Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1101: Yan Gou, say Jill!

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Big Apple City, the headquarters of the Morgan Low Saint Rose Consortium.

A group of old undead who hid in the dark underground, couldn't wait to jump out.

Since blocking the White House's offensive, the mice of Morgan Los Angeles finally found the confidence to live in the sun.

Today, the new Rockefeller Plaza is reborn on the ruins.

The tallest iconic building in the middle became the headquarters of the Morgan Lowe Saint-Ros Consortium.

For this choice, the explanation given by the joint consortium is.

"The old era will be turned into ruins, and the consortium will be reborn from the ruins and lead people to establish a new order and future.

This requires our joint efforts, and a new era is coming to you. "

The general meaning is: the bald eagle is the old age = ruins.

It has been eliminated, don't have any unrealistic illusions.

The Morgan Lowe Saint Rose Consortium will rise on its corpse and become the new owner of Beizhou.

You must continue to be obedient, be conscious of leeks, and dedicate everything for the great future of the consortium!

The concise version is: Lao Tzu is your new master, so please give me a good job.

Under various very confusing brainwashing and squeezing, the leeks have exploded with great potential.

Let the strength of the Morgan Lowe Saint Rose Consortium be the same day by day.

Now, it has the same ferociousness as it used to be, and it has the qualifications to have equal dialogue with giant crocodiles of the same kind.

The invitation from the BlackRock Southern Consortium made it feel respected.

The other party is still afraid of the strength of the consortium, and does not want to be an enemy of us. The active invitation this time is a sign of goodwill.

Although some people refuted, they thought that the other party just wanted to eliminate them one by one.

But the ability to resist the White House and BlackRock's invitation made most people extremely inflated.

They also need to prove themselves, have the strength to control the current complex situation, and control the overall situation!

The joint consortium, which continues the Bald Eagle style, thinks it's time to show off its strong muscles.

With the affirmative answer from the other party, the war kicked off.

On the other side of the ocean, countless people are paying attention to this post-split civil war.

Is it both defeated, or will it not break or stand, re-emerge in the brokenness, and build a strong hegemonic country.

Everyone, wait and see!

A steady stream of supplies was transported by the Xihe to the west coast, and then huge amounts of funds were brought back.

In this war across the ocean, Miracle Company acted as a war factory.

Individual combat uniforms, Titans, Raiders...

As long as it is requested by Ilibela, the starting price is what the company has, and nothing cannot be sold.

Even fanatics can be dispatched as mercenaries.

They need actual combat experience, and Ilibera needs overwhelming strength. Both sides take what they need and hit it off.

Limiting the war to Beizhou did not completely dispel the worries of various countries.

All countries have made emergency preparations for larger-scale wars and even nuclear winters.

At the same time, privately protested to the Republic.

The Miracle Group is funding the war, which is extremely irrational, immoral, and violation of the peace policy.

The response received was: "It will not interfere with free market, normal and legal commercial trade."

Miracle Company has an arms license, although it is still a ‘pilot unit. ’

But before the license expires, their actions are legal.

In response to the serious protest from the corrupt country, Barrow and Belarus pushed the [Xingtian] mechanical regiment toward the border by 50km.

The voice of protest was immediately lost by more than half.

The rest are just insignificant jumping clowns, issuing a few painless condemnation statements.

At the same time, Miracle Company responded to the attack on Mr. Qin Yu, the founder, actual controller, and chief technology officer.

Things happened on the ring road, still at the peak.

Related videos and speeches have been spread wildly on the Internet and communication software.

I can't hide it even if I want to hide it!

Besides, Brother Yu didn't intend to hide it either. He is a victim, so there is nothing to hide.

Let the company issue a statement, condemn and protest, and point the finger at Fort Dekker.

What the **** is going on, who is behind Deckerberg, knows everyone!

If you don't understand, it means that he is not enough at this level.

I knew it and I didn't use it...

As soon as the news came out, the cold meal about his first attack was revealed again.

Xu Meixin, Yan Xue and others have all turned into self-service answering machines!

One after another text messages, phone calls, and daily notes, the calls in front of them never stopped.

The private phone also kept ringing, and could only answer one by one!

Brother Yu is no exception here. All public calls are forwarded to the secretariat, but private calls are enough for him.

Not only the women around me called, but even the game that I had contacted by chance before, as well as those who contacted all sent me Wechat.

With so much care in words, some people are worried, ‘cry. ’

That cry is really tears from the hearer!

Afraid that it was not a copy of "The Self-cultivation of an Actor", Liu Piaopiao wept when she watched it.

For these news, Yu Ge will ignore it!

Normal operation, one more word, the opposite will misunderstand.

I wondered if I had a chance to turn around, come to a gorgeous counterattack, and fly to the branch to become a phoenix.

"There are no dangers, yes... there are so many bodyguards around me!"

"Don't worry... it's okay, it's okay, don't cry!"

"Baby, don't you believe me?"

"I'm a sliding shovel..."

In the end, Brother Yu didn't know what he was talking about.

Too many people, I'm confused to explain!

Lazy cat even booked a return ticket, and took a week off with the group, and wanted to fly back to see him.

Brother Yu didn't stop either. All the leave were requested, and the tickets were also bought.

Besides, he wants his own Mao Nizi!

But before that, Xu Xixi has to be properly settled.

"The place the company fancy is on Huaihai Road. I will buy you a house nearby and send a car. Is there a favorite brand?"

Shop address and residence, UU read www.uukanshu. com has a list here.

It's the car, it depends on Xu Xixi's own.

"Is Palamela all right?" In the co-pilot, Xu Xixi, who was restored to his spirit, was deeply impressed by yesterday's experience.

At the last minute, the big Pa rushed across the green belt and crashed into the shopping mall.

The impact was the biggest, and it gave Xu Xixi an impression of "this car is so powerful and super reliable".

So, when it comes to cars.

The first thing Xu Xixi thought of was the Palamela of the same style as him.

"If you want to be safe, it's better to consider Volvo." Yu Ge gave different suggestions.

Volvo is absolutely world-leading in terms of driving safety.

Mass production cars of other brands are beyond the reach!

If you have to talk about modification and customization, then you have no fun.

Mechanical monsters, tanks and armors can be assembled for you, how do you compare?


Xu Xixi hesitated and said after thinking about it, "But, it's so ugly!"

Yeah, when I didn't say anything.

Following the ramp ahead, Yu Ge drove straight to the Porsche 4S shop.

After talking for a long time, face value is the key, so let's talk about Jill! !

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