Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1057: confrontation

   "I refuse!" Qin Yu denied Shi Cui's request, and he couldn't run to Fort Decker.

   The other party is doing an aberration experiment, and they know something about radiation.

No one knows what is going on inside   .

   Therefore, Qin Yu will not let Shi Cui take risks.

   But it does not mean that he will remain indifferent, "I will send the assaulter."

   "Then you'd better send a few more. I suspect that the arm distortion is also related to it."

   Shi Cui pushed the frame and walked into the laboratory again.

   Now, he wants to continue watching this ‘brain. ’

   Any slight change, Shi Cui didn't want to miss it.

   "Kirin, you heard it, let the raiders on the base move."

   Qin Yu turned to leave the hive and gave instructions to Qilin.

   The sky of the bald eagle was once again pierced by the ‘burning meteor’.

   When the fireball hits the earth, the earth dragon churns!

   A brand new confrontation kicked off.

   Fort Decker, representing the top secret laboratory for biochemical research in the White House, was invaded by force.

   50...50 [Assaulters] brutally broke into the base, trying to enter the underground building.

   However, they were met with stubborn resistance, very stubborn resistance.

   even once pushed [Assaulter] to block the entrance of the underground building.

   Distortion body, a large number of distortion bodies gush out from the underground building.

   Mysterious and unknown underground structures, like monster XX, continuously produce new distortions.

   Make them strong enough to resist the enemy's invasion and keep them out of the entrance.

  The deformed body of the knife arm appears again...

  In an instant, 5 [Assaulters] were abolished by Sword Arm Distortion, and this was just the beginning.

  Because there is not only one blade arm distortion body.

   Then fluid distortions like abstract distortions appear, fluids flowing on them.

   The pollution intensity is stronger than other radiation, dozens of times stronger!

   Therefore, even with armor incorporated with ‘silver ink’, it cannot completely block this degree of pollution radiation.

   When Qin Yu learned that his 50 [Assault Units] had been wiped out.

   To be honest, he was stunned for 10 minutes.

   The unfavorable [Assaulter], the whole army is wiped out? ? ?

   sounds like a joke, but now he has become the biggest joke.

   Yes, the whole army is wiped out!

  Without exception, Deckerburg has more secrets than he expected.

   And their hidden power is the same.

   At the same time, after solving the intruder, he kept a low profile to the white house, which was about to disappear, and showed his minions to the outside world.

   The opponent launched an attack on the East Coast for the first time, and hundreds of distortions swept everything.

   There is no grass wherever he goes, and the scene is like a massacre.


   White House, genocide one's own country.

   Just a day ago, if someone said that, they would be ridiculed ruthlessly.

   But now...

   It's happening, it's happening in this world so real.

   BlackRock Southern Consortium responded to this immediately.

   "What should I do?" Ilibera asked Qin Yu for instructions.

   Although in terms of shares, she doesn't need to do this.

   But the current BlackRock Southern Consortium has the confidence to support it from Miracle Company.

   Therefore, Ilibera thinks it is necessary for her to ask for instructions!

   Moreover, the news she received before made her panic.

  50 [Assaulters] All killed, even Lechette...

   "Do nothing, continue with the previous plan." Qin Yu's response was simple.

   "Are you sure, what should we do if the other party turns around and attacks us?"

   Illibela’s tone was full of panic, and the failure of [Assaulter] shattered her confidence.

   "I will send new guards to replace the assaulters. They are already on the way."

   4 hours later, when Ilibera saw the Titan walking out of the cabin.

   The anxiety and panic in my heart disappeared.

   Eleven Titans, Qin Yu sent all the fanatics assigned by the company.

   They are the best among the second graduates.

   Now, he is the driver of the Titan Mech, responsible for guarding the safety of the West Coast.

   In any case, the huge body full of weapons brings psychological comfort to the West Coast.

  With them, even those aberrations are nothing to fear.



   "Are you sure he is right?" Lying on the sofa, Qin Yu stroked the ends of the lazy cat's hair.

   Her expression seemed to be about to fall asleep.

   There is peace and goodness in happiness, and one can't help but want to be close to love.

   On the phone, Xu Meixin is reporting the latest information to him.

   The Morgan Lost Consortium lost half of its territory to block the offensive of the Dekberg Distortion Body.

   The fact that the aberrations are manipulated by humans has also been confirmed.

   In the center of the distortion body, there is a mutant who controls the entire team.

   And he, it was Cheng Yaojin who Qin Yu ordered Daisy to find and bring back.

  He really comes from Fort Decker.

   "Boss, what should I do next?" Xu Meixin asked.

   There are still people waiting for her to give orders, and Xu Meixin has also had a hard time getting through these few days.

   The company’s ‘strongest combat power’ has been hit hard, and the West Coast will be invaded every moment.

   Titan’s actual combat performance is still unknown, and public opinion...

   The destruction caused by abstract distortion cannot be hidden from everyone.

