Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 448: Ace six hundred and eighteen

Four days later, Qin Yu and Ye Jinlan were sitting together again.

"This is yours." Putting the papers in his hand, Ye Jinlan continued: "I know that you don't want to come forward. The conditions are all negotiated."

According to the document, the communications engineering department reduced by the abandoned city 618 will be transferred to Qin Yu.

Of course, the new venue, equipment, and personnel salary all need him to solve.

There is no need to pay any fees for the rest. The reason written in the document is ‘pilot planning project. ’

Nowhere does the full text show that Qin Yu has any relationship with the'Jinggong CNC System'.

"The two copies belong to me and the Ye family." Ye Jinlan took out two more documents and put them on the table, indicating that he could look at them.

Qin Yu picked up the share of the Ye family, nothing more than an exchange of interests.

The benefits received were not as exaggerated as expected, as for Ye Jinlan's share, he pushed back again.

"Don't look at it." Qin Yu shook his share of his own, "I am very satisfied with this, 618, that is the legend of the abandoned city."

The four ace in the Northwest, the legendary national-level project, focuses on supporting the Gaomi large-scale research institute.

Anything that can be called a ‘large’ is not an ordinary department.

It is about the international competitiveness of national transport and equipment and weapons.

To put it bluntly: They depend on whether the barrel of a gun is hard or not.

Even if it is just one of the departments, it is split up to be at the top of the industry.

Is Qin Yu dissatisfied?

Satisfied, so satisfied.

Ye Jinlan's ability to achieve such results for himself has far exceeded his expectations.

"Really don't take a look? Maybe I will leave all the benefits to myself." Ye Jintan said with a smile.

In fact, the benefits she received were not comparable to Qin Yu's contract.

618, its importance is only higher than Qin Yu thought.

This ‘pilot’ was originally not included. In the end, Ye Jinlan won this opportunity for him.

However, while obtaining opportunities, it also represents a great test.

If Qin Yu messed up the communications engineering department he had spun off, he would want to win favor in the future.

But it is not so easy, and some people will even launch an attack on him.

"Don't look at it." Qin Yu shook his head again and said: "As for this...I have my own plans!"

"You came here all of a sudden, is your little girlfriend okay?" After the business talks, Ye Jinlan suddenly turned the topic to Lan Yue.

Qin Yu's expression remained unchanged, drinking tea and saying, "Thank you for your care."

Without Ye Jinlan's greeting, Lan Yue wouldn't have the freedom and quiet now.

As far as she said, the members of the group have been hinted more or less.

There are also some who have to be drawn to entertaining parties from time to time. Seniors all say this is a normal thing.

However, this kind of thing never happened to her.

Just think about who contributed to it.

"You don't need to thank me, Lan Yue and I are also friends." Ye Jinlan curled his lips.

Qin Yu shrugged nonchalantly, "It's good if you are happy."

Seeing his indifferent expression, Ye Jinlan's mood immediately became unhappy.

What do you mean, I have done so much for him, shouldn't it be a bit expressive?

Humph, stinky men are not good things!

"Don't leave yet, wait for me to keep you for dinner?" Ye Jinlan urged him to leave quickly, but in fact hoped that he could stay.

It's a pity that Brother Yu had no such plan, got up and waved, and walked out of the small courtyard without looking back.


There was the sound of a chair falling to the ground, and Qin Yu at the door shook his head and got into the car that picked him up.

For Ye Jinlan, Qin Yu's mood is very complicated.

A fool can also tell her affection for herself.

Not to mention that Yu Ge can always see the rising ‘favorite degree. ’

However, the risks and costs of being with her are too high.

Brother Yu will not give up other people for her, let alone step into the grave easily. ’

Zhen and Ye Jinlan actually did the fake play, and what happened next can be imagined.

First, the women around her were cleaned up one by one, got married and had children, and gradually became a part of the Ye family.

Even if she really leaves the Ye family, doesn't the bloodline mean that it can be cut by cutting it?

When the day comes when the Ye family is in trouble, do you help or not?

The old man begged to come, see you?

The Ye family has fallen, will Ye Jinlan take the initiative to shoulder the hope of revitalizing the family...

All questions, the final answer is yes.

