A first-order mutation needs a full hundred first-order mutation crystals to upgrade to a second-order mutation. This is not a small number. It is conservatively estimated that thousands of zombies must be killed.

As for upgrading after the second level, it needs more, a thousand first-level mutant crystals, or a hundred second-level mutant crystals, but only the second-level zombies have the probability of being produced.

There is also an exchange ratio between mutated crystals. In the last life, mutated crystals also became a hard currency, and mutated crystals were needed to buy things.

One second-order mutant crystal is equal to ten first-order mutant crystals, and so on for the subsequent third-order and fourth-order mutant crystals.

This is also the value based on the effect of the mutant crystal. But in the actual upgrade process, this is not entirely the case.

An ordinary person can take ten first-order mutant crystals to upgrade to a first-order mutant, and can also take one second-order mutant crystal to upgrade, but he cannot take third-order mutant crystals, which will directly explode the body and cause die.

Similarly, a third-order mutant can take 100 third-order mutant crystals to upgrade, and can also take 1,000 second-order mutant crystals to upgrade, but the first-order mutant crystals have little effect, maybe 100,000 or maybe 100,000. upgrade.

Therefore, at the end of the day, low-level mutated crystals are more used as hard currency, while high-level mutated crystals are still rare.

Tier 2 zombies will not appear until a month later. Now Xiao Jun is invincible. With the blessing of six times all attributes, he can already ignore the difference in the number of people.

Xiao Jun was in a good mood and opened a bottle of beer. Occasionally, there would be a strange cry or two outside. It might be someone who accidentally exposed his location and was knocked on the door by an army of zombies.

It's good to live high, even if zombies broke into the hotel, it would be difficult to climb to such a high place.

Drinking beer, I opened a bag of alcoholic peanuts to drink. These days, I am living a very chic life.

The door of the room was opened suddenly, and Wan Xiya, who was naked, limped out.

"No more clothes."

Under the light of the candles, it showed a hazy beauty, coupled with Wan Xiya's almost coquettish tone, Xiao Jun almost couldn't hold it back.

Xiao Jun has just finished leveling up, and now that his physical strength is going up to practice again, he is afraid that Wan Qianya will disappear immediately.

"There are some of my clothes over there, you can find one to wear yourself."

Wan Xiya is a very smart woman, and she quickly adapted to this end times.

After becoming Xiao Jun's woman, she still maintains a kind of humility, because she understands that as long as Xiao Jun is willing, there will be countless women climbing into his bed in various ways, just for the resources of this room.

I found a white shirt, and Wan Qianya didn't wear it without underwear. Anyway, there are only two people here.

He took another bottle of fat house water from the side and sat next to Xiao Jun.

It's okay if she doesn't wear it, but this white shirt is even more attractive after putting it on, so Xiao Jun had to force himself not to look over there, and then lit another cigarette and took a deep puff to suppress the excitement in his heart. distracting thoughts.

"What shall we do next?"

After a moment of silence, Wan Xiya broke the silence.

It is impossible to stay in the room for a lifetime, and food is not allowed.

"Tomorrow I'll go out and look for the airdrop box."

"Airdrop box? Is that the big box that fell from the sky at the entrance of the gymnasium today?"

Unexpectedly, Wan Xiya saw it too, because of the zombies the night before, at that time, few people noticed.

"Not many people know now, but many people will know tomorrow, because for the past seven days, airdrop boxes will drop every day, and at twelve o'clock in the evening, it will rain zombies."

Zombies and airdrop boxes don't end in one day. This situation will last for seven days. When there are more and more zombies, there will be more and more airdrop boxes.

It feels like I am a captive animal, weeding out the weak as much as possible, only the strong can survive.

Moreover, the strong will only get stronger, and the weak have no choice at all.

Wan Qianya didn't ask Xiao Jun why she knew so much, she just needed to know and live with Xiao Jun.

"I saw several of those drop boxes yesterday."

Xiao Jun was overjoyed. Yesterday he only paid attention to the top-quality airdrop box and didn't look at anything else. If he knew the approximate location, it would be much easier to find.

"This direction..."

Wan Qianya roughly confirmed her current position through the window.

"There should be one not far from our place. I saw it falling towards this side, and a little further north."

The School of Finance and Economics is on the south side of the hotel. I walked all the way today and found no airdrop box, so I will go to the north side tomorrow to have a look.

This kind of airdrop box is about the same length as an ordinary box. From a distance, you can't find the difference at all. You can only tell it by the small lock on it.

Sometimes the airdrop box is right next to you, and you might miss it as a normal box.

Moreover, the placement of these boxes is quite tricky, and they will not appear on the street at all.

Either in a certain corner of the community, or in the courtyard of the unit, or it may be like the one Xiao Jun opened, at the entrance of the school's gymnasium.

This kind of place, if there is no purpose, most people will not go to it at all.

Now I'm busy looking for food everywhere, what can I do in the gym?

But when everyone knows about the airdrop box tomorrow, people will be looking for it everywhere.

While everyone is still at a loss, Xiao Jun must find a few more tomorrow, preferably with the best airdrop boxes.

Although I know that this kind of hope is very slim, it is still possible to imagine it.

"Tomorrow, you will rest in the hotel, and I will go out by myself."

Bringing Wan Qianya now is to hold him back, it is more convenient to go out by himself.

Wan Xiya nodded movedly.

"I'll take some of these foods away, and you have to take care of the rest. Don't let anyone in."

Xiao Jun thought about it and took away some of the food, especially the things with a short shelf life. As long as anything is put into the space equipment, it will always keep its appearance, avoiding the consequences of being left out for too long.

In front of Wan Qianya, Xiao Jun took away more than half of the can, then part of the water, and salt.

500 kilograms is still too small, you have to leave some space for other things, if you come across a shopping mall when you go out tomorrow, you can go in and have a look.

The shopping malls all have their own storage rooms. Based on the experience of the previous life, I tell myself that such places are generally sealed and will not suffer from too severe floods.

Well, at least you have to bring back some women's clothes, otherwise Wan Xiya's appearance is very uncomfortable.

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