Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1091: Is it growing?

Latest URL: Boom!

Shi Cui's body fell to the bottom of the valley.

The dense stones shot a deformed body into a sieve, and the flesh-carrying stones flew outwards into the room.

Distorted darkness, instantly swelled into a new distortion body.

One becomes dozens of them.

It's like division, endless to kill!

But Shi Cui's purpose is not these treacherous aberrations, his palms change into swaying tentacles.

Cheng Yaojin, who was sitting on the shoulders of the deformed body like a whip rope, stretched straight and then bounced back.

Only at the end of the tentacles, there was Cheng Yaojin with a look of astonishment.

The moment Shi Cui caught him, Shi Cui's body leaped backwards and flew towards the other end of the valley.

After meeting the deformed body in front of him, his feet turned into countless tentacles, like black tassels inserted into the rock wall, leaping up quickly.

After a few breaths, he disappeared into the valley.

"F-K." The battle in the valley became more intense, Daisy breathed out fragrance, trying to block the influx of deformed bodies.

But they are too many, seem endless, with all kinds of changes.

Those aberrations that were killed, the remaining flesh and blood merged with each other.

It quickly turned into a pile of meat mountains, like a quagmire of flesh and blood, flowing backwards towards her.

Looking up, the sky is gradually covered.

The expectant Shi Cui did not reappear, and the opponent finished the arrest and ran away.

This unscrupulous dog thief, I still treat him as an old father at a loss!


Looking around angrily, Daisy knew that she was unable to return to the sky, and there was only a dead end to wait.

Through the sense of touch, she clearly realized that her nematode was being wiped out and swallowed.

The power in the body is also fading fast, and if this continues, only these aberrant bodies will swallow and digest.

‘I don’t know if they are excreted or not. Is their final contribution to add nutrients to the earth? ’

Thinking of such a sad ending, Daisy couldn't accept it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she swept around, and Daisy saw a fist-sized hole at the bottom of the rock wall on the right.

With bright eyes, she found a ray of life in the desperate situation!



"Shi Cui!" Cheng Yaojin, who was lifted by Shi Cui and flew forward, calmly broke his identity.

Running constantly under his feet, Shi Cui pushed the frame and turned his head calmly: "Do you know me?"

"Huh, how could I not know the people in the company." Cheng Yaojin said with a sneer.

"It seems that you have been paying attention to the development of the company and want to take revenge?" Shi Cui probably knows some conflicts between the other party and his boss.

The hatred of robbing a wife is not shared.

Although it was self-righteous and wishful thinking, Cheng Yaojin obviously didn't think so.

Not to mention the ‘cause of extinguishing the door’, the Cheng family has not been able to afford it so far, and they have all been removed from the list.

Nowadays, it has become a bereaved dog, and everyone can step on both feet.

How could Cheng Yaojin stand this? Whom should he look for if he doesn't seek revenge from Qin Yu?

The open-mindedness on the phone was only because he thought he had no means to resist and he desperately hoped.

Now, he has the ability to take revenge again.

How is it possible to remain calm?

"You don't seem to be worried at all." Staring at Cheng Yaojin's calm face, Shi Cui was watching the way with the eyes that grew from the back of his head.

After the transformation, the biggest advantage is that you can control your body as you like.

If necessary, he can have more eyes.

360-degree full vision without blind spots, or a few more ears.

Listen to all directions, eight should be enough!

"Why should you worry?" Cheng Yaojin responded with a sneer.

"Anyway, you always let me go back, don't you?"

While speaking, Cheng Yaojin's white eyes disappeared, and the black pupils spread out, occupying the entire eyeball.

The eerie radiation poured into Shi Cui's body, causing his rushing footsteps to slowly stop.

"Yes, that's it, now follow your inner choice and distort it!"

Looking at his sluggish and diffusing pupils, Cheng Yaojin smiled triumphantly and guided the influence of radiation on it.

Click, tear...

The scalp split to the sides, forming a terrible crack.

Canine teeth grow out of the edges, and they exude a ferocious aura in disorderly order.

Under Cheng Yaojin’s expectant gaze, the crack on the top of his head began to extend upward, lengthening...

After that, it suddenly bent and stretched like a spring, drew an arc in the air, and placed it straight on top of Cheng Yaojin's head.


Crunchy, hum...

Bite and chew, the cold wilderness becomes terrible!

"Is there still no one to answer?" Seeing Hua Sen with a solemn expression on his phone, Yu Ge was about to sit still.

What the **** did Shi Cui do?

And those people with him eat dry food?

A big living person was gone, and they didn't even know when the other party disappeared.

What use is it for you?


Watson grabbed the phone and said, "Hello, Captain Shi?"

Seeing the solemnity on her face relaxed in vain, Brother Yu knew that someone had been found.

Hearing that he was collecting experimental materials outside, Yu Ge simply exhorted him to return as soon as possible and pay attention to safety!

When I hung up the phone, my worries were finally relieved.

If he knew what Shi Cui did.

Maybe he will become more anxious!

Shi Cui's loyalty is beyond doubt, but it does not mean that he has become a puppet and has lost the ability to think about himself.

Will be out, military orders are not.

Shi Cui just didn't want to worry the boss.

What's more, his current state is better than ever.

Poor Daisy, this would be like an amoeba, wriggling in the dark hole to escape.

Every time she squirmed forward, she would curse Shi Cui once in her heart.

At the same time, even Qin Yu, who was on the other side of the ocean, was also on her curse list.

Damn you bastard, I hope you shorten it by one centimeter every day.


Who left this **** ball of dung?

Shui, Shui!

After sneezing several times in a row, Yu Gexin said, ‘Is it because the little anchor misses himself again. ’

Thinking of her satisfied expression when she left, Brother Yu felt that it was impossible again.

As for the others...

The list is too long, and Brother Yu decided to give up thinking.


The locomotive drove into the forest path and stopped in front of the hidden villa.

Seeing the big run stopped by the villa, Brother Yu took off his helmet and walked into the house with a smile.

Just walked in, "Wang Wang"

A dog with a lame leg, jumping on three legs, stood in front of him.

Look at its thin body, beating hard but showing a fierce and ridiculous performance.

Brother Yu knelt down and rubbed its head, "Little guy, who brought you back."

"Uncle." Tongtong happily ran towards him across the living room.

Jumping straight into his arms, Brother Yu was stunned, sat down on the ground and laughed: "Boy, it's getting more and more energetic."

"Haha, I'm an adult now." Tongtong laughed, hugging his neck.

"My lord, let me see if there is long hair!" Brother Yu stretched out his hand to pull his pants.

"No, huh~" Tongtong tucked his trousers with his hands, humming to run away.

Standing at the door, Yalan couldn't laugh or cry, and teased: "You two, stop making trouble. Come wash your hands and eat."

"Mom, UU reading, mom help, don't pick my pants." Tongtong asked her mother for help.

Under Yalan's angry and charming horizontal eyes, Brother Yu let go of Tongtong who begged for mercy.

He glanced at the dog hiding by the side, and curiously asked, "Where did this dog come from?"

"I am me, I picked it up." Tongtong, who had escaped a disaster, resumed his activity.

Brother Yu suddenly fell into a cat waist and swooped forward, as if he was going to catch him again.

"Ah~" Tongtong screamed and ran into the bathroom.

Click, the door is locked.

"How old you are, how can you be like a child." Yalan reluctantly complained after seeing this scene.

But his eyes were full of gratifying happiness, and Tongtong could only be so arrogant and lively when he was with him.

The two of them get along better than Yalan thought.

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