Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1017: different

The next day.

The band that had played all night left full, everyone's face was full of exhaustion, and their eyes were fighting.

But the corner of his mouth smiled with satisfaction, and this trip made enough for the down payment of the house.

I also experience unprecedented happiness, a trio of overflowing body, mind and capital.

Even if they come a few times, they will be happy.

It's a pity that I didn't see him again in the morning. For some reason, the other side's figure was deeply imprinted in my heart.

The moment I walked out of the door, there was a deep sense of reluctance in my heart.

Overnight, this is too ridiculous!

Yes, Brother Yu also finds it absurd, but it fits with his daily style.

To be young is to be crazy. If you don’t experience the absurdity a few times, wouldn’t you waste your brilliant youth?

After returning home with breakfast, Jiang Xiaoshan was freshened and dressed, sitting in front of the balcony doing Pilates.

Controlling your mouth can only make your body thin, but you want to stay healthy.

The fat place is fat, the thin place is thin.

The round is round, the warped, fleshy and powerful, it is necessary to persevere and work hard.

Jiang Xiaoshan, whose label is exquisite, is particularly good at this aspect.

"Huh...what did you bring?" Jiang Xiaoshan asked, stretching her body.

"Soup dumplings, wontons." Qin Yu put the lunch box on the table.

"Come here." After finishing the last set, Jiang Xiaoshan decided to do it after eating.

The wontons sold in the small shop across the street are one of her favorite breakfasts.

"Do you really plan to take a few months off this time?"

Sitting on the sofa, Qin Yu was reading the daily newspaper while chatting with Jiang Xiaoshan.

She mentioned earlier that she would like to take a few months of rest to allow her experience in filming to settle down.

Just take advantage of this time to read books and walk around to enrich the experience of life!

"Well, I've talked to Sister Mi."

Jiang Xiaoshan responded: "She promised to let me take a two-week rest. When the time comes, she still thinks so, and she agrees."

"In two weeks, you will be bored." Qin Yu said.

Jiang Xiaoshan shook her head without comment: "Who knows, at least I earn two weeks of vacation!"

"What are you going to do?" Qin Yu asked.

"Of course it is to go to the beach, I want to go to Phuket." Jiang Xiaoshan said happily with her arms raised.

"What does that mean?" Qin Yu looked blank.

Hudu is right by the sea, so I just want to see the sea and open the window.

"It's different. When you are in the sea of ​​flowers, the sun shines in from the window and shines on your face, warm and comfortable.

The sea breeze hits the rock wall, opening the window is a hot island style. "

"Are you going to follow Wen Qingfeng?" Brother Yu suspected that she was brainwashed by Wen Qing.

Otherwise, too many poetry and prose collections have been read, and they will be poisoned by tea.

In short, this state is very abnormal!

"Where is it."

Jiang Xiaoshan said amused: "I just haven't relaxed for a long time and want to change to a new environment."

"The new environment, how about the other side, is there any new real estate?" Qin Yu said.

"Sir..." Jiang Xiaoshan coquettishly trailed off.

She could have heard it, and Qin Yu was clearly joking about herself.

"Well, I see, I'll help you arrange." Qin Yu said that she surrendered, and it was terrible for a woman to act coquettishly.

Since it is to relax, you have to arrange everything in advance.

Otherwise, relaxation may become obstructive due to some accidents.

Let people prepare the best hotel, contact the Seoul office to be responsible for reception, and provide top-notch services throughout the process.

"As long as you board the plane on time, everything will be arranged after you get off the plane. Whatever instructions are needed is OK!"

After getting Xu Meixin's reply, Qin Yu assured him that everything was done.

Brother Yu never doubted the professionalism of Secretary Xu!

Now, he will continue to read today's daily newspaper and give a reply to the required documents.

Before the radiation death of two children, Jin Ziqiang chose to recommend his daughter to replace his brother.

Take the risk again!

The Xu family chose another route, transferred the quota to the Gu family, and submitted the confirmation letter to Miracle Company.

Looking at the words "Xu's family voluntarily transferred the quota to the Gu's family" above, Brother Yu readily signed the name.

The number of quotas is used to limit the number of people in order to prevent the family from swarming the training camp.

At the same time, it is also to further strengthen the influence of Miracle Company.

Now, some people regard the quota as a wild beast.

When they realize the real value of the quota, I hope no one will regret it!

In other words, today is a good day for enthusiasts to return to the training camp.

They are like married brides, when it's time to return.

This time I went back to let my parents’ ‘brothers and sisters’ know whether their lives were good or bad.

Four speeding vehicles returned to the training camp with the fanatics, and landed amidst the confusion of the rookies and the cheers of the old people.

The flow of the car door opened, and eight Li Xiaoxiao stood in front of the students.

Eight people with thick thigh-like arms, muscular piercings, burly stature, and tall and upright torso.

Just going to that stop made everyone feel heavy pressure.

