Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 274: Don't be too greedy

Because they were too late, there was not much time left for them.

After jogging all the way to the project he most wanted to play, Qin Yu repeated the old tricks.

600 yuan, two locations!

Hurry up and play all the items Tongtong wanted to play.

After that, take part in the parade, take photos, take photos, and watch the performance!

Time flies so fast, it's early morning in the blink of an eye.

After running all afternoon, the exhausted Tongtong tilted his head and fell into Qin Yu's arms. This would sleep Zhengxiang.

Today he is really playing crazy, if it weren't for Qin Yu's pull, Yalan might not be able to look at him.

Seeing Qin Yu holding Tongtong, walking forward gently.

Whenever it is crowded, Tongtong’s head is carefully guarded, that care...

Ya Lan calculated her heart, her eyes were red!

"Thank you, Qin Yu." She lowered her head and wiped the corner of her eyes, and Ya Lan smiled brightly: "Tongtong hasn't been so happy for a long time."

"It's okay, I really like this kid." Tilted his head and glanced at Tongtong, Qin Yu said amusedly: "Just like when I was a kid, I don't worry."

Yalan's face blushed slightly, and she held back what she wanted to say.

Some things are better not to be said.

Unexpectedly, I would have a day of suffering.


Jiang Hongsheng is still waiting to send the bear child home.

Taking the child from Qin Yu's arms and handing it to his aunt, Jiang Hongsheng looked at the two and asked, "Where is this, so late?"

"Take Tongtong to Disney." Ya Lan replied, looking at Qin Yu and said: "Today I trouble Mr. Qin and waste a day."

Qin Yu waved his hand and smiled: "I said you're welcome, I promised him."

Jiang Hongsheng nodded and smiled and looked at Yalan: "Go back tonight?"

"Well, trouble Mr. Qin to send it to me?" Ya Lan looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu said: "Okay, President Jiang, we will meet again someday."

"Well, go slowly!" He personally took the two to the door.

Jiang Hongsheng did not move until the car left.

The nanny walked out and put a sweater coat on him, "Sir, let's go back!"

Jiang Hongsheng was silent for a moment, "You said, is Ya Lan..."

Although he didn't finish, the nanny still understood what he meant.

The host’s affairs should not be left to her as an outsider.

It's just that the nanny has also worked in Jiang's house for more than ten years.

There is also affection, "Miss is not young anymore, I must have her own ideas!"

"Huh!" Jiang Hongsheng sneered: "She has an idea, but she doesn't look at men well."

"People in our hometown always say that people can only want the same, not everything. The young lady is already good enough."

Hearing what she said, Jiang Hongsheng was angry and laughed. He is good in his career and character, so he has to be emotionally hurt? "

The babysitter didn't speak, but she could tell from her expression.

She insisted on her opinion.

The night was deep, Jiang Hongsheng looked into the distance and sighed: "Yes, you can't be a human being for everything..."


The car drove into the basement and turned off!

The atmosphere in the car was a little silent, "Would you like to go up and sit?" Yalan asked actively.

Qin Yu nodded and was about to speak when the phone rang.

"Brother Yu, the boss was called, we were at the barbecue stall in the backstreet of the school..."

The voice on the phone was messy, and the girl's cry and Yan Er's roar could be heard.

"Don't panic, stop the second brother and don't suffer!" Qin Yu started the ignition, "There is something wrong with the dormitory brother, I have to go and see."

"Then don't wait, let's go!" Yalan said, "I'll be with you."


Time is pushed forward by 15 minutes.

Yan Er invited Dongzi to eat at the barbecue stall in Houjie, and Yang Youyou and Xia Bai were with them.

The person came out by Xia Bai's appointment, but he couldn't hold back Yan Er, so he had to try to match Dongzi and Yangyouyou.

Xia Bai asked, and Yang Youyou agreed indifferently.

So, the group of people got together.

The atmosphere was pretty good, and Yang Youyou and Dongzi seemed to have some signs.

As a matchmaker, Yan Er was proud of himself and waited for the two to invite him to drink a wine of thanks.

I was thinking of a quarrel coming from the store.

Xia Bai rushed out with embarrassment, pointed to the store and said, "Someone touched my ass."


Yan Er's brain was congested, and he stood up blushing, grabbed the bottle and walked inside.

Looking at his posture, Xia Bai was a little scared.

Hugging his arms and not letting him go, "Forget it, they just drank too much, let's not cause trouble."

Yan Er couldn't swallow this breath.

