Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 860: Cross the sea

After expressing her attitude to Watson, let her tell the other senior leaders.

Qin Yu returned home sitting on the canopy. Liang Chuyu and Qin Han were not there, saying that they had gone out holding a small pumpkin to visit the neighbors.

"Go neighbor?" Qin Yu was a little surprised.

Now that the visit is almost a legend, and it can still be heard in the city.


"Yes, the neighbors around are very friendly. The wife brought gifts to the door for the first time, and the other party returned the gifts the next day, and the ones who came and went were familiar."

Aunt Qiao put the brewed tea in front of him and asked, "Will you eat at home tonight?"

"Well, prepare more food." Qin Yu responded.

Lying on the sofa and swiping the notes, Qin Yu has learned to ignore the private messages in the background.

Before, he would delete it twice, but now he doesn’t even bother to read it...

The reason why I logged on to Music Note was because Brother Yu wanted to post a message.

The young master is going to have a life, and we invite the white-skinned, beautiful, and long-legged young ladies to join the birthday party in Sanya. Just leave a message in the comment area!

@大长腿@你的女友@懂得都懂@上流行@坏好干工作How to support a family@超a@名媛@小帮…

Brother Yu's fingers are sore after this long series of points.

Something strange seems to be mixed in, forget it...

Click Publish, and I want to see the review results.

Then, seconds passed...

After swiping both sides, I have already liked more than a thousand and left a dozen comments.

Fuck, outrageous!

Look at the number of fans: 223W+

It's fine, it's all right.

Brother Yu was not in a hurry to read the message, there are still a few days to leave it, and it is not too late to wait for the 3rd or the 4th.

Nowadays, the transportation is so convenient. There are no planes and high-speed rails, and no high-speed rails have trains. Otherwise, you can drive directly.

Spending full reimbursement, money, is really a good thing!

Besides, the really smart and motivated girl.

When you see the news, you should pack up and get ready to go.

Opportunities are won, not pie in the sky.

Whether they can get a ride depends on whether they understand or not.

"Di~ We are back." Liang Chuyu's voice came from the door.

Then, the little pumpkin drove in his Ferrari.

Buzzing around, one end was installed on the goalpost.

Qin Yu heard the outsourcing "groan," Qin Han shouted: "I told you not to bump into it, the brat is not obedient at all."

But the laughter in the tone was a bit majestic.

It seems to be joking!

Sure enough, the banging bangs sounded one after another, and the little pumpkin banged more vigorously.

"Okay, hurry up and wash and eat." Liang Chuyu shouted impatiently: "I will pack you when your brother comes back."

"Big Brother is not here, just for a moment, I don't..."

Amid the triumphant laughter, Little Pumpkin saw a head emerge from the back of the sofa.

Then, the smile on his face turned into horror, and then he burst into tears with a "wow".

Quickly opened the door of the car, and ran to the room.

Unfortunately, his short legs couldn't run fast at all, he was about to rush into the corridor, and his calf was suddenly caught.

The body was lifted upside down in the volley, "Don't wait, I'll keep the clockwork for you now."

"Big brother, big pot, wow~ wrong."

"I was wrong, mumumumu, love you!"

"Cauldron, Little Pumpkin loves you the most..."

Found that the eldest brother had no response, he carried himself and walked upstairs.

Little Pumpkin hurriedly moved the target, yelling "Mom, Mom~~"

Unfortunately, all the calls for help did not respond.

Liang Chuyu embraced her arms and sat on the sofa preferentially, watching him disappear to the end of the stairs with a smile on her face.

When the little pumpkin came down again, tears were already on his cheeks.

Following the eldest brother obediently, he walked down one step at a time.

Never be the same as usual with a bandit...

Running around violently, it was like a person changed.

"Eat." Liang Chuyu was very satisfied with this.

The heartache is only temporary, there must always be someone he is afraid of at home.

Otherwise, this trumpet has to go to heaven!

"By the way, I heard Aunt He said that Qingqing wants to go to the countryside to support education." During the meal, Liang Chuyu mentioned this incident suddenly.

"Well, she told me." Qin Yu nodded.

"What's your attitude, so don't worry about her going?" Liang Chuyu was anxious, put down his chopsticks and looked at him for an answer.

"Then what should I do, she is an adult and has the right to make a choice." Qin Yu responded with a laugh.

"But, that's too bitter, can she bear it?" Liang Chuyu said distressedly.

Going to the countryside to support education is not an easy task.

Just because the environment is better now, the places where teaching is needed are really bad.

The baby who was used to city life and was held in the palm of his hand since childhood.

Just throw it into the ditch, how can she suffer the pain?

"When the time comes, I will follow along and take care of everything first."

Qin Yu thought for a while and said, "I will leave two people to take care of her."


Liang Chuyu's heart was immediately let go, but his expression changed and asked, "Can Qingqing agree?"

"It's okay, just don't let her know." Qin Yu had already figured out a countermeasure.

Otherwise, he really thought he could rest assured that Lu Qing would be left alone in a ravine with rare human traces.

