Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1137: This deal is a bit of a loss!

   In space, the brand-new Medusa flagship slowly approached the moon’s near orbit.

   Qin Yu has been worried that if he pushes the white house too hard, the other side will start a nuclear war at all costs.

   But now, the war has reached its fiercest point.

   Whether you like it or not, you must guard against the arrival of a nuclear war.

   The appearance of the Medusa flagship just made up for the lack of force He Wu took away.

   If there is a nuclear war, the Star Destroyer is the last resort.



   On the earth, news about the appearance of the ship has spread all over the Internet.

   However, it did not cause a big sensation.

   To be honest, people are numb and numb to this.

   Anyway, as long as they are not attacking the earth, they should eat, drink, and live.

   As for the organizations that wanted to take the opportunity to incite chaos again, they were brutally suppressed by the local regime.

   Anomaly Game also uses thunder means. During this time, there are not thousands of anomalies who have been killed, but there are seven or eight hundred.

   At the same time, the abnormal investigation bureau itself suffered serious losses, and the number of injured and disabled personnel increased significantly.

   Outskirts of Shangdu, the headquarters of the Bureau of Disturbance.

   Xu Zixin is condoning the injured subordinates, including her guide, Elastic.

   In the action two days ago, the team with the elastic band was ambushed by the enemy.

   The team died terribly, and he also lost an arm.

   If it weren't for keeping the back hand, I'm afraid this operation will end in total destruction.


   lay on the hospital bed, weak, pale and stretched and sat up.

   "Lie down, don't get up."

   Xu Zixin looked around with a cold face, the corpses covered with white cloth and sent away made her heartache.

   "Director, I was careless this time." Elastic said with a gloomy expression.

   "It has nothing to do with you, it's an intelligence error. Once the opponent has set up the game, it will be the same as who leads the team."

   Xu Zixin took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

  As the director, everyone can get angry and furious, but she can't.

   "Director, what does the above mean?"

   Elasticity said with some worry: "If this continues, we really can't hold it anymore."

   "In this month alone, four teams lost their combat power, and more than 200 retired due to injuries."

   "Keep on like this, I'm afraid that it will be..." The rest of the story is not strong enough to continue.

   Different tunes, if it continues like this, it will be abolished.

   "I know." Xu Zixin clenched her arms into fists, and tried her best to endure her anger.

  Damn bureaucracy~

   The integration and restructuring of the region has also caused an overt struggle over rights.

   There is an out-of-tune game in the central area, and Barrow also has the polar fox Alpha.

   Seoul also formed its own mysterious organization, the White Tiger Group.

   Neon has its own nine departments of public security, and even Wanwan has a Perak group.

   This guy—it's outrageous!

   Therefore, one organization becomes countless organizations with so many resources.

   The intrigue in private, the fight is fierce.

   Xu Zixin was also a director, and only then did he realize these headaches.

  If you want to get more resources, you must not only get approval from higher authorities, but also compete with other organizations.

  Tired, too tired!

   "Get a good rest, I know this in my mind."

   Xu Zixin didn't know what decision he had made, but his hesitant complexion became firm, and he turned around and walked outside the door.



   Hudu, Xu Zixin, who arrived through a special empty road, stepped on her slender and **** black silk legs on the ground.

   stepped out of the car door, Xu Zixin looked up at the front.

   Today, she is wearing a khaki woolen coat with a beige V-neck cashmere lined inside, a short plaid skirt with black silk wrapped around her beautiful legs.

   has a pair of black lacquered **** high heels on her feet, which is completely inconsistent with her past capable and glamorous image.

   Of course, Xu Zixin knows how **** she looks at this moment.

   What kind of shocked expression would he show if he was seen by his subordinates.

   But she also knows what she is here for today.


   No matter what the price is, we must change the current dilemma of the abnormal situation.

   Otherwise, she would not be able to explain to the sacrificed subordinates, let alone her own heart.

   Stepping forward, Xu Zixin has already seen Yan Xue standing in front of the building.

   White jeans, sky blue turtleneck sweater.

   casual suit jacket, 8 cm narrow high heel, wraps the backbone of the small feet, revealing the **** creamy white feet.

   Even if they were both women, Xu Zixin's eyes flashed with strange appreciation.

  ‘The woman next to him is really extraordinary. ’

   With the dedication spirit of sacrificing and feeding tigers, Xu Zixin followed Yan Xue into the building.

   When she appeared in front of Qin Yu, two groups of red rouge appeared on her face inadvertently.

   The next second, Xu Zixin was forcibly pressed down.

   "Qin Dong, hello."

   Xu Zixin stepped forward, took off her coat pretending to be inadvertent, and turned back with a wave and put it on the back of the sofa.

  Long dance, fluttering down, the **** and glamorous breath makes people's blood boil.

   Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Qin Yu raised his head and smiled and said: "Just call me Qin Yu, Director Xu, it's been a long time."

   "Since you asked me to call you Qin Yu and also call me Director Xu, would it be too far-fetched?" Xu Zixin touched the hem of the skirt with both hands.

