Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1147: Change face

   Most Internet celebrities check in, which will disappoint.

   The price is expensive, the portion is small, and the taste is bad. It seems to have become the label of "net celebrity check-in" food.

   Only, this time it was completely different.

   fatty beef sukiyaki on top of snowflakes, grilled beef tongue and eel rice, bring a satisfying experience to Qin Yu.

  ‘Ding, congratulations on tasting the explosion of taste buds and trigger random rewards! ’

  ’Title Advanced Card: Any title can be made to advance! ’

   even let the system that hasn't been moving for a long time, give out random rewards.

   Your taste—identification.

  The taste of foie gras sushi and signature sushi is also good, and the salmon sashimi is quite satisfactory.

   There is nothing amazing.

   But compared to the salmon in the general sushi restaurant, it tastes richer and the meat is fresher.

   "It's delicious...and drink it!"

  The lazy cat with its bulging cheeks held up the cup and shouted, "One more cup, just one cup."

   hilariously and helplessly said: "a cup?"

   "Hmmmm~" Lazy Cat nodded his head with bright eyes and tilted his head docilely.

   "Where are you?" His eyes turned to Tang poetry.

   Big eyes narrowed slightly, Tang Shi nodded with flushed cheeks, watching him raise his chin, grinning silly ‘hehe’.

   Today, let them relax and indulge once.

   thought in his heart, Qin Yu filled the cup in front of her.

   shook the clay pot and found it almost bottomed out.

   Looking at the table again, there are already three empty bottles, "Waiter, please give me another bottle here."

   drank five bottles in a row. When they left, the two of them looked like fools, grinning ‘hey’ and just smirking.

   The Tang poetry is okay, squeezed into Qin Yu's arms, quiet and quiet, as usual.

   Lazy Cat kept pulling his head, revealing small tiger teeth, as if to bite.

   "Bad guy, big bad guy."

   "Hug...Hug, hey."

   "Well, it smells good...husband, I really like you."

   "Woo~husband, when practicing dancing, it hurts to fall down!"

   "'re here, you'll definitely help me out, that's it."

   "In the future, I will give you so many children, okay?"

   "Hey, give birth to a football team, let you have no time to go, bother."

   Facing the weird gaze of the lady cashier sister, Qin Yu rubbed her head and held her in his arms.

   Tang poetry on the left, lazy cat on the right.

   At this moment, Miss Sister's expression is even more strange: "Your room card, please keep it."

   "Thank you." Received the room card.

   Qin Yu walked to the elevator one by one, and put Tang poetry on the bed when he came to the room.

   looked down at the lazy cat who hugged herself and didn't want to let go.

   I cried and laughed along the way, venting all the grievances and worries that I had held in my heart in the past.

   Ling Yu's heart is mixed, not a taste!

   sat leaning against the head of the bed, hugged her horizontally, and put her feet on the bed.

   Qin Yu pulled the quilt, covered her belly, and quietly looked at the pretty face sleeping peacefully in front of her chest.

   A ray of sunlight shone on his face, and the sleeping lazy cat regained consciousness.

   rubbed his eyes, rolled his face with a smile, his arm was blocked by something hard.

   opened his eyes and saw that it was a pair of legs.

   turned his head and looked to the other side, a helpless and tired face came into view.

   "You won't just sit all night like this?"

   sat down on the bed obediently, clenched his hands in front of his knees, leaning forward and looking at Qin Yu.

   "What do you mean?"

   squeezed her face, Qin Yu stood up and moved her body.

   did not activate the Nanoworms, just relying on his own hard defense, even in terms of Qin Yu's physique, it was a test.

   This night is really bearable...

   Tang Shi, who was sleeping on the right, also woke up in the sound of their conversation.

   rubbed his eyes in a daze and asked, "What time is it?"

   "It's still early, 8:20." Lazy cat glanced at the phone, and was sleepy again when he heard Tang Shi's yawn.

   In the next moment, his gaze swept across Qin Yu's Tang poems, and the spirit became clear.

   "Is there any treatment at the latest?" Tang Shi pulled up his trouser legs.

   "You have to ask Yueyue."

   Qin Yu can't help looking at the lazy cat, clearly saying, "It's all her responsibility."

   "Sister, don’t worry, there is still a whole day."

   Lanyue jumped out of bed, took her to say something quietly, and went into the bathroom together.

   The bitterness of lovesickness made her unaware of being shy.

   The pure white paper is dyed in color after all.

   But only by adding color can you make a perfect painting!

   removes surface bruises and dullness for Tang poetry.

   Then, Lanyue enjoyed more comprehensive, high-standard, and high-quality nursing services.

   In fact, she knew in her heart that she had already received the same treatment.

   There used to be a mark from a bump, and every time I see him, he will quickly disappear.

   At that time, Lan Yue didn't think about it, only when it was time, it disappeared naturally.

   I want to come now, he did it quietly!

2 hours…

   patted her face in the mirror.

   Lazy Cat turned around happily, hugged Qin Yu and kissed him.

   "It actually works!"

   looked at the Tang Poetry, who was also looking in the mirror, leaned forward and stared at her and said, "Sister, your acne is gone!"

   "It's amazing." After taking pictures in the mirror, Tang Shi dare not believe it is true.