Each of them exudes a strong aura, slaps larger than a plate, which makes people suspect that they can pinch a bear.

"Let's welcome the first batch of graduates back to the training camp." The instructor applauded first.

Everyone applauded and shouted: "Xiao Xiao, how do you become King Kong Barbie."

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you will scare your boyfriend like this."

"It's frightened there, I think it's just a bad sitting."


Li Xiaoxiao's face stood in place daily, until the instructor said: "Okay, next is the performance time.

Aren’t you all curious about how strong you can be in the future and why you received such cruel training? "

Seeing curious eyes on everyone's face, the instructor nodded to Li Xiaoxiao.

"Hou Xiaobu, Zhang Xu, Yang Shanhe out of the queue." Li Xiaoxiao shouted a step forward.

Three people immediately stood out from the crowd, the same guys who had teased Li Xiaoxiao before.

"Attack me."

Li Xiaoxiao said calmly: "You three can choose weapons at will."

"Only cold weapons." The instructor added a sentence.

Fans who do not wear power armor will still be injured by large-caliber firearms and ion guns.

Although it wasn't a fatal injury, it was just a performance, and it didn't need to be bloody.

The three of them walked to the weapon area, and they all chose the same weapons.

Tactical dagger, refers to tiger and army stab.

They are all deadly and dangerous weapons, well used, and can abolish the enemy's mobility with just one click.

Such as hitting the opponent's heart, temples or throat.

"Sister Xiao Xiao, we're on it," said Zhang Xu, who was standing in the middle, after the three looked at each other.

Don't look at them being foolish, they like to make fun of them.

But that is because they have enough strength to be convincing.

Although convinced by force, this is where the soldiers are trained.

Strength is one of the most important criteria.

"Come on!" Li Xiaoxiao said contemptuously.

Zhang Xu looked to the left and right, and the moment he nodded his head, the power erupted from his calf, and his body lurked forward like a cheetah.

The other two also moved at the same time, attacking Li Xiaoxiao from both sides in a roundabout way.

For a moment, the front, left and right are all enemies.

The three weapons hit the throat, the back of the heart and the temples.

There is no mercy in the shots, and there are no rules for any actual battle here.

Kindness is never allowed, there are only two ways to end the duel.

One, fall down one, stand one.

Second, someone surrendered.

If it is the second option, the person who surrenders will suffer humiliation in the following training.

The instructor will humiliate him, and the students will crowd out and look down on him, play tricks or even conflict with him.

Unless in the next duel, he can personally win back his own pride and dignity.

Now, the dignity of Zhang Xu's trio is being challenged.

1VS3, this is a kind of provocation.

It means that the other party looks down on them at all, otherwise how can you feel that you can deal with three of them at once.

Although angry, the three Zhang Xu did not lose their minds.

Since the other party dared to do this, he must rely on it.

Look at the corners of the instructor's mouth, the change in the opponent's body shape, that genetic modification will inevitably bring about extraordinary changes.

Therefore, the three reached a tacit understanding in an instant.

Do your best and never show mercy!

The angry attack was fierce and swift, and under Zhang Xu's surprised look, the dagger slashed his throat.


At that moment, Zhang Xu must have heard the sound of metal interlacing rubbing.

Ding ding.

The finger tiger and the army thorn also hit the fatal part, but Li Xiaoxiao's skin was not scratched.

Seeing the three people retreating vigilantly, Li Xiaoxiao looked down, and swept the spot where he was hit just now. Did you three ladies not eat? "The cold laughter came into everyone's ears.

However, the usual roar of laughter did not sound, and the students were accepting what they saw before them.

Is it invulnerable?

They were pretty sure that the previous attack had not been avoided.

Therefore, she really resisted all attacks, but she was intact.

Look at her neck, there are no scratches on it!

Damn, this is the purpose of training, will they all become such monsters in the end?

Excited, panicked, confused and excited, the impact brought by the picture in front of him is too strong.

They need more time to digest the deep meaning and the future represented.

"Ah." Angrily roared, Zhang Xu rushed to Li Xiaoxiao again.

The other two were also awakened by his shouts, their faces firm in hesitation, and they cooperated with Zhang Xu to attack.

When he rushed to Li Xiaoxiao again, Li Xiaoxiao, who had not made any resistance before, moved.

With a whip kick, Zhang Xu only saw a dark shadow in a trance.

The huge force hit him with Feng Jin, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

At a faster speed than before, he slammed straight into the crowd around the besieged city.

People turned on their backs, Zhang Xu rolled over and stopped knowing how many people knocked down.

The other two ended up in the same way, except that the crowd on the left and right was knocked over.



"I lost, flash... slow."

"Take your foot away and step on my baby."

"Throw, whose socks, vomit..."

After the noise, Zhang Xu tremblingly stood up from the crowd.

Two arms hang weakly on the sides, swollen like long and crooked radishes.

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