Only the short noise of tires rubbing against the ground can be heard on the track.

  'S breathing is as fierce as it is on fire, watching the scene of flying back and forth.

   Xu Xixi's heart was about to jump out of his throat, and the balance ball swayed violently with inertia.厽厼厽厼

   When he slowed down towards the exit, Xu Xixi felt like a rebirth.

   "Huh, huh~" Xu Xixi suddenly leaned sideways towards Qin Yu in the sound of short breathing.

   The sparkling red lips are like crystals, and he kisses his thick lips without hesitation. The fierce heartbeat is close together, and the frequency is synchronized.

   braked and stopped in front of the entrance, Xu Xixi’s lips were stuck, "Woo~"

   In front of the observation platform, Xu Hao's jealous face was distorted.

   How come there is no girl like Xu Xixi who initiates an active attack on him.

   Lips split, Xu Xixi slumped in the seat, panting, his heart about to jump out of his chest gradually calmed down.

   Scanning Analysis System: Literature under the pens of 厺厽 bxwx.co厺厽

   Xu Xixi:

   Age: 20.

   Height: 177cm.

   Weight: 55kg.

   Specialty: weak and boneless, super endurance, ten-finger continuous play.

   Yan value: 92-.

   Body: 90-.

   Mood value: 90↓.

   Favorability: 79↑.

   Freshness: 90.

  Analytical data: It has the flexibility that surpasses ordinary people, can do what ordinary people can't, the ten-finger dexterity, has a strong sense of rhythm, can change its own rhythm according to the rhythm of music.

   Xu Xixi’s data does not seem to him particularly amazing.

   can only be regarded as a ‘normal’ level.

   But her temperament can definitely be ranked second, even not as good as Lan Yue.

   If the system has a temperament score, Lan Yue is the ceiling, then she is also at least 95 points.

   found his eyes staring at him loosely, obviously distracted.

   Xu Xixi shook his hand in front of him: "Hey, what are you thinking?"

   "Miss you." The pupils reunited and looked directly at her with a smile.

   "Ah~" Xu Xixi hurriedly shifted his gaze and lowered his head at a loss.

   "Brother Yu~" Xu Hao shouted to remind him to leave the runway, the car behind had already set off.

   Parked the car in the parking space, Qin Yu looked at Xu Xixi, who was still immersed in emotion.

   "Your clothes." Qin Yu said.

   Xu Xixi lowered his head blankly, "Ah~"

   pressed his hand on his chest, Xu Xixi laughed on his face to cover up his embarrassment.

   quickly tidying up his skirt with both hands.

   Just now, Qin Yu's speed was as high as 280 horses, and his speed when cornering was 160 horses.

   is almost unbelievable, but it is also accompanied by strong inertia.

   If her skirt were not for good elasticity, Qin Yu could only take her to the mall to buy clothes.

   back to the observatory.

   "Friend, huh?" Li Xiao looked at him teasingly, as if saying, ‘you have so many friends. ’

   "Brother, this is what you don't understand." Qin Yu looked at him solemnly and said: "I have no other hobbies, I like to make friends."

   "...I vomited." Li Xiao really took it.

   "I'm so happy today, are we going to add some extra money?" Yang Chengjun proposed to add some chips, but it's boring to run more than two laps on the court.

   "How to play?" Qin Yu asked.

   "How about donating to the orphanage? I went there last time, and I was deeply impressed!" Li Xiao suggested.

   The last few people discussed, the loser will donate to the orphanage in the name of the champion.

   The amount is set at 100,000 per person.

   "This kind of activity can be carried out frequently in the future, should we set up a team?" Xu Hao asked happily.

   "Just your skills, what team will take you to play?" Yang Chengjun was really in a good mood, and he would even complain.

   "Brother Jun, without slaps." Xu Hao couldn't laugh or cry.

   "We will finish the game first." Li Xiao made a final decision and walked towards his bull.

   Li Xiao, Yang Chengjun, Qin Yu, Han Hu and Liu Xing played.

   Xu Hao is the referee, but Ge Qing said he was not interested.

   This is also the ranking they decided, and Qin Yu ranked second from the bottom.

   The location is very good, and there is enough space in the tournament for them to perform their best.

   "Do you want to come again?" Qin Yu asked Xu Xixi's opinion before getting into the car.

   Seeing her hesitating look with expectant eyes, she knew she would follow.

