"The polluted area is spreading?" Bai Ze, who got the news, couldn't sit still.

   said that he arrived at the scene soon.

   "You can't change anything when you come here. You should sit down in the headquarters honestly and take care of the overall situation!"

   Qin Yu discouraged: "Also, take care of the people below you."

   "What happened?" Bai Ze asked curiously.

   "Ask my brother, I am very busy now." Qin Yu hung up the call, he now needs to deal with the mess in front of him.

   The RRT emergency team is assisting the staff of Miracle Company to build the wall.

   The four engineering teams started at the same time, digging the ground and digging a gap.

  Enough isolation wall from soil pollution, deep enough, and strong enough.

   Seven meters underground, eight meters above the ground, a total of fifteen meters high, a separation wall painted with titanium and rhodium alloy.

  Silver ink to prevent the spread of radiation is naturally indispensable.

   As for how much it can play, it can only be determined after the construction is completed.

   In short, they are rushing to finish the work day and night.

   At the same time, the [Assaulters] who entered the contaminated area have been withdrawn, and they have to return to the town for a second repair.

  The concentration of radiation is too strong, and the armor of [Assaulter] can only last for 6 hours.

  If the time limit is exceeded, the ‘Advanced Energy Crystal’ as a power source may be contaminated.

   So, they have to go back to rest every six hours.

   Replace the outer armor and clean up the radiation pollution!

   has a certain effect on low-level radiation and high-temperature gas.

   Except for the rest time, there are 12 hours left, and they clean up the distortion inside and search for clues.

   So far, the only thing that can be verified is one point.

   There is no survivor, this only clue is accurate.

   This is not enough. The Lingang Committee has considered the plan to use in the most serious case.

   Lingang split plan!

   To put it simply, it is to draw an L lying on its side along the coastline to blow up the land that contains the contaminated area.

   Remove it from the plot like a shell.

   Throw it into the sea, or blow it up directly, anyway, separate it from the land.

   The fact that the contaminated area spreads is not the worst. The worst is that this spread may not stop.

   It will always expand outward, one inch, one meter, one mile...

  After finalizing all the plans, he asked Yuri to stay.

   Staying here is just waiting for news. Brother Yu will not waste time on unnecessary waiting.

   Also, JK needs his help.

   cool Z

H2 was shuttled in the traffic, and the lights outside Lingang seemed to be unaffected.

   Even if this city is sick, it is still full of vitality.

   But people's hurried footsteps and worried look on their faces indicate that something has indeed changed.

   Following the guidance of the navigation, Qin Yu successfully found Jia Jingsi.

   It’s just that the existing situation looks a bit out of control.

   A group of young men and women surrounded Jia Jingsi, arguing with her.

   And she was holding onto a girl with a reluctant face, just wanting to leave as soon as possible.

   There is a row of road races parked beside them, which is the kind of entry-level little toy.

   "She said she didn't want to leave."

   "I am her sister."

   "Are you not her mother?"

  The young man confronting Jia Jingsi said impatiently: "She is 16 years old and can make her own decision."

   "Yes, you are not my mother, let me go." The girl who was caught by Jia Jingsi threw her away.

   Jia Jingsi grabbed her wrist again and scolded: "Your mother asked me to look at you. You should be honest with me."

   It seemed that it was another family conflict. Brother Yu took off his helmet a little helplessly, and was going to take a look.

   On the sidewalk, there was a roar of motorcycles.

   The boy with Moxigan's head shape and the trendy dress twisted the accelerator forcefully, swinging to drive the crowd in front of him.

   made a strange cry of "Woo" in his mouth, just so intimidating passers-by to run rampant on the sidewalk towards Jia Jingsi and his group.

   Hearing the panic screams of passers-by, a group of people turned their heads to see the original author, shouting, applauding and cheering.

   "Wow, handsome."

"too handsome."

   "Haha, cool, ooh!"

   The little girl caught by Jia Jingsi looked at Mo Xigan with excitement and admiration, and shouted: "I love you to death."

   At the same time struggling hard to get rid of the nosy cousin, "Let go of me, you are so annoying."

   "Don't think about it." Jia Jingsi said angrily and worried.

   Faced with so many people alone, she would be afraid.

   But thinking of my sister-in-law's entrustment, I cried helplessly on the phone.

   There are cousins ​​who hang out with these people all day long, Jia Jingsi told herself "Calm down, calm down, just wait for the uncle to come."

   Parked the car in front of his friends, Mohigan lowered his feet, folded his hands on the front of the car.

   smiled as he thought it was cool: "Sister, where do you want to take my girlfriend?"

   Wow, it turned out to be the woman of the eldest brother.

   It seems that the eyes of the little JK cousin are not bad.

   At least mixing with a big sister-in-law Dangdang is better than following a small bastard.

   Just look at their virtues and equipment.

   In general: Sack!

   "Let's let, let's let trouble." Smiling politely, Qin Yu burst into the crowd abruptly.

   "Who are you?" The boy raised his head horizontally.

   Qin Yu gently pushed outwards with the back of his hand, and directly broke into the encirclement circle: "Okay, enough trouble, it's time to break up!"

