High-intensity morning exercises make life bright and bright!

It also made Lazy Cat and Jiang Xiaoshan's daily routine all obsolete, they don't have the energy of Superman Qin Yu.

Driving ZH2 to the town, the employee who was parking saw his locomotive and smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Nodding his greetings, Yu Ge took the rail car to the information building.

Only this time, instead of going down, he went up...

Coming to the VR center, there are no signs or decorations, and the bright silver metallic game cabin is full of enclosed spaces.

Surrounded by projection equipment, you can access the picture seen by the equipment.

On the projection panel at the front of the game cabin, the detailed data of the players can be monitored at all times.

Now, these data are not so good.

When Qin Yu entered through the security door, Jing Yuan was checking the player's mental condition in front of the game cabin.

"What's the progress?" After receiving authorization, Qin Yu's personal terminal was connected to Eve.

"Good news, I think in a few days, he will be able to return to normal and wake up."

Jing Yuan placed the chip with a large palm on the forehead of the unconscious player.

The characteristics of high-level energy crystals can absorb a small amount of pollution from these players' spirits.

Exploring the contaminated area will cause a great mental burden to the manipulator behind the [Assaulter].

Not only is the machine itself contaminated, but the player's own spirit is also slightly contaminated.

The longer the time, the greater the possibility of contamination.

Therefore, when someone does not obey the command, they operate overtime without authorization and stay in the contaminated area.

It became like this, mentally comatose, wandering in the whispers of chaos.

"After he is sober, terminate the contract, sign a non-disclosure agreement, and let him go."

Qin Yu said that he was leaving, but was stopped by Jing Yuan: "Wait, Teacher Qin, please take a look at this first."

Jing Yuan cast a video screen on the surround projection.

The first perspective is [Assaulter].

"On the 13th, return now." This is the voice of the command center.

"Wait, soon, I swear I just saw a living person, he is here."

Qin Yu turned his gaze to Jing Yuan, and the other party pointed to the unconscious player in the game cabin. He must be correct.

So, is this the audio record that he defied the order and forcibly stayed in the contaminated area?

"On the thirteenth, the will reaches the critical point, the light is turned on, do you hear it? Return immediately."

"I know, they are right there, I..." The angle of view was aimed at a gray and dead school building.

He thought he saw a living person in the school building.

"Now, otherwise you will be disqualified and will be liable for damages."

"Understand, leave now."

"Stop." Qin Yu said this sentence.

At the moment when he turned his head, there seemed to be a blurry image flashing in the distance of the angle of view.

"Go back 2 seconds." Qin Yu said with a serious expression.

The screen goes backwards, "Play...Stop!"


Looking at the blurred image at the corner of the eye at the moment of turning around, the picture is magnified.

Qin Yu's expression became weird and serious. On the second floor window, there was a small face of horror.

The action of raising her arms for help proved that she was still alive.

Really people, living people!

"Is the information confirmed? Has anyone else watched this video?" Qin Yu asked hurriedly.

"No, the command center reported to me as soon as possible, and I ordered it to be sealed, and the confidentiality level was adjusted to the highest level."

"Good job, Qilin, contact Bai Ze, I want to talk to him."

Qin Yu hurriedly turned and left, he needed to talk to Bai Ze alone.

"Boss, are people going to be fired?" Jing Yuan asked with a smile.

"Leave it to you." Qin Yu said without looking back.

This matter must be handled low-key.

With one carelessness, these last survivors may become monsters isolated by hatred.


Everyone died, only he or them survived.

Isn't this reason enough to survive this unexplainable, treacherous and evil disaster?

"Survivor?" Bai Ze stood in front of him after only an hour.

In front of the magnificent towering, shiny metal isolation wall, Bai Ze's face was ugly and terrifying.

He was not angry with the survivors, but angry at his dereliction of duty.

There is guilt.

How could no survivors be found for so long.

Why do you believe Yang Xiao's one-sided words!

Of course, this is not his fault, he is a hero.

Although there is no public recognition and publicity, it cannot obliterate the fact that he is a hero.