Drinking some wine has the courage, and feels that I can do it.

The girlfriend was taken advantage of and touched her ass.

If you can still swallow your anger, wouldn't it be a tortoise?

Being pulled by Xia Bai before breaking free, two drunken figures walked directly towards them.

"Little sister, don't run, follow, go and have fun with brother, brother makes you cool, cool, slap..."

A full beer bottle hit his head.

The person didn't even react, fell to the ground baldly, and passed out after taking a couple of breaths.

Beer and glass ballast splashed everywhere.

The diners around got up and walked out, for fear of getting angry.

"Shuangfantian, how upset is your mother?" Yan Er shouted grimly with the mouth of the broken beer bottle.

MD, take a step back and take a step back, forbearance becomes more and more angry for a while.

Netizens do not deceive me!

Seeing his companion fall to the ground, bleeding on his head.

The drunk man next to him woke up most of the time, "Hey, someone turned the fat dog upside down."


The roadside was full of big men's tables, and a group of people stood up.

Seeing more than a dozen people rushing over, Yan Er hurriedly protected Xia Bai behind him.

Dongzi followed suit, stood in front of the two girls, took advantage of the trend and copied a bottle of wine from the table to be bold!

"Cao Nima who did it." Seeing the companion who fell on the ground, the other party pointedly bluffed.

"What are you talking about, **** him!"

A group of people rushed directly to Yan Er, and immediately surrounded him.

Picking up the wine bottle, Yan Er waved forward without looking.

The man in front of me fell to the ground like a skinned dead snake...

But there was only so much he could do. A group of people surrounded him and beat and kicked.

Yan Er didn't protect himself, and even if he fought back, he couldn't hold back the crowd.

Dongzi wanted to help too, learning Yan Er to wave the bottle forward.

But before he hit someone, he was kicked in the stomach and fell to the ground.

"Fuck him." A group of people squeezed forward, and Yan Er was covered with a big man and couldn't get rid of it.

His body and face were also blue and swollen.

The corners of the mouth are cracking and bleeding!

"Don't fight, don't fight." Xia Bai wanted to slap them away, crying in a hurry.

I didn't know where to slap her and drew her to the ground.

Dongzi, who was supported by Yang Youyou, took out the phone and dialed Qin Yu's number: "Brother Yu..."

After saying a few words, Dongzi saw Yan Er fell on the ground and was kicked!

The phone threw the phone to the ground, picked up the bottle, and rushed up with red eyes.

When Qin Yu arrived, the other party had already stopped!

Yan Er and Dongzi fell to the ground with blood all over their faces, their bodies covered in footprints, and their clothes became tattered.

A group of people dangling cigarettes, jogging and showing off their achievements.

"Lao Tzu kicked him as soon as he flew, didn't you see..."

"This kid is very strong, if I hadn't given him a head, your kid would have been overturned."

"Okay, don't blow it so hard, who is the one who rushed up, this kid kicks it so painful..."

The more you talk, the more angry, the other party will kick again.

Suddenly his neck was locked from behind, his eyes widened, and he was thrown down the steps, panting for "hoho".

"Fuck, you..." The stool next to Qin Yu was about to freak out, shouting directly on his face.


Without saying anything, the person fell to the ground.

Move the chair to the other's head, and the beam of the chair is directly stuck on the neck.

Qin Yu just sat on it, looking at the people who were being suppressed, and asked, "Are you all involved?"

After a fight, the wine sobered up a lot.

This will naturally lose the previous impulse and blood, and begin to consider gains and losses.

Don't look at the show off one by one. In fact, many people are beginning to feel guilty.

People are beaten like this, what should I do later?

Seeing Qin Yu appear sitting on the ground and unable to rush in, Xia Bai, who was crying into tears, ran over.

Quickly rushed to Qin Yu's side, and fell to the ground with a soft foot, "Brother Yu, you can save the second brother!"

Reached out to support her, and then looked at Yang Youyou who was sobbing at the back.

Qin Yu said solemnly, "Send people to the hospital first, and leave it to me!"

Yalan had stopped two rental cars on the roadside and ran over to help put people in the car.

Yan Er's eyes were swollen, and he opened a gap and barely wanted to laugh: "Brother Yu."

"Don't tell me, go to the hospital first." Qin Yu took out his mobile phone and took pictures continuously.

Including those who beat people!

"What did you TM take?"

"Fuck, looking for death..."

Qin Yu sank under his **** and shouted, "Who will try?"

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