Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 931: Big waves wash the sand

  Western University of Technology, the cornerstone of national defense!

  The fourth among the twelve confidential colleges and universities in the country, and the only one in the Northwest.

   The only school in China that summarizes the three flights at the same time, based on confidentiality, only the tip of the iceberg can be set up as an open class.

   ranks 26th among domestic universities with just one and a half stars.

   Speaking of West University of Technology, the first concept is cattle!

  The big man in the three-aircraft field is as stable as an old dog.

   But if you want to say where the cow is, it seems that you owe a little bit more.

   concealed, like looking at flowers in the fog, it makes people look at it...

  In addition to the geographical restrictions, and the inherent cognition and backward insights of the Northwest, more and more students exclude it.

   The consequence of the impetuous social impression of education is the so-called ‘Choose the city first, then the school, and then the major. ’

   Professional strength is no longer the primary criterion.

  In this selection criterion, the waste city obviously does not have an advantage.

   speak more bluntly: I don’t want to be on the line, but I don’t want to be on the line!

   Of course, some people say it's gone.

   True or false on the Internet, eating melons and watching the show, I finally found that I was lonely.

   is nothing more than Tu Yile!

  Only the people in it can know what the situation is.

   However, Xi'an University of Technology is one of the most important recruitment channels of Miracle Group, the chief engineer and CEO of Vulcan Aerospace Exploration Company.

   is also an outstanding alumnus from this school, Dr. Zhang Wei.

   From these two points, we can see how much the Miracle Group attaches to XTU, and at the same time, both parties have set up special training courses on talent cultivation.

   Provide re-education, training and other matching services for related talents of Miracle Group.

  The two sides have launched comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in the fields of yellow sky and aviation.

  The Miracle Group needs the support of top talents and technology from West University of Technology. On the contrary, it also needs the reputation, talent transmission channels and financial resources of the Miracle Group.

   Two special professional matching interfaces have brought to the school a flood of students, public opinion and 20 million outstanding scholarships.

  Miracle Group will provide outstanding engineering students with scholarships of no more than 20 million per year.

   This money can not only be used to improve the lives of students themselves, so that they have no worries.

   can also be used in various experimental projects, and only needs to be signed by the tutor, the school and the financial party.

   The overall project plan and complete experimental records, all of which must be archived.

   Once something goes wrong, Miracle Group will stop providing scholarships and follow up on the matter.

   With the status and influence of Miracle Company today, this warning must be carefully weighed by everyone.

   Once there is something wrong, things will get big!

   The public opinion and development trend that have finally been reversed, I am afraid that it will become worse than before...

   Besides the source of students, most of them come from this channel to be able to directly work in Miracle Company after graduation.

   But it also made the infamous Western University of Technology more well-known and included this school in the application list!

   After all, whether it is qualifications, gold content, or employment channels, it belongs to the top wave.

  Vulcan Aerospace Exploration Company recruits directly from the school every year, and the headquarters of Miracle Company also recruits part of it.

  I’m not sure, but it’s also an opportunity!

   Since the education reform, who has been able to enter the ‘985’ ‘211’, which one is not the pride of the heavens?

  Thousands of miles to ride solo, pass five levels and cut six generals before crossing the 1% admission line.

   Which parents can feel that their children are worse than anyone else.

   All of them are decathlons. I don’t think it’s someone else. I’m sure it’s okay to change to my own child.

   Give it a go, turn a bike into a motorcycle, fight it!

   As for the authenticity of the news, no one doubts it at all.

   is not only the degree of cooperation between the two parties, but also the living example of Zhang Wei, and the small group within Vulcan known as the ‘Western Engineering Department’.

   These are all facts in front of us, and they can’t be faked!

   Besides treatment...

   There is nothing to fault about, the treatment of Miracle Company is among the best in the world.

  Vulcan's salary is top in the aerospace field.

  Miracle Technology Network is top in the IT field.

   Kuafu is also top in the field of new energy. Even Xinye Semiconductor, which only holds stocks as the shopkeeper, has the top treatment in its field...

   Whatever you lose, you can't lose money and work hard to create value for the company and to be a dedicated worker.

   This is the culture that Miracle Company has repeatedly emphasized, and it is also a traffic topic that is often used repeatedly by the media to make a fuss.

   Whenever a black-hearted boss is exploded, the culture and treatment of Miracle Company will be shown repeatedly.

   Look at the treatment and pattern of others, and then look at you, can you be bigger and stronger?

   If you don’t go bankrupt, I’m sorry for your black heart, he~tui~

   Black-hearted capital dog!

  What... You said Miracle Company is the capitalist.

  People make money by their ability...

  Look at the treatment of others, this is called a capitalist, this is a conscientious entrepreneur.

   Does it deserve to make money, and is more worthy of people than you?

