Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 863: Choosing a concubine? The bed was lifted for you

Crazy is contagious, just like excitement...

The little pumpkin also grabbed the beer and chased people everywhere with short legs.

The celebrities caught by him didn't dare to run, so they could only be screamed by him.

The more excited you are, the happier the little pumpkin smiles.

Victory belongs to the warriors.

After all the drinks were consumed, the competition came to an end.

Looking at the ladies, one is worse than the other, and it is impossible to tell who wins and loses for a time.

"Look at the bottle, whoever attacked the fiercest will win!" Qin Yu said, and the champion was born.

It turned out to be the worst little blue that he started to spray, and one person used four bottles of champagne.

The Champagne Cannon event is over, and there will be new shows next.


It's just that the set is not a gift.

The celebrities lined up, standing in four rows and squatting down.

Qin Yu held the little pumpkin and started to experience the new game with the ring in his hand.

Today, who can be caught, a circle rewards 50,000.

When I heard the content of the game at first, the ladies refused...

In case of being photographed, don't you want to lose face.

But when Qin Yu said "one in fifty thousand", the ladies rushed to the venue.

The staff on the beach are not allowed to bring mobile phones, and the people outside the hotel and the beach are so far away.

It's so dark, you can't even shoot it.

A group of dark girls, who can recognize them.

Fifty thousand in a circle, it's so fragrant!

The ladies were crowded and stood not far in front of you, you pushed me to grab the position closest to the little pumpkin.

A fool also knows that this position is the easiest to be caught.

"Stand well in 2 minutes and get out of position." Qin Yu announced the new rules.

Some people are still unwilling to grab the first row, and the smart ones take the lead in grabbing the second row.

Seeing that Qin Yu frequently looked at his watch, the remaining ones who hadn't grabbed the spot could only run to the third or fourth rows unwillingly.

Looking at the backs of the girls in the second row at this time, their eyes were full of anger and regret.

If I knew it, I would grab the second row first.

"Where's the circle?" As soon as Qin Yu's voice fell, someone delivered 10 circles to him.

Five small pumpkins were given, and Qin Yu made a special trip to serve him today.

Who makes him the birthday star.

Today, the sky and the earth are big and the birthday is the biggest.

Qin Yu asked the hotel to prepare 100 laps, and the total amount was 5 million.

However, it depends on Little Pumpkin's luck.

"President Xiao Qin, set me up and set me..."

"President Xiao Qin, I'm the best to play, I am."

"Mr. Qin, can you forget your sister's?" He moved his chest four or two, naked temptation.

"Ms. Qin, she hangs up."

"Physical plug-in, it's not a foul!"

As a bonus donor, Qin Yu has the final right to interpret the event.

"Okay, the game begins." Qin Yu said, and the host repeated it loudly with the microphone.

The ladies immediately squatted and stayed still.

Make sure not to let Xiao Qin fail because of his own reasons.

call out…

The first loop was shot and hit Canaan's forehead straight.

When she saw the circle, she tried her best to cooperate.

He lowered his body and knelt on the sand, curled his neck to catch the loop.

But it was still a step slower, trembling and cold!

Little Pumpkin doesn't care whether the ladies are happy or not, and then throws the second, third, and fourth.

After the last lap was thrown on the open space, Qin Yu delivered the remaining five laps to him.

It seems that Little Pumpkin's luck is not very good.

The ladies have also become depressed and helpless, Xiao Qin, I really want to be in your circle!

If the last one fails, he will be played around here like a monkey.

What a shame!


With a quick throw, the loop fell straight on Xiaolan's neck.

Feeling the touch on his neck, Xiao Lan raised his hand in an incredible way.

Looking down at the ferrule in her hand, her expression immediately became vivid: "I'm hit, I'm caught, Xiao Qin is great."

Seeing someone caught in the quilt, the ladies rekindled hope.

Hold your chest up and keep your head and neck aligned.

One by one awaited the arrival of the "Golden Circle", bringing happiness and wealth to themselves.

The little pumpkin did not disappoint, and there were six in a row.

There was cheers at the scene, and the ladies in the quilt were originally a bit shy.

When they saw the enviable eyes of the staff around them, they all left behind all the shame.

How many people at the scene can't wait to replace them, a circle of 50,000.

More than a white-collar worker earns in a month, this is the point.

Set a few more loops, and you can get one set. Isn't it fragrant?

"President Xiao Qin, set me up and set me..."

The ladies who missed it were anxious and waved to attract the attention of Little Pumpkin.

The child is out of temper, and this trick really worked.

Seeing whoever raises his hand, the little pumpkin will cover whoever, and he can't stop laughing and closing.

At this time, two circles took off and flew out of the field, wrapped around the neck of the manager on duty.

The solemn young woman in her thirties flushed with shame.

"President Xiao Qin, you are crooked." The manager sent the circle back, with a small spark in his eyes.

Two circles, one hundred thousand yuan!

Who doesn't want it, she is just as excited...

"Cauldron, is it crooked?" Little Pumpkin asked.

"It's not crooked, even if it is in the set, I will get the money from Secretary Xu later." Qin Yu responded with a smile.

