Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1139: Part ways

   Shennongjia, genetic warrior preparatory training camp.

   As one of the third batch of students who graduated successfully and completed the transformation, Jin Linger and other students returned to school for an exhibition match.

   After performing a seemingly thrilling, but actually boring performance.

  The unification journey ends here, and then they will go to their own forces to report.

   Jin Linger chose the Ministry of War, and she also chose Zhou Yi and Ye Hao.

   Ye Ting chose to join Miracle Company. As for Ye Tang...

   He failed to survive the genetic modification, his thoughts were degenerate, and he never had a chance to get out of the operating room again.

   "Ling'er, it's about to start." Zhou Yi shouted to Jin Ling'er, who was still looking at the training camp at the speed station outside the base.


   took a deep look again, completely changing the place of her life, Jin Linger stomped forward with her right foot, and landed in front of the site.

   "Let's go!"

   "Oh, the control of power is more delicate." There was no trace on the ground, and Zhou Yi smiled and praised.

   "Compared with Zhou Yi, it's still far behind."

   Jin Linger said in an admiring tone, as the best student of the third period, Zhou Yi's strength is the strongest among them.

   It’s just that Zhou Yi, who was praised by her, fell silent, grinning reluctantly, "I, I'm still far away!"

   No one knew, before leaving the base where they were undergoing remodeling operations.

   Zhou Yi took the initiative to apply to the instructor, wanting to challenge the early genetic warriors, and want to determine how strong he is.

   Then, he met the best student of the second period, Treco Ferrettos.

   A complete abuse!

   It took Zhou Yi half a month to adjust his mentality so that he would not be depressed.

   But this incident also frustrated his self-confidence and made him no longer sure of his choice.

  Maybe, if you choose to join the company, you can get better development.

   is also a genetic warrior, the difference in strength between each other... is too big.

   Zhou Yi naturally does not know that the genetic warriors who join the company will be better nurtured in all aspects.

  The company's experience, technology and methods are unmatched by any outside organization.

   As time goes by, the gap between each other will only get bigger and bigger.

   Until he completely loses the qualification to catch up, he becomes a person in two different worlds.

   How big is the gap between poor people, ordinary people, rich people, rich people, and super rich people.

   The world where the mutants are, the gap between classes will only be more serious than it.

   High-ranking mutants, and even the low-ranking ones are in control of life and death.

   There was a disagreement. Things like the corpse in the wilderness happen almost every day.

  Management agencies in various countries have also opened one eye and closed one eye for this.

   As long as it does not involve ordinary people, the struggle between the mutants, and even the death struggle, are tacitly approved.

   But if it causes public losses, it will threaten the safety and lives of ordinary people.

The nature of    is completely different.

   On the speeding car, watching the fully enclosed sci-fi interior, Zhou Yi reached out to touch the roof of the car with curiosity.

   "Every time I see these, I feel like a dimensionality reduction blow, which is not one level at all."

   Ye Hao's words were approved by everyone, and everyone talked about what they saw and heard.

   Jin Linger quietly said to Zhou Yi: "Brother Yi, have you decided where you are going?"

   "Not yet, why, are you set?" Zhou Yi asked curiously.

   "Well, it's fixed."

   Jin Ling'er looked at the quiet people and said: "Different Tune Bureau, Deputy Director."

   Zhou Yi frowned tightly, "How can I let you go to such a place?"

   The people with ordinary abnormalities are either scared to death or longing for the name of the abnormal situation.

   It can be said to them who have graduated from training camp, undergone terrible transformation surgery, and become transformation fighters.

   Different tunes, that's how it is.

   However, Zhou Yi was not talking about this, but the deputy director.

  What is a deputy director? It is a tool man used to assist the director in his work.

   seems to have a high level of authority, but in fact it is unpleasant, and all aspects must be weighed and considered.

   You can spend all your time and energy on the problems you need to face every day.

   You need to explain to the top and lead the bottom.

   There are basically no opportunities to go out to work, people, don’t you want to abandon them if you leave them in this way?

   In terms of Jin Ling'er's strength and performance, this position is really wronging her.

"I am okay."

   Jin Ling'er herself has a different view. She thinks that the position of deputy director is better.

   As long as she stands firm, she can directly challenge the director.

   That's right, the first time I received the transfer order.

   Jin Linger already has a goal, a different game.

   Bringing the entire alien situation into her own control, this is her first goal.

   "Yes, I have ideals, I support you."

   Zhou Yi suddenly became interested. It is a good choice to be the director of the Bureau of Abnormal Harmony.

   However, he can only give Jin Linger spiritual encouragement at present.

   Your specific whereabouts and arrangements depend on what grandpa at home means.

   Zhou Lao sent him to the training camp, naturally, he had a comprehensive consideration.

   In the future, the Zhou family will be alone in the Republic, and will be in a high position.

   depends on how much support and strength they can get in the coming days.

   Anomaly is just an attempt. No matter how strong the alterer is, can the fleet be much stronger?

  In the future, the air force will be the mainstream.

   If nothing happens, I will be sent to Vulcan by the old man.

   received the first batch of captain training to prepare for the establishment of the Star Fleet Academy in the future.

   "Then you want to become the captain's instructor?"

   Brother Zhou Yi really is the most powerful of them, maybe in the future he will be the one who has gone the farthest. UU reading

   arrived at Shangdu smoothly. Everyone got off the bus in the urban area, but Jin Linger stayed in the bus.

   "Come on, see you next time, I hope I can call you Chief Jin."

   "Work hard together." Jin Ling'er raised her fist and waved, filled with an innocent smile.

   Watching the speeding car take off again, everyone's hearts became heavy.

   This farewell, I don’t know how long it will take to see you again.

   Will they run counter to each other due to different positions?

   "Hope, it won't happen." He whispered softly, and the headquarters of the Bureau of Abnormal Harmony arrived.

   Regarding Jin Linger's arrival, Anomaly has paid great attention to it.

   not only arranged a welcome team, but Xu Zixin also came personally.

   "Director Xu." Jin Linger, who was alone, put away her innocent smile.

   Facing Xu Zixinxian's cold and capable, his whole body is full of military color.

   "Welcome to work at the Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Director Jin, I wish you a happy future cooperation."

  Xu Zixin is wearing a dusty gray coat with a pure black tight-fitting combat suit and high-heeled boots.

   combines sexiness and heroism. She has been in this style since she went to the abandoned city and came back.

   Some people have discussed this matter specially, but no one has the guts to ask the specific reason in front of her.

   I can only guess secretly, what exactly is my boss going through?

   That infamous man with constant scandals, wouldn't he really do anything to her?

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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