Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 870: The dream I just had is gone

After listening to the overall introduction by the principal, the tour inside the park was ended.

Qin Yu had a thought in his heart: This study must be obtained.

What is the strength faction, this is called the strength faction.

Putting the advantage in front of you and speaking with strength will make you have no idea of ​​rejection.

And those teachers and staff, the warm smiles and love for the children are real.

The principal also emphasized that one of their recruitment criteria is very important.

You must have patience and love for children, and have a plan to have children.

This is more important than academic qualifications and certificates. Only when you like it from the heart will it be more beneficial for communication and learning.

The patience of the teachers also opened eyes to Brother Yu and the visiting parents.

The children who make trouble again will become quiet and obedient within a few minutes of their hands.

It's like being enchanted.

"Our teachers have a wealth of experience. What children at this age need is the correct way of guidance.

If you can think seriously and calmly and find the right way to communicate with him, you can also make him better! "

This can be regarded as talking about Liang Chuyu's heart, and it also poke the hearts of most parents.

Not just money!

Yes, come on, our kids are on it.

It's not that simple. Here is an interview with parents.

Occupation, residence, income, education.

Talking and dressing are within the scope of the interview. Only the parents who receive a call after three days will be considered as a smooth pass.

Only children from these families can enroll in the kindergarten.

"Otherwise, you go to the interview?" The mother-sama who was waiting for the interview at the door was a little nervous.

Qin Yu laughed dumbfounded after hearing this, and said, "If someone interviews the parents, what's the matter with me?"

"Yes, what if you can't be elected?" Mother Master was nervous.

For a while, I started to complain about Old Comrade Qin.

He couldn't spare a day for such a big event, he had to go on a business trip at this time.

Busy, who is not busy, men are really unreliable!

Looking at the son next to me, my heart suddenly became balanced again, "It's still a reliable son...Old Qin, wait!"

Lao Qin, who was on a business trip, felt cold and shivered suddenly.

Look up and look around, how do you say it is cold this day?

"Then change home!" Qin Yu said indifferently.

Liang Chuyu slapped him irritably, thinking, "I really praised you for nothing. It's not reliable just after the praise."

"I can't change it, just this one." Liang Chuyu said firmly.

The big deal is that she is looking for relationships, and there are countless companies that she has dealt with over the years.

I still have accumulated contacts, and I don't believe I can't find someone to catch up with.

"Qin Luo's parent, Ms. Liang Chuyu."


Seeing Master Mother enter the office, Qin Yu followed.

As for the little pumpkin, this will be lying on the lap of a pretty big sister reading a picture book.

The wicked eyes turned like a car wheel.

"Hello, Ms. Liang, please sit down."

Behind the desk, there were three people on three chairs, the principal in the middle, and the vice principals and senior teachers on both sides.

The interview process is not as complicated and profound as you might think, just to answer some questions.

Let’s talk about parents’ plans for their children’s development and what kind of early education training courses they have taken.

If you enter the kindergarten, the daily schedule, whether it can cooperate with the school's various activities, etc.

Liang Chuyu's response is fluent, and all the conditions are in line with the other party's standards.

This can be seen from the facial expressions of the three.

Before I heard Little Pumpkin's lessons were mainly about interest and sports, the other party's expression was even more satisfied.

Only when the time came, Liang Chuyu was a little embarrassed.

She and Lao Qin are both very busy, even if they quit their private work outside, there is not much time.

It is difficult to be there on call to participate in various team building, outings and exchange activities of the school.

"Yes." After Liang Chuyu hesitated a little, he gave an affirmative answer.

When he waited out of the office, Qin Yu couldn't help asking: "Mom, you don't want to resign, do you?"

"It's not resignation, let's take a look first!" Liang Chuyu had her own plan.

She is going to reduce the burden on herself first and leave some simple tasks to young people.

Cultivate one or two masters, it can be considered as someone to take over.

If it still doesn’t work, she will consider retreating...

This has to be discussed with Lao Qin, "Die Lao Qin." The thought of him made Liang Chuyu out of anger.

When he comes back this time, he will live in the study!

"Little Pumpkin, let's go, goodbye to the teacher."

"Goodbye teacher, goodbye Xiaokai."

Little Pumpkin waved goodbye to the friend he had just made, and asked Qin Yu to hug it.

He picked him up and walked out of the park. As soon as he got in the car, Little Pumpkin asked curiously: "Big Brother, what is the manor?"

"Manor, isn't our family." Qin Yu fastened on his seat belt and said casually.

"???" Little Pumpkin was stunned.

Then turned to look at Liang Chuyu and asked, "Mom, is our house a big villa?"

"Are you asking about a big villa or a manor?" Liang Chuyu touched his head amusedly.

Asked rhetorically: "Why do you ask this?"

"Xiao Kai said, his dream is to buy a big villa, a manor. So, I want to buy it too."

"Is this our house?" Little Pumpkin asked again.

"Yes, we live in a big villa." Liang Chuyu said.

