Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 942: Meet Han Jia again

   Junyao's sales promotion was dismissed by Brother Yu saying "our family is a happy education".

   Fresh value 62↓

  The untamed wild horse, with its own green grassland, illuminate your beautiful life with green light.

   No disease and no pain, just run a bit wild!

   With this introduction, Brother Yu also had to retreat.

   can't afford it, dare not to it!

   "Mr. Qin, happy education is a means to fool the people and maintain class rule. It is not credible."

   "Well, I know." Qin Yu looked at Junyao deeply, "So, he just needs to be happy."

   Looking at his eyes, Junyao's weird tone made Junyao shudder.

   There were countless possibilities in his mind, and his body shuddered involuntarily.

  The water of the rich, is it so deep?

   "Big Brother." Little Pumpkin ran cheering from a distance, hugging Qin Yu's leg and giggling.

   "This is my brother, what can he do?" Little Pumpkin said to the little friend who followed behind him.

   Seeing the admiring eyes of a group of little guys, the little pumpkin innocently and trustingly shows off his elder brother.

   Junyao only felt cold inside, and the wealthy were too terrible.

   Saying goodbye to the friends, Qin Yu took the little pumpkin and walked home. The little guy kept talking about school on the way.

   Teacher, classmate, and girlfriend...

   "Where is your girlfriend from?" Qin Yu asked amusedly.

   "That's the most beautiful girl in our class, Yaoyao, she is pretty." Little Pumpkin said triumphantly.

   The expression was full of ostentation, "Big brother, big brother, can I invite Yaoyao to play at home on Saturday?"

   "Go ask mom." Qin Yu responded.


   sat boringly on the chair, the little pumpkin's eyes rolled, and his expression suddenly became happy again: "Big brother, our teacher is so beautiful, but she doesn't like me, saying that I am too young."

   "Then you grow up quickly." Qin Yu said.

   "But when I grow up, when I grow up, she is an old woman." Little Pumpkin looked serious, "I will not like her then."

   boy, hello reality!

   Looking at Qin Luo who was thinking hard, Qin Yu paid a silent tribute to his beautiful teacher.

   In the year of Fanghua, she became an old woman.

That's horrible!

   The child’s thinking, one thought per minute, before the traffic light, the little pumpkin talked about next week’s activities.

  Go to a village on the outskirts to experience the joy of life in farming!

   "Mom, we are back." Qin Yu yelled into the room while pulling the little pumpkin into the living room.

   "Ah, I see." Liang Chuyu's voice came from the building.

   After a while, the people came down, and they didn't even look at the two of them. What were they looking for?

   "What are you looking for?" Qin Yu asked curiously.

   "The necklace, the last time I went shopping, Qingqing bought it for me. Why did it disappear?" Liang Chuyu murmured in confusion.

   Qin Yu got up to help with a search, and saw the little pumpkin dodge and glance everywhere.

   "Well, where's mother's necklace?" Qin Yu stopped, standing in front of him and asked with a cold face.

   "How does he know?" Liang Chuyu said casually.

   Then, I saw the guilty conscience on the face of the younger son.

   The expression of not arrogant, really hammered.

   "Where is the necklace?" Liang Chuyu sat across from him and asked sternly.

   "I gave it to Yaoyao." The little pumpkin said timidly, lowering her head.

   "Who asked you to give it away, where did you find it?" Liang Chuyu felt angry and rushed to his forehead.

After    burned, she was very angry, and her hands trembled.

   "I took it." The little pumpkin means I took it myself.

   "Where did you get it?" Liang Chuyu had already stood up, scared that Little Pumpkin hurriedly hid behind Qin Yu.

   pinched his pants with both hands, looked carefully at his mother, and mumbled, "In the box."


   took it from the jewelry box, Liang Chuyu remembered to put it away.

   I thought it was a mistake in memory before. The original problem was with the thief.

   "Bring me here." Liang Chuyu stretched out her hand to catch, the little pumpkin hid in Qin Yu's body and then evaded.

   The back collar suddenly tightened, and the person was picked up and handed over to his mother.

   "Take it lightly, just use the bed sweeping broom." Qin Yu sent a gentle suggestion.

   "Wow" crying in the room, the phone in the living room rang.

   "Hello!" The caller was Yaoyao's mother, saying that she was going home and hearing her daughter mentioned that someone gave a gift.

   didn't take it seriously at first, but when I was eating, I found the necklace my daughter was wearing with real diamonds on it.

   I was busy contacting the teacher and found their home number.

   "Okay, I've written down the address. I'll wait for you at the door in 20 minutes...all kids are naughty."

   Hanging up the phone, Liang Chuyu came back, followed by a small pumpkin with tears on his face and sobbing with his hands on his butt.

   "Whose phone number? Going out again?" Liang Chuyu asked.

   "The call from the parents came, and the gifts came." Qin Yu said with a smile.


   Seeing his son nodding, Liang Chuyu said hurriedly: "How can I let someone come, Xiaoyu, you can take it back."

   Something must be taken back, but that is a gift Lu Qing bought for her.

   If you let Qingqing know when you look back, it would be bad for you to misunderstand.

   "Well, that's what I said, the address is there, I'll go there!" Qin Yu said and walked out the door.

