Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 880: First show

The dust-free white fence, the grille gate in the middle opens to both sides.

Yangu walked into the city of miracles and saw the drone's electronic eye floating overhead.

The light spot in the electronic eye above flickered, and two or three seconds later, a voice sounded: "Welcome, visitor Yangu, please follow the instructions to the station."

A green indicating arrow lit up on the ground, bringing Yangu to the station.

Riding on the waiting railcar, Yangu looked at the environment on both sides.

Quiet, serene.

There are old people walking on the trail, and children running and playing among the flowers.

The drone flies over from above, monitoring the entire city.


A railcar passed by, and the young man on it nodded friendly to him.

Yan Gu also smiled back, saying "It seems that the work pressure here is not great."

He has seen beaters who are tired every day and never smile.

It's completely different from the young people I just saw...

However, it may be just one side. It is said that the city of miracles involves many industrial chains.

He just saw the tip of the iceberg!

"You have arrived at your destination, please get off." The rail car stopped in the station.

Looking at the speaker above, Yan Gu said with a curious expression: "Thank you!"

"Please follow the signs." The drone reappeared and flew away after speaking.

Before Yangu arrived at the office area, he had never communicated with a living person.

When he saw the first living person, the security guard in front of the building.

Yangu even has the joy of returning to the human world, the rest of his life after the disaster.

"Hello, I'm here to meet President Hua." Yan Gu said to the security guard.

"Mr. Yan Gu, President Hua is already waiting for you upstairs." The security guard responded with a smile, indicating that he can go directly upstairs.

On the screen of the sub-end system beside him, the footage of Yangu entering the gate and arriving here by railcar alternately jumped like a slideshow.

"Have you always been like this here?" Yan Gu asked, pointing to the screen.

"Please." The security responded with a smile.

Take the elevator to the 11th floor, the environment of the office area finally has a human touch.

When the secretary led him to see Watson, Yan Gu really relaxed.

If only robots were seen here, Yangu would really doubt whether there were any living people in this city.

He even suspected that the security guard downstairs was actually a robot in a ‘human skin’.

"Mr. Yan, welcome... How do you feel on the way here?" Watson stood up to greet him, holding Yan Gu's hand.

"Mr. Hua!"

Yan Gu thought about it with a complicated expression, and said, "I have a deep feeling."

"Is there a feeling of reaching the mechanical world?" Watson pointed to the chair, returned to the desk and took a seat.

"Really." Yangu nodded with a wry smile.

Watson was not surprised by this, and said in a calm tone: "When I first came, I also felt this way.

When you work here for a long time, you will get used to it..."

"Mr. Hua won't ask, the purpose of my coming this time?" Yan Gu asked with a smile.

Watson looked at him and said calmly: "Of course I'm here to join the job, isn't it?"

Seeing that the other party looked like he was determined to himself, Yan Gu really couldn't say "no".

He accepted the job in his heart as soon as he received the call.

The head of the recruitment of global universities, this position is not light at all.

To a certain extent, it is even far more important than other positions.

After all, it is about the future and development potential of a company...

Does the company have sufficient hematopoietic capabilities, core competitiveness, talent reserves, future potential, etc.

All of these must be maintained by a steady stream of'blood transfusions'.

And it is all in the hands of Yangu.

Why would such an important post be handed over to an outsider?

Yangu has doubts!

Hearing his question, Watson looked at him and smiled: "So, Yan Gu, do you think you can do this job?"

"Of course." Yan Gu replied confidently.

He has always been seeking justice. In the words of his previous boss, he is stubborn and stubborn to die.

Had it not been for this, he would not have lost his last job!

"In that case, what else do you want to ask?" Watson asked rhetorically.

After being defeated by the general, Yan Gu smiled happily: "No, what documents should I sign?"


Yan Gu was dumbfounded when he looked at the documents ten centimeters thick in front of him.

Isn’t there a lot of signings?

Confidential documents, labor contracts, professional rule manuals, ethical standards, anti-competitive contracts...

After signing all the documents, Yan Gu put down the pen in his hand and asked, "What's next?"

"You can start working, I think you need to go on a business trip first. The company urgently needs cutting-edge talents in biology, chemistry, energetics, physics and molecular science..."

Hearing Hua Sen's report from Jiazhen, Yan Gu called a good fellow in his heart.

Is there anything you don't lack?

The truth is that there is no such thing. The City of Miracles lacks all talents, and those who come are not rejected!

After complaining about the huge talent gap, Yangu also saw the company's wealth.

In terms of salary and treatment, it has directly reached the international first-line standard.

And, give him enough trust and authority.

In the face of special talents, let him have enough independent decision-making power.

