Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 936: Nothing card

   After experiencing three consecutive hours of happiness, Qin Yu was put to sleep by mildew.

   Her beautiful legs are worthy of Yu Ge's investment. A household robot will be delivered to her home in Hudu.

  Although it has not been mass-produced, it is possible to change the existing model.

   Brother Yu is thinking about whether to manually debug a few sets first, and try the effect for himself.

   Collect life data to make settings and behaviors more in line with civilian use and closer to life.

   The company headquarters can be used as a pilot, using intelligent robots to eliminate some highly repetitive jobs.

   This is a good idea. After Yu Ge summed it up, he asked Qilin to send it to Xu Hao and Xu Meixin, so that they could discuss the feasibility first.

  The materials can be simplified, and the civilian version naturally does not need to be made of expensive synthetic metals such as titanium and rhodium alloys.

  In terms of energy, the battery pack is more reasonable, simpler, and safer.

   The price will naturally come down, and there are new orders for the battery.

  Materials and accessories can also feed a group of factories, which is a stimulus to the entire market.

   "The address was sent to you." Moyou sent the address to Thaksin Wechat.

   Because of his long stay in Daxia, Moyu rented a high-end apartment in Lujiazui.

   Qin Yu suggested that she buy it, but Momo thinks it is more cost-effective to rent.

   glanced at the address, it's a nice neighborhood.

   "I really don't plan to buy it, I'll pay for it." Brother Yu still thinks that buying a house will make you feel more at ease.

   The lease is always someone else’s, and it feels like borrowing and being under the fence.

   In this regard, his thinking is rather old-fashioned.

   "Don't be like an old antique, your thoughts are so old-fashioned. I don't feel comfortable living, I can change it at any time.

   can also experience different block culture and decoration style, this is the best. "

   was said to be an old antique by mildew, brother Yu could only smile bitterly and shut up.

   Going on, I should be compared with her grandfather.

   "If you like it... or should the concert be held as scheduled?"

   She will have 32 concerts next year, all over the cities and prefectures, the schedule is very busy, and there is no time to be a teenager with internet addiction!

   From the end of this month, we will start to prepare.

   "Yes, I always have to make money to support my family. I can lose my family. I also have the hope of my fans. I don't want to let them down."

   Mildew said with some dismay, life during this period is too comfortable.

   is so comfortable that she is about to forget who she is...

   Now, she wants to leave the warm comfort zone, no amount of reluctance and nostalgia can not make her change her mind.

   "I respect your choice." Qin Yu said.

   "Is it to respect my choice, or to save more time and be happy?" Mr. Mo raised his eyebrows.

   "That's my image in your mind?"

   "It's actually worse..."

   Mildew laughed: "Do you think I haven't seen those lace gossip gossip?"

   "Then it's Daxia language..."

   "Thanks to science and technology, for bringing your own translation."


   Brother Yu smiled, this girl is good at linguistics...very rhyming.

   After laughing, Momy put his head on his chest and asked quietly, "You will marry an Oriental woman, right?"

   "Maybe, hiss..."

   Perceiving the force on the white teeth biting in his chest, Qin Yu showed an expression of pain in cooperation.

   and terminate the repair and protection instructions of nanoworms, so that the teeth bite marks appear on the chest smoothly.

   raised his head, Momy pulled off his collar, saw the deep bite mark on his chest, and touched it distressedly with his hand.

   "It hurts, isn't it?" The mildew expression was complicated.

   "It's okay... a mark of love?" Qin Yu frowned and smiled.

   Mildew looked at him apologetically, and said stubbornly: "It's punishment!"

   then softened his tone and said softly: "Grandma said that the memory of pain is longer than happiness. I want you to always remember this scar. Every time you see it, you will think of me..."

   Looking at her innocent expression, Brother Yu nodded and agreed.

   is very embarrassed, scars?

   As long as you give up the command, it will heal in the next second.

   Your request, it’s a bit of a strong man to lock a man!

  ...Knowing that he has wrapped up a sea, the proud queen is willing to wrong herself.

   Brother Yu has already taken a big advantage. He just left a mark on his chest. Is it too much?

   "Cancel the scar healing instruction on the body surface." Yu Ge said silently in his heart.

   As a man, he doesn't have any scar medals on his body, which is a bit unreasonable.

   really affects the value of the face, and then specify the scar removal.

   "I will keep it forever." After receiving his promise, Moyu left with a contented smile.


On the 26th, Qin Yu drove to Lu Qing's house and personally drove her back to Xiawa Village.

   "You drive carefully on the road, Qingqing, remember to tell your mother when you get there."


   "Xiaoyu, you too, stay overnight too late, driving at night is not safe."

   "Okay, Auntie...Then we are going." Qin Yu agreed with a smile, waving to the second old man to block the start.

   "Is the company busy?" Lu Qing asked casually on the way.

   The holidays are not busy, Qin Yu will come to see herself every day after get off work, eat, chat, go shopping, and watch movies.

   But for the past few days, he hasn’t heard anything from him...

   I'll mention it, only to find that Lu Qing didn't take the initiative to contact him.

   "Well, it's the end of the month, there are more things."

   "October 1, will two spacecraft set off to Mars?"

"Will do."

   "Time is too late?"

   "It's too late, the spacecraft is ready, and the crew is currently learning to adapt."


