"I'm not dead?"

Xiao Jun slowly opened his eyes, and he felt that this sentence seemed a little familiar.

Trying to identify the surrounding environment, it seems to be in his own room.

Xiao Jun wanted to sit up, only to find that his hands were covered with bandages, and it hurt a little bit.

There was a sudden noise outside the door, and Xiao Jun looked over vigilantly.

The door opened and a strange woman walked in.

The woman looked in her mid-twenties, exuding a mature aura all over her body, but her face seemed a little tired, as if she hadn't rested for a long time.

It seems that there is no such woman in my team. This appearance and temperament should be unforgettable after seeing it.

"Captain, you're awake."

The woman saw Xiao Jun on the bed, and hurried over.

"Captain, you can't move around. You have torn many muscles and ligaments on your body. You have to lie down."

"Who are you?"

Xiao Jun gave up the idea of ​​sitting up, it hurt too much.

"Leader, my name is Jiang Wei. I'm new here. I was a doctor before the end of the world, so I was arranged here by head Jiang Yue."

Jiang Wei paused and continued.

"Captain, it's time for you to take your temperature."

As she spoke, she took out a thermometer and carefully put it under Xiao Jun's armpit.

Facing Xiao Jun's gaze, Jiang Wei blushed.

She has repeated this action many times in the past few days, but this time Xiao Jun is awake, staring at her the whole time.

Jiang Wei's hands were a little cold, and when they touched Xiao Jun's body, there was a different feeling.

Both of them fell silent for a while, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. If Xiao Jun hadn't been unable to move, Jiang Wei might have run away.

After a while, Jiang Wei finally came to her senses, and Jiang Yue asked repeatedly that the head of the group should tell them when he woke up.

"Head, I still have something to do, I'll go out for a while."

After talking to Xiao Jun, Jiang Wei left in a hurry.

After a while, Yingying Yanyan's voice came from outside the door.

The door was pushed open again, and Wan Xiya was the first to rush in, followed by the twin sisters.

"Brother Jun."

Wan Qianya's eyes were red, and it seemed that she had been crying a lot for a while.

"It's fine, how long have I been in a coma?"

Xiao Jun wanted to ask just now, but there was something wrong with the atmosphere, so he didn't ask for a while.

"Two days."

The twin sister replied.

"Sister Xiya woke up a day earlier than you."

Two days is a bit long.

"How long will it take me to recover?"

This was said by looking at Jiang Wei at the end.

Dr. Jiang hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth.

"Leader, you've been injured for a hundred days. Yours is even more serious. Even if your body recovers well, it will take at least two months."

For two months, Xiao Jun couldn't wait.

If I lay in bed for two months, I guess I'll lose everything.

Xiao Jun moved his fingers with difficulty, and took out the third-order mutant crystal from the space.

It seems that I can only eat this.

The Mutated Crystal doesn't know the exact principle. In addition to being able to upgrade people, it also has very strong recovery and healing abilities. I heard that the seventh-order Muted Crystal can already regenerate broken limbs.

However, I just heard that in the future city of the previous life, it is estimated that a few seventh-order mutant crystals could not be found.

Seeing a blue mutated crystal appear in Xiao Jun's hand, everyone's eyes were attracted, even Wan Qianya forgot to cry, this thing is so beautiful.

"What are you looking at, feed this into my mouth, I can't move again."

Xiao Jun looked at the group of women angrily, and forgot himself when he saw the shiny and beautiful ones.

Wan Qianya quickly took the mutant crystal from Xiao Jun's hand, and put it into Xiao Jun's mouth with some reluctance.

"I want it. There will be more of these things in the future, and there will be more beautiful ones in the future."

When the mutant crystal entered, Xiao Jun felt a warm current all over his body, especially his limbs, which were itchy and very comfortable.


Wan Qianya quickly took out a water bottle and poured it into Xiao Jun's mouth...

"Grandma, you're going to kill me, change to a smaller cup..."

Xiao Jun, who choked on the water, was helpless.

In the end, Wan Xiya stepped aside and replaced her with the twin sister.

Take out a disposable water cup, fill it with water, gently support Xiao Jun's head with your arm, let him lift it up slightly, and then slowly put it into his mouth.

After drinking two glasses of water in a row, Xiao Jun's body has some strength, and under the treatment of the third-order mutant crystal, he can move slowly.

Now, Xiao Jun didn't let them take care of him anymore, and took out a lunch box from the space by himself.

After eating a rice ball, the body recovered a bit, and eating another one, the hunger finally disappeared.

The treatment of the third-order mutant crystal has also come to an end, and the warm heat has disappeared.

Xiao Jun got out of bed and moved a little bit. It should be no problem to walk normally, but he must not be able to fight.

He took out another second-order mutant crystal and stuffed it into his mouth. It felt the same, but the heat flow was much smaller, and the duration was only a few seconds.

Forget it, it's too extravagant.

Xiao Jun gave up, it's enough to recover to this state, let's take care of the rest.

Jiang Wei was surprised from the beginning to the end. Before she came to Xiao Jun's team, she didn't know that the mutant crystal had this effect.

"Leader, you still have to let me check my body."

With a professional attitude, she felt that she had to check again.

Xiao Jun didn't want to be so troublesome at first, but seeing the eyes of the other girls, he lay back on the bed obediently.

Jiang Wei walked forward with a blushing face. Although she was a little shy, she still had her own professionalism.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Wei finally stopped fiddling. She was sure that Xiao Jun seemed to have really recovered.

Could it be that in the end of the world, even doctors will lose their jobs?

Jiang Wei was at a loss.

When she joined Xiao Jun's team the day before yesterday, Jiang Yue was full of joy, saying that there was finally a doctor in the team.

But now it seems that the doctor doesn't seem to be of much use, a mutant crystal can solve it?

"Doctor Jiang, mutant crystals can heal wounds, but not diseases."

Hearing Jiang Wei's heartfelt feelings, Xiao Jun felt the need to say something.

"I'm not sick, but injured. If it's a bigger disease, mutant crystals can't cure it."

Jiang Wei denied herself just now, and was immediately affirmed by Xiao Jun, and she was a little overwhelmed.

"Our team will definitely expand. We need professionals like Dr. Jiang even more. You are welcome."

Saying that, Xiao Jun stretched out his right hand.

Jiang Wei froze for a moment and also stretched out her right hand.

It's still cool, but it's not cold. It feels as warm and cool as jade when you hold it. It's obviously contradictory, but it's not against harmony.


Jiang Wei whispered something.

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