   The fact that it emerged from the miracle town has gradually been exposed.

   The outside world has doubts about Miracle Town, and some people begin to believe the previous rumors.

   believes that abstract distortions are experimental subjects in Miracle Town.

  During the experiment, they accidentally released abstract distortions.

   caused it to cause terrible damage.

  Those contaminated buildings and land will not be able to return to normal again.

   Hundreds of families were forced to leave their homes and move into low-rent housing provided by Yamen.

  Inconvenience and economic loss in life, as well as the fear caused by mental trauma.

   made them believe the rumors on the Internet and strengthened their ideas.

   All of this is the fault of the Miracle Company. It is their evil experiment that caused the current consequences.

   The current situation is not good for miracles!

  Everything happened too fast, and suddenly there was an earth-shaking change.

   Everything that was once firmly believed has been overturned.

   This time, the change is so real.

  Because it happened around me, unlike before, it looked like another world across the screen.

  "Let President Hua hold a press conference and announce some video records...Let Li Si visit our training camp.

  Also, go to the West Coast..."

   "Titan?" Xu Meixin asked.

   "Yes, let her film an interview with Titan Heavy Industries and the war on the East Coast."

   When the abstract distortion appeared, Qin Yu guessed that the development of the situation might be very unfavorable.

   However, the memory of netizens is only three seconds.

   As long as there are new hot news, their attention will soon shift to new hot spots.

   There is no skin pain, it is difficult to empathize.

   Those opening mouths are the hypocrisy of ‘I understand’, just listen.

   Although the operation was hit hard, the miracle was not without gain.

   [Assaulter] broke into the building underneath, and the captured images are of great research value.

   The aberrant flesh and blood that are sealed in a human high-incubation tank are connected to the beating brains of countless tubes.

   There is also a brief introduction to the logo, and the network department is cooperating with the data analysis department to carry out a detailed interpretation.

   Reading frame by frame, I want to find more clues.

   The information was gathered together and handed over to the research institute for analysis, and the results were reported to Qin Yu.

   In terms of time, Decker was conducting biochemical research long before the radiation storm appeared.

   The emergence of radiant energy has greatly promoted and accelerated the progress of the project.

  The accumulated experience and knowledge are transformed into results under the stimulation of radiation.

   Regardless of right and wrong, they are indeed ahead of everyone.

   The White House will give up control of the country and allow the consortium to divide it independently.

   is also because the experiment progressed to a critical moment.

   As long as this new power is mastered, it will not be difficult to reorganize a stronger United States.

   By the way, we can clean up the overpopulated Nico, by doing several things in one fell swoop!

   This is the truth that the White House will stand by.

   Do not break or stand, White House wants to be the oriole behind the praying mantis.

   However, their plan was interrupted by the attack of [Assaulter].

   After exposing his strength, Baijiazuo decided to take the opportunity to fight and regain the lost ground.

   Unfortunately, their power is not strong enough.

   The ability of the consortium and the evolution speed of the mutants were even underestimated, and the war had to be stopped halfway through.

   If you continue to fight with the Morgan Lowe Saint Consortium, it will only hurt both sides, and the BlackRock Southern Consortium will be cheaper.

   There are also those forces and cults that fish in troubled waters, they are the biggest cancers.

   The chaos in the northern, central, and central-south states has historical problems, which are also deliberately carried out by the three major forces.

   There is no entrenched consortium in these places, and localism is too heavy.

   The people's style is sturdy and xenophobic, coupled with constant conflicts and deliberate manipulation by those who change.

   has become a buffer zone and a cradle of evil among the big has also attracted the attention of countless careerists.

   Refugees, religious groups, bulls, ghosts, and snakes are all concentrated in these places, squeezing and growing each other, seeking vitality.

  During the war between the White House and the East Coast, the chaotic forces were not idle.

   ran around, looking for opportunities like locusts, trying to tear a piece of meat from the White House and the Morgan Lowe Saint Consortium.

   This is also one of the reasons for the truce between the two sides. These **** fleas are really annoying.

   They need to solve these problems before they can decide the winner.

   A few hours after the armistice, the White House and the Morgan Los Angeles Consortium reached a tacit understanding.

   Different plans were formulated and began to penetrate the central and southern central regions.

   Direct use of force is the last resort, if the problem can be solved without bloodshed.

   can not only avoid excessive consumption, but also enhance one's own strength, why not do it?

   And what they did, the BlackRock Southern Consortium had already started operations a year ago.

   At that time, they were still in chaos, and the White House and the Morgan Los Angeles Consortium were both solving the troubles in the territory.

   The West Coast has always been at peace, allowing it to free up its hands to solve external problems!

   Central, central and southern regions, there are forces secretly supported by the BlackRock Southern Consortium.

   Some illegitimate experiments also occurred in these chaotic areas.

   All the sins are covered by darkness and chaos!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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