Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1037: baptism

   Why was there no support? Why was there no one to notify the team when Mark evacuated, and only sent someone to look for it after 20 hours of losing contact.

   Looking for a corpse?

   I found it and did a great job!

   "Qin, it was my fault. I only paid attention to Mark's mission and forgot the team he led."

   Fink appeared in the projection, confessing his mistake blankly.

   But his plan to take all the responsibilities onto himself, I'm afraid he will fail.

  "Responsible for the on-site command of this operation, Captain Mark was downgraded to one level and paid out his salary for the whole year as compensation.

   The rear commander was downgraded to three levels, and the liaison officer and related personnel were deducted half a year's salary and down to two levels. "

   At this moment, the commander who was staying in the meeting room with Fink, did not appear in the projection.

   When he heard that the punishment for himself was to be downgraded to three levels, he almost collapsed and fainted.

   three levels, which means that he has fallen from management to the level of ordinary staff.

   Salary, treatment and permissions are greatly affected!

   But he can only stand in place with his trembling body, expecting Fink to say something.

   "I see." Fink's answer made him despair.

   This mistake, he should have assumed the greatest responsibility.

  As the commander-in-chief of the mission, every detail must be considered.

   When Mark takes away [Assaulter] based on the situation, he should provide support for the RRT.

   But he did not, because according to the feedback, Fairban is not dangerous.

   Mark returned without notifying the RRT team.

   Lost the signal and did not send a plane to check and restore contact.

   Until 20 hours later, I still remembered this elite team under the reminder of the liaison officer.

   A commander like this has been destroyed by a bullet when placed on the real battlefield.

  MD, does he think he is having a party?

   "Fink, RRT is the company's fist facing the outside world. Most of the time, it is used to solve problems with strength.

   Don't treat it as dispensable, I am very optimistic about the development of RRT, and I hope you do the same. "

  Fink knew that this was telling himself that he valued RRT and it was also a beating.

  If he had just been rescued, Fink would yell "Watfak."

   Now, "I understand, Qin, please rest assured that this kind of thing will never happen again."

   Qin Yu nodded, and then issued a new order: "I want to see people when I live, and I want to see the dead when I die. If you turn Fairban upside down, you will have to find the others."

  Also, no matter what kills them, anyone who dares to hurt RRT has to pay.

   Fink agrees very much!

   According to Qin Yu, RRT will be the front of the BlackRock Southern Consortium and Miracle Company in the future.

   Now, the facade is rattling.

  If they don't react a little, the outside world thinks that BlackRock is weak in swallowing the Southern Consortium.

   As for those players, Fink will try his best to find them anyway.

   Even if it's just a mutilated body.

   protect short, but the characteristic style of Miracle Company.

   "The follow-up progress of this matter will be handed over to Watson. Now let's talk about the source."

   After dealing with the punishment and mistakes, Qin Yu wants to know the progress of Shi Cui and others.

   The screen turns to the first angle of view.

   This is an electronic record of a certain station [Assaulter]. What they see is a scene that has already happened.

   straight along the mountain road, and soon came to a mountain.

  Mark pointed to the front, indicating that this was the place where the moose was fighting.

   Then, [Assaulter] spread out to find the target.

   Soon, they were attacked by an aberrant body.

  There are wildlife, humans, reptiles, and even marine life.

   The impact here is far beyond everyone's expectation. Two big tongs with sarcoma are waving like a hammer.

   The king crab the size of a calf is an eye-opener for everyone.

   During the battle, two [Assaulters] were destroyed, including the sight they were watching.

   The screen jumped instantly, and Qin Yu saw a deformed body inserting his hand into the back of [Assaulter], penetrating its power compartment.

   These aberrations are stronger than those I have seen before.

   is not one point, but a lot!

   Those aberrations that transform under the energy storm, and the aberrations that are being observed in front of you.

   The difference in strength is like a child and an elite warrior trained by the devil.

   "Has this deformed body been caught?" Qin Yu asked.

   "Caught it, on the way back to the base." Watson said.

  The titanium rhodium alloy, which can resist any known weapon attack in theory, was penetrated by one hand.

   This made Qin Yu full of curiosity about how it did it.

   Regular attacks cannot be done by strength alone.

   Therefore, this aberration must have its special place.

   Plus the moose that scratched the surface of the titanium rhodium alloy, the power they used.

  What is the difference between the radiant energy of the ordinary distortion body?

   Qin Yu had a huge question in his heart, maybe finding the answer can help them better understand the subspace.

   "Fast forward to the source of discovery." Qin Yu nodded and said.

   The screen flickered rapidly until [Assaulter] climbed the mountain.

   The mountain that blocked the view fell below the foot, and a disgusting and terrible scene appeared in the picture.

  In the huge valley, the land is scorched and twisted.

   I don't know if it is soil or flesh and blood thick glands.

   is like the legendary earth dragon turning over and messing up the earth.

   When Shi Cui and others appeared, Ben's still calm ground pulse moved frantically.

   squirming quickly, spinning the shuttle up and down on the ground, like a mysterious machine running at full speed.


