Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 220: Go home and raise pigs!

Seeing Manager Mu leaving with the card, Lan Yue quickly asked in a low voice, "Aren't you asking about the price?"

Qin Yu shook his head and said: "Money is not important, it matters whether you like it or not."

Lazy cats have wide-eyed eyes, and their values ​​are hit by dimensionality reduction.

It turns out that you can buy things like this...

Muyu has already returned with the price list and POS machine. "Qin Shao, the unit price of the two watches is the same. The total price of the two watches is 11.248,000 yuan."

"Swipe your card!"

After receiving Qin Yu's instructions, Muyu swiped the card in Muyu's hand gently.

Qin Yu, please enter the password, drop!

‘Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, Muyu’s miracle belief value is +1, and he becomes a shallow believer. ’

‘Task rewards are being issued: Actual consumption amount this time: 562,400 yuan. ’

Who said that in addition to Patek Philippe, the preservation rate of other watches is not high?

What, what I said...

Oh, that's all right!

Since I just bought the "Couple Watch," I naturally want to wear it.

Let Muyu install his 6002G watch king, "Qin Shao, this is our Patek Philippe automatic watch box, and there are some small gifts, I will put it together for you."

"Ms. Lu's favorite champagne also contains two bottles."

"If you like to drink in the future, call me and I will be responsible for the delivery."

Looking at the auto-turning watch box that the other party installed, Qin Yu suddenly wanted to laugh.

Last time at Patek Philippe, the manager Lu Hao gave himself a Patek Philippe turntable box to hold the Hublot MP-05.

This time at Hublot, Muyu gave him a Hublot revolving watch box for him to install the Patek Philippe 6002G.

Are these two poisonous?

Graduated from the same college, taught by a master?

Muyu personally carried the things, and put them on the car for the two of them.

Then, they watched the two walk into the mall.

Looked at Fan Lao next to him, and then at the direction where they disappeared.

Muyu frowned and called one of the salesmen from the store, "You are here to stare and wait when Shao Qin comes back."

There are nearly 10 million Patek Philippe 6002G in the car, although the law and order of Hudu is quite good.

But if you encounter someone who doesn't open your eyes, you have to put some eye drops on him, which will spoil Qin Shao's good mood.

Isn't it a waste of the relationship that I have worked so hard to maintain.

From now on, when I walked to the door of my store, I remembered, "The car was smashed and the watch was stolen." ’

Or other bad things, you must not slip away from the floor.


In the mall, Qin Yu and Lan Yue holding hands are the most beautiful combination in the audience.

Especially when the hand is thrown away, the all-diamond jewel watch appears on the wrist.

It is simply a mobile ATM.

A pair of little sisters said enviously: "This couple's watch is too beautiful! Check it out quickly, how much is it."

The little sister next to her had already checked it out and turned her phone towards her unloved.

Looking at the above prices, the Starbucks in the hands of the two of them no longer fragrant!

More than five million pairs of watches, this is too proud, right?

After buying two cups of milk caps, drinking and watching as they walked, the two finally stopped in front of Gucci's house.

Seeing Lan Yue's eyes fixed on the old shoes in the shop window, Qin Yu directly took her into the store.

What's the point to see at the door, "Your old daddy shoes, come in one pair of all styles and colors."

Lan Yue smiled sweetly and reported his shoe size.

She is now in the process of shaping new values, and her concept of money is almost blurred.

More than five million watches are worn on the wrist.

All styles shouldn’t cost much, right?

The salesman nodded and replied with a smile: "Okay, please wait a moment."

If this is another person, the salesman might have to reward him with two big eyes.

All styles, all colors, should you buy green onions at the vegetable market?

But the shiny diamond watches in the hands of the two let the salesman take all the thoughts and emotions back.

Hublot Big Bang, 10th Anniversary High Jewelry Watch.

White diamonds and rubies, white diamonds and sapphires, each sells for more than 5 million.

This bit of information didn't even need to think, and it immediately popped out of my mind.

As a luxury store sales, you must have a detailed understanding of the brand and various products of the mall.

In this way, sales can intuitively determine the purchasing power of customers in the first time.

If you don't even have this professionalism, what luxury products are you selling?

Go home and raise pigs!

In fact, this is nothing. Everyone wants to have a good meal, and everyone wants to receive customers with strong purchasing power.

Besides, entering the store now, as long as it is not unreasonable.

The most is that the cabinet sister let you see for yourself, go shopping by yourself, and not be so enthusiastic about selling.