After that, I didn't hear the second child's voice for a long time.

Curiously bowed his head, only to see that he was sitting in the seat sullenly.

"What's the matter?" Liang Chuyu thought he was uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, the little pumpkin narrowed her mouth, sobbed fiercely and said, "My dream is gone."


Brother Yu almost laughed, this kid is deliberately funny!

But seeing his serious and sad expression, Qin Yu held back with a smile.

Forget it, don't hit him.

It is indeed miserable to lose dreams and pursuits at a young age.

"If we don't change our dreams, we can be scientists and invent spacecraft to go to outer space in the future."

Liang Chuyu whispered comfortingly, finally diverting Little Pumpkin's attention.

After he thought he had figured out what a spaceship was and what was outer space, he immediately clapped his hands happily.

"I will be a scientist, a spacecraft, and go to space."

"Yes, this is the mother's good son." Liang Chuyu touched his head and smiled with satisfaction.

He really doesn't want to hit the little brother, but he can't stand it!

Forget it, let him be happy for a few days.

When the dream is shattered, it's better to replace it with a new one.

With so many dreams, there is always one suitable for him.

In Liang Chuyu's anxious waiting, the admission notice came as scheduled.

After signing up, she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

But this time it was Qin Yu's turn to feel uncomfortable, and Lu Qing's support education was notified.

The place is in the province, but it's really biased.

Luonan Xiawa Village, one of the poorest villages in the province, is truly poor.

To this day, it has just ensured that tap water enters the household.

"Really going?" With his arms around Lu Qing, Qin Yu wanted her to think about it again.

"Well, I really want to go." Lu Qing nodded affirmatively.

After receiving the news, she also hesitated in her heart.

But when she thought of her original intention, she couldn't persuade herself to give up.

Give up this time, next time, next time you have to give up.

Life is hard, and each has its own grind.

This may be her temper, and it will be her precious wealth and memories in the future.

If you can really help the children there, it's okay to be a little bit tired.

"Okay, I'll see you off tomorrow." Qin Yu said.

"No, my dad is ready, he drove me to the place directly.

The village specially prepared a house for me, just next to the school, there is water and electricity, there is nothing to worry about. "

"It's better for me to give you a gift, or I will be with Uncle Lu."

Lu Qing shook his head again, looked at him and said softly: "I'm afraid that if you accompany me, I will lose the courage to stay."

No matter how strong the girl is, in front of her beloved, she is weak and soft.

If the conditions are too much to be missed, Qin Yu is also on the scene.

She was really worried that she could no longer persist and chose to stay there.

"Then let Lao He be responsible for driving, and my uncle would drive back and forth alone, which is too tired." Qin Yu no longer insisted.

In the coming days, Fang Chang, when the "Vulcan Project" starts smoothly, he will be able to spare more time.

It is only a three-hour drive to see Lu Qing.

"Okay, but don't prepare anything, my mother has enough."

Lu Qingjiao said angrily: "Big bags and small bags, packed in four or five boxes, I'm not going to come back."

On weekends and holidays, she can come back anytime.

"You take it with you, otherwise you should talk about it again next time you see me." Qin Yu nodded on her nose.

Lu Qing said with a slouched nose: "Also, Auntie talks about you more often."

"What did you say?" Qin Yu asked curiously.

"I won't tell you, this is the secret of the two of us." Lu Qinghan smiled and hid away.

"Secret?" Qin Yu chased up with a smirk, grabbing her hands and wrists and pressing down.

"Hey, little lady, dare to hide secrets privately, and see how I teach you."

"Ah, dare not, haha...well, don't bite...haha...well, clockwise."

Lv Qing was sent to the door of his house. Lu Guohui had already eaten breakfast and was loading his luggage into the car.

Today he drove an old domineering car, intending to use the car to send Lu Qing to work.

"Have you had breakfast?" Lu Guohui asked.

"Take it, Uncle Lu, I'll come." After taking the box and stuffing it into the trunk, lining it up, Qin Yu closed the door of the box.

"Then, go in and talk to your mother, then it's time to set off."

Lu Qing went to bid farewell, Lu Guohui smoked a cigarette and handed it to Qin Yu.

"Thank you, Uncle." When he took it, he first lighted Lu Guohui, and then lighted himself.

The two of them just stood in front of the garage, vomiting clouds and fog.

"Persuaded?" Lu Guohui said suddenly. UU Reading

"Persuaded, it's useless." Qin Yu responded.

"Hey, this girl's stubbornness, follow me." Lu Guohui didn't know whether it was triumphant or wry smile.

"I arranged for two people to go to the village, volunteers, to help out at the school, and their skills were not bad."

Hearing that Qin Yu had arrangements, Lu Guohui's worries were finally relieved.

Otherwise, he really doesn't worry about leaving his daughter over there alone.

The same is true for Qin Yu, who borrowed it from Bai Ze in advance.

The two women are very skilled.

With the two of them, Qin Yu can focus on work.

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