Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1123: Hero saves beauty

Start at the pinnacle of life https://

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu..."

Bao Zi held the phone in one hand and called a few times because the music was so loud that Qin Yu didn't hear it.

Finally, Gao Bo patted him: "Brother Yu, Bao Zi called you."

"What's the matter?" Brother Yu looked up and asked.

"A Le, I seem to be arguing with someone at the door." Bao Zi pointed to the phone in his hand, "I'll go and see."

"Go together, Xiaojie."

Let Xiaojie look at the deck, and a group of people came to the door of the bar.

"You are a pervert and want to run, call the police!"

"Boy, don't be nosy, believe it or not, I'll find someone to kill you."

"Oh, grandpa is afraid that your surname will not be Zhang."

"Call, hurry up. I've remembered the phone number for two years, and I have no reason to call!"

Zhang Le was riding on a man beside the green belt in the middle of the alley.

The opponent's right wrist was pressed behind his back by Zhang Le, and the more he struggled, the more painful he became. This would have given up, but he kept talking cruelly.

"Dead metamorphosis, death metamorphosis."

Seeing that the opponent couldn't escape, Zhang Le patted the opponent's head severely with his free hand.

Time went back 5 minutes ago.

Zhang Le parked the battery car and was about to take off his helmet and get out of the car.

The moment I lowered my head, I found something on the ground reflecting light.

A closer look reveals that there is a light spot on the shoes of the man standing next to the green belt that is reflecting light.

Then Zhang Le saw him stretch his feet forward.

Balenciaga black silk, the girl in the little black dress is arguing with the person on the other side of the phone.

Without realizing it, there was a black shoe between his legs.

Candid camera?

As soon as this thought came up, Zhang Le grabbed his helmet and rushed up.

At the moment when the girl was panicked, and the guy who was taking pictures of the sneaked eyes widened in surprise and astonishment.

Zhang Le waved his helmet forward, and gave the opponent's head an intimate kiss firmly.


A helmet was knocked to the ground by a sneaky man, and Zhang Le held it down when he went up.

Controlling the candid shot of the man, then ran away to the **** girl with a questioning face and explained: "Beauty, he is a pervert."

"What?" Song Enshi pulled her skirt up, her expression surprised.

She just came out to make a phone call and asked her friend why she left herself alone and slipped away.

They are all her friends, and I am not familiar with them at all. What is this?

Before he could finish speaking, the man carried his helmet and rushed over.

At that moment, Song Enshi thought he was going to hit herself with a helmet, and she was scared to death.

Then, the man standing behind him was knocked down.

"Perversion? What kind of perversion?" Song Enshi was full of question marks.

"He has a camera on his shoes, just..." Zhang Le couldn't help but cast his gaze on the opponent's leg.

The legs wrapped in letter black silk are thin and tall, so beautiful.

"Ah, I just stretched my feet under your skirt." Zhang Le cleared his throat and asked himself to move away from concentration.

"What?" Song Enshi hurriedly pressed her skirt with her hand, shrank back, and looked at the abnormality on the ground with fear.

How could there be such a disgusting person, so disgusting! ! !

"You are a pervert..." Zhang Legang asked Song Enshi to call the police when he received the call from Baozi.

This kind of perversion is easily let go, and the opponent will only get worse next time.

Then, it was the scene that Qin Yu saw when several people came out.

Finding out what happened, a few people surrounded the men's group of sneak shots: "Le, get up! I'm very tired, he can't run."

Gao Bo twisted his neck left and right, making a "quack" noise.

"I'm coming!" He turned and sat on the candid man, moving his **** to make himself more comfortable.

Seeing the sneak shot man did not struggle anymore, Zhang Le let go of his hand and stood up.

After arresting for so long, he is indeed exhausted.

"Thank you, handsome guy." Song Enshi thanked him with lingering fears.

"It doesn't matter, anyone will help if you encounter this kind of thing." Zhang Le waved his hand and said shyly scratching his head.

‘This girl is so beautiful! ’

"Who called the police."

The patrol arrived, and everyone was babbling to figure out what happened.

Looking at the abnormality on the ground again, his eyes were full of contempt: "Get up, come with us."

"No, I don't..."

The perverted man still wants to quibble, and the little book in the patrol's hand has been knocked on the back of his head.

"I also said that the cameras are here!" The two patrols picked up the perverted man and took away.

"Wait, that... that camera." Song Enshi hurried to catch up.

What happens to the contents if the camera is taken away?

Will there be a storage disk, should I delete it first, right?

Following the girl's back, Zhang Le was surrounded by the crowd: "Hey, you kid can do it!"

"Brother Le, the hero saves the United States!"

"Yes, kid, it's a pity that the beauty is gone."

"Go away, go inside and find a better one for you."

Tang He was a little overwhelmed for a while, patted Zhang Le on the shoulder and laughed wantonly.

So a little hand decided to help him wake up.

Grabbing his plump ears and lifting them up.

"Ahhhh, wife, wife, I am wrong, I am wrong, I am wrong..."

"Find a better one, right, huh?"

