Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1119: I am a big name

   The conversation between the brothers and sisters of the ancient family, Qin Yu never knew about it.

   At this moment, he is in the settlement center, and the "material conveyor" exchanged from the mall is placed in the transmission room.

   This time, Brother Yu was bleeding heavily.

   Combine the faith value of the previous balance together with the faith value of more than 40,000 recently obtained.

   A total of 57,623 points, all of which were cast on the'Material Conveyor'.

   After buying 5 material conveyors, there are only 7623 faith points left in the mall.

   worked hard for several years, once back before liberation.

   Looking at the ‘board where the robot is docking and debugging,’ Brother Yu’s heart is bleeding.

   no more... no more...

   When will Yu brother lead a prosperous life?

   waved his hand, hundreds of millions of faith points, "sprinkle it!"

   This time I spliced ​​the material conveyor, and the supplies over there should have arrived.

  On the earth, use the materials transported by the monsters to create supplies, ammunition, etc. for various wars.

   The positioning of the war factory cannot be lost!

   Seeing the completion of the "all metal plates", Qin Yu received a call from Xiao Caiyan.

   "Um... I'll return your clothes, are you free now?"

   "How was the snack street yesterday, see you in 1 hour."

   "Is the clothes really sewn?"


   "I'll talk about it when we meet."

   Take up the line, and the "material conveyor" on the opposite side has been spliced ​​together.

"let's start!"

   Following Qin Yu's order, the conveyor began to spin rapidly.

   faster and faster, until there are countless afterimages!

   At the other end of the distant time and space, the empty and mysterious cave is full of bionic robots coming and going.

  The rotating afterimage in the middle of the cave, as if even the space is distorted.

   With the appearance of lightning-shaped black mist, like the last straw that crushed a camel, the space shattered like a mirror.

   is placed in the center of the machine, a four-container-sized material box.

   instantly disappeared into the deep darkness of the broken mirror, without whereabouts...

   In the transfer room, the machine gradually stops rotating.

   When the picture is completely still, the crack in the middle seems to be filled and repaired by invisible air until it heals!

   Seeing the tall material box, Qin Yu showed a smile on his face: "It seems to be a success."

   opened the door of the material cabinet, the ore shimmering with gold powder came into view.

   "The fine gold ore is finally here."

  With these raw ore, the strength of the titanium rhodium alloy will reach a new high.

   There will be corresponding breakthroughs in the improvement of alloy formulations.

   Fine gold, a precious material found on 216 planets.

   In order to compete with the monster army for the ‘fine gold vein,’ the Marine Corps suffered heavy casualties, and even mobilized dozens of nearby interstellar fleets to support it.

   In the end, at the painful price of paying more than 200,000 lives, he won this precious resource star.

   Now, it’s the harvest season.

   There is adamantine as a secondary substitute, like an ordinary ship...

  A spacecraft, such as an immigration ship that only serves as transportation, can use fine gold to replace titanium and rhodium alloys, greatly reducing production costs.

   There are also speed cars, home robots (platinum version), these can be replaced with fine gold.

   The plastic material is enough for the regular version, and it is more convenient and low-cost to repair.

   The titanium-rhodium alloy, which is expensive and the quality exceeds the standard, can no longer be wasted on ordinary products.

   Now, shouldn't Jing Yuan say that he is a ‘violent thing’!

   "Okay, you will take care of the rest, I'll go first."

   Explained Xu Meixin and the research institute for docking, as soon as possible to complete the practical planning and standards for fine gold.

   Qin Yu came downstairs and stepped onto the brand new Ducati Street Fighter.

  Because of running in the abandoned city and Hudu, Qin Yu ordered Xu Meixin to buy some locomotives and put them in his private garage.

   Today's refitting factory is desolate and cold, and looks a bit pitiful.

   When can I get another batch of tanks from Lao Bai?

   Brother Yu rubbed his chin, put on his helmet and drove forward.

   After half an hour, the night market street.

   On the side of the road where he parked that day, Brother Yu saw the dazzling state guest 650.

   "It's so handsome, do you want to get a ride back."

   Qin Yu had a slight move, and because of his relationship with the local government, he made a ‘retired’ state guest

650 is no problem.

  Just, the spray paint must be changed.

   In this case, I always feel that there is a little taste in it.

   "Hey, here."

   As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the night market, Qin Yu saw Xiao Caiyan waving vigorously at the wonton stall.

   "Eating wonton again, won't you get tired of it?" Qin Yu sat on the pony tuck amusedly.

   "No, wontons are delicious, and they can warm your body."