   "Uncle." Jia Jingsi, who saw Qin Yu, was already excited and wanted to jump up.

   But this will face a group of little kids, or in front of cousins.

   Jia Jingsi insisted on her majesty, "You can't let the kids look down upon yourself, come on!"

   "Oh, there is another uncle here, what do you do for the elderly?"

   Mo Xigan looked at him arrogantly, showing off his masculine charm.

   immature, ridiculous and a little cute...

   Okay, only ridiculous!

   "Uncle, do I need to help you move a chair?"

   "Uncle, do you want me to help you?"

   "Uncle, haha..."

   Jia Jingsi looked at Qin Yu worriedly, this worry even made her forget her cousin and let go of her hand.

   "Uncle." Jia Jingsi held his hand.

   In the face of ridicule and provocation, Qin Yu smiled calmly: "It's okay, wait for me."

   Letting go of Jia Jingsi, Qin Yu stood in front of Mo Xigan with a smile on his face.

   "What's the matter? Uncle?" Moxigan asked defiantly with a laugh.

   Then, he burst into laughter with his companions.

   Qin Yu didn't say anything, just stood in front of the car and looked at him.

   just watching, watching...

   The look in his eyes is getting colder and colder, with an inexplicable aura, as if a lot of mountains are falling.

   Mohigan was still laughing, he wanted to continue laughing at each other.

   But why his laughter is getting dry, full of guilty conscience and hesitation.

   The other person’s eyes look like a needle piercing the heart.

   And all his secrets are exposed in front of the opponent.

   What are the unbearable things, and what he would never mention...

   When Moxigan was choked by saliva, he coughed violently.

   Other people stopped laughing unconsciously, becoming embarrassed and uneasy.

   Qin Yu put his hand on his shoulder, patted and said, "That's right, you have to be polite to your elders."

   "In the future, stay away from her and her." Let go of his shoulders, and his palms fell naturally on the handlebars.

   Before Mo Xigan, who wanted to find his face, spoke, the handlebar made a weird noise.

   Under everyone's questioning gaze, Brother Yu released his palm.

   Plastic shards jingle bells and fell on the ground, and the steel twisted into pancakes was exposed to sight.

   Hesitation and doubts become fear!

   Everyone backs away unconsciously and wants to keep themselves as far away as possible.

   Except Jia Jingsi!

   At this moment, her face was full of pride and confidence, and she happily held Qin Yu's hand: "Uncle, let's go."

   looked back at the scared cousin, Jia Jingsi's face sank: "Will you not leave?"

   Seeing her face, Wang Shanshan instinctively wanted to refute.

   Then, another gaze was cast to let her dismiss all thoughts and follow her obediently with her head down.

   "Have you finished eating?" Taking the two of them away, Brother Yu suddenly found that he was hungry.

   Thinking again, he seems to have not eaten for a day.

   I have been busy with the separation wall and various plans this day, and I don't remember that people need to eat.


   Jia Jingsi looked at the night market stall in front and said happily: "Uncle, I want to eat fried noodles, that."

   "Good." Qin Yu agreed.

   Jia Jingsi ran to fry the noodles, Qin Yu and Wang Shanshan stood there, thinking about what they wanted to eat.

   He should only be thinking about it, because Wang Shanshan has been looking down at the ground.

   "Did you lose something?" Qin Yu took the initiative to speak when she saw her desperate look.


  Wang Shanshan raised his head, glanced at him and lowered hurriedly: "No, I...I'm not hungry."

   She was just terrified!

   Someone crushed the motorcycle handle in front of her, even the steel pipe inside was crushed.

   Is this something normal people can do?

   And he is still his nosy cousin...

Uncle   !

   They must have a leg, so he will definitely listen to his cousin.

In this case……

   "He won't beat me?" The conjecture in his mind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made Wang Shanshan more and more afraid.

   Qin Yu understood this fear, and said amusedly: "You don't have to be afraid of me, I don't eat people."

   "Ah...oh, okay." Wang Shanshan responded nervously.

   "What do you want to eat?" Qin Yu asked.

   "emmm, whatever... the noodles, the fried noodles are ready." Wang Shanshan, who was at a loss, happened to see the fried noodles carried by his cousin.

   So, use whatever you see, right!

   Fortunately, she is in the snack street.

   "Then go buy it, do you have money?" Qin Yu said and went to dig his pocket.

   "No, I just have to eat this." Wang Shanshan directly snatched the meal from his cousin.

   "Hey, that's mine." Jia Jingsi said.

   "It's mine now." Wang Shanshan said proudly, and found Qin Yu staring at him.

   I jumped in my heart, and cautiously said: "Yes...Yes, okay?"

   Stir-fried noodles, spicy tang, soup and side dishes, as well as a bunch of various snacks.

   When they were all resolved, Wang Shanshan had completely changed.

   looked at Qin Yu, full of worship!

   From now on, he is his idol...

   There is also a cousin, she unexpectedly is with the chairman of the miracle company, the miracle maker, Qin Yu.

   They are in love, which is so cool!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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