   "Look at the good things you have done, next time you are not allowed to take things privately from home, have you heard?"

   "Well, woohoo!"

   "Still crying, shut up, go and wash yourself. Xiaoyu, come back for dinner."

   "Okay." Replied, people have already left the house.

   looked up at the sky, the sky was clear, and it happened to be able to pull the convertible out for a stroll.

  The car still has to be driven frequently to have the effect of lubrication. If the lubricating oil in it dries up, the car will be useless.


   The engine roared, and the little pumpkin heard in the room riding his little Masha, his mouth "buzzing" and the dubbing hit the pillar.


   The decoration on the top was out of a piece, and my heart just got excited.

  DaDaDa, Liang Chuyu ran over: "What's the matter?"


   A **** mouse passed by, twisted his **** and disappeared into the stairwell: "Mom, I'm going to read a book."

   Looking at the debris on the ground, Liang Chuyu silently followed. A few minutes later, a rhythmic howling sounded in the room again.

   came to the door of the agreed community, Yu Ge just parked the car by the side of the road.

   The young woman holding the little girl in the gate came out, glanced at the open-top Rafa, and then looked around.

   "Sister Han?" Qin Yu yelled to the person in surprise.

   "Huh?" Looking at Qin Yu who got up in the car, Han Jia said in surprise, "You are, Qin Yu?"

   "It's me, haha, what a coincidence!" Qin Yu opened the car door and got down.

   "It's a coincidence, why are you here?" Han Jia asked somewhat unexpectedly.

   She remembered that during the enlightenment class, Qin Yu accidentally said that she lived in Nanhu Manor, which was quite a distance.

   Qin Yu didn't rush to answer, but instead said to Li Jiaying in her arms: "Your nickname is Yaoyao, right?"

   "Well, Uncle Qin is good." Li Jiaying said obediently, her milky voice was super cute.

   "Call Brother." Qin Yu patted her head gently.

   Han Jia also reacted and asked nonchalantly: "Isn't the little fool who gave Yaoyao necklace a little pumpkin?"

   It's no wonder that Han Jia didn't expect it to be him. Before, his daughter said it was given to her by a little fool.

  Han Jia asked several times, and her daughter said that he was just a fool.

  Thinking that everyone has this year, maybe people and children are really called by their nicknames.

   After all, the older generation still believes in the notion that a bad name is good to feed.

   "Little fool? Haha..." Qin Yu laughed loudly, and Li Jiaying gave it the name.

   Well, it's very appropriate!

   "This is a coincidence. Why didn't you see you on the parent visit day?" Qin Yu said and looked at Han Jia's dress today.

   is the same as in the enlightenment class, intellectual, dignified and elegant.

   Simple dressing is set off by the temperament of her getting up, and it immediately becomes an elegant private order.

   The neckline was unconsciously scratched by Yaoyao, revealing a beautiful and **** collarbone.

   "I haven't seen you either." Han Jia responded with a chuckle.

   "By the way, I'll give this back to you." Taking out the necklace in her pocket and exchanged it with him, Yaoyao put her head on her mother's shoulder unhappy.

   is really a fool, he said it was a gift for others, how can I go back again.

   The mind of a little girl is more difficult to ponder than a woman!

   However, his face was clearly unhappy, and he was caught.

   "This gift is of great significance to Auntie. Next time my brother will bring a small pumpkin to pick Yaoyao with a gift you like. Wouldn't he spend all his New Year's money?"

   When Qin Yu said this, Li Jiaying turned her head and asked suspiciously: "Really?"

   "Of course it is true, my brother never deceives." Qin Yu smiled, but turned his head to Han Jia.

The strange meaning of    made her tremble inexplicably, and she looked away like a guilty conscience.

   "Well, the last time I saw Ya Qing, UU read and listened to her mentioning you." Feeling that her performance was a bit weird, Han Jia quickly turned back and changed the subject.

   "Really? I occasionally visit the business of Sister Yaqing's restaurant, so I can be considered an old acquaintance." Qin Yu responded with a smile.

   "In this way, let's find a chance to get together, and it's been a long time since I saw them." Han Jia was serious.

   The few friends she met in the enlightenment class were the most memorable for her.

   Everyone, you don’t know me, I don’t know you.

   There is no interest or conflict with each other, and there is not so much gossip.

The labels on    are only so-so mom, dad, elder brother, such a simple sign.

   It's easy to get along with each other, and it's nothing like her daily communication.

   is full of intrigue, fighting over and under, right and wrong...

   "Jia Jia." A call suddenly came from behind, interrupting the conversation between the two.

   Li Jiaying, who was held by Han Jia in her arms, shouted happily: "Dad!"

   "Husband." Han Jia's expression flashed unnaturally, and then smiled and said, "Why are you down?"

   "Looking at you for so long, just come down and take a look." A tall, thin, slender man with a suit and leather suit and combed hair came with a smile.

   picked up his daughter, the other party smiled and stretched out his hand to Qin Yu and said, "Hello, you are the brother of classmate Yaoyao, and I am Li Kaize."

   "Hello, Qin Yu." Qin Yu responded with a smile, and the glow of the other's eyes made his smile brighter.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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