"Sister, someone is following us from behind."

The twin sisters had already come out of the trading floor, and the careful sister noticed someone following them after not walking far.

"Then what should we do? Just go back and kill them? But I haven't killed anyone, but zombies have."

Before joining Xiao Jun's team, the two sisters were also living in a mess. In order to find food, the elder sister Jing Ru killed zombies, but it was the younger sister Jing Yi who was well protected by her elder sister.

After joining Xiao Jun's team, the two sisters never participated in battles again, at most they just touched the airdrop box.

However, Xiao Jun still used mutant crystals to raise both sisters to the second level.

In a real fight, those people in the back really couldn't beat the sisters.

"No, it's better to let them follow."

It seems that the pressure of the end of the world is greater than expected. This is only the third day, and even the follow-up has been done. Tomorrow is robbery, and the day after tomorrow may be robbery.

The two sisters walked around a corner, and a woman came across.

"Step two."

When the two passed each other, Jing Yi softly said three words.


"Brother Yang, are these two girls really from the future city? That's not easy to mess with."

"What do you know, Future City dares to do this? Everyone couldn't understand it in the first three days, but they will definitely understand it on the fourth and fifth day. Evil capitalism."

"Future City is very ambitious. They want to build a city. Even if they want to make money, they can't do it so blatantly."

At first glance, this brother Yang is a learned person, or he may be forced by smoking addiction, and his brain has become brighter.

"Then shall we do it?"

"Damn it, now you think we're the only ones staring at them. Believe it or not, they're definitely going to sneak out in the middle of the night. That's a good time for us to strike."

Watching the twin sisters walk into the residential area of ​​the future city, no one dares to move now.

Nine thirty in the evening.

Brother Yang was rubbing his hands constantly, it was too cold.

Glancing left and right, he carefully took out a pack of Baisha cigarettes from his bosom, and the cigarette box was squeezed out of shape.

Opening the box, two crumpled cigarettes lay inside.

It was also fortunate that the two women did not accept such packs of low-grade cigarettes, otherwise there would be no leftovers.

I used my coat to block the cold wind, and there was a crisp sound of lighting, which was especially obvious in the middle of the night.

The younger brothers all looked over with envy on their faces.

Brother Yang took two breaths tremblingly, feeling much more comfortable.

After taking another big puff, Brother Yang handed the cigarette to a younger brother.

"One bite per person, no more smoking."

The younger brother nodded excitedly, he hasn't smoked for a whole day.

Take a deep breath, take a big gulp, and the people in the back feel distressed when they look at it.

But when it was their turn, they were also learned and stylish, and everyone took a big bite.

When he got to the last person, the fire was almost burning to the butt of the cigarette, but he didn't feel disgusted at all, and he had to smoke until he couldn't get it out.

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang."

In the distance, a man ran over quickly.

"That villa really has a back door. I saw the two women come out secretly."

"Are you smoking? Are you secretly smoking behind my back?"


Brother Yang slapped him on the head.

"Don't lead the way yet? Get those two women, why didn't you smoke?"

"That's right, and those twins, that figure, that appearance, hehehe!"

A group of seven or eight people followed the guide and ran quickly towards the path behind the villa.

Not only them, but also several groups of people suddenly ran out from other corners.

Money touches people's hearts, and smoking addiction is a catalyst.

"Brother Yang, it's right there."

After running for about ten minutes, I finally saw the figures of the two women.

Maybe they knew that someone was chasing after them, and the two ran very fast.

"Damn it, these two women must be mutants, maybe they are second-order, running so fast."

But even knowing that they were running fast, the people behind did not give up at all, and continued to chase after them unrelentingly.

"Sister, where are we going? I'm so tired."

"Follow closely, I told you to eat and sleep at ordinary times, and you will still gain weight after the end of the world."

"Fart, I'm fat? Impossible. I'm just lazy, it's not that I can't run."

As if being poked at a pain point by her own sister, her sister suddenly accelerated and surpassed her by more than ten meters.

"Sister, hurry up, are you fat so you can't run anymore?"

"Sister, you ran the wrong way, you went to the left."

The younger sister is speechless, this older sister is the opposite.


My sister finally picked up the speed, but in the end she ran too far, and almost said a classic Chinese quintessence.

"Sister, hurry up, you will be finished if you are caught up, and I won't care about you."


"Hurry up, I don't believe how long the two women can run."

Just one way, the pursuers have gathered together, a total of fifty or sixty people, and the momentum is huge.

But at this time, most people are resting, and there is still a fierce battle at twelve o'clock.

And the direction of their running has been far away from the garrison point of the future city, and they are not afraid of meeting other people at all.

After chasing and fleeing, half an hour has passed.

Although the two sisters are second-order mutants, they haven't practiced too much at all, and half an hour is their ultimate.

"Sister, it's fine if I'm fat, can you tell me how long I have to run, I really can't run anymore."

"Front, turn left."

Hearing my sister's command, my sister hurriedly followed.

After turning two more turns in a row, a stagnation point appeared in front of my eyes.

Before Jing Ru could see where it was, a figure suddenly appeared from the right and hugged her.

Just as Jing Ru was about to resist, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Don't resist."

In the next second, both Jing Ru and the man disappeared, Jing Yi seemed to have known it long ago, without any panic.

A second later, the man appeared again, this time hugging Jing Yi.

"where is the guy?"

"I'm sorry, how could the big living person disappear, he must have gone in."

Seeing that there were dozens of people, everyone became more courageous, and prepared to rush in if they were noisy.

"What are you doing? Come to my lone wolf group to make trouble?"

With a loud shout, dozens of men with steel knives ran out and blocked the front.

"We're looking for someone, looking for those two women."

"Yes, we are looking for someone."

The place is already in chaos.

"Looking for someone? I think you are looking for death."

The leader Ken didn't talk nonsense to them, he greeted his subordinates and prepared to cut.

It is definitely impossible to fight, let alone the level, others have dozens of knives.

Everyone is not stupid, seeing that they are really ready to make a move, they quickly scattered and fled.

The Lone Wolf Group, right? The news will be released tomorrow. Those two women must be members of the Lone Wolf Group.

There are many buildings, but it is only a hundred meters away from here.

The three of them were walking cautiously.

"Brother Jun, your skills are so powerful, you can go so far in one go."

"Shut up, don't let people find out, go back to your own territory quickly."

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