"Sister Yue, someone is looking for you."

A lady bodyguard walked up to the second floor.

Jiang Yue was eating breakfast bread, looked at the time, it was only half past seven, still early.

He swallowed the last mouthful unhurriedly, and gracefully opened the bottle of milk.

When Jiang Yue came to the first floor, a young lady had already been waiting downstairs for a while.

Jiang Yue knew her, and was very familiar with her. This was her high school classmate and best friend before the end of the world.

When the end of the world came, she and Li Jingyin went to play with her, and finally hid in their dormitory after the heavy rain ended.

"What's the matter, Li Jie?"

The team usually doesn't gather until 8:30, why did they come to find me so early today.

"I have something to tell you, why don't you go out for a walk?"

Jiang Yue hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed, after all, this is her best friend before the end of the world.


"Brother Jun, they have been waiting for you early this morning."

After brewing a pot of hot tea, Guo Yu took out another pack of He Tianxia, ​​unpacked it and handed one to Xiao Jun, and he also took out a lighter to light it.

"What kind of cigarettes do children smoke?"

That being said, Xiao Jun didn't stop it either. In the last days, who doesn't have a little pressure, and dare not drink alcohol, why don't you smoke.

It is not without reason that the "entertainment" industry in the future city has risen in one day. The pressure, of course, needs to be vented.

Guo Yu chuckled, like a rebellious child, he took a peek inside the room, only to light it for himself after finding no movement in his mother's room.

"Here are a thousand low-grade cigarettes."

A space ring was taken down by Xiao Jun.

"Brother Jun, they made money yesterday, and they want more today. The money is already with me."

Xiao Jun only has more than 2,000 low-grade cigarettes in his hand, and he will definitely not give them more.

"No, there are advanced ones."

"They say advanced is fine."

Xiao Jun glanced at Guo Yu, and took out another three hundred high-level notes from the space.

"One piece of high-grade fifty-variant crystal, how much they sell is their business, but it can't be lower than the price of the three major selling points."

Xiao Jun has more high-end cigarettes than low-end cigarettes. When he raided the supermarkets, he always picked up the most expensive cigarettes. After all, the space is not unlimited.

"Don't worry, I'll tell them."

Guo Yu nodded and took the ring and walked out. After about ten minutes, Guo Yu returned to the room again and returned the ring to Xiao Jun. The cigarettes inside were gone and turned into mutated crystals.

"Brother Jun, I received news that the Lone Wolf Group seems to be unable to survive."

Since Guo Yu knew that Xiao Jun had a feud with the members of the Lone Wolf Group, he often paid attention to their situation.

Several of their Tier 3 mutants died the night before, and yesterday was even worse. It is said that there are only a dozen or so Tier 3 mutants.

Although a large amount of mutated crystal income will be collected every day, the second-order mutated crystals should be reserved for cultivating fourth-order mutated people, and the first-order mutated crystals will lose as much income as the dead.

Unexpectedly, the Lone Wolf Group, one of the four major powers in the future city of the previous life, has only lasted for a month now.

This is good news for Xiao Jun.

After sitting for a while, Guo Yu was about to go to the meeting, Xiao Jun got up and left.

The streets were filled with voices again, all preparing for the airdrop box.

It seems like I haven't been involved in this for a long time.

Xiao Jun sighed, it is good to have someone under his command, but if the person is disobedient, it is better to have a dog.

On the other side, Jiang Yue led the ladies and sisters into a fighting state.

Don't think that there are no zombies anymore, it depends on luck to grab the airdrop box.

That is also a fight.

The city is full of people. If you don't fight, you can touch a few in a day, and you can grab others quickly.

"Sister Yue, you came here in person? That person has already touched us twice, and ran away without daring to touch us the third time."

Jiang Yue is also interested in the advanced airdrop box.

"The high-tech camp bed is soft and makes you feel at home."

Uh... this thing can't be said to be good or bad, let's put it away for now.

"Advanced mutation mixture."

When these words appeared in Jiang Yue's mind, she was stunned.

Look at that line of introduction again.

If you eat this stuff, you can directly enshrine the gods.

She knew that Wan Xiya had taken a mutant mixture, which seemed to be just ordinary, and doubled her body foundation.

How much can this advanced one improve, three times?

The top airdrop box, finally let myself touch it.

"Yueyue, what is this?"

Li Jie was standing beside her, she was stunned when she took out something, and asked quickly.

Jiang Yue looked at the potion in his hand, feeling dreamy.

Seeing Jiang Yue ignoring her, Li Jie thought she was angry about what happened in the morning, so she simply touched her.

As soon as he touched the mixture, Jiang Yue seemed to wake up suddenly, and quickly put it away.

But the introduction automatically appeared in Li Jie's mind the moment she touched it.

"Yueyue, you eat this, you eat it directly, even Xiao Jun is no match for you."

Li Jie couldn't contain the excitement all over her face.

Those who improve their strength, Jiang Yue can't just take off after eating this? Why do you want Xiao Jun?

Let those stinky men see, whoever said that women in the last days can only be used as commodities can also be pushed horizontally.


Xiao Jun came to the edge of the territory by himself, slaughtered dozens of zombies, and climbed up a tall building.

There is an endless sea of ​​zombies, and some zombies are even biting each other out of boredom.

Outside the city, is it still possible to go out?

Suddenly, Xiao Jun trembled all over, as if being stared at by something.

I looked over according to my feeling, but it was still a vast sea of ​​zombies, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

But that feeling became more and more obvious, something was staring at him.

"Fuck it, this is definitely a fifth-order zombie."

Xiao Jun is a little crazy, what has become of this world?

The earthquake has never come, but the zombies have been preparing for the siege.

The last time it was a third-order zombie attacking the city, it hadn't started to be strangled by myself.

This time it's straight to the fifth level?

Fuck it, fuck it this is a cheat.

With Xiao Jun's current strength, if he is one-on-one against the fifth-order zombies, he might still have a chance to fight.

But will the zombies challenge you one-on-one?

As long as there are more than ten fourth-level zombies and one fifth-level zombie, Xiao Jun's harem group will become a zombie group.

Fifth level, he must go to fifth level.

Otherwise, no one will survive.

According to experience, although I don't know if this experience is still reliable.

When the zombie rain stops, the siege will be triggered.

I still have five days, I only have five days.

Xiao Jun now needs a large number of third-order and above mutant crystals. In exchange, he must exchange the high-order mutant crystals in everyone's hands.

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