Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1143: Terminal sale

   "Brother, everything is done according to your instructions. I saw the photos deleted with my own eyes, including the cloud backup."

   in the nightclub bathroom.

   Xiao Li bowed his body, holding the mobile phone in one hand with respect to his ear, and covering his mouth with the other hand and whispered.

   When Qin Shao asked him for a phone call, Xiao Li was stupid.

  Brother, you are a high-end celebrity and Internet celebrity.

   Want to change your taste, some wild ones?

  Who knows, people turn around and send themselves a batch of wild horses.

   Xiao Li was frightened, afraid that he would be involved in some trouble.

   only found out at the end that it turned out to be a lesson for the other party.

   I thought of the destroyed art photos, and the chicken heads mentioned it, and looked scared after laughing.

   Xiao Li was a little curious, what happened after taking the person away that night?

   However, everything that the young and old told me has been done by myself, and the money is also in my hands.

   It's better to ask less about social matters.

   Qin Yu, lying in the hammock, lit a cigarette and swallowed clouds and fog into the dark night sky.

   Fortunately, he was more mindful and sent a bodyguard to follow the chicken heads.

   Or, the fake scene should be done.

   It's not that she feels sorry for that woman, she deserves it even if she was really done.

   But that has to be ordered by Brother Yu himself.

   At first glance, he refreshed and lifted his pants.

   said it was his order, what about death?

   Thinking of the chicken head thrown into the hospital by the broken leg, Brother Yu felt that he was still lightly beaten.

   As for that Qiao Ann, I hope she can remember the lesson this time.

   Next time, Qin Yu will have no patience.

   "Who called?" An idiotic whisper came from my ear.

   Qin Yu lowered his head, looked at the matte and translucent skin under the moonlight, and chuckled softly: "A little personal matter, go to sleep!"

   March 24, Sunday.

   The personal terminal advertised by Miracle Company was officially listed.

   All sales channels are full of people.

   At 6:35 in the morning, a pre-sale announcement was placed at the door.

   The real-name system is implemented in this pre-sale, and one person can only purchase one (general).

   The official pre-sale time is 8:00.

  The limit of the number of people entering the store at a time: 6 people.

   Please follow the on-site arrangement. If you don’t obey the arrangement, those who jump in the queue will lose the eligibility to purchase.

   "Have you made a mistake, why is the purchase restricted?" Zhang Meng's eyes widened when he lined up all night.

   This is not funny, but he promised to help carry two at the same time.

   "It's time to limit the purchase, or let the scalpers buy it, how can we get us in turn?"

   "That's what I said, now the scalpers must not cry to death."

   Hearing the conversation of several people, lined up behind with glasses, the gentle young man said: "There are no scalpers at all. Didn't you read the official website?"

   "What's wrong, what did the official website say?" Everyone was curious.

   "Personal terminals must be activated on site, and each citizen can only hold one."

   "Hey, what's the matter with this, the scalpers have to do more."

   "I don't think it is possible, but it requires fingerprint and voice dual recognition to turn it on."

   "Hope, otherwise the price will make the scalper stir up the sky again."

   "Just buying offline is too much trouble, my legs are numb."

   The little girl knocked her leg and said with a tired face.

   She has been standing here for more than three hours. I thought she was early enough at 3 o'clock in the morning.

   But when I came, I realized that more than a dozen had already been sent.

   Someone has set up a tent, he's old professional!

   Talking and laughing, the time finally arrived at eight o'clock.

   Seeing the clerk behind the glass door was about to open the door, everyone's mood also became excited.

   "Hey, what is the foreigner doing?"

   Zhang Meng, who was waiting to open the door and move forward, pointed to the foreigner who swaggered past and asked.

   "Maybe someone from the shop?" Someone hesitated to guess.

   "There is a passage for employees at the back, so people in the store will not go through the front door."

   "Hey, what are you doing, jump in the line?"

   A group of foreigners stood at the door, looking like they could not understand Mandarin, playing with their mobile phones leisurely.

   The next moment, the store door opened.

   The person in front immediately walked in, and the foreigner lifted the sedan chair to cross the isolation belt and also entered, pressing his chest with one hand.

   "Sorry, sir, please line up at the back."

   The foreigner took off his earphones, speaking in his mother tongue with confusion and anger, indicating that he could not understand Mandarin.

  He is here to buy things, you can't treat your distinguished guests like this.

   I am a foreign friend, don't touch me, be careful I sue you.

   The other side's whispering whispers angered the customers who were honestly waiting in line.