Cry and sneer, shake his face, it may have been a few years ago.

Nowadays, children with cerebral palsy like this are rare, and it is not easy to meet them.

Especially in the top shopping malls and brands, it almost never happens.

If you really want to run into disgusting people, just complain.

After understanding the dual-channel complaints of shopping malls and brands, we will teach people on the spot!

The salesman returned with a box full of his arms, followed by two colleagues.

"We are on sale in our store, and 14 of your shoe sizes are available."

"In addition, I took a few small white shoes, you can try them if you need them."

The salesman knelt on one knee on the soft carpet and enthusiastically helped Lanyue try his shoes.

Lazy cat was shocked by the enthusiasm of the other party. He waited for the first pair of shoes to react and said, ‘no need to do this, I can do it myself. ’

"It doesn't matter, this is the service we should do."

The sales are particularly enthusiastic, and there is no opportunity for lazy cats to refuse at all.

The little girl was so dizzy and blushing.

Whenever the salesman asked her whether it was appropriate, they basically nodded in seconds.

People have served like this, how can they be good?

At the end of the trial of all the styles, the salesman asked: "Miss, which pair do you think you need to pack?"

With these words, Qin Yu decided to buy them all.

He must be upset with enthusiasm.

After the trial, you can still ask the customer's opinion. This attitude must be bought.

Shoes are always to be worn, so put them there and replace them.

Besides, it's not very expensive!

Gucci's shoes are only in the form of seven or eight thousand, and few of them are in the early nine thousand.

The total price of the 17 pairs of shoes is just over 140,000, which is less than 150,000.

Swipe your card decisively and leave.

I took the two salesmen and put the shoes on the car. I saw Hublot's sales and thanked each other after learning about Muyu's arrangement.

After digging out his body, Qin Yu found that he had no cash.

Lan Yue quietly stuffed 200 quick cash from under his arm into his hand, raised his head and smiled cutely.

"Keep this, drink tea!"

Putting the money into the other party's pocket, Qin Yu let him go.

This money must be given because the other party is not obliged to do so.

Looking back, Gucci's salesman is looking enviously at the girly pink Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"Miss Lu, your boyfriend really loves you, it's so enviable!"

Lan Yue's eyes were narrowed into crescent moons, and her smiling little tiger teeth were exposed.

Put the shoes into the trunk and the size is good, and the two salesmen smiled and said goodbye, "We will not disturb you. Gucci will always welcome you."

Seeing that Qin Yu seems to be going around, Lazy Cat squatted on the ground and said, "I don't want to go anymore, I'm so tired!"

Looking at the lazy cat who is acting like a baby, Qin Yu can only hold her in his arms and ask, "Then what do you want to do next?"

Lazy Cat raised his hand in great spirit and shouted: "Watching a movie and eating!"


In the cinema, Qin Yu saw Li Wanxing who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Lazy cat called her to come, saying that she wanted to take Li Wanxing to relax.

She looked a little haggard, with a few bloodshot eyes in her pupils, and she knew she hadn't rested well.

Li Wanxing's eyes began to doze off as she slumped in a high-back chair relaxedly all over.

Lan Yue touched her distressedly, "Sister Wanxing, why don't you sleep with me?"

Li Wanxing was clever, opening her eyes wide and reluctantly smiled: "I'm fine, just a little tired."

Qin Yu retorted, "Aren't you a little tired, you're very tired... How many days have you not had a good rest?"

Li Wanxing opened her mouth and said, "It seems that I haven't slept well since that day."

Qin Yu was surprised: "Isn't it already solved, the money is not enough?"

Li Wanxing shook her head with a weird face, and then nodded again ~ ~ makes people confused!

"Is it enough or not?"

"Originally it was enough, but now it's not enough."

Listening to what she said intermittently, Qin Yu couldn't figure out what was going on.

The movie is about to begin, Li Wanxing waved his hand jokingly: "Oh, just leave it alone, I'll watch and deal with it. The movie opens, don't talk."

The movie was inexplicably watched. All three of them had problems in their minds and hardly watched the plot.

When the lights came on, I sighed in my heart, ‘I can finally leave. ’

Li Wanxing doesn't have the thought of watching a movie, she just wants to run out and breathe.

As for Qin Yu and Lazy Cat, they were completely influenced by her.

Do you know it, half talking will be fatal.

Curiosity killed the cat, have you never heard of it?

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