   The screen flickered, [Assaulter] was affected by soaring radiation pollution.

   At the same time, Mark’s repressed panting came in the picture: "Leave here, it is trying to influence our thinking."

   Ishichoi's voice appeared, "Stay back."

   The screen flies, and when it slows down again, they have already retreated to their previous positions.

   "To build a temporary camp, I need time to do research." Shi Cui said, spreading his palms.

   In his palm, a black flake is breathing.

   That was the sample deducted from the ground vein before he left.

   The picture ends here, and Zhu Ying stepped forward and concluded: "Now, Dr. Shi Cui is still in the temporary camp, studying the nature and changes of the ground veins, and the rest are escorting the subject back on their way."

   Valuable living aberrations, and those more common corpses, are all on the shipping list.

   "...After returning, the subspace program will start as usual, and we need more information."

   Passive beating is not Yu Ge's style. They need to take the initiative to win this war.

   That's right, in his opinion this is the harbinger of a war.

   Disorderly, chaotic radiation.

   will only create destruction and killing, their meaning.

   may be to purify the universe, who knows!

   As a member who is unwilling to be purified, Brother Yu has no choice but to stand on the opposite side of the subspace.

   Either win this war and find a way and strength to defeat radiation.

   Either, be assimilated by radiation and become one of them.

   became a chaotic and crazy beast, Yu brother didn't want to do that.

   Before noon, He Wu and others returned to Miracle Town.

   Before I had time to rest, I received a notice of departure.

   Replaced the inner armor of the Qi body, a few people boarded the ship and went to the moon base with Qin Yu.

   There they will complete the fission-class power armor dress, and then board the Medusa.

  , together with the Star Moon and the Weeping Band, sail into the subspace to start a new journey!

   When they arrived at the moon base, two neatly aligned rows of [Assaulters] were boarding the ship.

   It’s a pleasure to watch them walking in line, just like watching a military parade.

   just lacked some cheers and music, and looked very quiet.

   "I can only deliver it here." Next to the Medusa, which was so huge that the end was invisible.

   Qin Yu pressed He Wu's shoulder and said, "Be careful, you must come back safely, and don't forget that someone is waiting for you at home."

   "I will." He Wu nodded confidently.

   During the conversation, McKison took Andrew and Anderson and walked from a distance: "My lord, good day."

   Andrew and Anderson touched their hearts with their right hands, bowed and said respectfully, "My lord!"


   The scene was a bit embarrassing. Brother Yu was still telling He Wu just now, "You must believe in science and know how to use the power of science and technology."

   "Boss, I'll board the ship first." He Wu smiled and turned and walked towards the entrance.

   McKison stared at his back indifferently, his eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

   Damn mortals, they have no respect for our lord!

   "Ahem." Interrupting McKison's conjecture, Qin Yu said: "Do you know what you are going to do?"

   "Preach the doctrine and let all lives be surrendered to miracles." Andrew and Anderson said in unison.

   After speaking, they didn't hear any response or compliment. The two raised their heads cautiously and saw Qin Yu's heart trembled.

  Oh, I missed it.

   This is McKeeson’s indoctrination to them, so I shouldn’t mention it here.

   "Develop the company and believe in science." Anderson corrected it first.

   Andrew nodded in cooperation with a sincere expression on his face.

   Brother Yu only feels tired about this, it's too difficult for me.

   "Your most important responsibility is to lead the fleet so that they can return safely and avoid a fatal crisis."

   "If you encounter a big trouble that cannot be solved, open the star gate and return to the earth, understand?"

   "Understood, my... boss." Andrew replied with nodding his head in the first place.

   Archbishop MacKison said that whoever can get the praise of our lord can avoid the baptism of thunder and lightning. UU reading

  According to McKison, thunder and lightning are the purest and holy power in the world.

   It can cleanse the filth in the mind and body, and make the faith firm and pious.

   This is not just McKison’s rhetoric, he really thinks so.

  Because every time after baptism for two people.

   He would walk into the lightning and thunder that he released with a face full of reverence, and accept the sublimation and baptism of himself.

   At the same time, it is a kind of self-punishment!

   Because McKison believes that there is still evil deep in his heart, and he is not religious enough.

   only occasionally ran away, forgetting what happened to my master.

   Therefore, when he baptized himself, the intensity of his power was even stronger.

  Thunder and lightning at that level, Andrew and Anderson suspected that they could not even maintain their human form.

The moment    entered, it would turn into two groups of twisted and convulsed nose mud.

   But every time, Andrew and Anderson can see the enjoyment of his mouth rising.

   This abnormality really makes them scared.

   At the same time, the fear of Shi Cui reached its extreme.

   You must know that this old man became what he is now after receiving his reformation and training.

   As for the prolonged thunder and lightning baptism, the two of them are really going to be electric stupid.

   As long as they can avoid being soaked in lightning and thunder again, let them recognize Qin Yu as a father.

  My father, peace!

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