Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1076: Fascinated

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   In the VIP straight through the elevator, the agent and Park Shin Hye stood behind Xu Meixin, even breathing carefully.

   The back view in front of them is an unattainable mountain in Hancheng.

   Secretary-General Xu Meixin, President of Miracle Company, and absolute confidant of Qin Yu.

   is the person he trusts most!

   The other party sent such a big person to greet him and Shine, is it just for a cooperation?

   looked at Shin Hye's lovely face, enchanting **** figure and tender white thighs.

   "Gudong~" The agent swallowed saliva.

   Even if she looks at it, she will be heart-stricken, how can a normal man be able to hold it.

   So, the rumors about him are true?

  The agent began to worry whether this meeting would go as smoothly as he expected.


   The elevator reaches the top floor.

   Xu Meixin smiled sideways and said, "Here, please, please."

   "Thank you." Nodding and bowing, the agent and Park Shin Hye, like Grandma Liu, entered the Grand View Garden.

   carefully looked at everything around him, as if the whole world was full of novelty and unknown.

The decoration around    is different from what I imagined.

   Concise, generous, bright, without cumbersome decoration and artwork.

   Even the pictures on the wall are some kind of strange mechanical parts.

   Park Shin Hye doesn't understand these things, but feels that the parts in the photos are exquisite and ingenious.

   The sorting of gears gives a natural feeling of ‘just as it should’.

   bypassing the partition made of wooden bookshelves, the wood-grain door at the end comes into view.

   There, you can see the man.

   The aura on the other person’s body brings psychological pressure like a mountain pressing in my heart...

   In a class-solidified, distinguished world like Hancheng.

   The founder and chairman of the miracle company who can make the three cores yield to them is like a god.

   You can decide your own destiny with just one word and deed.

   even life and death!

  When a person’s fate, life and death are completely in the hands of others, how can one be not afraid?

   "Boss, Park Shin Hye and Miss Manager are here." Xu Meixin knocked on the door and whispered against the door.

   "Please come in." A voice came from the room.

   Xu Meixin opened the door and walked into the room first. The agent followed up and found that Park Shin Hye stayed where she was thinking.

   pulled her into the room with a strong pull, and Park Shin Hye also saw the man who had fantasized in his mind countless times.

   is taller than I thought, tall and tall, and dressed casually.

   But even so, it can be seen that his muscles are very strong.

   The moment he turned around, Park Shin-hye was suffocated by the handsome face...

   So handsome, really handsome!

   How can someone be so handsome, tough, calm, with sword eyebrows and stars.

   There is a kind of frivolous smug in his warm smile.

   Park Shin Hye's eyes widened in shock, and his handsome face overlapped with the fuzzy face of the male **** in his dream.

   This is simply...

   Park Shin Hye does not know how to describe her, her heart has become a mess.

   "Miss Park, Miss Park?" Qin Yu tried to wake her up when she found that Park Shin-hye's eyes were dull.

   "Yes, President Qin."

   Park Shin Hye bowed ninety degrees, stretched out both hands to hold Qin Yu's hand respectfully and said: "It's a great honor to see you in person, you are like a legend to me."


   Qin Yu asked with a smile, "In my impression, legends are used to describe deceased people."

   "Huh? I'm sorry, I don't know..." Park Shin Hye explained hurriedly when she was scared.

   Qin Yu laughed loudly and said: "I just made a joke with you, you are too nervous."

   took his hand out of the opponent's hand, and Qin Yu asked them to sit on the sofa.

   "Secretary Xu, give me a cup of tea and a cup of coffee for each of the two ladies."

   After Qin Yu ordered, he looked at the agent and Park Shin-hye and said, "Is coffee okay?"

   "Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you." The two turned to Xu Meixin and nodded in thanks.

  While waiting for a drink, Qin Yu looked at the two with a smile and asked some short trivia about the parents.

   is like "eating habits? What do you like to eat?"

   "Which hotel has a nice view, where is it worth seeing, and what historical meaning it has."

   "What is your impression of Chuo-gu, compared to Hancheng?"

   "Do Shine have any hobbies?"

   After such conversations were over, Qin Yu had already called her "Xinhui".

   Park Shin Hye also kindly called him: "Oh Oppa!"

   "Why, is Shinhui shy?"

   Qin Yu smiled and patted the armrest of the sofa kindly, and said: "Very famous black tea, taste it, it can relieve fatigue and relieve stress."

   "Thank you very much." The two turned to Xu Meixin again and nodded in thanks.

   then faced Qin Yu and bowed to thank him. Then he held the tea cup in both hands and sipped it.

  The agent has been waiting for Qin Yu to talk about the contract.

   But he didn't mean this from beginning to end, which made the agent worry about it.

  Whether the other party is suggesting that he or she should take the initiative to express sincerity.

   How do you really want to send Shinhui out?

