5:3:2. According to this ratio, 4 of the fanatics should belong to the Weeping Band.

2 people belong to the company and 2 people belong to Baize.

This is because ‘the priority to choose when there is not enough,’ so Bai Ze can be divided into two people.

However, because of the subspace exploration mission, Qin Yu negotiated with Bai Ze and Kenny.

Therefore, all eight fanatics this time belong to the company.

What Qin Yu paid for this was his priority next time.

If there are enough people, then before Bai Ze and Kenny make up the number of people this time.

There is no ‘Miracle Company’ in the graduate’s options.

You must wait for them to finish the selection before the option of Miracle Company will appear, and then the remaining students will be distributed proportionally.

According to Kenny, the number of graduates next time will be at least three digits.

However, how many people can survive the transformation is unknown.

The high mortality rate of 38.46% is far worse than previously estimated.

For this reason, Bai Ze had to take a trip in person to figure out what went wrong.

At the administrative building of Miracle Town, Qin Yu met him in the temporary office.

"That is to say, they completed the renovation, but failed to withstand the radiation pollution and lost their minds?"

Looking at Bai Ze on the opposite side, Qin Yu nodded and said, "Exactly correct."

Compared to when I saw him a few years ago, Bai Ze's figure is much more blessed.

But still upright and tough, the fattening face not only does not appear funny, but even more majestic.

At this moment, he was frowning and thinking about how to reply to the above.

"Why, trouble?" Qin Yu asked casually, seeing him embarrassed.

"No..." Facing Qin Yu's solemn gaze, Bai Ze swallowed back with excuses.

"Of the five dead, two were children from the Shangdu family." Bai Ze told the truth.

"Bypass!" Qin Yu's tone was determined.

This kind of immature technology, the family will not take important direct descendants to risk.

Therefore, it can only be a collateral child who was not taken seriously in the past, who wants to stand up and fight!

"The sideline is troublesome enough, after all, both of them are dead." Bai Ze frowned.

"But didn't the others succeed?" What Qin Yu said of ‘Others,’ included not only Li Xiaoxiao.

According to the information on the data, the other three are also collateral children from the Shangdu family.

This time, I managed to survive. If this is the case, I will be ‘conspired,’ Brother Yu has nothing to say.

For him, it doesn't matter where the graduates come from.

Only the living are worthy of attention, which is why Qin Yu didn't know that there were two aristocrats on the death list.

Those surviving students have only one identity: fanatics.

After successfully becoming a fanatic, they will say goodbye to their former self!

From then on, they no longer belong to the same circle as ordinary people.

The world of each other has opened a huge gap, and there is nothing to do with it!

The complex entanglements in the world, if you should abandon it, then abandon it, if you understand it, you can understand it.

Because compared to the long life of enthusiasts, the life of ordinary people is too short.

"I know..." Bai Ze certainly understood what he meant.

However, there are some things in it, it is difficult to explain clearly to Qin Yu.

For example, those who survived this time were all the children of the family who had been friends with the Li family (Li Xiaoxiao).

This also means that they are on the same line with the Li family, Yang family, and Xu family, and they are the people of Miracle Company.

The home of the two dead people happened to be on the opposite side of them.

You said it was a coincidence? ? ?

This kind of coincidence is really hard to let people not think about whether Miracle Company is taking the opportunity to eradicate dissidents.

Expand one's own influence and right to speak...

"You people, your heart is really dirty, don't equate everything with zz."

Qin Yu grinned and said, "If I really think so, can Barrow and Smecta still join the Republic?"

Use BlackRock to control Smecta, and then use Li Zhen's influence to wait until the Bald Eagle splits.

Brother Yu doesn't need to do anything to incorporate Smecta into the territory.

The same is true for Barrow, with the line of Old Joe.

As long as Brother Yu wants to lend him a few [creators], he can be replaced by someone on stage.

The reason why he didn't do this was because he was not interested, and he belonged and identified with himself.

This is where he grew up, his country, nation, and inner belonging.

Although it has various problems, flaws and deficiencies.

But it doesn't mean that Brother Yu doesn't love it.

The overthrow of a rule will bring peace and co-prosperity, and it will definitely do better than the predecessors.

Can you create an ideal utopia?

Don't be too nonsense, it's still the same in the end.

It's like a person's body, initially strong and healthy, and over time, various problems slowly appear.

What is needed at this time is a skilled doctor to treat it.

Instead of saying, "This body has a problem, throw it to the garbage station and destroy it."

In Qin Yu's view, the treatment over the years has made his "body" better and better.

Yes, there is always someone who can find all kinds of problems.

But that is a huge body composed of 1.4 billion thought-independent ‘cells’, and now it has become a bloated little giant.

How could everything be perfect and sunny.

Acne, acne, not the same quietly growing and latent.

Treat it promptly when it emerges.

In Yu Ge's view, it is enough.

"Your analogy is very vivid, Zhou Lao didn't mistake you." Bai Ze said with a smile.

