Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 465: Reach out

"Starting at the pinnacle of life (!

Blushing by his mother, Lu Qing went back to the room and lay down on the bed.

My thoughts gradually became clear, and I remembered my previous doubts.

He has other women...

Lu Qing is almost certain of this, although he hasn't acted too suspiciously.

But she just knew it, and she became more determined.

One thing has always troubled Lu Qing, that is... how can Qin Yu settle down.

It's not about him, it should be said that it's not just about him.

And his heart... this is the most important thing to Lu Qing.




The calm and domineering G63 had been on the side of the road for some time, and Qin Yu, who was sitting in the car, looked at the middle-aged man crying like a child on the road tooth.

Guessing how he collapsed and why he suddenly appeared on the way to the airport.

When the man's crying abated slightly, Qin Yu lowered the window: "Man, do you need help?"

The other party raised his head and glanced at Qin Yu, obviously he didn't expect that he would say that.

After a moment of silence, he nodded with a shy expression: "Um...thank you."

Asking the other person to get in the car, Qin Yu handed him a bottle of water and pointed to the paper towel in front of him: "You can wash and wipe your face."

"Thank you." The other party wiped the embarrassment from his face with a paper towel soaked in water.

The fatigue and sadness in the eyes cannot be easily wiped off.

Qin Yu didn't ask about his story, and the man didn't mean to speak actively.

Parked the car at the airport entrance, the man lowered his head implicitly and said "thank you" and got off the car.

Qin Yu just calmly watched the other party leave...

This is just the help of the meeting, all the other party needs is someone who can reach out in time to pull him out of the water, who is about to drown.

What Qin Yu did was act as that hand, giving him hope: "Hey, man..."

The man who was going away turned his head, Qin Yu suddenly smiled and said: "In this world, there is no hurdle to pass."

'Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for developing a shallow believer, with an experience value of 10,000 rewards, trigger rewards! ’

'Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for developing a pan-believer, rewarding 100,000 experience points and triggering rewards! ’

‘Reward conversion...’

‘The miracle blooms, the power of the miracle is strengthened...’

‘Issuing rewards: technology stocks foresight card. ’

[Reminder: Select a technology stock and use it to predict the stock trend in the next 15 days]

Hearing the pleasant beep in the ear, Yu Ge felt that the feeling of helping others was really good.

Keng Keng~

Ye Jinlan knocked on the car window and said to Qin Yu who was smirking in the car, "What do you think?"

"Miss you." As soon as these words were spoken, Brother Yu felt a little regretful.

This teasing can be placed on anyone, except that Ye Jinlan should not say it.

However, I saw her sitting in the co-pilot with a smile.

Brother Yu decided to end this topic, and continuing to talk will only make it messier.

Within a few minutes, Li Xiao, Xu Hao and Yang Chengjun came out, "Brother Yu."

"Brother Yu, you are handsome again."

"Huh~" Yang Chengjun looked at him carefully, and asked solemnly: "Did you make a slight adjustment?"

"It is guaranteed that they are all original products...Second development, understand?" Qin Yu turned the steering wheel and drove towards the way he came.

"...Why does your second development seem to be endless." Xu Hao muttered softly.

Everyone is not a few years old, but the difference is so big.

So, this is the difference between free-range and rich?

He is the wild child outside. He is the protagonist of the destiny who is loved by God and held in the palm of his hand?


Li Xiao slapped his head, and the other party smiled and said, "I told you to read less novels."

"What's wrong with the novel, what's wrong with learning?" Xu Hao rubbed the back of his head, his face full of dissatisfaction.

"Are you reading novels?" Li Xiao said in an angry voice: "I don't even bother to expose you."

All he saw were drag racing...No, all he drove was a plane that took off in situ.

"Hey, knowledge is diverse, and I am also a kind of learning." Xu Hao grinned slyly.

His idol is Kato, if you can learn from him.

Xu Hao still needs to worry about his waist? ? ?

By the way, his waist is getting worse and worse recently, Xia Ke's performance in private...

Make Xu Hao an eye-opener!

This incident once made him faceless facing Xia Ke, as well as the nutritious meals she prepared carefully every day.

Each of those nutritious meals seemed to ridicule him: "You can't, you can't..."