"It seems that Shao Tang is very familiar with the process! Isn't he familiar with the road?"

"No, no, I just look at Ale, pitiful...ah, it's dropped."

"Poor, poor, right!" Seeing Tang He disappeared into the bar by his hand.

Everyone laughed and followed, and Zhang Le's inner regret was also dissipated by laughter.

In Dakar, everyone got up and raised their glasses together, chanting "Cheers."

"A Le, drink more, you are late."

"What's coming late, I'm going to be brave for righteousness."

"Yes, yes, Ale is a hero today, we have to respect him."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just call'Lege Niubi' and it's over." Gao Bo said loudly.

"Le Ge Niubi!"

The crowd raised their wine glasses over their heads, roaring with laughter, drinking, and dancing.

"Hey, handsome, handsome!"

Suddenly a strange voice came from under the deck, yelling ‘good-looking guy. ’

Qin Yu was the first to hear it, and turned to look, "Isn't this the girl just now?"

"Ale, Ale Ale."

Qin Yu patted Zhang Le who was jumping to the rhythm: "Hey, the beauty is back for you."

"What?" Zhang Le was still in a wild state.

Only when you are with them can you vent your emotions presumptuously.

No need to worry about the eyes of others.

Any worries and worries-all can be forgotten.

"Beauty, the one who was almost taken secretly, over there..."

Brother Yu pointed under the deck, and Song Enshi was waving at him again and again, trying to attract his attention.

"Ah!" With a startled expression, Zhang Le quickly put down the wine glass in his hand.

"Why are you here, come up... let her up." He ordered the security guard to let Song Enshi come up.

Zhang Le stretched out his hand to pull her, but froze in the air when he was about to touch her.


Wouldn’t it be inappropriate when I first met just like this?

But in the next second, Song Enshi took the initiative to hold his hand: "Handsome man, my voice is almost hoarse."

Smiling and breaking into the deck, Song Enshi yelled in the ear of a shy Zhang Le: "Just now, thank you."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Le kept waving his hands, and didn't know what to say except that it was okay.

Seeing his pitiful way of being arbitrarily handled by his big sister, Brother Yu really wanted to go up and teach him two tricks.

He hasn't been in love yet, has he? ? ?

However, thinking of the experience Zhang Le mentioned before, he must have no time to fall in love.

How did this guy... survive?

"Brother Yu, look at his evasive look, just like a rabbit who was forced to a corner by the wolf grandmother."

"Such a big beauty came to the door, but she didn't mean to eat him."

"Who said that?" Qin Yu retorted.


Tang He's expression froze, and then he was happy: "You don't mean that he is still a young man, right?"

"I think it's possible." Brother Yu nodded with a smirk.

It's really Zhang Le's performance, too...

Forget it, can't stand it anymore.

"You take a few bottles of champagne, this idiot, just let people sit down and don't know what to drink."

Brother Yu urged Tang He with a disappointed expression on his face, hurry up and save the child!

Looking further, Brother Yu was afraid that he would carry the sofa and run away.

"It's not saved, this kid is not saved."

Tang He carried two bottles of champagne and shook his head speechlessly.

Seeing Tang He's trivial words, breaking the awkward atmosphere between Zhang Le and the beauty, Brother Yu showed a gratified smile like an old father.

"Ah, so tired."

Sweaty Lu Qing threw her body on the sofa, panting and snatched the wine glass in his hand.

Gudongdong drink it, my mouth is still thirsty!

"I want water, give me Lv Qing stretched out his hand, showing an expression of almost finished.

Twisting the water away and handing it to her, Qin Yu wiped her sweat with a towel: "Happy?"

"Yeah." Lu Qing nodded his head with flying brows.

It's been a long time since I was so happy, all the pressure seems to be released, so happy.

"Huh, is that?" Lu Qing finally found that there were more people in the deck.

The dazzling lights made her see clearly.

"Before, the girl who was secretly photographed." Qin Yu explained.


Lu Qing couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed: "Is this a scene where a hero saves the beauty and promises each other?"

"Isn't it okay to watch a realistic idol drama?"

Qin Yu put on a look of sitting and watching a good show, wishing to go up and directly match the two directly to the bridal chamber.

"Would you like to go over and say hello?"

Is it embarrassing to be alone?

"Don't go, it's not talking about it!"

The two of them just got rid of their embarrassment, and they were able to talk vigorously. Brother Yu didn't want to be a light bulb.

Qin Yu greeted everyone to leave before the atmosphere was completely crazy after 11 o'clock in the game.

"Brother, I'll save this wine for you." Xiaojie said while looking at the wine left on the table.

"Farewell, I don't know when you come next time. Keep it to entertain your friends!" Qin Yu said with a smile.

"Thank you brother."

"If it's opened, it'll be my brother's light."

"I saved everything that was not opened. Brother can come anytime. With me, it must be a new wine."

Hearing Xiaojie's words, Qin Yu smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, thank you."

"Brother, you're polite, go slowly, come here often." To the door all the way, Xiaojie touched the tip in his pocket.

The few people walking away bowed again and shouted: "Brother, be careful on the road!"

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