   "Brother Yu, do you want to bring someone to play with us?" Han Hu is reminding him that one more person will have an extra load, which will also affect handling, balance and speed.

   "It's okay, everyone is free to play." Qin Yu responded indifferently.

   "This is your choice, don't blame me for bullying you." Li Xiao felt that his opportunity had come.

   He ranked first, and Qin Yu had another load on his car.

   If you still don’t win this time...then try hard next time.

   falg can’t stand up randomly.

   He had seen Qin Yu's skills, and he was more than a professional class.


   The moment the electronic command sound rang, the four cars started at the same time.

   followed the graphite black and classic red 458 rushed out, leading the way.

  Han Hu is driving the Ferrari Classic Red 458.

  As a member of the three-second supercar club, the performance of the 458 is beyond doubt.

   Han Hu spent a lot of time and energy on it, and it took him three months to debug and modify it.

   Maybe his 458 is not the most powerful in the modified car, but it is definitely the most suitable for him.

   The power of the car is not the stronger the better, the lack of control will only cause tragedy.

   Take a later drive as an example, if it is a driver who has never driven before.

   is a kick of floor oil trying to test the limit speed, there is a high probability that the car will get out of control.

   Although Han Hu can't do it like an arm, he still knows its data and performance well.


   The engine roared and four cars were speeding on the track one after another.

   The one in the front was Qin Yu's. Xu Xixi in the co-pilot closed his lips tightly, his face flushed, and his wide pupils changed from fear to panic, to a metamorphosis of gradual excitement.

   Qin Yu, who was completely absorbed in the competition, did not notice her change.

   For him, everything around him is far away, only the track in front of him comes into his mind through his sight.

   The body and the car are integrated, he is just racing against himself.

   squeak, squeak~~

   The rough friction between the tires and the floor produced a thick green smoke, and Xu Hao outside the court held his head speechlessly.

   Every time I watch Yang Chengjun drag racing, he feels heartache of cardiac arrest.

   Brother Jun, I beg you brother, please!


   There was another burst of blue smoke rising, and Xu Hao was completely desperate.

   Even if it’s not his car, it hurts to watch someone build it like this!

   How can such a good GT2RS fall into the hands of a reckless man?


   Qin Yu successfully won the first place, Han Hu was second, and Li Xiao was third.

   Yang Chengjun, who is operating fiercely like a tiger, is pleased to mention the fourth...

  It was Liu Xing who fell in the end. Koenigsegg was really wronged in his hands. It is worthy of being a dish and a playful.

   "Brother Yu, admire it."

  Han Hu parked his car next to him and praised: "Someday you are interested in participating in a professional game, you must tell me." 厽厼厽厼

   "Do you have a team?" Qin Yu asked rhetorically.

  Han Hu doesn't have a team, but he knows a group of domestic modding experts, and these people are not bad in technology.

   It's just that the racing industry is not taken seriously in China, and there may even be some contemptuous discrimination.

   Let them have no suitable stage to display their abilities and show their talents.

   "I have no plans to form a professional team to participate in international competitions. I just want to play by myself."

   Qin Yu doesn't have time to do these The things on hand are enough for him.

   "Maybe you will change your mind someday?" Han Hu responded with a smile.

   I chose the orphanage where Li Xiao had been to, and one million was credited to the public donation account in Qin Yu's name.

   "Brother Yu, do you want to try my Koenigsegg?" Liu Xing walked over dejectedly.

   How come he always can't play his car, so angry!

   "I will try." Qin Yu took the key and threw his car key to Xu Hao.

   He has been waiting for a test drive for a long time.

   "Brother Yu, I'll be with you." Xu Hao, who took the key, wanted to play with him.

   "Just you?" Li Xiao vomited: "You only have to eat ashes behind."

   Xu Hao replied cheerfully: "I'm open, I'm happy to eat ashes."

   The two got on the track, and Koenigsegg, who was like a tweaking little girl in Liu Xing's hands, immediately turned into a wild beast.

   Watching Koenigsegg, who is speeding on the track, will pull out five or six positions.厺厽 nine cakes Chinese 9bzw.com厺厽

   Liu Xing couldn’t believe his eyes, ‘is this really my car? ’

   Seeing his depressed and speechless expression, Li Xiao patted him comfortably on the shoulder: "You can still use it to pick up girls in the future. The car is not suitable for you."

   Liu Xing nodded resignedly, feeling slightly better.

   Although it can’t bring out the performance of the car, it’s okay to pick up girls with it, and the probability is high.

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