The big brothers were chatting happily, and the technicians also pricked their ears to listen.

The news here is a bit true and a bit false!

Most people take this as a joke, listen to it as a joke...

But there are some people who really keep this information in their minds, just like Sha Sha, and the little girl from the water village No. 558.

Especially when the big brothers are talking about what business is good to do next, and when there are those opportunities.

Sa Sa held up and asked: "Brother, according to you, it's an individual who can make a fortune!"

Seeing her smiling expression, Qin Yu said directly: "You are wrong to say that.

As long as you find the right project, even a pig can make a fortune. "

"Brother, you will laugh." Sasha said with a chuckle.

Li Xiao joked: "He is not kidding, when the tide of the times comes, pigs can fly on the waves."

"I was moved by what I heard." Sasha said jokingly.

"Then you have to seize the opportunity." Xu Hao said, once again turning the topic to the new city of Lingang.

"Brother Yu, you invested a lot of money on it, just to build a research base?" Han Hu was a little skeptical.

There are banknotes flowing in his blood, giving him a keen instinct for any opportunity.

Han Hu doesn't believe that the role of the City of Miracles is just that simple.

If it is really used for research, it will not be as simple as it seems.

"Okay, the feet are almost soaked, let's all go down the girls!" Qin Yu began to drive people out.

The next words are not suitable for outsiders to listen to.

The technicians left the room one after another and went out, and everyone talked about the guests who had just served as usual.

Go to the rest area and wait for the next round of clocks.

Only Sasha has a solemn expression, as if thinking about something...

"Manager, I want to take a leave!" After finding the manager, Sasha took a leave and left.

She decided to go back and take a good look at whether the news that the older brothers said was true.

Is there a chance to make a fortune from it?

At this time, Sasha didn't know how the decision she made today would change her future.

"The city of miracles has a different focus. It focuses more on biological research.

There are always people who say that the human body is a treasure, and there are endless questions and wonders about it, which humans still cannot fully understand.

The purpose of the City of Miracles is to find these magical treasures and use them. "

"This purpose sounds a bit great." Li Xiao said.

"Although I don't want to admit it, but it's great." Qin Yu said with a boastful smile.

"Brother Yu, do you think people will really live forever in the future?" Yang Chengjun asked with interest.

The old man in his family is not young, and his health is getting worse and worse in the past two years.

If there are really any special medicines, or breakthroughs in "human engineering", it can prolong life.

It is good news for Yang Chengjun and Yang Family!

As a relative alone, Yang Chengjun hopes that his father can live a few more years.

I haven't settled yet...

Forget it, marriage is not suitable for me. It is better to find a woman to give birth to a baby so that the father can enjoy the family happiness.

"Maybe!" Qin Yu didn't say anything too much.

Qin Yu believes that immortality is possible.

But he didn't know how long it would take.

Therefore, it is better not to give Yang Chengjun too much hope, and the others are the same.

There are not many old people in anyone's home yet.

Whether mankind’s ambitions since ancient times can be realized, the progress of nanotechnology is the decisive key point.

Of course, it is not easy to do this.

For example, the "omnipotent nanoworm" Qin Yu currently possesses in his body cannot extend his life.

Not only that, the excessive division of cells will accelerate the loss of life.

This is under normal circumstances...

Now, Qin Yu has found "liquid crystals" to replace his own bioenergy consumption.

Therefore, this will not happen.

On the contrary, relying on the absorption of the internal energy of the "liquid crystal", the nanoworms give back to his body to a certain extent.

Let him become stronger, stronger, and evolve to another level.

This process is very slow, so slow that Qin Yu wouldn't even notice it if it weren't for the real-time monitoring and analysis of Kirin.

But this change is real and happening...

"Brother Yu, why do your words remind me of a movie." Yang Chengjun said.

"Me too." Xu Hao echoed.

"Raccoon City." Li Xiao said.

Everyone nodded together, and Qin Yu laughed and cursed loudly: "If you can be normal one by one, you must believe in science."

"That's science." Li Xiao emphasized.

"Okay, let's get some business.

After the completion of the City of Miracles, I need a group of top medical professionals. "

"Brother Yu, there is nothing I can do here."

Both Han Hu and Liu Xing said that they couldn't get in touch with them at all.

Li Xiao is also helpless here, and his family has no connection with the medical field.

Xu Hao also shook his head again and again, this time he really couldn't help much.

In the end, only Yang Chengjun remained.

Seeing him lowered his head thoughtfully, Qin Yu thought there was hope.

But in the end Yang Chengjun could only shook his head regretfully: "Brother Yu, you know the situation on my side, those people will definitely not be able to transfer."

There is a shortage of personnel in the medical logistics of the Ministry of Defense, and that is a big gap.

The upper hand can't wait to draw such talents into his arms every day, as if they were told to let them out.

Want to fart?

"It seems that we have to recruit from the society." Qin Yu wanted to be simple.

Since there is no hope, then we can only face the society and open recruitment.

At the same time, a figure jumped into Qin Yu's mind.

Zhu Ying, Doctor Zhu...

"Brother Jun, what is the next project?" Qin Yu said this, indicating that the business is over.

Yang Chengjun immediately arranged for the next project, to sing first, and then drink.

After the work, I went to the jade room to have a good rest. I got a buffet in the morning. After the meal, I had another soak. If I want to rest, I want to leave.

"Brother Jun, do you take this in charge?" Seeing that Yang Chengjun had a private box with all the bedding he had brought to Brother Yu was shocked on the spot, the Emperor Yu, Well-deserved reputation!

"I'm not used to it." Although Yang Chengjun was smiling, his eyes were full of disappointment.

Qin Yuxin said, "I'm afraid there is a story in this!"

In fact, he knew that Yang Chengjun was like this, and he must have been hurt by feelings.

It’s just that he never asked...

Seeing that his current situation is getting more and more serious, Qin Yu decided to find someone to ask what the situation was.

Let a straight steel man like Yang Chengjun be injured like this.

"Brother, let's live here, I'll ask you something." Stopping Li Xiao, Qin Yu took two more mentions of Budweiser.

He is in charge of the wine tonight, and the little brother just tells the story.

Others, what are you doing?

Isn't she fragrant with the uniform black silk going back and forth?

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