Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 193: Company creation

‘Because the host is full of energy, the effect of kidney power is +100%. ’

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Qin Yu stretched out his fingers and pressed his chest and abdominal muscles.

It seems to be harder than before.

You can have a perfect body without fitness, and it can enhance male abilities.

It shouldn't be called ‘kidney power’, it should be called ‘full power’.

"Do you always wake up so early?" Lu Qing put on a large white T-shirt and leaned against the door, with a happy smile on his sleepy face.

The tender apple muscle seems to be able to squeeze out the water, and at first glance it is moisturized by love.

"Time is money. The first thing you want to do to succeed is to understand how to manage time."

"Time management?"

"That's a profound knowledge."

In Lu Qing's white eyes, he patted his back bridge, Qin Yu smiled and returned to the room to change clothes.


"Remember to pick me up at noon. Don't be late." Standing in front of the school gate, he waved to Qin Yu on 911. Lu Qing waited for the car to go far before turning and walking towards the school.

"Fraud!" Fang Mei suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

"Mei Mei~" Lu Qing said, slapped her chest, "I was just thinking about something, and I really want to be scared to death by you."

"Thinking about your male **** again?" Fang Mei joked with her arms around her shoulders: "That's right, if I have a male **** as a boyfriend, I will definitely put him in my heart every day."

"How can it be so exaggerated as you said." Lu Qing looked at her amused.

"Why not?" Fang Mei looked like she didn't know anything, and exaggerated: "No, you don't even know?"

"Know what?" Lu Qing was dumbfounded.

Looking at her expression, it seemed that something terrible had happened.

With a speechless slap on her forehead, Fang Mei opened the official website of Lixin College with her mobile phone and pointed to the latest announcement above to spread to her what her boyfriend had done.

"Mei." After hearing her popularity, Lu Qing looked at her strangely and asked, "Why are you paying attention to this?"

"Huh?" Fang Mei, who was overly proud, was stupid!

Yes, how can I pay attention to these, not my boyfriend.

Why pay special attention to the news from Lixin College? Why do you want to share it with others as soon as you see it?

He even went to show off in front of Lu Qing's real girlfriend.



At this time, Qin Yu didn't know that there were two gluttons around Lu Qing.

Even if he knew it, he wouldn't care, since he became a handsome man, he has greeted him a lot.

At first I didn't get used to it, and I still felt a little proud.

right now……

It's natural to get used to it.

Parked the car in the parking lot of Luheng Building and saw Qin Yu appear in the lobby.

The girl at the front desk stood up and shouted, "Hello, Mr. Qin."

"?" Qin Yu was a little surprised, but still nodded politely in response.

"Who is this?" The white-collar workers in the lobby were dumbfounded, why Lu Heng's front desk had to stand up and say hello.

President Qin, is it a new executive from Luheng, but he is too young?

"Mr. Qin." The security guard said with a smile, nodding.

He was also confused by the front desk sister. Since the other party wants to say hello, he just follows.

What if it is a big shot?

There is nothing wrong with being careful!

"President Qin."

"President Qin."

Standing in the elevator, the white-collar workers who saw that scene before greeted him politely.

Qin Yu kept smiling and nodded in response, as if a trillion alpaca flew by in his heart.

Who are you screaming, have you figured out the situation?

But you can reach out and don't hit the smiley person, and they take the initiative to greet yourself enthusiastically.

What else can he say besides smiling back?

Within an hour, the news of President Qin spread to Luheng Commercial Building.

Every company knows that Lu Hengxin has sent a manager Qin, but it is not clear what exactly it is doing.

Young and handsome...extremely handsome!

Some people say that he is the newly appointed regional president of Luheng, true or false, and rumors are full of rumors.

"Shao Qin!" Qin Yu smiled more sincerely when he saw his employees on 12-1.

They are holding a mop and linen in their hands, and they will clean the future office.

"Everyone has worked hard, I will pay the bill at night, and Manager Hong will do it!" As Qin Yu, it is better to keep a certain distance from ordinary employees.

Being too close to employees is not a good thing for the head of a company.

