is handing over all electronic products, mobile phones and tablets. Cameras, e-books, including smart watches.

   They finally got ‘permission to enter!’ ’

   Any device that can store audio and video or can connect to the outside world.

   Even if there is only a trace, the possibility is extremely small...

   are not allowed to stay.

  , including jewelry worn and various personal items, were also inspected.

   As seen on TV, meeting the president...

   No, it is more serious than meeting the president!

   Fortunately, all of this will pass soon, after a real visit to this superyacht that is beyond imagination.

   Savannah, Frida, Imogen, the only thing they want to say right now is ‘’

"what is this?"

   "Sun room, where you can see the most beautiful scenery on board."

"This is?"

   "Surfing pool, you can dive directly into the sea after opening the bottom."

"these are?"

   "Double submarine."


   Innumerable questions, Xu Meixin answered patiently one by one, without any impatience.

   Until Qin Yu appeared in front of them, he seemed to be busy with something before, but he did not appear until now!

   But this is not what they should care about, now is happy time.

   So, there is only one thing they need to do.

   "Let's start the carnival!" Savannah raised her arms and shook off her clothes.

   rushed to the stern deck, all the toys and diving boards were ready.

   Start with the diving board, "Who wants a round first?"

   Savannah stood on the diving deck and said with a big smile: "Of course I will come first, I am coming..."

   Raise both arms high, jump with both feet to move the body.

   Savannah ran forward laughing happily, and leaped hard at the end of the diving board.


  Savana fell into the water like a mermaid.

   The splash is very small, to be honest.

   If it were not for careful observation, Qin Yu would think that there was no splash.

   "She should go to the national diving team." Qin Yu praised.

   "She has learned diving for a while." Frida looked at Qin Yu and found him surprised.

   "Don't you know?" Frida became surprised.

   "Yes, I don't know." Qin Yu nodded in response: "Actually, this is the first time we are alone together."

   "Well, I thought..."

  Imokin stumbled and said, "I thought you know."

   "You think we have a deeper communication... the deepest kind."

   Qin Yu smiled, this time his movements were indeed slow.

  If it were before, he would definitely see Savannah on the first side and send her to bed.

   But this time, there are too many things.

   Moreover, he seems to have begun to look forward to romance, and he is no longer a simple and direct shot.

  The spiritual and spiritual enjoyment began to be more interesting than pure physical pleasure.


   "The deepest... isn't the soul mate?" Frida asked rhetorically.

   Qin Yu turned his head and looked at her, letting Frida realize that she had done something wrong.

   "Did I say something wrong?" Frida said suspiciously.

   "No, you are right." Qin Yu suddenly felt that this journey would be very pleasant.

  Because of the new opponent he found, he placed his spirit and emotion above his body.

   Very good, this is exactly what he wants to experience.

   Starting from the soul, it develops into the pleasant communication of the body.

   reverse the order!

   There is love first, then sex, instead of **** first, then love.

   This is a good attempt, very good!

   "You don't want to go diving?" Qin Yu looked at the two of them, they were too nervous.

   It seems that they all have their own demands at this party.


   Brother Yu does not exclude, everyone should act purposefully.

   instead of blindly following the flow, that’s great.

   It’s just that they should relax now and have fun.

   When the time is right, for example, when it has reached a certain level of progress, then put forward your own needs.

   Maybe, Brother Yu will easily agree, who knows!

   "I have to change my swimsuit first."

   Imogen got up and carried his bag, planning to change into the **** bikini prepared specially for the cabin.

   lines will perfectly set off her figure and rear axle.

   In the next second, Frida used a bold move to dispel her thoughts.

   Remove the cover on the body, cumbersome!

   exposing her perfect figure to the primitive nature, she just laughed and ran to the diving board.

   Boom Lechette~

   She left herself with no choice, Imogen began to fall into thinking.

   "Whose body is better compared to her?" Although she is not sure, at least she is whiter than her.

   Imogen also removed the obstacles and ran to the springboard happily.

   took off his shirt, the perfect abdominal muscles cut like a knife were exposed to the air, making the women's breathing hot.

