"I don't want to invite you to drink, nor will I take you in. Besides, the management here is very strict, not everyone can enter."

Qin Yu stood still and said with a serious expression facing the other party.

"Then what are you laughing at? I am funny. I don't apologize if I hit someone. I don't have any quality at all.

Besides, for a beauty like me, it is your honor to ask you to buy me a drink. Why do you think it is funny? "

Seeing Qin Yu's recognition, the other party chattered endlessly.

It seemed that it was Qin Yu's fault that he hit someone, he didn't know good or bad, and didn't know how to catch the olive branch thrown by the beauty.

Looking at that greasy card powder face, the overall score is not more than 50.

Brother Yu was really disgusted.

Isn't this the Puxin girl who opened her mouth for a million on the Internet?

Or should I say the next three sentences, I will cost myself 180,000? ? ?

Raising his right hand and snapping his fingers at the security guard in the distance, the other side ran towards him, "Dong Qin."

"Who made her come in? Starting today, no internet celebrities are allowed near the company, visits and shooting from the media, and live broadcasts are even forbidden.

The company is carrying out confidential projects, don’t you understand this rule? "

Qin Yu's tone was not harsh, but a thin layer of sweat rose on the security's forehead.

Not daring to wipe it, the security nodded and said: "Our job is not done well, I'm sorry, Mr. Qin."

"Tell my opinion to your captain."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, looking at the girl who was still standing in front of her with a dull expression, she said, "Thank you, please."

"You, are you the boss?" Pu Xinnv pointed at him incredulously.

Forget it, it's better to let it go.

Qin Yu staggered to leave, but the other side jumped and stopped him.

"Um, it was a misunderstanding just now, haha~

"We know each other now, we are friends, or take me in for a visit!"

"I just said, this is confidential."

Qin Yu frowned and said indifferently: "Besides, we are not friends either."

"Okay, I'll just say it straight." Pu Xinnv opened her hands and stopped him again.

"I think a man like you is worthy of me."

The other party shook his fingers and said seriously: "I am very well raised. I will give me 500,000 yuan a month, I will spend 300,000 yuan, and my mother will pay 200,000 yuan.

I don't know how to cook, so I have to hire a nanny. "

"In addition, you only need to buy a 200-square-meter flat in the city center, and you can equip it with a car."

Qin Yu looked at her like a fool, and found that she was serious.

I'm cracked!

"Well, this request is not excessive at all, can I ask you politely if you have anything?"

Qin Yu was really curious about where this woman was so confident.

Brother Yu wants to hear how good she is.

Seeing Qin Yu's compromise, the other party smiled confidently: "I'm pretty, and I can give you a baby."


If it wasn't for murder and crime, Brother Yu really wanted to send her to the laboratory to study it.

How did this kind of people grow up alive.

Seeing Qin Yu's unkind eyes, the security guard finally moved: "Qin Dong, I will send people out now."

Stepping forward and clasping Puxin's arm, the other party still kept shouting: "What are you doing, let me go, believe it or not, I let your boss open you..."

"Hey, don't go, I haven't finished yet! I'm so pretty and I don't deserve you anymore. I can have children.

Oh, don't go, you will regret it if you leave today, I..."

Brother Yu asked Nanoworms to shield his hearing, and he was afraid that he could not help but kill people if he continued like this.

Damn, this early morning.

Brother Yu felt that his brain was forcibly rubbed by someone on the ground, and his eyes were even more terribly polluted.


These eyes need to be washed well.

In less than half a day, the news of Puxin female entanglement with the boss spread through the company.

So that Xu Meixin looked at him with a weird smile, making Qin Yu stunned.

"Is there anything funny?" Qin Yu raised his head and looked at her.


Xu Meixin just shook her head and didn't mean to open her mouth at all.

Because she was afraid of opening her mouth, she laughed out loud...

"With half a month's salary deducted, I will report to the finances myself." Qin Yu lowered his head and continued to deal with official duties.

"Yeah." Xu Meixin nodded, turned and walked out.

Seeing her shrugging shoulders, Qin Yu decided to change this year's year-end award to a small envelope.

However, the most important thing now is the Mars immigration plan at the end of the month.

The Vulcan project has entered the countdown, and the time is almost a month, thanks to the full support of Hwaseong Group.

Ye Haotian's gift was not just a potted plant.

There is also Hwaseong Group's strong support for the Vulcan project, relying on its strong network and extensive business coverage.

Help the whole project solve a lot of troubles!

Including the deployment and transportation of space materials, as well as the procurement of some rare accessories.

This saves them a lot of time, but it is the pioneers who suffer.

There were originally more than 40 days of preparation time, but in a blink of an eye there were only less than 10 days left...

What about cheating?

No amount of complaints in my heart can only turn into motivation.