Damn, sa hurts!

"What's the matter, you don't want to stay away." Qin Yu looked at Xu Hao through the rear mirror, the expression on his face was particularly tangled.

It looked like... a Saint Seiya who hadn't settled on the toilet for two hours.

"It's okay... the stomach hurts." Xu Hao thought he found a good reason.

Qin Yu suddenly realized, "No wonder, don't worry, there is the service station in front... Jinlan, give him the paper."

"...???" Xu Hao was stupid, Brother Yu, you are really playing.

Stopping at the service station and letting Xu Hao solve his physical problems, naturally it won't happen.

It's just his embarrassed and innocent expression that became the talk of the rest of the crowd.

As for the idea that Li Xiao points to his heart, he will die directly!

Xu Hao, who was paralyzed in his seat, said that he was about to get used to it.

"Don't worry, I'll give you something good when I turn around." After getting off the car, Qin Yu hugged Xu Hao and said with a smile.

Xu Hao asked weakly, "What good thing?"

"What do you lack most now?" Qin Yu asked back.

Hearing what he said, Xu Hao was no longer sleepy in an instant, "Brother, brother...Is there any magic formula to say quickly."

He has a real headache now, and it should be said that any man encounters this kind of problem.

Will become like him, with a splitting headache, and... shame!

What a shame!

"Don't worry, I'm calling you here this time for this. You'll find out later."

Qin Yu comfortably patted him on the shoulder and strode towards the hotel.

The restaurant was ready for reception. After everyone took their seats, Qin Yu first welcomed them as the host.

"Brother Yu, there is no need for us to engage in these empty heads, right?" Xu Hao is still anxious to hear the news!

Qin Yu glared at him, and said sarcastically, "Am I welcoming you?"

"That's right, it is Miss Ye that Renyu welcomes." Li Xiao gave him a disgusting look.

Xu Hao rolled his eyes angrily, "Fuck me, why did I open my mouth? ’

"Cheers." Yang Chengjun held the cup forward and held it high.


Ding Ding~

The ambitions were staggered, and the words became more frequent.

The most curious thing about the big guy is the pharmaceutical business with a valuation of tens of billions as Qin Yu said.

"You should all know... The medicine Ye Lao took was provided by me." This news is not a new thing in the circle. A few of them have heard the rumors a long time ago.

It's just that few people know what the specific situation is.

"I heard that it is a magical medicine that can bring the dead back to life... dozens of versions, and I don't know which one to believe." Li Xiao shook his head with emotion.

Gossip is human nature, even if you are in a high position, you can't avoid it.

There are dozens of different versions in the circle of Ye Lao's recovery from illness.

The most exaggerated thing is to directly describe what Qin Yu gave as a "magic medicine," one medicine.

Ye Lao's stubborn illnesses, hidden injuries, and all the messy illnesses all healed.

Not only that, but also Ye Yushu's daughter, the golden gun can't fall...

This kind of rumor is naturally unbelievable, but it does not hinder its spread.

Moreover, because it is too exaggerated, with a sense of irony and playfulness, it spreads faster and more widely than other rumors.

Ye Jinlan's face was a little ugly, and she was somewhat restrained and shy.

After all, I heard a group of people talking about my grandfather's N-th spring, and granddaughters can't be normal.

"Alright, let's get back to the topic!" Seeing that Ye Jinlan was about to be stretched, Qin Yu interrupted their discussion and bluntly said that what he wanted to produce was the medicine to cure Ye Lao.

"This medicine is mainly aimed at the kidneys, and in other aspects... it has a slight improvement in body functions. The effect is very weak, or no effect at all."

"Can the drug test speed up the process? The normal process should be followed as usual, that is, we must pay close attention to the time. For example...cut in the queue?"

Finally, I don't have to hear Grandpa's "private life," Ye Jinlan was the first to respond, "That's okay."

The reason she was able to answer so positively was because the key person involved in the medicine was her father.

Ye Lao is still waiting for the medicine to save his life, but he just asks the drug supervisor to speed up the inspection and review. Who has an opinion?

Who dares to have an opinion? Then he had to experience it personally, the big slap of Ye Old Man Pu's fan was not strong enough.

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