It's just that Ye Jinlan was in it and couldn't see his situation clearly.

Want to completely leave the family, where is as simple as she thinks.

Since she was born in this family, she has been destined to be bound to it.

If she really wants to leave the Ye family, taking advantage of the old man's recovery last time, she can be completely clean.

But what did she do... Not only did she not cut her off, but she deepened her involvement with the family.

Even more involved in the Ye Family's internal struggle, the more you gain, the more you lose.

There are more responsibilities!

She cut off her last chance and let Qin Yu stay away.

Turn a blind eye to her hint...

"Mr. Qin, are you going to pick up your place before?" The driver asked Qin Yu in a low voice when he found that Qin Yu had not spoken.

"No, go directly to the airport." Lazy cat has already reported to the dance troupe, there is no need to go back again.

There are still four hours before he takes off, so he will be ready at the airport.



The flight was calm and calm.

Without Xing Lu's journey, Qin Yu was still the same, and fell asleep after getting on the plane.

When leaving the cabin, the flight attendant's small eyes never left him.

It was the first time she met a man who hadn't even had a chance to hand over a note.

Is it true that you are getting old and your charm has declined?

When I got out of the airport, there were cars picking up and giving off people everywhere, and none of them were waiting for him.

After stopping a taxi, Qin Yu reported the address of Nanhu Manor.

"Good guy, isn't this house cheap?" The driver asked in amazement at the checkout.

Qin Yu smiled, "It's okay, thank you, Master."

Watching him put his bag on his shoulder and walked into the bronze gate under the salute of the security guard.

The driver shook his head with emotion, life!

The house is quiet, the door and garage door are locked.

Opening the door, light footsteps came from the room, it was Aunt Joe, the nanny.

"The little gentleman is back, and this morning the husband and wife said you should also be home."

Qin Yu changed his shoes and said, "Auntie, just call me by name."

Little sir, this name is too awkward.

The sir is the sir, so you have to add a ‘small’ character.

This is a taboo!

"Okay, little sir." Aunt Joe took the bag in his hand and put it back on the shelf.

Reluctantly shook his head, Qin Yu curiously asked, "Where is my mother?"

It's not that my mother has already taken maternity leave, it has been 8 months.

Is it going out to exercise?

"My husband and wife are in the confinement center... said that the expected date of delivery may be advanced." Qin Yu put on the shoes again after hearing what Aunt Qiao said.

"Auntie Joe, I'm going to the confinement center."

"Okay, do you want to prepare for dinner?"

"Call home in advance if you want, and leave."

"Then you slow down, little sir."

Open the garage, G63 stopped neatly.

Driving in the car, Qin Yu turned on the navigation and walked out of the house.



In the confinement center, Liang Chuyu walked around on the grass with her pregnant belly.

Qin Han followed cautiously, bending over, leaning forward slightly, his hands always ready to support his wife.

From the corner of his eye, seeing his fearful look, Liang Chuyu was inexplicably angry, "I am giving birth, and I am not disabled."

"Yes, yes, I'm not afraid you are tired." Qin Han was pleased with his face.

"Go and go, there will be fire when I see you, let me stay by myself." Liang Chuyu said angrily.

My back is sore every day, and my feet are swollen like fermented steamed buns.

Drink some water and go to the toilet, and can run seven or eight times an hour, but the food is not bad.

It's this unnamed fire in my heart that can't be vented no matter how.

I sighed in my chest, feeling uncomfortable as if I couldn't vomit it out. too uncomfortable!

Why did the old lady have to suffer this sin and finally raised her family's sacred beast.

If you can live a relaxing life for a few days, you don't need to worry about it again.

Worry about whether he eats well, whether he wears warm or not, learning to keep up, and whether he can find a job in the future.

It’s cold, it’s hot, have you been bullied, how has it been...

Why can't I think about it all of a sudden, I have to ask for another one.

Repeat the previous days, ‘what is my nerve, oh! ! ! ’

Liang Chuyu, who was thinking and getting angry, stood there, holding her waist with both hands, and breathing deeply.

If she didn't hold it with her hands, she felt that her belly could break her waist.

I was thinking about Liang Chuyu feeling that both thighs were wet, as if something was flowing down...

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