Pure water, this is the most important thing, and salt, these are what the human body needs most.

At this time, Xiao Jun has arrived at the largest wholesale market in Star City.

Although the natural disaster only lasted six days, most of the supplies were completely destroyed due to the rain.

At that time, even if the zombies can be defeated, finding food will become the biggest problem.

Xiao Jun still has about 100,000 yuan in his pocket, except for the house opening money, and he plans to turn all the money into supplies in the next day.

After purchasing enough water and salt as a priority, they were given an address, and the merchant was responsible for sending them there, while he continued to purchase.

"Canned meat? This is a good thing. In the last days, a box of canned food like this can be exchanged for a pretty girl for one night."

"Instant noodles? This is also a good thing. Although it's not as good as canned meat, it's still good for a shot."

In the last days, women are the least valuable. Basically everything can be equated with women.

"Damn, chili sauce, a lot of chili sauce."

Walking to another counter, it was densely packed with various types of chili sauce, and Xiao Jun's mouth was already salivating profusely.

You will never be able to imagine what kind of stimulation it is to suddenly see this kind of thing in an environment where you can't eat a few grams of salt for a month.

If it wasn't for the only sanity left, Xiao Jun might have jumped on it and eaten it.

"Damn it, get rich, this thing is in the last days, and you can get back a school beauty with one can."

No matter, pack it all.

Next, Xiao Jun bought a lot of other supplies and asked the seller to send them to the hotel, where he had already said hello.

"Bright flashlight, this is necessary, buy a thousand."

After the heavy rain lasted for a day, all electrical systems in the city were paralyzed, and flashlights became a hot seller for a time.

With a flashlight, candles must not be forgotten.

On weekdays, it is impossible to be so luxurious that the flashlight is always on, and candles have become a substitute tool.

It's cheap, durable, and doesn't take up much space.

Candles in the wholesale market only cost 10 cents apiece, so Xiao Jun bought 10,000 candles without thinking about it.

"Damn it, it's a pity that there is no space equipment, otherwise I would have to stuff all these things in."

One month after the end of the world, some advanced technological products will suddenly appear in the world, including space equipment.

Xiao Jun in his previous life had only heard of it, but never owned it.

Space equipment, with that stuff, you can live in the future city for a lifetime without worrying about food and clothing, and marry ten or eight wives.

Now is not the time to sigh, as long as he is fully prepared now, with six years of experience in the end of the world, he believes that he can definitely reach that height.


Xiao Jun hesitated a little.

Rice occupies a large area and is not easy to store. Most importantly, it needs to be cooked before it can be eaten.

The power system will collapse tomorrow night, and all electrical appliances will be unusable. Buying them back will not be of much use in the short term.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jun remembered another very important thing, gas.

Natural gas is definitely not available, so we can only use gas.

In Xingcheng, there are really few places that still use gas, but Xiao Jun happened to know a place that fills with gas.

But rice must be eaten, Xiao Jun has already thought about it, and that is self-heating rice.

Although self-heating rice is a bit more expensive, it is convenient and only needs a little water to complete.

In addition to self-heating rice, you can also buy some self-heating hot pot to improve food.

I have been busy in the wholesale market all afternoon, and I have almost spent all my money. I only have more than 10,000 yuan left to look at tomorrow.

At this time, Xiao Jun was also a little hungry. He was so excited after being reborn that he hadn't eaten all day.

In the last days, he had been hungry for three or four days, and he even had to maintain a high intensity of concentration.

But now is not the end of the world, of course you can't let yourself go hungry.

When Xiao Jun came out of the sea after eating and drinking, it was completely dark.

Winter nights come early.

After thinking about it, Xiao Jun decided to go back to the hotel first.

I went up to the 21st floor through the exclusive passage of the presidential suite, and the housekeeper was already waiting for me at the door. Seeing Xiao Jun approaching, his face was immediately filled with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao, you are back. I have arranged everything you ordered. I have put all the things in the living room for you. Do you think there is anything else you need?"

[Fuck you, what the hell is this? The presidential suite is used as a canteen. Are you going to open a supermarket here? 】

Xiao Jun glanced at the supervisor with a half-smile, but didn't care about it.

After tomorrow, whether he can survive is another matter. There is no need to care so much about a dead person.

"It's okay, thank you for your hard work, I hope I won't be disturbed in the next two days."

【That's what you told me in the morning, and then I asked Lao Tzu to help you move so many miscellaneous things in. I'll see what you'll do when you check out the day after tomorrow. I'll definitely be watching by then. 】

The supervisor had a grin on his face, and his heart was full of criticism.

Xiao Jun didn't bother to pay attention to him, and closed the door directly.

Lying on the big comfortable bed, Xiao Jun still felt a little unreal. The six years of inhuman life was like a dream.

Perhaps, this is just a dream.

For the first time in six years, Xiao Jun fell asleep with such a relaxed mind.

At night, he also had a dream.

In the dream, he became the city lord of the future city, and he was in charge of three thousand mutant warriors, even the seventh-level mutants were only his subordinates. There are thousands of beauties in the city for him to choose from, and all women want to climb into his bed.


Opening his eyes again, Xiao Jun was still a little confused. After adapting to the light, he was still lying on the big bed in the presidential suite.

It seems that this is really not a dream.

With my own experience as a reborn person, plus the plug-in of listening to people's voices, that dream last night can also become a reality.

Pack up your emotions, today is the last day before the end, at 11:11 in the evening, the heavy rain will fall on time. After an hour, human beings will fall into endless panic.

After eating the hotel's high-end buffet breakfast, Xiao Jun took a car directly to a place in his memory. If he remembered correctly, there was gas to buy here.

Gas does not need much, two cans are enough for him to use for a long time.

After getting the gas thing done, he came to the vegetable market again.

Vegetables and fruits can be bought a little, but there is no need to buy more, and there is no way to store them for a long time.

You can also buy some fresh meat. Anyway, after three days, the fire and rain will come, and there is no way to preserve these things.

Then he went to a supermarket chain, which was also his last stop.

Here, he purchased a complete set of kitchen utensils, a pressure cooker, a frying pan, and two bone-shaving knives.

That is, in China, otherwise he would have to find a way to get two guns, how could he be so hasty.

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