After being severely ravaged by Brother Yu, Daisy became weak, well-behaved, and pitiful.

Demonstrating her new ability again, Daisy stood by and waited.

"So, just to enhance your original ability?" Qin Yu was a little disappointed.

"There is still deformation."

Daisy said that the surface of her body was fluidized, and the waves showed a brand new appearance.

White lab coat, rimless glasses, tall and glamorous, with a somewhat proud and lonely temperament.

"How is it?" Daisy, who was transformed into'Jing Yuan', said coldly.

"Very similar, even the temperament is exactly the same." Qin Yu looked around her in a circle.

'Jing Yuan' is proud and independent, with her head up, as if a proud white swan is showing her beautiful wings.

"Should I say, you are super brave?" Qin Yu teased and laughed.

'Jing Yuan' expression froze, twisting and twitching like a frightened quail.

He changed back to his original appearance, and stood in place uneasy with his head down.

Gada, Gada!

Jing Yuan stood beside her and said coldly: "Is it fun?"

Oh oh oh...

Daisy shook her head desperately, almost throwing tears out of her eyes.

I thought that after experiencing unimaginable torture, the strength I gained was enough to crush anyone.

But first there was [Assaulter], who pressed her on the ground and rubbed it.


The threat radiated from the opponent is more obvious than last time.

If Daisy used to be a frog, Jingyuan is just a puddle.

It's scary but limited!

She is now a rabbit, seeing the turbulent river connected to the puddle.

Pentium is so fast that you can't see the end.

Daisy's body had already begun to swing, and the feeling of standing next to Jing Yuan was like sitting on a time bomb.

Will die at any time, but helpless!

"Don't do this again in the future." Jing Yuan said in a cool tone, as if she had been teaching her elders.

Daisy nodded quickly, the speed brought out the afterimage.

My face is blurred!

One can imagine how happy she would be.

Daisy suddenly thought of reforming herself again, smiling kindly, letting herself call him the old pervert of her father.

Is this the boss’s nest? ? ?

Mom, I want to go home, woo...




Over the Pacific Ocean, the blue sky is like washing.

A private jet belonging to the Southern Consortium is carrying Elizabeth and McKison and his son to the east.

"Woo..." Wheat Gerson, who was **** and thrown on the floor, struggled hard, trying to get someone's attention.

Old McKison just glanced at him, then looked away.

For him, this rebellious son is already dead.

But McKison still didn't want to give up, because he knew this was the only chance he could find.

Listening to him humming like a woman, Elizabeth ripped off the tape from his mouth a little impatiently.

"Old immortal, are you really going to betray me?" Mai Keison said, it was a famous scene of father's kindness and filial piety.

Old McKison remained silent, tacitly accepting his rhetoric!

Dead one, or dead one account book, these two choices, normal people know how to choose.

Seeing that he was so determined, McKeeson turned his gaze to Elizabeth, who was eating candy and watching the excitement.

"Let me go, all the $100 million I have in Switzerland is yours." Wheat Keison took out the bargaining chip.

"Wow, a billion dollars?"

Elizabeth exclaimed in surprise: "You are all the same age, why are you so good?"

Hearing her say so, the corners of Wheat Keison's mouth twitched.

She is older than her father, **** of her age...

But now he is obviously not in the mood to care about age and generation with Elizabeth!

"I have my shares. All the shares are yours. Just let me go."

Hearing him say this, Elizabeth's eyes flickered and her heart was visibly moved.

Seeing this, McKeeson continued: "Think about it, 100 million US dollars, the shares of Bank One, nothing is more cost-effective than such a transaction."

"All right!"

Elizabeth clapped her hands and said: "I was told to move, now transfer the money, I will let you go."

"You have to untie me first." Wheat Gison twisted his body.

Wriggling forward, like a fat maggot!

Stepping forward to unlock him, McKeeson asked again: "I will transfer you 50 million dollars first, and then transfer the rest when it's safe."

"This is not the same as saying yes." Elizabeth looked at him angrily.

This kind of performance made McKeson even more convinced that she really wanted to make a deal with herself.

In this case, "Kill him, I will transfer it to you now."

McKison pointed at the old McKison, his tone was full of strong hatred!

Sitting in the same position blankly, Old McKison picked up the whiskey in his glass and sipped its strong aftertaste.

Looking at Old McKison, and then at McKison, Elizabeth was entangled in thinking.

Suddenly, she jumped up and clapped her hands and laughed: "That's it, you two decide for yourself, who should survive."

After speaking, Elizabeth took a few steps back to make room for everyone.

Old McKison's eyes sank, he didn't want to fight with the adversary who was in his prime.