There is a certain ambiguity in this statement.

But it can't be said that it is totally unreasonable...the defensive heart is indispensable!

"That's good." Liang Chuyu had an idea in mind, but another matter came to mind.

"The date of the engagement of you two is set. On the 8th day of August, I will let people forget it. It is a good day."

"Forget it?" Qin Yu said in surprise: "Mom, wouldn't you also look for a master?"

"What's the matter with finding someone? I don't want to engage in birthday horoscopes. I just want to find a good day suitable for marriage.

This is not a good sign, but it is also auspicious. What's wrong? "

What Liang Chuyu said was really hard for Qin Yu to refute.


Picture a good sign, auspicious, what's wrong?

"You have the final say." Qin Yu pushed the chair away and ran upstairs.

When he came down again, there were two more things in his hand.

"Here you are, add these two to the bride price." Qin Yu put the box on the table.

"What?" Liang Chuyu opened curiously.

Seeing the box in the bag, his eyes lit up, and he said, "The ring is the ring you said, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Yu nodded.

"Let me see." Liang Chuyu eagerly picked up the box and opened it to take a look.

Qin Han also leaned over, wanting to see what the ring was in the box.

This brat is rich now, he must buy a big diamond ring, that’s...

The box opened, and the thinking in Qin Han's brain instantly went blank.

Flash, big!

The overhead light shone on it, flashing so that people couldn't open their eyes.

"My God~" Liang Chuyu could not speak anymore.

Where did he get such a big diamond? Will it be auctioned?

No less money!

It seems that he is really paying attention to Lu Qing... but is this too extravagant...

The thoughts in Liang Chuyu's mind turned rapidly, one would be happy, and another would feel distressed.

When I opened the second box, I saw the crown inside.

Liang Chuyu's brain went into a downtime, leaving only large blanks flickering.

There was no word for a night, and early the next morning, Qin Yu went out with a small pumpkin.

Qin Han personally sent the two to the airport, and packed two boxes in large and small bags.

There are also two electric vehicles, a mini G and an ATV.

When the two cars were ordered for Sky Screen, the other party learned that Qin Yu's family had a child, and they were specially tailored to deliver them to the company.

Regardless of the smallness, all the best parts of the original factory are used, except for the power and the real car.

On the contrary, because of its small size, the production cost is higher.

If it is sold on the market, it will cost at least 100,000.

"Dad, what did I say to bring these for?" Qin Yu looked at the stuffed trunk helplessly.

"Then it won't work in the past."

Qin Han saw that he was going to refute, and said first: "Buy everything. If you have the money to do, I think you have the money to burn."

Yes, Brother Yu's mouth is blocked, and there is nothing to say!

No wonder he was urged to go out quickly, it took a lot of time just to check these things.

Fortunately, there are ground passengers to take care of the procedures throughout the journey.

Qin Yu only needs to sign at the end, "Mr. Qin, the things will be delivered directly to the front desk of the Park Hyatt Hotel, do you think it is okay?"

"Well, trouble you." Qin Yu nodded and thanked the other party.

"You are too polite. It is my honor to be able to serve you." Ninety degrees bowed, the attitude of Miss Di Cheng.

Full marks!

After boarding the plane, Qin Yu placed the little pumpkin next to him and took out a small blindfold.

"Cauldron, I don't sleep!" Little Pumpkin protested.

"Shut up, let you play with your big sister when it's time." Qin Yu put the blindfold on him.

"S-shaped big sister, is the lordosis raised?" Little Pumpkin lifted the blindfold and asked with bright eyes.

"Yes, lordosis and back, S1, big sister Heisi." Brother Yu responded impatiently, putting the blindfold on him again.

"Cauldron, you have to count your words, it's wrong to lie to children." The little pumpkin wearing the blindfold did not forget to emphasize again.

"Say one more word, Miss Sister is gone." Qin Yu vomited.

The little pumpkin immediately covered her mouth with her hands, not to say, not to say...

"Big Sister S1, I'm here, yeah!" Deep down, he was a carnival that belonged only to himself.

Little Pumpkin has twisted his hips and dances happily, S1~S1~

At the same time, the notes have exploded.

I don't know how many people set the Headless Horseman as a follower, as soon as he releases the news.

I got the prompt and saw the copy above.

There is also an all-black picture.

The picture is not important, what is important is the meaning expressed by the copy inside.

Young Master is celebrating his birthday, who is it?

younger brother? son?

It doesn't matter, no matter who it is, UU read www.uukā, this is a chance to get close to getting to know your eldest brother.

Brother smelly, the chance becomes 1+1


It’s okay to be a stepmother, I still have a bit of weight.

Dragging the balance ball on her chest, the young lady smiled confidently in the mirror.

"Go, Sanya, I'm here!" Young ladies from all over the country flocked to Sanya while dragging their suitcases.

On the way, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, showing their magical powers.

If you want to be the first to find out where your eldest brother lives, you can get the moon first near the water.

Step by step, step by step.

In case there is a quota limit, wouldn't it be blood loss for a trip for nothing!

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