shadow of capital.

People were terrified in the crisis, but had to go out of their homes and continue to survive.

Because they need food, water, medicine, communication and life.

It sounds too bad! !

"Things are not as bad as stated on the Internet... but they are indeed mutants."

If it is not an abnormal person, the identity information of the three persons will not be able to pass the border inspection.

This is why Qin Yu would rather spend 4 billion+

The reason for arranging [Assaulters] to act as bodyguards for the women he cares about.

Ordinary people have no advantage in front of them!

Qin Yu doesn't want any risk, and [Assaulter] can minimize the risk.

Stealth, powerful armor, almost equivalent to an infinite source of power, able to resist attacks of various energies.

Adding ‘silver ink,’ gives [Assaulter] the ability to resist radiation.

It is invulnerable, powerful, able to fly and run, and diving is not a problem.

The vector engine enables it to compete with torpedoes in water.

When necessary, [Assaulter] can also use the power source to deploy the energy shield.

Protect the target and wait for rescue!

I thought of everything I could think of, it was almost omnipotent...

In addition to having children, punches are deadly, even [Assaulter] can't stand it!

The that blocks Thor at the border on the west coast is the [Assault] camouflage version.

Annihilating Thor's energy attack is as simple as squeezing an ant to death.

Cleaning up him is no exception!

It is set as the appearance of [creator] in order to avoid the connection between the assaulter and the miracle.

It is not a mass production type, and it will go to the commercial market.

[Assaulter] Expensive construction costs, it is destined to only provide services for a small number of people.

At present, it only belongs to Miracle Company!

If it is not for observing distortion and anomalies, chaos across the ocean is more conducive to the development of the company.

Restoring order is not difficult for Brother Yu!

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