But Wheat Gison already walked towards him grinningly, his fists hanging on his side tightly clenched.

"Do you really think you still have a chance?" Old McKison said coldly.

"Old guy, don't talk so much nonsense, I know you have always disliked me. It's just because I'm still useful and can create value for the company.

Now, I am useless, throw it away like trash. Am I still grateful to you? "

"Even I have to create enough value to avoid being eliminated. Why do you think you can be an exception?"

Old McKison was displeased by his complaint, still as naive and idiot as before.

Sometimes old McKison wondered if he really was his own child.

Maybe, it's time to do another appraisal!

By the way, it is no longer necessary, he is going to die.

No one can change this, not even Elizabeth.

"Stupid son, you have nowhere to go." Old McKison looked at him pityingly.

"You don't have to pity me, bastard, go to hell!" Wheat Keison yelled and rushed towards him.

But then, his body was pulled back by a force.

The body slammed into the cold machine, causing McKeeson to look back furiously: "Let go of me, Fack!"

Faced with Wheat Keison who was imprisoned by [the creator], Elizabeth jokingly said: "You forgot to pay!"

"We're done, wait for me to kill him..."

"No, no, it's you, not us. I need to get two-thirds before I can let you do it."

"Half, 50 million."

"Three-quarters, 75 million."

"This is more than before."

"80 million, do you want to kill him yourself?"


Knocked on the carriage return, the transfer was over, and McGeeson said coldly: "Now, let these **** machines leave."

"No problem!" Elizabeth waved to let the [Creator] step aside.

Wheat Gison rushed to the old guy again, and slammed his right fist in the face with a clenched right fist.

Frozen at a position less than 5 cm away from him, a cold sweat broke out on Wheat Keison's forehead.

Because old McKison was hitting his forehead with a gun.

"You are still so stupid." Only disappointment was in the cold eyes.

Before he died, he would not learn how to see the situation clearly!

Elizabeth just wanted his personal savings and watched another good show to relieve her boredom.

Flying in the sky... also very boring.

"It looks like a failure!" Elizabeth shook her head disappointedly.

"Sorry, Mr. Wheat Keison, you have lost your only chance."

While Elizabeth was talking, the [Creator] stepped forward and pulled him into the cabin.

"No, let me go, we said a good deal, and I gave the money." Wheat Keison yelled excitedly.

"That was the last time. You only have one chance to pay."

Elizabeth looked at him, her eyes excitedly said: "Do you want to do it again? Please settle the balance and make another bid to please me!"

Let go, what's a joke?

Let the people go, what she used to explain to Qin Yu.

Your own head?

Elizabeth is playful and likes to watch her target a little bit struggling between hope and despair.

She likes to play with human nature, but it doesn't mean that she can't tell the priorities of things.

The man was very angry this time, and she didn't want to ask for trouble.

The teased Wheat Keison became the only prisoner on the plane again, before being sealed.

He cursed another object: Elizabeth Fink.

Fortunately, he did not reveal his true hole cards.

In managing the company over the years, McKeeson has gathered enough men for himself.

There are also those mutants, they are all recruited by McKeson himself.

As long as they are given enough time, they will definitely find a way to save themselves.

Until then…

When Qin Yu saw him in the Underground Hive, Mai Jixun was still dreaming of his sweet dreams. UU reading

Until he learned that the mutants he trusted had already been purged.

The door in front of him gradually closed, and the miserable wailing was filled with despair.

Old McKison stayed quietly in the room, waiting nervously.

He has forgotten this feeling for too long.

Ever since he became the helm of the McKison's family, no one was worth waiting for him anymore.

It will not be as fearful as it is now!

At this moment, the old McKison seemed to be returning to the nervousness of waiting to meet his father when he was young.

But instead of waiting for the person he wanted to meet, he saw a middle-aged man with a gentle smile and glasses.

Shi Cui pushed the frame, looked at McKison and said, "Mr. McKison, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

For some reason, the twinkling light in the opponent's eyes made McKison feel intensely uneasy.

It being targeted by a **** guy.

Old McKison, who was ready to show up, walked into the operating room wearing surgical gowns that leaked everywhere.

Lying on the cold operating table, Old McKison didn't realize what was going to happen next to him.

How cruel it is, unforgettable forever!

He thought that Shi Cui brought himself here, really for the so-called ‘physical examination. ’

Until the hands and feet were confined by the restraint belt.

When a doctor wearing gloves, masks and sterile gowns appeared beside him, Old McKison realized that there was something wrong.

"Wait, let me go, I want to see Qin Yu, Elizabeth..." At this moment, Old McKison realized Nizi's despair.

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