The shift manager bowed quickly: "Thank you, Mr. Qin, and thank Mr. Qin."

One hundred thousand yuan, just got it?

In the heart of the subdued young woman, it was like a dream.

This feels too unreal!

When other people saw this scene, they were going crazy with jealousy.

The host stood up and said jokingly: "Mr. Qin, you can try to play with me, I am very good."

Little Pumpkin grinned: "You are a man, I want Miss Sister..."

The host smiled awkwardly and walked away, but the service staff next to him was happy.

"President Xiao Qin, try to play with me, I am a girl."

Little Pumpkin nodded first, and was about to throw it away when holding the circle, but then suddenly stopped.

After a careful glance, the little pumpkin pouted and said: "The one with the breast is the older sister, you are a lie."


She seemed to hear the sound of her cracking, and the petrification was frozen in place, silent!

The celebrity group, who was worried about being robbed before, laughed, opened his hands and called out the little pumpkin again.

Come on, Mr. Qin, his legs are numb!

It sounds like a lot of 100 laps, and it takes a while to throw it out.

When the last trap is around the neck of Super Sweet Vitamin C, the game is over.

"I'll settle with Secretary Xu myself." After Qin Yu finished speaking, he walked to the room with the little pumpkin in his arms.

"Cauldron, cauldron, I want to play." Little Pumpkin shouted with his arms around his neck.

"What are you going to play, it's so late." Next is the adult court, what to play for the children.

"I want to drive, drive..." He returned to the room and asked him to put his big G on the beach.

Little Pumpkin waved his hand and said without looking back: "Thank you, I'll find my brother for a tip."


The attendant made him laugh.

Qin Yu gave a tip and watched him rushing back to the beach while driving the car, and circled the celebrities to give pointers.

After a while, Xu Meixin came back.

Qin Yu asked amused: "What is he doing?"

Xu Meixin said with a weird expression: "Choose a concubine!"


What stuff, what concubine to choose?

Xu Meixin explained it all at once, and Brother Yu understood.

This kid is a bit floating, and dare to say that he wants to choose a few young ladies to sleep with him!

Just your little toothpick, enough for what...

Forget it, let him be happy first, and later brother will teach you a good boy.

The higher the drift, the worse the fall.

Brother Yu planned to let him float into the atmosphere first, and then slap him back to the ground.

The kind that can't breathe for years...


Big G is back, followed by six ladies.

There are people with long legs, gentle temperament, great body proportions, big bears, and talkative people.

This kid has a good vision, he even knows the advantages of specialties.

"Cauldron, I'm going to bed, move the cart back."

The imperative tone is particularly arrogant and harsh.

Qin Yu nodded and stepped forward to mention it.

When the car didn't get up, the little pumpkin's neck shrank and he lifted it up.


Cauldron, what are you doing, let me go...

Miss sister, help!

Seeing Mr. Qin slipping into the room by Mr. Qin's neck, the ladies snickered and ran away.

They don't want to be in trouble, Mr. Qin's **** is going to suffer!

Ouch, dare not, just go to sleep now, just go to sleep, hoo...

Wow, wow, mom...

Amidst the crying, the little pumpkin fell into a deep sleep.

I twitched when I fell asleep, and the hand covering my **** twitched.

Presumably in the dream, he was beaten up too much!

Asking He Wu to stay in the room and look at him, Qin Yu changed into a pair of swimming trunks and then put on loose beach pants.

Just swimming trunks, he was afraid of scaring the ladies.

It's so kind, born!

When he came back, the ladies had already drank it.

Champagne king and sparkling water, in the temporary bar, the little brother is showing off his skills in a fancy way.

A glass of bartending is placed on the bar, let anyone pick it up!

"Ms. Qin, help!" Xiao Lanlan suddenly ran over, hiding behind her with a silly smile.

A few girls caught up and said angrily: "Don't try to escape today, you won't be drunk!"

"Yes, not drunk, can you be a big winner?"

In the first game, Xiaolan won 200,000 yuan, and in the second game, he was caught in six laps, the most in the audience.

A net net of 500,000 in one night, the ladies are watching!

She wants to run now, where will she go?

"Mr. Qin, you can't help her, we won so many today, we must celebrate!"

Yuuuu flicked her long hair and said coquettishly.

In addition, several of her celebrities instantly regained their former temperament.

Point your feet sideways, tuck your chin inward, reach out to lift your hair, and put on the sexiest side.

When Xiao Lan raised his head, all of them became high cold goddesses.

"Fuck, do you want to be so realistic, a group of little sluts!" Xiao Lanlan laughed and scolded. UU reading www.

The celebrities who were coquettish broke the power in a second, and instantly smiled: "Ah, Xiaolan, you are dead."

Flocked up, a group of people grabbed Xiaolan.

Brother Yu was squeezed in the middle, like a boat drifting with the flow, swaying back and forth.

I rub, who is touching.

Damn, goblin bold!

Hiss, it's so dark this night...

More people saw this scene and joined in.

A few minutes later, Yu Ge was already impenetrable by the celebrities, and only the upper part of his neck was exposed to the air.

Looking down, Yu Ge realized for the first time that being too tall is not all a good thing.

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