   It's amazing, it's incredible.

   How did he do it, and what's the secret in his body?

   "Qin Yu."

   found some fine lines under the eyes, Tang Shi's complexion flushed softly and asked, "Can you do it again for me?"

   How could Brother Yu refuse such a sincere request from the little milk rabbit?



   In the afternoon, Tang Shi and Lan Yue, with their faces full of collagen and skin moist and shiny, boarded the bus prepared by the dance troupe arm in arm.

   After each performance, only half of the day is used to rest and relax.

  The members can spend this time walking around and strolling around.

   Take a look at the beautiful local photos, take photos, and taste local food.

   Or sleep in a hotel arranged by the group for a day, all as supplementary sleep.

   Then, gather at the designated place at the time notified in the group.

   Take the bus and go to the airport together.

   8:11 tonight is the day when they return to Shangdu.

   Next, I will rehearse and train for the next performance.

   This year, the dance troupe will present gifts to mothers all over the world on Mother’s Day. It will be in Central, Barrow, Belarus, Seoul, Neon...

   Live broadcast in the five major areas at the same time, this time the task is very heavy.

   The specific list of participants has not yet been determined, and it should be announced after I go back this time.

   Found that there was no one in the car, Lazy Cat asked softly: "Sister, do you think I can choose one this time?"

   Tang Shi first took out the small mirror and took a picture of himself.

   Seeing that the hydrated and glowing apple muscle is really still there, he said, "Don't worry, you can definitely choose it."

   "Come on, I want to sit in front."

   "I'm going to be by the window this time, no one will fight with me."

   "Who wants to shoot you, haha, let me first!"


   Several girls ran into the car noisily and looked up.

   Tang Shi and Lazy Cat sat in the second row, looking at them blankly.

   "Chief Tang...Lan Yue second seat..." The girls fell silent for a moment.

   To the chief of Tang Shi, the members are in awe.

   Don't think she is always quiet, she doesn't even say a few words in daily life, and her personality is gentle and docile.

   But when it comes to dancing, Tang poetry can be called paranoid.

   During daily training, the small mistakes Zhou Xue occasionally overlooked couldn't escape her gaze.

   A glance passed, and the body of the member who made the mistake was as straight as an electric shock.

   No matter how tired or sleepy it is, I immediately get up to 120,000 points of energy.

   I was afraid of being caught by her, and another ‘killing eye’ came over, making people scared to numb the scalp.

   She won’t say you, she won’t scold you, or ridicule you...

   I can't do these Tang poems.

   She will only demonstrate the correct movements and force skills for you after the training is over.

   Then personally accompany you, practice again and again, practice until exhaustion, no more mistakes.

   The opponent is completely crushed with strength, even if they want to find a reason, they can't escape.

   And, once caught by her.

   The standard of ‘qualified’ will become what Tang Shi himself requires of himself.

   If everyone can reach her level, wouldn't everyone be the chief?

   If things go on like this for a long time, it will result in her majesty in the dance troupe.

   Let's talk about Lan Yue's second seat...

   When I first came, I thought she was easy to get along with.

   has a cheerful, well-behaved personality, can act coquettishly, and act cute.

  , who doesn't like such a soft girl?

   After a few group trainings, they knew that this one was absolutely unattainable.

   is exactly the enhanced version of Tang poetry, ah enhanced version...

   is not only highly valued by Teacher Zhou, but also has an extraordinary talent.

   even worked hard until the Tang poetry began to practice.

   Otherwise, I will feel guilty.

   It seems that he is regressing due to laziness, but Lan Yue's progress is too fast.

   Raise the training standards and length of the dance troupe by oneself, so that everyone becomes a genius of hard work.

   The feeling of desperation and oppression caused by someone chasing after him desperately is stronger than the pressure brought by Tang poetry.

   She is like a crazy little white rabbit with red eyes, running around behind everyone.

   Once someone stops, she will be overtaken by her!

   became a second-line substitute, even eliminated...

   Pervert, pervert! !

   Facing the panic of his companion, Tang Shi nodded slightly and said softly: "Be quiet."

   "I'm sorry, Chief Tang."

   bowed and apologized, and a few people quietly found a place to sit down. U U Reading www.uukanshu. com

   However, several people still looked back at them frequently, as if they had discovered some new world.

"What's wrong?"

   Tang Shi touched his face and said, "What is strange on my face?"


   A girl turned around, leaning her back and curiously said: "Chief, are you going to take care of the second seat?"

   "This skin is as tender as you can squeeze out water... it's almost like a person."

   "Yes, it looks like it can shine, Chief, what kind of care did you do?"

   "Chief, tell us what it is? I want to do it too."

   "I want to go too, this effect is amazing."

   The girls are chatting and discussing, wanting to get answers.

   In private, the chief is still very gentle.

   It’s just that I usually have more time for training and performances, I'm already used to it!

   Now, it’s about the ‘beauty’ that women care about the most, and I don’t care about the fear in my heart.

   This effect-there is skin care, it's just a change of face.

   Seeing the excited companions, Tang Shi's cheeks are red, and even the ears are dyed pink.

   "This master is very difficult to invite, only to be an acquaintance... I went with Yueyue."

   Lan Yue's expression was full of error when she heard the sister throw the pot to herself: Huh? ? ?



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