   Xiao Caiyan handed him the bag she was holding, with a weird expression: "Um...this is your clothes."

   "But it's not yours before, I bought it again."

   "Although it is not as expensive as yours, I have chosen with ulterior motives, and I guarantee that it will be more handsome than yours before!"

   Seeing her embarrassed and nervous look, Qin Yu smiled and took out the new clothes from the bag.

   Dark gray slim-fit trench coat, the material is very soft to the touch.

   got up and took off his coat, Qin Yu put on the windbreaker, looked down and asked, "How is it?"

   "Handsome!" Xiao Caiyan decisively gave a thumbs up.

   "Well, the better I feel." Qin Yu took a seat again and put the old outer suit in her arms into the plastic bag.

   "Thank you, I like it very much." Putting the bag aside, Qin Yu didn't mention the previous clothes from beginning to end.

   Brand, price, etc., he doesn't care!

   I just got the system before, but I would care about it. I always feel that the big names will be more comfortable.

   Now, as long as it is comfortable to wear.

   Big name?

  He is a big name...

   Anything can be a big name as long as you wear it on him!

   "Don't you ask the price?"

   On the contrary, Xiao Caiyan was a little worried, whether he felt that he was taking advantage.

   But she really did her best. Who knew that a trench coat would cost more than 80,000.

   Luxury goods are too much, are they inlaid with gold?

   Qin Yu touched the surface of the clothes with his hand, and said with a smile: "It's very comfortable, and the colors are very fond, thank you!"

   Seeing that he was serious, Xiao Caiyan's heart fell to the ground.

   His character is too good!

   "There are so few stalls today."

   randomly glanced around his eyes and found that only half of the night market was still open.

   "The New Year's Eve in two days, of course you have to go home early."

   "What about you! Is there no holiday on New Year's Eve?"

   "We are on a shift system. Last year was me, so I can rest this year."

   "Go home?"

   Mentioned going home, Xiao Caiyan put down her spoon and sighed: "What kind of home is there? Two days are not enough for you to travel, and you will be back as soon as you get home."

   "It's miserable." Brother Yu said with a smile.

   Seeing his expression, Xiao Caiyan didn't get angry and said, "Can I still fake it?"

"I am not kidding."

   Qin Yu said in a sincere tone: "However, it is because of you that ordinary people can spend the New Year with peace of mind."

   "On behalf of myself, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the respected Xiao Xun arrested."

   Brother Yu narrowed his smile and saluted with a serious expression.

   Seeing his serious look, Xiao Caiyan squinted her eyes happily and said, "Thank you, I have received your gratitude."

   "So, today's wonton, please."

   Qin Yu put down his hand, a cynical smirk appeared on his face again.

   "Hey, is there anyone like you?"

   Xiao Caiyan looked at him with an angrily smile, "As expected of a capitalist, greed is all flowing in his blood."

   "Since you are a capitalist, you should be greedy."

   "Otherwise, I'm sorry for this job."

   Qin Yu pointed at himself with a finger and said, "I am very dedicated."


   Xiao Caiyan was amused by him and laughed constantly, reaching out to hit him.

   Qin Yu dodges, "Say yes, the gentleman speaks but doesn't use his hands. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm"

   "Who will tell you, I am not a gentleman, but a woman."

   Xiao Caiyan rolled up her sleeves and said fiercely: "I haven't heard of it, but women and villains are difficult to raise?"

   After the joke, the two ate some cold wontons, and Qin Yu suddenly said: "Recently, I plan to donate a batch of supplies to the patrol house."

   "Tell me what this is for, you should go to the big leader."

   Xiao Caiyan took a sip of the soup and frowned, "It's still hot and delicious."

   then looked at him and smiled and said, "I'm just a small patrol. I go in the wind and the rain every day. It's useless to tell me!"

"and many more."

   Qin Yu ran to the car with a bowl and asked the boss to add some hot soup before returning.

   "It's hot." Pushing her bowl in front of Xiao Caiyan.

   Qin Yu picked up the bowl and blew the hot air, "Suck, ah, comfortable."

   Put down the bowl, Xiao Caiyan was also sipping the hot soup just added with a small spoon.

   With her head down, she couldn't see what her expression was!

   "Just because I work on the front line, I have to ask you."

   Qin Yu began to question her, and encountered the most problems during the patrol.

   The degree of danger, what equipment is needed, and how can we better avoid problems such as the occurrence of the case.

   Sitting in the cold wind, the two of them just asked and answered, completely forgetting the time.

   It wasn't until the boss urged him to realize that it was past early morning.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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