Therefore, let Hong Zhongcai celebrate with the employees on his own behalf, and it is the best way to buy it by him alone.

"Thank Shao Qin." Everyone responded with a smile.

"Lao Hong, Lao Zhang, come here." Qin Yu called the two into the room alone.

"Lao Hong, you should hurry up to do the recruitment. Two cleaners, two front desks, and a few more receptionists. All of them must be women, and they must be beautiful women."

"In short, seductive eyes are necessary, but people have to want to come to work, so don't bring messy things." Qin Yu wants seductive eyes, not a big wave of coquettishness.

"Understand, what about the salary?" This shows Hong Zhongcai's shortcomings.

Qin Yu's opinions must also be sought on matters such as cleaning and the salary of the receptionist.

Changing the boss will definitely feel that he has no determination and responsibility, but Qin Yu likes this.

Anyone who thinks about reporting, works hard and listens to instructions, and be an honest worker in peace and contentment.

The advantage is that he is indispensable.

"Wages here are 20% higher than the market, but the requirements have to be raised."

"In terms of cleaning, we can't say that it is spotless, but we must keep it clean and tidy at all times."

"The reception at the front desk... is enthusiastic and cheerful, it is necessary to be able to speak well, and the education area, the young people are too wild now!"

Hearing Qin Yu's emotional tone, Hong Zhongcai and Zhang Qili looked at each other.

‘Qin Shao, you are not a young man yourself, but a very young one. ’

However, the two of them dared to talk in their own hearts.

Just listen to the boss's instructions honestly, and Qin Shao said it before coming.

As long as you do a good job, buying a car in half a year, buying a house in one year, and achieving financial freedom in two years, this is not a dream!

Although I don’t know whether the ‘buying a house’ and ‘financial freedom’ refer to the abandoned capital, or to Hudu.

But at least the two of them have hope in their hearts, and they are much better than the original treatment in the office.

Even in the Zhili city like Hudu, not everyone can earn tens of thousands a month, get promoted and raise their salary, and have a boundless future.

"Old Zhang, I want you to have been watching the international silver market recently and make an analysis report."

Qin Yu pointed at him and said in a serious tone: "If you have a good idea, then I will know your views on the future silver market."

"Don't tell me what you are not sure about. I don't know... Then I'm going to change."

He looked like he was joking, but Zhang Qili didn't want to bet and couldn't afford it.

After finally changing to a promising working environment, there is hope for a promotion and salary increase.

Who can stand this grievance after being replaced?

Besides, this is not an actual trader, it is up to him to decide the investment and flow of funds.

Just make a detailed analysis report to Qin Shao, what can be the problem?

"Shao Qin, this is just a simple analysis report, right?" In order to dispel his inner worries, Zhang Qili deliberately asked.

"Yes, just give me an analysis report." Qin Yu answered very simply.

"Then I can give it to you tomorrow." Zhang Qili only needs to summarize the data of these years, and make an estimate report based on the current market situation, and he will be able to successfully hand in the paper.

The information is all in his computer, and he can get it in a few hours after returning to the hotel to work overtime at night.

Speaking of hard work and no complaints, Zhang Qili has no choice on this point.

"Very well, I will see you at this time tomorrow morning." Qin Yu looked at his watch, "I will personally designate our company's finance ~ to be on duty tomorrow at the latest."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he transferred another 50,000 yuan to Hong Zhongcai.

"Shao Qin, you can't use so much money." Hong Zhong looked at him in surprise only when he saw the transfer record.

"You put it away first." Qin Yu pointed to the layout in the office: "These layouts, as well as the tables, chairs and benches, must be replaced with new ones."

"You two must have bad eyesight. There are no young people outside. Ask them their opinions."

"Don't be too old-fashioned, I don't like too heavy style."

"Work is boring enough, if even the environment is so boring to kill people, what is the meaning of this life?"

Since the boss has ordered this, Hong Zhong has nothing to say.

As for purchasing office supplies, didn't Qin Shao talk about it?

Let him refer to the opinions of young people more, and then check the price by himself, and cooperation between young and old will definitely satisfy Qin Shao.

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