   Without the need for the company’s public relations department and network propaganda department to come forward, just the employees and their families, as well as the netizens who made sense of the matter, turned it over.

   Miracle Company also uses facts to prove that they will never disappoint those who believe in themselves.

  The company not only provides a large number of internship positions to the matching universities, but also fresh graduates who have not been able to stay after the internship.

   Almost can get a letter of introduction personally issued by the minister, which includes work, character and personal evaluation.

   This letter of introduction for a comprehensive personal evaluation, backed by the golden sign of Miracle Company, has a very high gold content in the industry.

   Only the affiliates and downstream companies of Miracle Company can swallow all these talents.

   This is the company's biggest advantage. It is no longer a single-handed man.

   is a beacon surrounded by various elites, industry leaders, or pioneers with outstanding innovation in a single field.

   Today's miracle company is moving the whole body.

   If it weren't for its main focus on high-end areas, it had not fully intervened in the civilian market.

   The materials and energy industries will also be devastated by globalization.

  Of course, this is also related to the inability of popularization of related products, high cost, and low output.

   But this will not shake the position and influence of Miracle Group, but it will be greatly respected in the industry.

   Such a big Buddha, since you know you can't afford it, then you can offer it.

   Otherwise, the true Buddha will end, everyone has nothing to eat!

   It is also because of the presence of this awe that fresh graduates with a company introduction letter are so popular.

   No, it's the annual selection day.

   Today is a big day for deciding on interns to stay, and it is also a stressful day for regular employees.

   After all, this also affects whether the people you value can stay, and who you will cooperate with in the future to become colleagues.

   Gu Yan, as a recruiter, naturally sits on the selection bench. He is also a trainer for newcomers.

  In the company's internship phase, all new recruits' assignments and work arrangements are all made by him alone.

   The person in the middle is Xu Hao, and the person on the right is the Minister of Personnel. The presence of the two makes this selection particularly grand.

  All the newcomers gathered together and stood in the multifunctional conference room.

  "First of all, thank you all for your hard work in the past two months, and thank you for the new vitality that you have injected into the company.

   Every time a newcomer comes, I feel that the company is a lot of bustle, even the mentality is several years younger, haha..."

   Xu Hao, who is not very young, seems a bit contradictory to say so.

   But who made him the CEO of the company, the executive director of the board of directors, is not everything right here.

   "Okay, please be quiet next... Keep a line of two meters away from each other, and the selection is about to begin."

   After everyone calmed down, Xu Hao raised his head and said, "The number of places left this time is ten people."

   Hearing the number of people, a riot broke out immediately below.

ten people?

   The number of internships is more than two hundred, only ten people can stay, 20:1......

   The selection criteria for excellence is demanding enough.

   In fact, this is also expected by everyone. Only after layers of screening and selecting the real elite can they be worthy of the high treatment given by the company.

   can be admitted to a double first-class prestigious school, for the first half of his life to be proud of.

   is a perfect answer sheet for my boyhood, and it ends here!

   But for real life, they are just immature newcomers who have just stepped into society.

   A newcomer, faced with the choice of a big company, can he complain about being picky.

   Seeing that everyone has accepted this fact and calmed down, Xu Hao looked up and said, "Kirin..."

   A piece of data like a game panel appeared in front of everyone, with basic information such as name, age, degree, and contact information on the left.

   is the comment on the right, and the hexagonal analysis graph in the lower right corner.

   Honest, trustworthy, stress-resistant, professional, interpersonal, psychological, each has a different score.

   If you observe carefully, you will find that many people have zero interpersonal relationships.

   Honest and trustworthy draw scores are the highest ~ This is gratifying.

   At least proves that these future talents will have no problems in life.

  Professional, the average score can only be described as mediocre, and the specific analysis is also listed on everyone's panel.

   They can find out their own deficiencies and deductions from it, and if someone doubts, they can extract the surveillance video confrontation that day.

  Psychology, the average is the second worst.

   The overall average is only 0.8. If too many interpersonal people have scored 0 points, the bottom is the ‘psychological value’.

  The more developed the society, the richer the material, the less the spirit, the more vulnerable the psychological endurance.

   has been a good child in the eyes of others since childhood, pride in the mouth of parents, relatives and friends praise and admire other people's children.

   An excellent student in the eyes of the teacher, a master and a **** in the eyes of the classmates.

   Praise, cheers and flowers will always be by their side, making them gradually lost in it, forgetting how painful it is to fail.

   Take good care and take care of!

   seems to be powerful on the outside, but in fact it is all imaginary inside. A small blow to the society will make you feel bored.

   A small failure, or a ridicule from a colleague, or a criticism from the boss, may make him go to extremes.

   Such a talent...

   is worse and sadder than those ‘bad students’ who entered society early and experienced tumultuous beatings!

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