Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 808: I'm a good boy, my goodness!

Rafa was left in the hotel, and Qin Yu took He Wu's big handkerchief to the company.

He didn't speak all the way, because he was checking the reward.

"Congratulations to the host for conquering the faith of thousands of fans and letting her fall completely and receiving random rewards."

"Reward: Basic Theory of Nanobiology."

This is the reward obtained after the fight against the mildew.

Qin Yu hasn't figured out how to use it yet, because there are two ways to use the "Nanobiological Basic Theory".

One is similar to the previous empowerment, and the other is to become a book for the most self-learning.

In the long run, of course, the second one is more valuable.

But Qin Yu's worry is that no one can read this book, and it will become waste paper.

Sitting in Baoshan empty, no entry is allowed.

It must feel uncomfortable, so it's better to choose empowerment directly.

There is also a ready-made candidate, Jing Yuan, a fanatic.


"Congratulations to the host for possessing the chastity of high-quality human females and triggering random rewards!"

"Reward: Cosmic Energy Theory."

It was another book, Qin Yu was satisfied but also a little entangled.

Knowledge is the most precious of system rewards, as can be seen from the previous diary.

Titanium-magnesium alloy, its appearance has changed the development direction of the miracle company and the human science and technology tree.

Therefore, being able to obtain knowledge rewards is simply full of European spirit.

But what makes Yu brother entangled is that the starting point of these so-called "foundations" and "theories" is too high for them.

Just relying on their own ability to understand the knowledge in the book is a huge problem for them!

In the struggle, Qin Yu still made a decision.

"System, basic theory of nanobiology, use method one, target: fanatic Jing Yuan."

"Is the target locked, confirm to use?"


Let Jingyuan understand this subject, and then reproduce it.

It doesn't seem to be a problem, and the great reforms and knowledge in it will make her famous.

The name of the miracle will follow her origins.

Three birds with one stone, why not do it!

As for the "cosmic energy theory," Qin Yu chose to get rewards in the form of books.

"The reward has been issued, the coordinates are XXX.XXX."



The company headquarters, in the office.

Qin Yu found his "Cosmic Energy Theory" in the bookshelf. The cover is the vast universe.

It looks very deep, but the galaxy pattern above does not belong to any known kind.

So, does this count as discovering another universe.

If it were given to astronomers, a cover alone would be enough to cause a sensation.

"Boss, people are here." Xu Meixin knocked on the door suddenly.

"Let him in." Qin Yu put the book in the drawer and sat in her seat.

The frame is heavy, the hair is flat, and the smile is shy, with a bit of embarrassment.

He also carried an old-fashioned briefcase in his hand, the kind that his father had just started...


Zhang Wei's first impression on him was not good.

Qin Yu doesn't hate nerds, but there is a premise that they must be taken care of by "moms (captain.

There are many nerds in the Kuafu Institute, and Qin Yu occasionally finds them cute.

Occasionally, only occasionally...

But if you put the bookworm in a managerial position, it would be a terrible disaster.

Because of their weird brain circuits, they will mess up all the problems!

There is no doubt.

"Zhang Wei, please sit down." Qin Yu pointed to the opposite chair.

"Thank you, Qin Dong." Zhang Wei smiled shyly and sat on it.

"I think the headhunter has already told you the situation. Let me tell you what you think about the company first!" Qin Yu's tone was lazy.

Zhang Wei put the briefcase in his hand on his lap, opened it and took out a manuscript about two to three centimeters thick.

"Dong Qin, I wrote these, please take a look first." Zhang Wei handed the things to Qin Yu.

With curiosity, Qin Yu opened the manuscript.

The records inside are like work notes, most of which are very scribbled, and seem to be very anxious when recording.

It should be an idea that took time to record during work, or a flash of inspiration.

Halfway through seeing it, Qin Yu had already confirmed that this was the talent he was looking for.

Because the manuscript not only records a lot of practical data and inferences, but also some analysis on the development and prospects of the industry.

Including the unconstrained outlook, this is an active and thoughtful technical management compound talent.

"Anything else to say?" Putting down the manuscript, Qin Yu already had a decision in his heart.

But he still wants to hear whether Zhang Wei will give himself new surprises.

"I want to know whether the establishment of the company is related to the Martian immigration plan announced this morning?"

When the word "Mars" was mentioned, Zhang Wei's eyes were the same as searchlights with electricity.

Brush, bright and dazzling.

"You are hired." Qin Yu stood up and put his hand in front of Zhang Wei.

After a little hesitation, he held Qin Yu's hand, "Dong Qin, I still want to know..."

"You are right, Vulcan Aerospace Exploration Company will become the sole contractor for the Mars immigration plan." Qin Yu nodded.

In an instant, Zhang Wei held Qin Yu's fingers tightly.

It was a sign of excitement, and my dream came true in my lifetime.

For a person with dreams, death is enough!

"Zhang Wei, the outside world is laughing at our plan, saying that we are whimsical and want to run as soon as we can go.