This is Bai Ze's own mistake. As a leader, he shouldn't believe in the message Yang Xiao personally conveyed.

Because of the risk, he did not want to lose more manpower and other factors, so he gave up the follow-up investigation.

It is so determined that everyone has fallen or died.

Proceed with caution and learn your lesson!

The Disturbance Bureau and the RRT cooperate, and the [Assaulter] is responsible for covering and opening the way.

There is only one goal, to save the survivors.

Go to the teaching building, find the survivors, and bring them back safely.

This is the plan!

The details are much more complicated, route, time, troubles and difficulties that may be encountered.

Alternatives and communication guarantees, as well as the most important on-site command.

On this point, the two sides failed to reach an agreement.

The Distortion Bureau requires command power, and RRT is also emphasizing command power.

Neither Li Zixin nor Mark was willing to give in, but Qin Yu and Bai Ze were watching the show.

"There are still 3 minutes to go. Who do you think will win?" Bai Ze asked, looking at his watch.

"Of course it is mine." Qin Yu believes.

"I think it is Hanshuang, her strength is stronger." Bai Ze retorted.

He thought that Qin Yu would be humble, but he seemed to think too much.

"Really, do you really think that Hanshuang is stronger than Mark?" Qin Yu looked at him incredulously.

He seriously suspected that Bai Ze had a misunderstanding about the genetic modification project.

"Innate is stronger than acquired." Bai Ze smiled.

"There is no headquarters building of the Bureau of Abnormalities, and the four characters of believing in science should be added."

Brother Yu shook his head speechlessly, and the previous competition also began.

The two decided to use their wrists to decide whether to win or lose.

The volley breaks the wrist, and the other party will win if the elbow moves or is overwhelmed.

"Come on, Chief!" The people in the abnormal situation were very excited, and Lightning chanted cheering for the director.

On the RRT side, everyone was silent, and even their expressions were covered by the mask.

The match lasted only 3 seconds and Li Zixin won.

At the beginning of the game, she cunningly focused on the next game.

Unexpectedly, a layer of ice was created under Mark's feet, and his feet slipped and he lost his balance.

Although Mark stabilized in time, his elbow moved.

Very cunning, but also very smart!

No wonder she asked to add "the elbow can't move" this point, and emphasized it several times.

From the beginning, she planned it.

Willing to accept the bet, Mark voluntarily backed down and said that he would obey her command.

A group of people entered the contaminated area under the mutual delivery of 60 [Creators] and 100 [Assaulters].

Among them, two [Titans] follow as killers~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which are already the vast majority of forces that the headquarters can mobilize.

If that is not enough, you can only shake people from the west coast and the moon base.

He will not mobilize the defense forces of the headquarters, or reduce the security level of the laboratory, computer room, warehouse, and hive.

The abstract aberration appeared in the town last time, and who can be sure that it won't do it again.

Appears in warehouses, headquarters or other places.

"Check the signal."

"The picture signal is normal."

"Satellite positioning and tracking signals are normal."

"Communication test...Communication is normal."

"Everything is normal. Please place a relay device 2000 meters away to ensure a good signal transfer."


The team quickly moved in the direction of the target, and Li Zixin, who obtained the miracle standard equipment.

For the first time, I realized how big the technological gap between the outside world and the company was.

Like the abyss!

The so-called black technology is nothing more than the standard equipment of the other party.

It's like the jumping backpack she is using.

Not to mention the individual combat uniforms worn on the body, the electronic system onboard besides assisting in combat.

It integrates protection, information display, control and communication.

It can also monitor its own data at all times, and perform self-diagnosis and battlefield first aid in emergency situations.

They also have adrenaline and life-saving medicine.

When you have a fatal trauma, a life-saving medicine may save your life.

This kind of digital individual soldier standard assembly makes Li Zixin hate RRT even more.

Why does one's own team members have to go into battle in'red outfits', while the other party is fully armed to the teeth.

Jealousy makes people crazy and also brings courage.

After Li Zixin decided to go back this time, he filed an application to request to upgrade his equipment.

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