"I don't really have any big ideals. I'm just pushed to the front of the stage. It's hard to stop."

Qin Yu smiled with emotion and said: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves!"

"Where is there no place in life!" Bai Ze smiled and stood up and said: "Okay, I will take care of this by myself."

"If there is a problem, let them not have to join the selection in the future, and train the family who can't nourish the precious family."

Qin Yu is serious, if anyone feels that his family's life is expensive, he will not die.

Then don't let them join the training camp. This is a purgatory, not a gilded internet celebrity land.

At the training camp, their identities are the same.

Even after the transformation, it is the same.

Don't use any identity background to speak of things. Next time, the person sent by the two won't have to think about stepping into the training camp.

Throw it all out!

Leaving the office, Bai Ze got into the car that sent him and dialed a number: "It's me... he was very angry!"

"Yes, I look at his attitude. If anyone complains, I'm afraid I don't want to qualify in the future."

"Yes... OK... He said something, I think it's funny..."

After repeating Qin Yu's previous metaphor, Bai Ze just answered a few times and hung up the phone.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and the desired answer is also available.

After returning, he will personally return the ashes to the two houses.

As for the explanation, there is no need to mention joining the training camp in the future. Is it an explanation?




In Shangdu, there are white sheds hanging in the courtyard of Sijiu Lane.

In the cold mourning hall, the woman sobbed faintly, and the man standing beside her was full of anger.

"Ye Family, Ye Haotian is here to worship." The voice suddenly came from outside the door, making the man's expression startled.

Then he quickly pulled up his sobbing wife: "Don't cry, it's the Ye Family Master who is here."

"I'm coming, my son is gone, what can I do if I come?" The woman wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"Fuzzy, come with me to greet you."

The man rebuked in a deep voice, making the woman afraid to be spoilt anymore, and quietly followed.

When the two came out, Ye Haotian had already entered the gate, and walked forward uneasily or slowly.

"Uncle Shi, I'm here to pay homage to Brother Jin." Seeing the two, Ye Haotian quickened his pace and said with his fists nodded.

"Young Master Ye is interested, Jin'er has a friend like you, so it's a good idea!"

"The uncle's reputation is over, I'll go to Zhuxiang first." Ye Haotian walked into the mourning hall with a serious expression.

After receiving the incense delivered by the young man, Ye Haotian placed it on the ever-bright lamp to light it, bowed three times and inserted it into the incense burner.

Later, he withdrew to talk to the two elders.

"I don't know what Brother Jin is?" Ye Haotian asked for details.

"...The transformation failed, the gene project of Miracle Company." The man said with grief and resentment.

"Then, can the other party have an explanation?" Ye Haotian nodded if he was enlightened, and then asked.

"I don't have any explanation. I didn't even send the body back, so I sent us a box of ashes. I don't know if it's my Jiner's, oooo..."

The woman said that her grief was not easy, she covered her face with her sleeves, and walked to the side sobbing.

"This is too much."

Ye Haotian felt empathetic and flicked his sleeves and said, "How can you cremate a person without consent."

"Eh..." Jin Ziqiang sighed heavily, and said, "Is there any way~www.wuxiaspot.com~The situation is pressing and strong."

Seeing what he said, Ye Haotian shook his head helplessly and unwillingly: "Poor Brother Jin."

After talking about some old things in the past, Ye Haotian suddenly asked: "Then what the uncle is going to do with Brother Jin's quota?"

There are quotas for selection. Although people are dead, the quotas are still there.

Now, if Jin Ziqiang is willing, he can recommend someone to join the next selection.

"Jin'er, who was hurt by this spot, ended up like this, and I plan to return it to the master." Jin Ziqiang said angrily.

"Uncle Shi, no."

Ye Haotian said hurriedly: "Think about it, if this is returned to the master's house, wouldn't it mean that they will send someone to die, and they will have to hate you wherever they are sent."

"Really, Haotian, what do you think?" Jin Ziqiang asked as if panicked.

"If Uncle Shi can trust him, I will help you out of this person when I turn around."

"That's great, you also know my family, and there is only one daughter by my side..."

Thanks for the kindness, Jin Ziqiang personally sent Ye Haotian to the door and watched him get in the car and leave.

In the car, the secretary who followed Ye Haotian looked overjoyed: "Ye Shao, are you just getting the quota?"

Ye Haotian smiled mysteriously, and said inexplicably, "The quota...maybe!"

Outside the house, Jin Ziqiang watched the car go away and returned to the courtyard with a narrow smile.

"Thank God, fortunately there is a child named Haotian, otherwise we really don't know what to do with this terrible place."

Seeing his own man, Mrs. Jin said with excitement.

"Thank him?" Jin Ziqiang smiled coldly, his eyes turned to the photo in the center of the mourning hall.

A trace of grief flashed through the eyes, but the tone was full of confidence and said: "Let Ling'er go, no one will give this place."

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