   "Be careful, depth charges are coming."

   Run-up and take off, the body rotates 360 degrees.

   hugged his head with his right hand, akimbo with his left hand, and fell into the water with his legs crossed.

   is like a huge boulder being thrown into the calm water. The waves hit the girls' faces, causing screams.

   At about noon, a few people who were tired of playing in the water re-boarded the deck.

   "Girls, go and change clothes. We have guests coming at noon."

   Qin Yu shook off the drops of water on his head, clapped his hands and asked the girls to go to the cabin to change into suitable clothes.

   At least, cover the place that should be covered.

   "Boss." Xu Meixin sent a bath towel.

   Qin Yu wiped his head and said, "Is President Wang coming soon?"

   "There are five minutes left."

   Through the terminal, Xu Meixin can grasp the detailed distance and estimated time of arrival of the flying car.

   Five minutes later, Qin Yu, who was wearing swimming trunks and a silk nightgown, saw Wang Wei getting on and off the speeding car.

   "Dong Qin, haha, you will enjoy it!" Wang Wei stepped forward and said, holding his hand.

   "Whether work and rest are combined, is the road going well for Mr. Wang?"

   Qin Yu shook his hand and shook it, letting go and invited him in.

   "It's so smooth, you flying car, I suddenly feel that I am old and can't keep up with the development of science and technology."

   Ask the other person to sit down in the entertainment bar, Qin Yu smiled and said: "Ms. Wang is humble, you are a model of national entrepreneurs."

   "Where and where, it's okay in front of others, but in front of you, I don't dare to be it." Wang Wei waved his hand again and again and said modestly.

   "Mr. Wang, what would you like to drink?" Xu Meixin interjected, taking advantage of the free time between business exchanges.

   "Is there any tea? Green tea, now this diet is too greasy, the stomach is both enjoyable and suffer!"

  Wang Wei rubbed his stomach and smiled bitterly: "Twenty or thirty years ago, it must be scolded."

   At that time, I was able to eat oil and water all at once, but I was envious of the big guys.

   If you shouted "suffer" at that time, you would not be scolded or beaten lightly.

   "Yes, I will prepare." Xu Meixin smiled and walked away.

  Blowing the sea breeze, watching the sound of waves hitting the deck, Wang Wei relaxed and relaxed.

   "The sea air is better!" Wang Wei said.

   "For you Mr. Wang, buying a boat to go out to sea is not easy." Qin Yu smiled.

   Wang Wei shook his head and smiled bitterly again: "Don't mention it, all year round, there is no time to go home for dinner.

   I actually imagine Qin Dong you are studying, but there is no one under your hand! "

   The shortage of labor is a major problem for companies other than the head company.

   Especially young people I don’t have a lot of skills, and I have a bad temper.

   I will carry the load at every turn, I will quit!

   There is a baby egg at home, men and women of all ages, and children around, without any burden or pressure on them.

   Changing jobs is more frequent than changing clothes, and I don’t want to think about the future...

   Nowadays, large companies, including middle-level recruiters like Flash Flash, require detailed work experience and letters of recommendation.

   Frequent job-hopping, no matter how good the resume is, I still don’t want it.

   Raising an individual is like raising an ancestor, who is all right to find this kind of anger?

   "Young people do things, if they can see so long-term, he is not a young man anymore."

   Qin Yu put the prepared Kung Fu tea in front of him with tweezers.

   After receiving the tea from Qin Yu, Wang Weilian said, "Thank you."

   "I would rather have to be able to endure hardships and work by myself."

   "It doesn't matter what academic qualifications or resumes are."

   "As long as you are willing to do it, the company will train you to be much stronger than those outside."

   Qin Yu nodded with a smile, without comment.

   A generation always has the characteristics of a generation, and good or bad is not absolute.

   From the perspective of the boss, it is understandable to say so.

   You can think about it from another angle. It is these people who make the salary increase.

   also used his own personal experience to warn latecomers how much to pay for the so-called freedom!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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