   Before they could condemn in unison, the clerk told him in fluent English that if he was no longer physically minded, he would be removed from the blacklist.

   "That's right, go in line later, honestly."

   "There are still such people now, do you think you have privileges here?"

   "Why not, there are so many black dogs, you just didn't see it."

   "I met him before, but it made me sick and slapped her twice on the spot."

   Whispering to each other, the foreigners are getting more and more excited and louder.

   On the screen outside the store, a screenshot of him suddenly appeared.

   drew a big red cross on the photo, which means that this person is forbidden to enter.

  At the same time, the two robots standing in the store turned to face the door and walked out step by step.

   "Is that an assaulter? Looks super handsome."

   "Beauty, don't talk nonsense, the assaulter is armed with weapons, and the creator without weapons, engineers."

   "These two models are not the same thing, okay? The materials are different."

   "It doesn't matter whether it's the same, it will be done if it is handsome."

   "Ha, the foreigner is on the blacklist."

   "Grass, it's time to be comfortable."

   Seeing the foreigner being pushed back by the robot, he accidentally fell to the ground.

   The corners of his mouth rose sharply, and he was almost grinning as if he was laughing: "As Libang, I should express sympathy for his experience and give him a hand.

   Kete, why is this mouth out of control, and want to work? "


   There was thunderous applause at the scene, "Fuck it, it's infected, this hand does its own work."

   "That's right, the hand moves first."

  The editor in the line hurriedly took out his mobile phone and took this video: There was a human-to-human transmission incident on the sales site, and the situation was extremely ‘serious. ’

   The cover is a screenshot of a foreigner falling back on the ground and Zhang Meng’s mouth rising strangely.

  Don't say, his smile reminds people of radiation distortion, and the number of views skyrocketed in an instant.

   Looking at the screen full of curses below, the editor happily closed his mouth from ear to ear.

   Not only is the money to buy the equipment enough, but there is surplus...

   Earn this wave of blood!

   Although there was a delay of dozens of minutes, the sales atmosphere on site was exceptionally harmonious.

   You are humble and I let me make you feel like a family.

   also makes the whole sales process as smooth as silk, one after another, the activation and departure are completed.

   "Ah, it's so beautiful." He took his personal terminal and left the point of sale.

   Zhang Meng stroked the silver-colored dial-shaped terminal with his hand, and whispered: "Terminal."

   "Hello, personal terminal assistant is for you, please give correct instructions."

   "Open the Smart Assistant Mall." Zhang Meng has studied these for a long time, and commands are effortless.

   Open the mall, and a translucent mall projection appears in front of him.

   is a thumb-sized figure, rice, Anadi, Guna, Zhang Zi, goddess, goddess, goddess...

   I wanted each one, Zhang Meng decided to start one and try it out: "Buy the image of Lin Rune."

   "Lin Rune's intelligent assistant image, the monthly fee is 88 yuan, the customized version is 888 yuan. The annual fee is 999 yuan for the regular version, and the customized version is 9999 yuan."

   "The difference is so big?" Zhang Meng slapped his lips and asked, "What is the difference between the regular version and the customized version?"

   "The customized version can freely switch between different personalities, tone, performance and image fine-tuning."


   Thinking of the goddess' face full of and chatting face-to-face with him in a whispering tone, Zhang Meng was instantly excited.

   "Just launch a customized version...single month." Zhang Meng gritted his teeth.

   ruthlessly, complete payment verification through voice and facial recognition.

"payment successful!"

   "Your smart assistant is back online..."

   The next moment, Run'e, the size of a thumb, appeared in front of her eyes.

   is wearing a beautiful sequined mermaid evening dress, and dances in circles with one foot behind her...

   There is an innocent smile on his happy face.

   A few seconds later, the character stopped, folded his hands together, and looked up at Zhang Meng with admiring eyes: "Ouba, thank you for choosing Run'e, please give me your advice in the future!"

   a sweet voice, a cute blinking motion with his head tilted.

   Zhang backed away a few steps, with an exaggerated expression of intoxication, covering his chest with his hands: "Ah, the goddess kills me."

   Around the square, the same scene happens from time to time.

   The girls looked at the male characters in the mall in astonishment, covering their mouths and screaming, "Ahhhhh, which trainee is this, I'm dead!"

   "From today, I unilaterally declare that this is my husband."

   Stick the terminal on the wrist to the position of the heart, let it feel its own warmth.

   The girl saw someone sticking her tongue out at the projection on the terminal, her expression was instantly frantic: "Ah, let go of my husband, you rotten girl..."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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