Start Back To The Day Before The End Of The World

Chapter 75: The Source Of Uneasiness

"Brother Jun, there are a lot of Tier 2 zombies, and Tier 3 zombies!"

"Quickly, wake up all the people who are taking turns, hurry up."

Xiao Jun had already stood up, his eyes fixed on the sky.

How can this be that the zombie rain has prolonged? This is obviously the third zombie rain followed by the second time.

"Hurry up, don't mess up, and prepare to fight."

Xiao Jun was in charge alone, and all the ladies and sisters moved in an orderly manner.

The first zombie finally landed, and then, densely packed zombies fell down.

Xiao Jun and Wan Xiya took the initiative to kill the third-order zombies that landed in the yard first.

The young ladies who were supposed to rest were quickly called out.

From the very beginning, when Xiao Jun decided to transfer the battlefield back tonight, everyone felt that something was wrong, so no one slept, and everyone was waiting in the tent.

Once there is a change, you can immediately enter the combat state.

"Jiang Yue, you command."

Handing over the command to Jiang Yue, Xiao Jun took the lead to join the battle with a knife in hand.

"Li Jingyin, you bring two tenacious ladies to the first wave."

Li Jingyin had been waiting for a long time, and immediately walked to the front.

"Li Yi, you and another tough lady are in charge of keeping an eye on both sides."

"Li Qianwan, you two don't join the battle yet, wait for my instructions."

Li Qianwan is one of the two flame men.

"Can you resist tonight? The two of you are very important. You must not run around. Do you hear me?"

Li Qianwan nodded firmly, and simply stood beside Jiang Yue.

"Don't mess around, the captains of each team are responsible for resisting the third-order zombies."

The zombie army has launched a charge.

After a week of fighting, the ladies and sisters were already very proficient, and they did not panic at all from the beginning to the end, and acted completely according to Jiang Yue's arrangement.


Li Jingyin has already confronted the zombies. With Li Jingyin's strength, the second-tier zombies are no match for her.

Li Jingyin was so brave, the morale of the ladies and sisters next to her was boosted, and they shouted out one after another.

"Left, third level."

Jiang Yue commanded calmly.

The two young ladies immediately stood up from the crowd and took the initiative to meet the third-tier zombie.

"Front right. Three steps, two."

Immediately, four more young ladies came out.

These are all young ladies who have been upgraded to Tier 3.

Wan Xiya has already joined the battlefield, and even the third-order zombies cannot escape her assassination, which greatly reduces the pressure on the ladies and sisters below.

As for Xiao Jun, after cleaning up all the zombies in the yard, he didn't make any further moves. He went directly to the roof terrace, but kept scanning his eyes.

The third-order zombies can at most make the ladies a little bit difficult, but the fourth-order zombies are fatal.

Until now, Xiao Jun's anxiety still hasn't completely disappeared, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him in the dark, Xiao Jun knew that this must be the fourth-order zombie.

If the third-order zombie already possesses the instinctive intelligence of animals, then the fourth-order zombie is the smartest kind in the animal world.

They are not only more vigilant, but also more patient and patient. Without a certain degree of certainty, they will not come out to fight humans desperately.

Like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, you don't know when it will jump out and bite you.

The battle in the future city has entered a fierce stage.

The quality of Xiao Jun's team has already suffered casualties, and the other forces are even worse.

The lone wolf regiment had over a thousand casualties, yet the densely packed zombies were still endless.

Although the number of blood-clothed regiments is not as large as that of the Lone Wolf regiment, their quality is much stronger. Up to now, there have been hundreds of casualties.

The future city has the largest number of people, and the defense line is also the largest. Up to now, thousands of corpses have been left, and the defense line has been forced to shrink.

Lacking masters to sit in the town, when facing high-level zombies, no matter how many miscellaneous fish there are, they can only try to see if they can kill the zombies.

As for those scattered people who picked up the leak, there is no way to count the deaths.

"There is a gap in the top of the second team, don't be soft, if you don't kill her, she will kill you."

Jiang Yue's voice is a little hoarse. Up to now, 11 of the young ladies have died.

Eight of them were because a young lady was soft-hearted for a while, and her companion was bitten by a zombie and couldn't bear to do it. In the end, she went with the other party and took away six other companions.

If Xiao Jun hadn't made a timely move, the consequences would have been disastrous.

The lesson of blood is here, no one dares to be soft in the back, as long as the person next to him is scratched by a zombie, he will be killed immediately.

"If something like this happens again, no matter whether you have turned into zombies or not, the whole team will go away."

Xiao Jun looked coldly at the ladies and sisters in front of him, his uneasiness was lingering all the time, and he still made such a low-level mistake at this moment.

Annoyed, Xiao Jun went back to the roof again, glaring at Jiang Yue before going up.

Is this the team she brought out?

This was just an episode, and Xiao Jun quickly forgot about it. The most important thing now is to find out the location of the fourth-order zombie.

But it was so patient that it hadn't appeared until now, and its location could not be determined, and Xiao Jun didn't dare to rush out to find it.

Another half an hour passed, Xiao Jun's nerves were always tense, and now he finally couldn't stand it any longer.

Giving up on the observation, Xiao Jun sat cross-legged on the roof of the building, staring at it for at most two hours, without the help of the fourth-order zombie, he had already collapsed.

The moment Xiao Jun sat down, more than a dozen extremely fast figures appeared in the surrounding darkness, all of which were third-tier zombies.

"Li Qianwan."

Jiang Yue roared, startling Li Qianwan next to her.

"Sister Yue, I'm here."

"You two, one left and one behind, block the road ahead."

After watching the play for so long, it was finally my turn.

The death of a dozen sisters just now filled her with anger, but Jiang Yue didn't say so, so she couldn't go.


The two ran to the front, one on the left and the other on the left. After the young lady next to her used a steel knife to separate a few zombies that wanted to pounce on them, the two stretched out their hands at the same time.

A hot flame erupted from their palms, forming a one-meter-long fiery snake.

The two opened their hands, and the four fire snakes made a large area in front of them red.

"Li Jingyin, stand in front of the two of them, and use your skills in turn."

Protected by a human shield, the two flame girls played even more happily.

The first-order zombies will die when touched, and the second-order zombies can't last long. Even the third-order zombies dare not go straight into the flames.

"Be careful!!!"

With a sharp exclamation, even Xiao Jun who was sitting on the roof was frightened and stood up.

A dozen or so black shadows rushed towards the yard at an extremely fast speed. The moment they encountered the sea of ​​flames, they split into two paths, bypassed the sea of ​​flames, and went straight to the two flame girls.

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