   Lu Qing nodded, and suddenly took out a small box: "This is for you."

   "What is it?" Qin Yu started driving, motioning her to put it in the armrest box first.

   "Nothing card, keep it safe."

   Putting the box in the armrest, Lu Qing said, "Go back and remember to bring it. I asked the monk of Dacien Temple to open it."

   "Open the light?"

   Thinking that she hadn't even had a phone call these days, Qin Yu asked, "Did you go to guard it yourself?"

   Lu Qing smiled softly: "I don't worry, what if the master is lazy?"

   Holding her hand, Qin Yu asked again: "How long has it been guarded?"

   "...Three days." Lu Qing lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

   She knew she didn't tell her, Qin Yu would definitely ask her parents when she went back, so she might as well tell the truth.

   "Fool, don't do such a fool next time."

   Qin Yu squeezed her hand tightly, and said distressedly: "This kind of thing is just fine, I don't believe in Buddhism."

   "I don't believe it either!" Lu Qing said with a smile.

   "Then you still go?" Qin Yu glanced at her accusingly.

   "I believe that sincerity is the spirit. The master must be very sincere after reciting sutras for so many years.

   The three masters take turns reciting the blessings, which is definitely useful. "Lu Qing said surely.

   Looking at her serious look, Brother Yu drove the car into the service area.

   Stop, Qin Yu picked up the box and opened it.

   Gao Bingqing's Nothing Card is printed in front of the eye, and the thread on it is repeatedly woven with rod thread.

   Three rosary beads of different colors, one on the top of the innocent card, and two on the left and right sides of the perforation.

   "These three rosary beads were removed from the hand beads used by the three masters for chanting, one for each."


Only when 1080 pieces are worn in a string can they be called a rosary.

   And this kind of rosary in Buddhism can only be worn and held by a very small number of monks and people of high status.

   Rosary beads not only represent the identity, but also the interpretation and sustenance of the eminent monk's practice of Buddhism.


1080 represents one hundred and eight defilements in the ten realms, which together form one thousand and eighty defilements.

   Holding a rosary to reciting the Buddha's sutras, it not only represents all the troubles, but also achieves Consummation.

   is now missing one, you can imagine the meaning of it.

   What price did Lu Qing pay to get the three monks to agree to such an unreasonable request.

   "20 million Li Changsheng cards, personally accompanied, sleepless for three days and three nights..."

   Repeatedly recite the Diamond Sutra for three days and three nights, impressing the master with sincerity and telling the other party to untie a rosary.

   Among them, 20 million of good money is the most inconspicuous...

   Da Ci'en Temple is one of the holy places.


20 million sounds like a lot, but compared to other Wang Temple's price of half a billion, it is simply not too conscientious.

   If it hadn't been for Lu Qing's sincerity, the three masters would have said nothing would do it.

   Nothing card: Received sincere and sincere blessing, the wearer can offset the disaster and evil.

   Looking at the above explanation, Qin Yu's heart is mixed with all kinds of flavors, and he is so touched.

   Sister Mildew first, then Lu Qing, next is it the turn of the lazy cat's growth troubles?

   These silly girls, how can they be...

   hung the accident card on his chest, Qin Yu put it in the neckline, and whispered, "I will definitely wear it well."

   "Yeah." Lu Qing nodded happily.

   The fatigue at the corner of his eyebrows fell on Qin Yu's eyes, making his guilt deeper.


   Liberty and freedom, love for beauty, and on the way to chasing dreams, you will eventually owe something and move forward with heavy burdens!

   With all kinds of emotions, Qin Yu sends Lu Qing to school.

   arrange the luggage with her, Lu Qing urged: "If you have anything to go, I can do it myself."

   Qin Yu shook his head and said: "It's okay, I will stay tonight."

   In a limited time, Brother Yu wants to give more to Lu Qing.

   Brother Yu felt her thoughts.

"You will be in trouble if you stay. There is no extra place for you to sleep." Lu Qing pointed The two'volunteers' arrived early, and they are more diligent than Teacher Lu .

   Double bed and small bed are added together, and there is no place for him to sleep.

   "...I'm sleeping in the car." Qin Yu raised an eyebrow to the tall and spacious G.

   "I want too!" Lu Qing said hastily, then bowed her head shyly.

   The reluctance deep in my heart is completely exposed and can't be suppressed anymore.

   "Okay, let's sleep in the car together." Qin Yu stepped forward and hugged her into his arms, the feeling in his hands was obviously lightened.

   caressed her side face painfully, Qin Yu lowered her head and whispered in her ear: "I love you, Qingqing..."



   looked up in shock and looked at the naked love in Qin Yu's eyes.

   The next second, Lu Qinglei burst into tears, but a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   Happy tears made the feelings between the two continue to warm up. After the darkness fell, Qin Yu led her to the door.

   Leave the room to ‘volunteers who pretend to be cold, but in fact gossiping,’ Big G starts again.

   bypassed the playground, the teaching building, and finally stopped at a blind spot on the side.

   The engine kept humming, and the heating made the windows stained with hoarfrost.

  The huge square box body also swayed and swayed on uneven roads, like a lone sail in the middle of the lake.

   Follow the current, swaying, and sailing towards the ocean of love...

   Until the sky is bright, the flowers and plants are all covered with crystal dew and hoarfrost, and everything suddenly stopped.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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