There are very few geniuses in this world.

But never lack!

The children of other people’s families are real...

Qin Yu hopes that he can create high-quality fresh blood for the city of miracles, instead of squeezing in a group of mediocre people.

Yan Gu also knows very well that the first recruitment he has just joined is very important.

It's not just about the recruitment itself, but also the boss's impression of himself and his promotion from now on.

In the future, how far he can go within the group and how high is the ceiling for development!

It all depends on his debut this time...

Just half an hour after entering the job, Yan Gu set foot on the itinerary again.

He would first go to the major universities in Hudu, put some old friends around, and then fly straight to the capital.

Finally, go south to Demon City and complete your first show preview!

"What do you think of him?" Qin Yu, who saw Watson again in the evening, asked her impression of Yangu.

"Reliable... loyalty is to be discussed!" Watson pinched the peanuts and threw them into his mouth bit by bit.

They are in a tavern outside the complex, with soft music playing on the stage.

People who have finished their work day get together in twos and threes, talking about life, work and the future.

Speaking of the most concerned topic at present, it is undoubtedly the "alien counterattack" incident that happened just a few days ago.

Although there is no direct evidence, the bald eagle has already blamed the lunar ecosystem.

This time, the indirect loss caused by the impact of the energy storm is estimated to be over one trillion yuan.

A large number of electronic components and related industries have suffered terrible severe blows.

However, the stock prices of the IT and semiconductor industries did not fall but increased!

The bald eagle is about to print money again...

At the same time, it announced that it would invest 2 trillion US dollars to rescue the market.

Vigorously support related enterprises to resume production, rejuvenate and grow, and develop ambitions for the moon base.

"Do you think it works?" Three men and two women whispered in the corner.

"Who knows! I'm even more curious, why the country hasn't responded."

"Eh, haven't you heard of it?"

The girl said in a low voice mysteriously: "It's spreading on the Internet, saying that the base above is related to us."

"We? You mean... the company?"

"Who else can there be besides the company, don't you doubt it?"

"Doubt! The company's so many cutting-edge technologies are clearly beyond the normal technological ceiling, who doesn't doubt?"

"And those raw materials, who of you knows where the energy crystals come from?"

Several people looked at each other, and at the same time shook their heads to indicate that they didn't know, their expressions were a little more complicated.

These doubts have been plagued the people below.

If many problems are not mentioned, it does not mean that they do not exist.

They just keep the question in their hearts, because no matter how they ask, there is no answer.

Even the leader of his own team asked three questions, let alone other people.

"Are you not interested in explaining it?" Watson joked.

"This is not very good, the desire to explore is an excellent driving force for progress." Qin Yu said.

"What if I asked?" Watson said sternly: "What are you doing down there?"

"Just make some preparations, don't think too much about the problem, the exploration of the unknown is biological instinct.

Are you not curious whether human beings themselves are a huge treasure? "

"You can always persuade others." Watson smiled helplessly, knowing that he couldn't ask anything.

Besides, what he said was right.

Who is not curious about human treasures?

"Do you want to go down with me and have a look?" Qin Yu wanted to go down for a while, just now, his faith was worth enough.

"No, now I want to go home and take a good bath!"

Saying goodbye to Watson, the employees sitting in the corner when they went out saw Qin Yu and their expressions became flustered.

"Ms. Qin!"

"Hello, Teacher Qin."

Those who do research are used to calling him "Ms. Qin." One is that he learned from Jing Yuan, and the other is that he has been taught by Qin Yu.

Although only a few times, it is not an exaggeration to call a "teacher".

Besides, the teacher sounds much closer than the boss.

"It's okay, continue to talk, don't drink too much."

Qin Yu nodded his head: "You must protect the guy who eats."

"Okay, go slowly, teacher."

Seeing Qin Yu leaving the tavern, several people lost their strength and fell on the sofa.

After taking a long breath, someone said abruptly: "You said, did Teacher Qin hear it before?"

"I should have heard it!"

"Sorry, this is over."

"It's must be approved."

Watson stood up and said amusedly: "Don't think your teacher is so terrible, others are pretty good."

Seeing Watson who suddenly appeared again, everyone felt really tired!

Honeycomb, Qin Yu came to the nanobiological experiment area.

After disinfection, wearing protective clothing, and second disinfection, Qin Yu entered the core experimental area.

"Teacher Qin, why are you here?" Seeing Qin Yu through the mask, Jing Yuan's expression was full of differences.

"I'll deliver something!" Qin Yu said as he walked to the refrigerator, and took out a box at the bottom.

Jing Yuan looked at all of this with her face covered in circles, and her heart was full of questions.

When did this box exist? ? ?

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