Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1145: Hard work after the front desk

   simply packed two clothes, and borrowed two more clothes from Shen Bing's closet.

   Silver fish scale tailless tube top evening dress.

   Three-piece hollowed out crystal transparent one-piece sling.

   "Yueyue doesn't wear this kind of thing." Shen Bing frowned, his eyes filled with helplessness.

   The pure white snow is also dyed with jet black ink.

   completely broken!

   "Would you like dinner?" Shen Bing asked, hugging the blue cat.

   Looking at the blue cat in her arms who never let go, Qin Yu laughed and shook his head.

   Some people are like this, they clearly say, ‘I hate pets. ’

   Once you get entangled with small things, you will become another person.

   Hum, the mouth is upright!

   "No, I'll be there in ten minutes, and eat over there." Qin Yu slung the bag behind his shoulder, and walked towards the path without turning his head back.

   Looking at the back of him leaving, Shen Bing's heart was a little bit sad.

   so wronged~

  嘤! ?

   呸 呸 呸, I am a successful independent woman, how could it be ridiculous...



   Jinling, Sujiang Grand Theater.

   is the largest modern theater in the Central District, and the largest theater complex in the Republic and even in Asia.

   invested 2.7 billion and was completed in 14 years. It is affectionately called the "Little Bird's Nest" by the Sujiang people, and it is also a proud landmark building for the general public.

   has a total area of ​​196,000 square meters and a total construction area of ​​271,000 square meters. The multi-functional complex meets various needs.

   This time, the Royal Opera and Dance Theatre will perform in the opera hall inside the Grand Theatre.

   2037 seats, 16 meters underground and 47 meters above the ground, underground space is reserved for the lifting stage.

The    auditorium is a three-layer curved horseshoe-shaped pool seat, which is designed to have a natural sound amplification effect to ensure that the audience can hear clearly even in the original sound state.

   When Qin Yu arrived, the ticket check had just started on the spot.

   But instead of queuing with him, he took out a work card from the inner pocket of his jacket and hung it on his chest.

  "Dance theater staff?" In front of the employee's passage, the inspector looked at his face and then looked at the field affairs written on the certificate.

   "Handsome man, it's a pity for you to do field work like this. If you have an idea, I can introduce you to the entertainment industry."

   The other party looked up and down Qin Yu's figure and appearance, and affirmed: "On your terms, it's easy to earn more than 100 million a year!"

   "Thank you." Qin Yu responded politely.

   Seeing his performance of Furui Bubo, there is no reaction.

   The other party thought he hadn’t figured out what he meant.

   "What I said is true. My aunt's cousin's sister is in wireless media. You know that it's a big company, right?"

   "If you are willing to let me be an agent, I can help you get a B-level contract, and I won't lose you."

   "Also what I just said, making an annual income of over 100 million is just the beginning..."

   looked at him seriously again, the little aunt tilted her head, and said shyly: "One year, as long as one year, you will definitely be the top-tier, earning hundreds of millions a year..."

   Seeing the other party talking endlessly, the smile on Qin Yu's face gradually disappeared.


   Lightly coughing to interrupt the other party, Qin Yu said with a cold face: "It's still waiting for me to start work inside!"

   "Hey, are you really unmoved? How about a billion a year?" The little aunt was shocked, but she looked at his eyes more admiringly.

   Qin Yu shook his head coldly: "Sorry, there is no such worldly desire!"

   Watched by the little aunt who doubted his life, Qin Yu strode towards the end of the passage with a bag on his back.

   was delayed a lot of time by the staff at the door. When he found Lan Yue's locker room in the background, he was ready to take the stage.

   "Husband." Lan Yue rushed towards him excitedly, putting his hands on his shoulders and kissing.

   Qin Yu quickly hid back and said, "Don't, the makeup on the face."

   "Ah... forgot."

   Lan Yue paused with lingering fear, and took a picture in the mirror worriedly.

   Seeing her look confused, Qin Yu really wanted to rua her head twice.

   But the heavy bun and the mallet on it, "If it gets messed up, the lazy cat will cry anxiously, right?"

   Thinking of this, Qin Yu suppressed his restless hand.

  手: I want to rua.

   Mind: No, you don’t want to, let me crawl!

   Seeing Qin Yu's tangled expression, he wanted to touch and restrained.

   Lazy Cat pursed her mouth shyly and smirked, and said timidly: "Wait for the meeting to be over, people...everything is up to you."

   Qin Yu's eyes lit up and said, "Listen to everything?"

   "Hmm~" Meow.

   waited half an hour in the locker room with Lazy Cat, and finally it was her turn to appear.

   "Teacher Lan Yue, please here." The staff looked at Qin Yu curiously.

   It's just that he has already put on a mask this time.

   squeezed her little hand, Qin Yu smiled lightly: "I'll go ahead and see you later."

   "Yeah." At the moment when he nodded obediently, and let go of his hands, Lan Yue felt a little bit reluctant.

   When she turned to face the stage channel, her expression immediately became mature and steady.

   The next moment is strange, tender, pitiful, restless, ecstatic...

  Different emotions surfaced on her face one by one, as if she had experienced the various states of life in an instant.

   came to the reserved place at the front desk, Qin Yu saw Chief Tang's father and mother again.

   "Uncle, Aunt~"

   Nodded to the two of them, Qin Yu pulled down the mask.

   "Oh, it's Xiao Qin!" Aunt Tang patted his arm excitedly.

   This young man is still so energetic, tall and handsome...great.

   "Little Qin, come to see Girl Lan." Uncle Tang smiled.

   "Yes, I haven't seen him for a long time, my boyfriend will be incompetent if I don't come again."

   The second elder nodded in relief, and looked at him more satisfied.