  The corner of her eye looked at Park Shin-hye. When she lowered her head to drink tea, she would quietly look up at the opposite side from time to time.

   aware of Qin Yu's gaze, he immediately looked away, like a frightened deer.

   This overwhelmingly shy performance is clearly because he likes the other party.

   Just, "This silly girl, do you know what you are doing?"

   "That... President, is Shine really selected?"

   "Goddess, we Shine have always wanted to be one of them!"

  The agent still decided to try Qin Yu's tone.

   "Oh, isn't it?" Qin Yu looked at Park Shin Hye, wanting to hear her tell herself.

   "Yes, this is my dream." Park Shin Hye nodded cautiously.

   suddenly turned the topic to work, which made her nervous again.

   "Well, this time Shin Hye is the only one selected in Hancheng District, and the other two candidates are from the Central District."

   "Ah, that's great, thank you for your respect."

   "We Xinhui will definitely redouble our efforts to repay the president."

  The agent nodded and bowed, and kept thanking him.

   "Leave these for later, Secretary Xu, come over the contract." Qin Yu ordered.

   Xu Meixin went to get the contract, Park Shin Hye lowered his head to drink tea, the agent said all that should be said.

   All she can do is keep an awkward and polite smile.

   After a while, Xu Meixin brought the contract back and invited her agent to confirm with her.

   There were only Qin Yu and Park Shin-hye in front of the sofa, and she relaxed again.

   "Your agent cares about you very much."

   Qin Yu looked back at the agent who was carefully reviewing the terms in the sofa area next door.

   The other party is really dedicated, and the careful thought before can not escape Brother Yu's eyes.

   Changing to another agent, I'm afraid I would have long wanted to push Park Shin Hye into his arms.

  Good in exchange for resources, topics, traffic, whatever you want.

   Even if you don't get anything, as long as things really happen.

   Back to Hancheng District, relying on the fact that he had a close relationship with Qin Yu.

   can also bring her great benefits, so that she will not be troubled and get more care and opportunities.

   But she is different.

   Since entering the door, he has been stuck between the two, trying to keep the distance between them.

   The relationship between Qin Yu and Park Shin Hye is limited to work!

   "Yes, Mihwa has always taken care of me, just like my sister." Park Shin Hye smiled sweetly.

  I feel very lucky to be able to meet an agent like Lin Meihua.

   In Hancheng District, 90% of the agents of women's groups or female artists are men.

   Before there was a big hit, compulsory control, threats, reprimands and even insults were common.

  Park Shin Hye is very lucky. Lin Mihwa was leading her from the beginning.

   And she also became popular with the idol drama, and did not live up to the trust of the other party.

   These years, under the care and support of Lin Meihua.

   My career is getting better and better, and I have never had a negative scandal.

  The cooperation between each other is very satisfied in all aspects.

  Park Shin Hye often feels that she is not her agent.

   But I really care about my family, my sister, and will take care of everything for myself.

   Let yourself just work with confidence and do your job well.

   Without her, Park Shin Hye would not know if she could live a normal life!

   "What an enviable feeling."

   Qin Yu took a sip of tea, and asked, "Does Xinhui have any plans to stay and develop?"

   "Chairman, I don't quite understand what you mean." It's not that Park Shin Hye doesn't understand, but he doesn't quite believe in his own understanding.

   Is he inviting himself to join his company?

   Under the company of Miracle, it seems that there is no entertainment or brokerage company!

   "I personally invest in the entertainment industry, a well-developed company, famous for the world studio."

   "I will ask someone to give you the details of the fame, UU read and consider it after reading it." Hearing the footsteps behind him, Qin Yu closed his voice and drank tea.

   As for what the other party will do next, it depends on Park Shin Hye's own choice and the company's correction.

   Secretary Xu will let her know that joining Fame is the wisest choice.

   The reason why Qin Yu values ​​Park Shin Hye is not only because of his hobby.

  Or simply take the scanned data as the starting point.

   Park Shin Hye’s acting skills and abilities are also very important factors.

  Yu brother is very optimistic about her future development. Even in the future world, pan-entertainment is needed to satisfy the empty defects of human spirit.

   "I will seriously consider...Ouba!" Park Shin Hye said seriously.

  The agent who signed the contract and Xu Meixin came back, "Xinhui, thank you for your care, the chairman. The contract has been signed."

   "Well, I see, Mihwa Sister." Park Shin Hye smiled and said, "Thank you Oppa."

   "It seems that everything is settled, Secretary Xu."

   "You will arrange the accommodation and reception yourself."

   Hearing Qin Yu's order, Xu Mei nodded and smiled: "Okay, boss."

   "Ms. Lin, Ms. Park, please come with me." She wants to take the two to meet the filming team first, and finalize the working hours and details.

   Watching Park Shin-hye leave, Qin Yu squinted for unknown reasons.

   After a long time, he shook his head dumbfoundedly and said: "It's really protected!"

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