Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1095: Strengthening starts with amputation

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The thing that promised Tongtong would naturally be done.

After sending him off, Brother Yu went back to Liancheng on the east coast and took the dog to the hive.

Give it to Zhu Ying and amputate it first.

After waiting so many days, Zhang Wei's call finally came.

"Boss, don't you have to check your homework the next day, how about people?"

Zhang Wei initially rejected the information sent by Qin Yu.

But Brother Yu said to check the ‘homework,’ he could only look through all the information with suspicion.

Zhang Wei never stopped after this turn.

When he sorted out and summarized all the knowledge in the notebook and drawings, he had his own ideas in his mind.

Only then did I remember the previous agreement, and when I asked the time, it had been a little half a month.

"How about it, didn't let you down!" Brother Yu didn't answer the conversation at all.

It was an excuse to make Zhang Wei avoid the unavoidable reason.


Zhang Wei smirked. He who has been immersed in the new sea of ​​knowledge these days has experienced the long-lost happiness.

The secondary processing of titanium and rhodium alloy, the sketch of the first-generation rail defense belt.

Either way, Zhang Wei, who is self-positioned as a scientist, can get spiritual satisfaction and joy.

"Is all the diaries organized?"

"It's sorted out, in the way I am used to, boss, when shall we start the experiment?"

Zhang Wei is a little impatient. Regardless of these two technologies, as long as they succeed, they will definitely be able to stay in history.

Although Zhang Wei has done it, he is the chief scientist of Vulcan.

He will leave a strong mark in the opening curtain of the Interstellar Age.

But who would dislike his achievements?

"The titanium-rhodium alloy project will be handed over to Team Leader Jing."


"Don't get excited, the defense belt project is still yours."

Interrupting Zhang Wei, Qin Yu said with a smile: "If you read the notes carefully, you should know how amazing it is."

"If you can copy your vision to reality, even if only half of it, the position of the company's chief technology officer will be yours."

Brother Yu put a ready-made big pie in front of Zhang Wei.

This cake was made by Brother Yu himself.

The position of Chief Technology Officer of Miracle Company is now held by him himself.

The gold content and profound meaning are not just as simple as the rights represented by the position.

It can be said that no matter who gets this position.

Within the company, it is equal to standing at the top of the pyramid.

Whether it is power or influence, they are all different.

"I will pass the information to Team Leader Jing, how about being a consultant?"

"Defensive belt."


After finishing the call, Brother Yu asked the girl to find Jing Yuan and tell her about the titanium rhodium alloy.

Knowing that this is a theory close to practice, Jing Yuan looked at Qin Yu with green light.

"Teacher, is it your idea?"

Seeing her look like a wolf and a tiger, Brother Yu denied it with a headache, "It's not me, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

"Understood." Jing Yuan rolled her eyes and nodded deeply.

The teacher is still as low-key as he has always been, giving credit to everyone, and hiding his merit and fame.

Jing Yuan has seen this style countless times.

The worship and admiration for the teacher in my heart is like a surging river, endless.

Worthy of being a teacher!

Seeing her admiring gaze, Brother Yu was stupid.

What have I done, what will I understand?

Make it clear, Soul Dan!

"Is Shi Cui back?" Qin Yu rubbed the bridge of his nose a little tired.

"There is no news for the time being."

Brother Yu thought for a while, and said: "Tell him, come back as soon as possible, and he has the gene primitive he wants."

"Okay, teacher." Jing Yuan replied obediently.

Seeing that there were more and more little stars in her eyes, Brother Yu leaned on the vest and said tiredly: "Go ahead!"

"I'll go first, the teacher has worked hard."

With her hands folded and bowing at ninety degrees, Jing Yuan walked out lightly.

Took a look? ? ? Yu Ge's mood is much better because of his favorability and belief value.

Worthy of being his first believer.

Looking at the door that was about to be closed, Brother Yu said in vain: "If you have time to walk around the church in the game, you will be rewarded."

"Okay, teacher." The door was completely closed.

On the way back to the work area, Jing Yuan called the girl: "I need a game pod."

"There is a reserve game pod in the VR equipment center, do you want it now?" The girl.

"Let little J go, I'm in the office... No, I'll move to my lounge."

The office also needs to receive employees and deal with work matters, or a lounge is more appropriate.

"Send a message to Shi Cui, and the teacher has a brand new gene source in his hand.

If he can't rush back in time, I'm happy to deal with the original body for him. "

Ten minutes later, a brand new game pod was placed in front of Jing Yuan.

With the assistance of Xiao J, Jing Yuan lay in the ‘coffin’ and entered the game world.

As for the frequently transmitted information from the terminal, Jing Yuan deliberately ignored it.

How much temptation is Shi Cui's second-generation Super God Gene and Prototype.

Those who know him know very well that he should be on his way back by this meeting.

On the other side of the ocean, looking at the terminal with no response.

Shi Cui urged the driver again: "Hurry up, how long will it take to arrive?"

"Within half an hour, you will definitely be there," the driver replied.

half an hour.

Although it's not too late, to Shi Cui, who was anxious at this moment, it seemed like living a life.

The fingers frequently pushed the frame of the frame, showing Shi Cui's inner eagerness.

The second generation of Super God Gene and Protosome is the experimental material he has always wanted to study most.

But before today, no matter how reasonable his reasons, the application has never been approved.

This made Shi Cui almost give up, chasing and fascinated by it.

Force yourself to focus on other places to avoid excessive negative emotions due to loss, affecting his thinking and judgment.

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to give up, hey, it came.

Thinking of this, Shi Cui pushed the frame more frequently.

Suddenly, yellow dust rose up in front of the road.

The car stopped suddenly.

"Something has fallen in front, be alert." The driver used the intercom to order, and several RRTs at the back of the car got off and went to check.

The yellow dust in front was blown away by a gust of wind, and the black thread in the air quickly disappeared, exposing an embarrassed figure.

Seeing that Daisy was standing in front of the car, the RRT members were relieved.

Although she is not clear about the specific relationship between her and the company, the instructor has said that the other party is half of her own.

Will not do anything harmful to the company, let alone hurt the company's employees. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

The driver clearly remembered that what the instructor said was "dare".

"Ms. Daisy, can I help you?" the RRT member who went to investigate politely asked.

"Let Shi Cui come out and give me my people." Daisy said calmly.

She was very angry, but she still distinguished between the lighter and the heavier.

As long as he gives the goal to himself, Daisy can be treated as if it didn't happen.

Compared to what Shi Cui did, the imminent threat was even more deadly.

That man, he wouldn't listen to his own explanation!

Not to mention the risk he took when he pulled Shi Cui into the water.

If you let him know, he will not let him go easily.

Damn the devil, he must have crawled out of **** to punish the world.

Thoughts jumped, Daisy saw Shi Cui coming out of the car, "Man, leave it to me."

"Nothing." Shi Cui said innocently.

Daisy's expression was gloomy for an instant, and dense black lines appeared on her body, which indicated that she was not satisfied with the answer and she was very angry.

"Don't worry, I will explain to the boss myself." Shi Cui continued.

He doesn't want to fight with Daisy here, now he just wants to go home quickly.

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