"What?" Seeing Qin Yu who suddenly broke into the office, Shi Cui was stunned.

   What happened? He supported his decision just a few hours ago.

   Why, the whole project is going to be stopped now?

   "I want you to find a way to save him, he is worth it." Qin Yu looked at Shi Cui seriously.

   He is not discussing with the other party, this is an order!



   On the way to the miracle town, a fierce quarrel was taking place in the Land Rover.

   "So, you just refused." Li Xiao felt absurd.

   He has prepared everything, but the other party says she is not ready, what's the joke?

   If you are not ready, you can speak earlier, instead of waiting for him to do everyone's work.

   and then said no!

   "I'm still young, I don't want to marry now, consider children, family."

   Ye Mingzhu's attitude is very firm, she doesn't want to get engaged now.

   "Then tell me earlier, when I ask you, you should just refuse."

   "I, I don't know, I thought I could."

   "Do you know the consequences of doing this?" Li Xiao said with an ugly face.

   The family didn't approve of his relationship with Ye Mingzhu. The previous meetings were very unpleasant.

   When he finally solved the problem, Ye Mingzhu backed away.

   Now, how does he explain to the family?

   What made Li Xiao even more angry was that this relationship made him feel that he was the only one trying to get closer to her.

   But she kept backing away, whenever she was about to catch her.

   She will slip away cunningly, always at a safe distance.

   This exhausted Li Xiao, he was too tired.

   If he were the former, he would clearly realize that it is time to stop the loss in time.

   But now, he seems to be lost.

   can't make a sensible judgment, let alone break up.

   In his body, there are like two selves.

   Whenever I want to express my true inner thoughts, I say something different.

   This is his first time, almost completely involved in a relationship.

   Too much investment made him hesitant, blind and crazy.

   Like a person who has changed, Li Xiao almost doesn't recognize himself.

   Putting her down at the subway station, Li Xiao slapped the steering wheel hard.

   took a few deep breaths and calmed down before driving to the town again.

   When I saw Qin Yu, Li Xiao was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

   is full of "mourning funeral..."

   "Are you let someone cook it?" Brother Yu poured him a glass of wine funny and placed it in front of him.

   "I'm driving!" Li Xiao said, picking up the drink.

   "I'll let the driver see you off." Before he could say anything, he raised his head and did it.

   Putting down the cup, Li Xiao took the initiative to pick up the crystal bottle, "Brother Yu, am I not bad, right?"

   "The appearance is not bad, the figure is also good, the career is successful, the family background... My Li family is also famous."

   "Why make her look down on her, how high a vision she has, I am also responsive to her..."

   One cup after another, Li Xiao, who opened the chatterbox, drank half a bottle of whiskey in a while.

   "Where am I? You say, Brother Yu!" Qin Yu grabbed the crystal bottle when he saw that he was about to pour himself wine again.

   Put the bottle back in the tray, Brother Yu said dubiously: "You are no worse than anyone, you are all very good."

   "Then why did she disagree, saying that she was young and didn't want to be stable... just didn't play enough!"


   "But she doesn't want to think about how old I am this year. Besides, she is not young anymore."

   "Really have to wait until thirty before considering these questions?"

   After Qin Yu returned to the desk, he continued to review the documents.

   Anyway, he just wants to talk, it is enough for Brother Yu to be an honest listener.

   The stamina came up, Li Xiao nagging and talking about the process of the two people's interaction.

   Those unpleasant, happy and happy, "Brother Yu, what do you think?"

   Looking at his drunk eyes, Qin Yu said calmly: "At the right time, when you meet the wrong person, she is not for you."

   For so long, Brother Yu has been listening to him complaining about it.

   hardly heard a few happy things.

   The most mentioned sentence in it was "I want to be responsible to her, she will regret it if she leaves me."

   This doesn't sound like love, but like responsibility and the Virgin.

   He reached the age of taking responsibility and wanted to start a family, and Ye Mingzhu appeared at this time.

   Li Xiao put a lot of emotions into her, including the sense of responsibility he ignited.

   still has a bit of pity, thinking that he brought her back to a normal life.

   If she leaves herself, she will change back to the way she used to be.

   She is also responsible for this and cannot let her fall.

   Everything is what he thought, and he never asked what he wanted.

  The typical mentality of Our Lady of the Savior, as if Ye Mingzhu couldn't live without him.

   The fact is, even if the other party leaves him.

   Even if you can't marry into a wealthy family, you still have enough chips to make yourself safe.

   Find a rich and honest man to marry and be a rich woman.

   is simply a search for easy thieves!

   Everyone says that the one who invests the most in a relationship is the loser.

   The best thing is to go both ways.

   In this relationship, Li Xiao, who put too much emotion into it, lost terribly.

   Compared with money and time, emotion is Li Xiao's most precious asset.

   And he, before he can figure out the opponent's hole cards.


   But he can't be blamed, it's just that he happened to meet Ye Mingzhu just during the transition period.

  Perhaps, this is the sharpening he needs to go through.

   "Yes, she is, she is my stumbling block." Li Xiao said staggeringly.

   couldn't open his eyes for a while, and kept yelling "One more cup."

   Hearing the movement, Yan Xue came in and wanted to see if they had any needs.

   "Get him a bottle of water." Qin Yu said silently.

   "I don't, don't want water, wine, drink." Li Xiao shouted.

   Seeing that he was so drunk, Qin Yu stepped forward and took the mineral water.

   motioned to Yan Xue to leave first, sitting beside him, twisting the water and saying, "It's wine, Mao Xiong's vodka."

   Li Xiao picked up the cup~www.wuxiaspot.com~ posted it in front of her eyes, looked at it, and then drank it.

   smashed his mouth, his eyes were in a daze and asked curiously: "This, this wine... enjoyable!"

   "It's fun, you continue to drink, and you have enough." Brother Yu filled him up again.

   咚咚, drank two bottles of water.

   Alcohol stamina came up, Li Xiao lay on the sofa with his head tilted and fell asleep.

   Brother Yu didn't need to continue to comfort him anymore, and went back to work after returning to his desk.

   After sleeping until dark, Li Xiao sat up with his head on his head.

   "I drank too much?" Rubbing his temples, my brother was embarrassed this time.

   After so many years he hasn't drunk so drunk, his head hurts terribly.

   "I have someone cook a hangover soup, drink some first, and then discuss business later."

   "Okay." Li Xiao frowned, letting go of his hands kneading his temples.

   looked at Qin Yu, embarrassed and laughed at himself: "This time I am embarrassed."

   "It's nothing, it's just the two of us." Qin Yu said without looking up.

   "You didn't do anything strange, did you?" Li Xiao picked up the soup and looked at Qin Yu uncertainly.

   looked up at his gaze, Qin Yu shook his head and said: "Nothing, I promise."

   "Thank you." Li Xiaogang relieved.

   Then, he saw Qin Yu standing up on the table, picking up his mobile phone with his back to him.

   changed a spare battery, jokingly said: "Except for this interesting video."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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