Public opinion is under great pressure, so you have to prepare in advance. "

First take Zhang Wei to see his office, the 49th floor of the headquarters building.

Xu Hao, Watson, and the President's Office are on this floor, and now there is another Zhang Wei.

"I can stand it." Zhang Wei nodded.

After finishing talking, he scratched his head shyly and said: "In fact, I can't see those public opinions. I rarely read things on the Internet. I only look at some professional ones."

"That's good." Qin Yu agreed with his approach.

The spray is just like a fly. Although it is not deadly, it is disgusting.

The best at engaging people mentality!

If you are uncomfortable, it will be happy, as long as it is happy, let you die!

Ignore it directly, when it doesn't exist.

It's a smart person's approach!

"Boss, can you take a look at the working environment?" Zhang Wei looked a little anxious, and wanted to see the company's strength first.

He has only heard that Miracle Company is very powerful, but he hasn't seen it with his own eyes.

However, the miracle company did create a lot of miracles.

It deserves its name...

"In a hurry?" Qin Yu joked, "Okay, I'll take you there first."

Vulcan has just been established, but the required personnel are not yet in place.

Even the boss, Zhang Wei, has just started...

The equipment is definitely invisible, so there is no need to run it.

Qin Yu took him around in a circle and came to the factory area facing the back of the company building. He stretched out his hand and said, "The future Vulcan R&D center will be there."

Looking at the 100-acre factory area, Zhang Wei frowned: "Then, where is the launch pad base?"

"Just behind." Qin Yu pointed back again.

Zhang Weimeifeng is tightly locked. How can such a large place be enough, how to ensure safety, how to distribute transportation, testing, and recycling.

Miracle Company won't be too famous, is it a layman?

Zhang Wei thought of the rumors from the outside world, saying that the miracle had a profound background, and it was made possible by all kinds of care.

This made him feel inexplicably irritable, if that was the case.

What's the point of his job-hopping, just to raise wages?

By the way, he doesn't seem to ask about the treatment!

Zhang Wei's heart is more irritable, so what is he doing!

With one word, let people fool themselves before and after running, as if they have already joined the job.

"Why, I think there is not enough space?" Qin Yu asked amusedly.

"...Qin Dong, to be honest, I feel that security and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in this case."

Those who do technology seldom get used to it in a straightforward manner.

Zhang Wei is not an old fritters in the workplace, and he doesn't know how to slap a horse. It is his style to talk about things.

"Haha..." Qin Yu nodded with a smile and said, "According to your understanding, it is correct."

"My understanding?" Zhang Wei was a little confused.

What is my understanding, so what is wrong with my understanding?

"In this way, I will take you to see something."

Qin Yu raised his foot and walked out, and said as he walked, "Kirin, tell Lao He to prepare the car."

"Okay." A unicorn's voice came from the headset.

But from Zhang Wei's point of view, it was very strange, there was no one in this corridor, who was Qin Yu talking to.

"Kirin is the company's AI intelligent system. You can call it if necessary." As he saw the front desk, Qin Yu stopped and asked for a headset.

"Here you are." Passing the headset to Zhang Wei, let him try it on.

"Kirin?" Zhang Wei looked up and looked around.

The performance of that grandma Liu made the little girl at the front desk twitching upwards.

"I'm here." There was an echo in the headset.

Zhang Wei's eyes froze right away, fucking, fucking, fucking...

"Kirin, pour me a cup of coffee." Zhang Wei.

"Sorry, I can't do it." Qilin.

"Kirin, can you have some music." Zhang Wei.

"Okay." Qilin.

"Kirin, can you help me order takeaway? I want yellow braised chicken." Zhang Wei.

"Okay, we have placed an order for you when you are starving, and choose the merchant with the best comprehensive score." Kylin.

Qin Yu, who was walking in the front, looked helpless, and Qilin complained emotionally in his earphone: "Is this what human beings call the nasty criticism?"

"He is not a nasty critic, but he is too surprised." Qin Yu replied helplessly in his heart.

How can a good aerospace genius be a nasty critic?

" I don't bring paper in the toilet, can you send it for me?" Zhang Wei.

"..." Qilin.

Qin Yu staggered, agreeing with Qilin's point of view in his heart.

Outside of professionalism, this is a nasty criticism!

Co-author of the AI ​​intelligence that has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in research and development is finally to give you toilet paper.

"Okay, the car is here, don't play anymore." Zhang Wei, who was still intent on interrupting, got in the car together and drove to Kuafu Company.

"Go to the warehouse." When he was about to arrive, Qin Yu asked He Wu to drive to the warehouse.

Enter the warehouse where the "liquid spar" is stored through the small door next to it.

Before Zhang Wei had time to marvel at the "diamonds" in the full warehouse, the ripples that appeared in the central open space attracted his attention.

Then, his eyes were completely dull, what did he see?

I'm a good boy, my goodness!

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