More focused training is the only thing they can do.

However, in the last three days before the mission started, the training was suddenly stopped.

The training base that had been completely imitated of Mars suddenly ceased operations.

The edge is illuminated by the darkness of space.

Qin Yu appeared in the training base, "The training is over, the next three days are free time."

The nerves that have been tense should also rest.

When the task is actually performed, there will be no time for entertainment for a long time.

Secondly, they also need to bid farewell to their families!

The helicopter is already parked outside the company and will deliver them directly to their doorstep.

Three days, fleeting!

When the helicopter appeared again, it was time for the Blazers to officially set off.

During these three days, Qin Yu and all Vulcan engineers conducted multiple inspections of the spacecraft.

Make sure that there are no problems in every link!

After all, this is the first spacecraft produced by Vulcan, and its mission is to go to Mars to create the first ecological circle of mankind.

The spacecraft plays an important role in it. All the energy and materials in the initial stage came from it.

Once a failure occurs, the chance of a successful mission is almost zero.

All the investment in the early stage will be vanished!

We must know that the cost of the spacecraft alone will cost 120 billion, and the entire project will cost 300 billion.

Although the money is paid from above, it must be worth the money.

If you want to make money in peace of mind, you must at least do things well and do it perfectly.

Otherwise, it is not called making money, it is called making money!

September 30 is destined to be a day to be recorded in history.

"Are you all ready?"

Bai Ze in front of the console observation platform has a serious expression.

"It's ready, the Blazers are boarding." Zhang Wei responded calmly.

Today he is the protagonist, Qin Yu and Bai Ze are just bystanders.

The atmosphere of the entire control room is serious and busy...

Everyone has a serious and persistent expression on their faces.

This will be an epoch-making scene. Four cameras will be broadcast simultaneously, and hundreds of radio stations will broadcast live.

In the age of the universe, can human beings really break the shackles?

"All the astronauts have boarded the cabin, and the hatch is closing."

On the take-off platform, the huge metal beast was parked on the landing gear, waiting for the final launch command.

The ground crew is doing the final inspection and evacuation work.

In the cabin, the Blazers sat neatly on their chairs, waiting nervously for the instructions from the console.

In the enclosed cockpit, [Creator] stood in front of the console and waited for instructions.

Except for Qin Yu, no one knew that the spacecraft was actually a robot.

To avoid panic and unnecessary trouble, it is better to keep this secret.

"Ready to fire..."

The huge metal behemoth suddenly burst into flames.

From orange to blue, to a white flame in the middle.

The heat hit the observers at the scene, and the reporters couldn't help but squint their eyes.

On the road a few kilometers away from the launch pad, Internet celebrities carried their equipment and broadcast live through the wire fence.

Unfortunately, they are destined to miss this wave of traffic.

All channels can see close-up live broadcasts, music notes, fighting teeth, and penguin channels.

The number of live broadcasts by official media and invited media people has soared.

"Fuck it, it's flying."

"This spaceship is so cool, I burst into tears in an instant."

"I want to take an aerospace test, don't stop me from anyone."

"Is it too late for the transition from finance to aerospace?"

"Finance to learn, aerospace YYDS..."

"My son said he will be an astronaut in the future."

"My daughter too."

"My family said to be a scientist and rejuvenate the motherland."

The King Kong-class Chang'e slowly lifted into the sky, and then broke through the clouds under the gaze of countless people.

Foreign social networking sites have exploded, analyzing how sci-fi the design of the Chang'e is.

"Did no one notice the short-range defense artillery on the surface of the spacecraft?"

"This is a battleship. It was born for war."

"Impossible, this is just a transport ship, they are just going to plant potatoes on Mars."

"Yes, Daxia is the most peace-loving country I have ever seen. It is only used to defend against meteorites."

"I think the above is correct. They just go to Mars to grow potatoes, maybe tomatoes and peppers."

"Oh, damn...I like Daxia's chili sauce."

"Hey, buddy, me too. Do you know which chili sauce is the best?"

"Hey, brother, I know that there is a shop selling chili sauce that is very authentic. They never fool foreigners with jalapenos~www.wuxiaspot.com~ brother, next time we can buy it together."

The topic was so weirdly crooked to the sky, and for a while, the great summer food swept the screen.

Someone also mentioned Daxia Food Collection, "Daxia on the Bite of the Tongue".

Many foreigners turn on the Tucao mode, thinking that the author's update speed is too slow.

The food mentioned in those videos, although strange, always evokes the most primitive desire to eat.

Whenever you see those foods, saliva will accelerate secretion.

At this time, all you have to do is take out the bread and imagine that you are participating in the party on the show.

Open your mouth and bite down, close your eyes and enjoy it: "Well~~This taste...Nice!"

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