  心 said, ‘If this were my son-in-law, how nice it would be! ’

   At this moment, Qin Yu was thinking, ‘When is the right time to go home with Tangtang for a showdown and change his name to father-in-law and mother-in-law? ’

   After experiencing Song Yuqiao's affairs, Qin Yu decided not to escape.

   No matter how you hide, this kind of thing is impossible to hide...

   It's better to take the initiative to attack and break one by one!

   Otherwise, if they were towed together and crashed, it would be really dying.

   Talk a few words, the above performance is about to begin, and everyone is quiet.

   Today, Lan Yue has two projects, one is the group dance "Flying Sky" and the other is the solo dance "Water Moon".

   The two dances have extremely high requirements for flexibility, and both have more leg movements.

   Seeing her and the other dancers fixed on the stage, dancing lightly, with joy on her face.

   Others are admiring the beauty of the dance, but Qin Yu is distressed by the body of his lazy cat.

  The burden of those movements on the legs and body is enormous...

   There is also the main dancer in the middle, Tangtang!

   Fortunately, Yu brother's heart is big enough, even if he hurts two at a time, he is busy.

  , Tang's father and Tang's mother are all smiles. Today, her daughter is in very good condition, and she frequently interacts with their two elders during dancing.

   will cast his eyes from time to time, making the two elders complain and be full of joy at the same time.

   When my daughter is older, she is more and more distressed.

   It didn’t take long for Lan Yue’s second project to start performing.

   Watching her performance, Tang's mother, who has been a professional audience for many years, patted Qin Yu's hand and whispered softly: "This kid Lan Yue is really talented. He was born to eat this bowl of rice."

   "I feel bad for her body. They jump like this, it's too wasteful of their bodies." Qin Yu said with a bit of pain.

   Tang's mother was startled, and sighed: "Huh~"

   Qin Yu's words reminded her of her own Tangtang, and her injuries have never been broken for so many years.

   is an occupational disease, except for daily basic health care, and regular visits to the hospital for various examinations and physical therapy.

   Outsiders only see her scenery, but they don’t know how much they have paid for it!

  ‘Should I find an opportunity to tell her about retirement? "Mother Tang's thoughts of being broken once again arisen in her heart.

   Now that there is girl Lan Yue picking up her class, she should rest assured.

   "My wife~"

   Tang's mother ran into her old man, and the two got together and whispered about their daughter's future life.

   Her dream has been achieved. Before she completely collapses, should she consider her future life?

   No matter how high the achievement is, how many applause and flowers you get!

  In the hearts of parents, happiness...

   It is the most important thing to see children get their own happiness.

   This is the most sincere and sincere wish and expectation of every parent, far beyond everything in the world.

   "Uncle, aunt, I'm going backstage first."

   The performance on the stage ended, and after the lazy cat bowed, Qin Yu couldn't wait to follow.

   "Okay, go, go!"

   "Oh, it's so nice to be young, my Tangtang lacks a boyfriend like Xiao Qin."

   looked at his distant back with all eyes and kindness, the second elder really wanted to turn into another good son-in-law like Qin Yu in front of him.

   Hope that when the truth emerges, they will still be able to change their original intentions.

   Backstage, Qin Yu knocked on the door of the locker room.

   The door of the room opened from the inside, and Lan Yue, dressed in drama costumes, appeared in front of her.

   looked shy, nodded and lowered his eyebrows to hold his fingers, and slowly backed him into the room.

   "Is this clothes expensive?"

   "Take it lightly, it's okay..."

   "Wait for Tangtang to come?"

   "...Bad guy, kill you, wow!"

  The answer is self-evident.


   The door was locked from inside, and the sound stopped suddenly.

   Two hours later, the whole performance is over, and the staff in the corridor will come and go.

   "Where's Teacher Lan Yue?"

   "Should take a rest in the locker room!"

   "Let me see if I am asleep."

  The assistant came to the door of the locker room, knocked on the door leaning forward, and said softly: "Teacher Lan Yue, teacher..."

   "Ah, I'm here." Lan Yue's voice was a little hurried.

   "Teacher, the performance is over, everyone is going to celebrate."

   "I, um...I will not go, I am not feeling well, I will go back to the hotel to rest first, you don't have to worry about me."

   Hearing the teacher’s ‘gentle’ voice, the other party thought for a while and said: "Okay, do you want someone to stay with you?"


   "I'll stay with her, you guys go!"

   The assistant looked at him for a moment, and said unsure: "Is it Teacher Tang?"

   "Well, go, don't worry, we are. UU reading"

   somewhat strangely, the assistant scratched his head and walked forward.

   Miracle, the voices of the two teachers sounded abnormal.

   Such a heavy nasal sound, wouldn’t it be a cold?

   "How about, have you found someone?"

   "Teacher Tang seems to be gone."

   "Hurry up and look for it."

   Hearing the anxious voice of a colleague, the assistant hurriedly explained: "No need to find, Teacher Tang and Teacher Lan Yue are together, let us celebrate by ourselves."

   "Ah, are the two teachers okay?"

   "It sounds like I'm too tired, the nasal sound is a bit heavy, I suspect it's a cold."

   "Then I will buy some cold medicine on the way."

   "I'm going to buy it, I know there is one on the opposite street, I saw it when I came..."

   "Hey, did you see the performance of Teacher Lan Yue today? She is really beautiful."

   "You said, I heard that Teacher Lan Yue is the hardest one in training..."

   "Wow, people who are better than you are working hard, and waste like me can only lie flat."

   "Okay, Teacher Lan Yue is not comparable to people like you and me, so think about what you will eat later!"

   "Dry rice, dry rice, what can't you do, at least I can do it."

"Ha ha…"

   During the laughter and discussion, several people left with each other, leaving only the theater staff to carry equipment and clean up at the front desk.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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