   The perfect curve in the flexion and extension side sitting room is full of grace.

   Every action is thoughtful with temptation, "This woman is here prepared."

   Qin Yu smiled and snapped his fingers and said, "Give Zixin a cup of double-strength black coffee, no sugar or milk."

   "Dong Qin...No, Shao Qin knows my taste." Xu Zixin said unexpectedly.

   "I know more than that, does Zixin want to hear it?" Qin Yu smiled.

   "It's okay to listen." Xu Zixin raised her right leg and put it on her left leg, placing her hands on her thighs with virtual hands.

   Slide your legs forward and stretch your legs at 35 degrees.

   The long legs wrapped in black silk are completely exposed to sight.

  啧啧, the top of the food chain is my sister.

   Too good, too good!

   "178, 66, 36...F." Qin Yu said with a smile.

   Xu Zixin didn't understand at first, when he mentioned ‘F’, he understood everything.

   Isn't this his height, weight, and bust? How would he know?

   "What else do you know?" Xu Zixin tilted her shoulders pretendingly and tenderly, but she was already burning with anger in her heart.

   bastard, has he been plotting against him a long time ago?

   Qin Yu looked down at the long legs wrapped in black silk, and said, "110, should be correct."

   tilted his body and looked behind her, Qin Yu nodded firmly and repeated: "How is it, am I right?"


   Xu Zixin wondered: "These are all you guessed?"

   Qin Yu pointed to his eyes and said with a smile: "I have a pair of eyes, a bead of kindness."

   "Speaking of **** so frankly, you are the first."

   Xu Zixin embraces both hands, and his already aggressive bosom is even more fierce.

   "Everyone has the heart to love beauty, and it's not a sinful thing."

   Qin Yu picked up the Huazi on the table, took a root and held it in his mouth: "If I can't get what I want, what is the meaning of what I have now?"

   Xu Zixin gave a startled expression, then nodded and said: "That's right!"


   Tilted his head and lit Huazi, Brother Yu took a mouth and slumped backwards, and laughed: "Let's talk, what's the matter with me?"

   "I thought Shao Qin knew everything!" Xu Zixin nodded in response, pretending to be shy.

   "What do you trade for."

   Qin Yu pointed out directly, full of aggressive eyes, and looked at her from top to bottom.

   "Are you yourself?"

   "But how do I feel that this business is a bit loss?"

   Since the other party took the initiative to find the door, he wanted to use himself in exchange for the company's support.

   Then this is not business, and what is it?

   There is a business way to talk about business, and he knows what Yu brother he wants.

   But, with only one Xu Zixin, she wants too much...

   "Am I not enough?"

   Xu Zixin let go of her hands, her chest trembled, leaning forward and holding the coffee table with her hands, and approaching a little bit forward.

   "Don't play with fire, you can't afford it." Putting down the hand holding Huazi, a faint smoke blows towards Xu Zixin.

   "Cough cough~" The momentum that was finally supported, collapsed instantly.

   Xu Zixin clamped her legs inward, and coughed vigorously with her palms covering her mouth, showing no image.

   "Go ahead, what do you want?"

   sat down again, and embraced her chest again with her hands, indicating that Xu Zixin's inner vigilance still failed to let go.

   To be fair, Xu Zixin is very wary of him.

   It's just that people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

  Who makes one want to ask him now, "These are all for the different tunes."

   Xu Zixin emphasized in his heart, but I don't know why.

   The more I remind myself of this, the more I feel guilty! !

   It seems that all this is to conceal the true delusion in my heart.

   took another deep breath, and crushed the two-thirds of Huazi.

   Qin Yu clapped his hands and stood up, "Let's go!"

   "Huh?" Xu Zixin asked with a weird expression: "Where to go?"

   "Take you to see a good baby." Qin Yu smiled, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com walked straight out.

   Take the speeding car all the way to the abandoned city. When the speeding car landed in the warehouse area of ​​the headquarters, Xu Zixin's face was as cold as ice when she got out of the car.

  The bright red lip color on the mouth seems to be accidentally rubbed there, two pieces are missing...

   "Let's go, just ahead."

  On the contrary, Qin Yu's expression was full of energy, and his brows danced as if he had won a big prize.

   Taking a proud step, Xu Zixin followed him step by step into the warehouse.

   Warehouse No. 18, the door opened under Qin Yu's instructions.


   The eight-meter-high, silver-winged Glory, which was shimmering with silver light, appeared in front of the two abruptly.

   "Fuck!" Xu Zixin exploded.

   This is... what is it?

   An enlarged version of the humanoid mecha, what's behind that...wings?

   Has the technology of Miracle Company developed to this point?

   So, what is this? ? ?

  A secret weapon?

   For an instant, countless question marks flashed in Xu Zixin's mind.

   "Is this a gift for me?" Xu Zixin asked with surprise and ecstasy.

   "..." Brother Yu is a bit speechless, is he too active?

   The surprise to her was so great that it made her have a fantasy that is not lacking in reality.


  Woman-are you thinking about Jill?

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